

  • Wasteland Diaries: A year? Already?

    Edward Marshall
    Edward Marshall

    Has it been a year already? I guess it has been. Fallen Earth launched on September 22nd, the same day as Aion. But by launch day I was already working my way to Sector 3. I pre-ordered and got to start playing on the 9th. My performance at work suffered that first week as I tried to keep up with the power-levelers. Ultimately, I couldn't. But on launch day I was nearly level 30 and still, to this day, I couldn't tell you why I was rushing. I made it to the level cap of 45 a couple of weeks after the official launch. My next three trips through the wastes would be more slow-paced and lackadaisical. While Fallen Earth is still the same game, it has changed drastically since launch day. Drastic change can be good or bad, but in FE's case, it's all good. The game has gotten nothing but better. Sure, the developers have added some mediocre content, but overall the game has been improving by leaps and bounds. And there seems to be no end in sight for these improvements. Let's take a look back at Fallen Earth's transformation from buggy, beta-like MMO to a first-rate gaming experience. After the cut, I'll break it down by patches.

  • WAR celebrates second anniversary, offers vet rewards

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Its hard to believe that Warhammer Online turns two this week, but at least Bioware-Mythic is rolling out the veteran rewards to ease the sting of getting older. While many things have changed in the course of the game's first two years (including Mythic's absorption by BioWare, the departure of head man Mark Jacobs, and the debut of the endless free trial), the WAAAGH! remains the same. In addition to the constant strains of battle, dedicated 24-month players can now make use of the Double Aegis which gives an experience bonus to surrounding players, much like the one-year anniversary WAR Aegis. Vets also receive a regenerating firework launcher which, unlike the majority of fluff fireworks in other games, never exhausts itself and can be used indefinitely. Finally, a celebratory veteran cloak is also available. Check out the details at the Warhammer Herald.

  • The Daily Grind: How important are loyalty programs to you?

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    This past week, EverQuest joined the growing number of MMOs that include some sort of loyalty or veteran rewards program: "For simply continuing to subscribe to our game you will gain 'crowns' every week that can be spent on items to improve your game play. There is no additional charge for the items you find on this vendor... The amount of crowns you gain increases for every month that you have a continued subscription to EverQuest. This increase in points per week caps out after 12 months." The basic idea behind such programs is to provide additional incentive for players to stay subscribed. These incentives can be as trite as a new title or a badge only you can see, or as substantial as cash shop currency, special outfits or unique skills. While companies like NCsoft, Cryptic, Icarus and SOE have utilized loyalty programs as part of their subscriber strategy, plenty of other studios (Blizzard, Turbine, CCP) do not. We'd like to know: How important are loyalty programs to you? Do they make a difference in choosing which game to play? Have you stayed subscribed to an MMO you're not even playing just for the rewards? Would you like to see your current MMO offer a veteran rewards program like this?

  • Fallen Earth's producer details upcoming patch

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Fallen Earth producer Dave "Archangel" Haydysch popped up on the game's official forums yesterday to share his latest State of the Game post. In addition to touching on the Icarus team's experience at the recently concluded Pax Prime event in Seattle, Haydysch drops a few nuggets of exciting news regarding the 1.7 patch. Faction control points will add another PvP option to the wasteland, and will feature flags that players may capture throughout the world. Once in the player's possession, members of the conquering faction will have access to guards, buffs, and new harvesting nodes for as long as they maintain control and fight off would-be challengers. Speaking of fighting, combat is being rebalanced, and 1.7 will kick things off with mitigation and damage adjustments (as well as a free respec to help players cope with the changes). New encounter areas are also coming, and will be found near Old Kingman, Blaine, Gaia, and Deadfall. Following on from vehicle color customization in an earlier patch, social clothing updates are also included in 1.7, in the form of paint and dye kits that can be applied to jackets, pants, hats, and shirts. As if all that wasn't enough, Icarus is also phasing in a customer rewards program that will accrue Veteran Reward Points with each subscribed month. Points may be spent at in-game vendors for unique items and will also be retroactively added to current subscriber accounts.

  • Massively's Community Detective, Issue #7: Star Wars Galaxies

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Community Detective is back after a week off and looking forward to bringing you news you can use when evaluating MMORPG communities and customer service. This week, I take a look at our third Sony Online Entertainment title, the venerable sci-fi sandbox known as Star Wars Galaxies. While SOE gets a lot of hate in the gamer community (much of it, ironically, for the same SWG that we're going to examine today), several of its titles provide some of the best customer service in the business, and SWG is no exception. Similarly, the game's community features an unusually high number of helpful people, particularly on the Starsider server. Follow along after the cut to see what we found.

  • A Mild-Mannered Reporter: Places to go, questions to answer

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    It's hard to believe that in just two weeks, all of the debates about whether or not Going Rogue will revitalize City of Heroes will be out of the land of theory and into the realm of practice. And while we've still got another week in the land of theory, right now we're taking a trip... well, still into the land of theory, but into the land of theories you asked for. Which is different, in a way! I have a hard time writing these introductions. Haggs asked: " that you're getting new lower-level content, why would you want to go through it as fast as you're going through the old content?" It's not always a question of "want." Levels 1-20 in City of Heroes are not nearly as slow as the later levels -- they don't start to really feel long until you reach the 30s, but it's much faster to go from 1-20 than from 20-30 even if you're just playing casually. The flow of leveling appears to be tuned so that players will be able to hit a level of moderate competence fairly quickly, spend a bit of time fleshing out their powers, and then spend quite some time filing off any rough edges via the 40+ powers.

  • Star Trek Online offering veteran rewards and free trials

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Star Trek Online players and former players got a little surprise in their inbox this morning -- the promise of rewards if you were still playing, and the chance to get back in if you stopped. Quite apart from the recent update to the game's first large content patch, Cryptic is rolling out three new features to players: Veteran Rewards, a demo, and an upcoming free trial weekend. The demo, not quite available yet but promised in the very near future, will work along the lines of the Champions Online demo: unlimited time, but gameplay itself limited to the first few missions and areas. For lapsed players or new players who prefer limited time and unlimited content, there's a free weekend coming up starting on May 7th. Again much like its sister game, there are no limitations on gameplay, just time: May 7th at 10 AM PST until May 10th 10 AM PST. Of course, if you're an extant player none of these options are terribly engaging to you -- but the newly-added veteran rewards most likely are. Rolling in each 100 days, the rewards allow another free respec each interval, special costume pieces, and a small skill point buff on low-level characters. Take a look at the full page for all the rewards, which are the latest in a large dose of good news for Star Trek Online fans.

  • The Daily Grind: Should newbie rewards match veteran rewards?

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Star Trek Online fans got a little testy when it looked like new players would get the game for less with twice the free time. And you can't exactly blame them -- after all, it's hard enough being an early adopter for a new MMO, and you expect to suffer through a few bugs with the knowledge that you're in on the ground floor. MMOcrunch went so far as to call it a pre-order penalty, arguing that for every reward that new players get, veteran players should get something in exchange. It's a nice philosophy, and one that games like City of Heroes have adopted in earnest with a reward program for veterans, plus new bundle packs of the game for new players. On the other hand, World of Warcraft offers nothing much to veteran players while the cover price of the game keeps going down, and that hasn't particularly impacted its sales. What do you think? Should there be an even distribution of rewards for the newcomers and the old standbys? Or is it more important to entice new players, and the old players should enjoy the extra time they've spent in the game thus far?

  • The Tattered Notebook: No one is left behind

    Seraphina Brennan
    Seraphina Brennan

    'Allo again, lovelies. Last week has been a week of danger and intrigue as I battled through Nektulos Forest and worked on getting my unique Shadowknight armor. During all of this, though, I thought to myself -- how can I apply any of these experiences to my notebook entry for this coming week? Then of course, it hit me. Why not just explain what I've been doing to get through the areas in a short amount of time? A few tips and tricks for playing the level game? Sure, I've been up and down with grouping and preparations for Sentinel's Fate, but many players are always intimidated when entering a game and "being behind." Well, don't worry about being behind. You're not entering the game late at all when it comes to EverQuest II, especially thanks to the recent additions to the game in Sentinel's Fate. Interested in catching up and experiencing some great content? Then click on through after the break! Also, I'm still looking for questions anyone has on EverQuest II, so I can answer them in an upcoming Tattered Notebook. Ask me anything, from EverQuest II questions, guild leadership and raiding questions, and even questions on my Dark Elven heritage. Send them over to, and she'll be sure to forward them on through the Norrathian Express mail to me.

  • Fallen Earth's State of the Game: Upcoming additions and more

    Seraphina Brennan
    Seraphina Brennan

    When it comes to transparency regarding patches, Fallen Earth might have just won that category in spades. The latest State of the Game article on their site is more than just an overview of the direction they want to take the game in, it's a patch by patch listing of the features that the development team will be bringing to the table. Patch 1.3 will be expanding the game with the introduction of Kaibab Forest and Deadfall Point, as players will run a brand new plotline to push back the radiation zone and find more secrets hidden in the wasteland. The new areas come with a brand new level added to the cap, so all of that experience gained from the new area won't go to waste.

  • Sixth-year Veteran Rewards announced for EQII

    William Dobson
    William Dobson

    If you've faithfully stayed with EverQuest II since launch, then you've got a handful of new Veteran Rewards to look forward to just around the corner. The sixth-year rewards have been announced on EQ2Players, and one of the bonus items in particular has the community cheering. Beginning with that most celebrated item, the rewards are: Call of the Veteran: A charm-slot item that can be used to teleport to a group-member, or summon them to your own location. This functionality was confirmed by EverQuest II lead programmer Rothgar on the forums; the EQ2Players page only mentions teleporting to someone else but leaves out the summoning part. It has a reuse time of 60 minutes. Hammer of Adept Hands: A charm-slot item that can be clicked to completely refill your tradeskill vitality. Its reuse time is 7 days. Destiny Accessory Bag, containing the Hood of Fate and Shroud of Fate: A hood and cloak to let those around you know that you're part of the six-year club. Rothgar also stated in another thread that up until some time this year, eligibility for veteran rewards was not being tallied correctly, with credit being given even while accounts were inactive. Going forward, an account must be actively subscribed to keep adding time towards veteran rewards. The rewards will be available when the Will of a Tyrant patch goes live on December 9th.

  • Details for Aion's new Veteran Rewards Program

    Brooke Pilley
    Brooke Pilley

    We probably don't need to point out the glaring congruity that each month you play Aion will soon be rewarded with four XP boost amulets; but we will. NCsoft just spilled the beans on their new Veteran Rewards Program. This seems slightly ironic because the game has only been out for a month. We suppose it's probably a good strategy to entice players to stick around; especially after an MMO's first month, which is arguably the rockiest. Players will now receive special items for each month they remain subscribed to Aion. Months one to six award four Lodas Amulets (20% bonus XP for one hour) and four Revival Stones (self/player resurrection). Additionally, month one gives a cube expansion ticket (+1 free row) and a special Michael Jackson dance emote. Month three grants an extra title (Adept of Aion ) and another Forbidden Dance emote. Month six gives players special level 40 Black Cloud wings. The disclaimer states that NCsoft can expand, revise, or end the Veteran Rewards Program at any time. With the first six months plotted out, it seems likely they will continue as the game soars ahead. Check out the official description page for full details on how to qualify.

  • Age of Conan's patch plans laid out

    Seraphina Brennan
    Seraphina Brennan

    Timelines are always subject to change, but it's still nice to know them, right? Age of Conan's patching timeline was just laid out by community manager Oliver "Tarib" Kunz in an informal manner on the forums.Patch 1.05.6 is currently on the test server, and it will be staying there for about another 2 weeks before it makes its way to the live servers, barring any unforseen testing mishaps, of course. That's the patch that has the new Iron Tower instance and the veteran rewards system.Once 1.05.6 is out on the live servers, patch 1.06 will be pushed onto the test server. Patch 1.06 is the big one, featuring new tier three dungeons, the House of Crom "social dungeon" where multiple teams of players will work to overcome unknown obstacles, guild renown, and tower PvP. 1.06 will be added slowly to the patch server, however, focusing on the bigger updates like guild renown and tier three dungeons before moving on to the other features of the patch.

  • Age of Conan director's letter unveils veteran rewards and level 80 instance

    Seraphina Brennan
    Seraphina Brennan

    The September edition of the Age of Conan director's letter is offering some exciting developments for dedicated players in the form of a new level 80 dungeon, the Iron Tower, and the implementation of a veteran rewards program.The veteran rewards program works a bit differently than most other programs, utilizing the new currency of "veteran points" instead of a reward per-month interval system. Each month players will be rewarded X amount of points that they can either save or spend in a new veteran reward shop, which contains items of convenience. The points rewarded will increase after each six month interval passes, giving the players more options the longer they play.

  • Tabula Rasa's 12-month vet rewards announced

    Shawn Schuster
    Shawn Schuster

    Can you believe Tabula Rasa's one-year anniversary is soon approaching? While it's still a bit less than 2 months away, NCsoft decided to reveal the rewards for those veteran players who have stuck around for the entire year since the beginning.First, we have the Resupply Beacon which teleports an AFS Resupply Bot to your character's location, allowing you and your entire squad to buy ammo, consumables and repair your equipment. Then there's a Dropship Extraction Beacon which acts as a portable dropship waypoint, allowing one-way access to the local dropship network for you and your squad. They've also added a new emote called Logos Greeting. This allows players to greet each other in the language of the Eloh with the /logosgreet emote. Finally, there's the new title "Special Forces" to help other players recognize you as a dedicated member of the veteran AFS special forces.Check out the complete Feedback Friday for more information on what's in store on the Public Test Server and more!

  • Are you owed any EQ Veteran Rewards?

    William Dobson
    William Dobson

    With many players returning to EverQuest after SOE's Living Legacy promotion, there are probably a lot of people out there who are owed Veteran Rewards that are sitting unclaimed. A new guide has been posted at the EverQuest Players website which not only explains exactly what the rewards are and how they are earned, but more importantly, goes over all of the reward tiers and their effects. Be careful before you go "/claim"-happy though -- once a particular reward is claimed on one character, no amount of GM bribing can ever allow it to be moved.The EverQuest Veteran Rewards offer some pretty neat effects, from experience and stat buffs, to a Bristlebane puppet, right up to a summonable robot merchant (if you've been around for 10 years!). Have a look at the guide to see what your loyalty will be rewarded with in the coming years.

  • New City of Heroes veteran rewards announced

    Adrian Bott
    Adrian Bott

    The City of Heroes crew have finally announced the Veteran Rewards for players who've been subscribed for 51 and 54 months. Those who've been around for 51 months get the Tried and True badge, along with all the City of Villains pre-order helms: Red Wolfspider, Wolfspider, Mu Mystic, and Crab Spider. At 54 months, along with the Allegiant badge, players can pick one of the permanent temporary powers they haven't already chosen: Sands of Mu, Ghost Slaying Axe, Nemesis Staff or Blackwand. The latter two of these can give a bonus dependent on your origin, so long as the appropriate one is chosen.More rewards are always good, but we can't help but notice the reuse of content here. CoX already recycles quite a lot of former content as well as keeping the new stuff coming, so there will be those who roll their eyes at this news. Still, Natural origin characters will be happy, since they're the one origin that can get a bonus from both the Blackwand and the Nemesis Staff. Two hefty ranged attacks from Level 1 onwards is nothing to sneer at.

  • 6 month veteran rewards unveiled for Tabula Rasa

    Michael Zenke
    Michael Zenke

    The Tabula Rasa weekend wrap-up offers the usual community news and Friday Night Fights review. But this was a special weekend for the men and women of the AFS: it's been just about six months since the game launched. (Hey, that means Massively is about half a year old too.) A new monthly milestone for an NCsoft game can mean only one thing: new veteran rewards! The six-month vet rewards are ladled atop the three-month Kirin mask, and the hilarious 1-month /jumpforjoy emote. These newest rewards are downright goofy. Dedicated players will be getting access to three dance emotes (YMCA, breakdancing, and ballet), as well as a handful of costume props. These props include a green beret, a pair of brass Knuckles and (no, we're not kidding) a General British mask. Those Destination Games folks sure love their fictional military leader.

  • CoX 48-month vet reward goes live today

    Chris Chester
    Chris Chester

    Time sure does fly when you play MMOs. The City of Heroes community team has officially unveiled the 48-month veteran rewards (yes, you read that right, that's four years!) for players who have been around since the beginning. In addition to a "Battle Hardened Badge," long-time players will get their choice of a summoned pet power. They can pick from a Light Fairy, Dark Fairy, Blue Wisp, Red Wisp, Shield Oscillator, Power Oscillator, Shield Drone, or Power Drone. Each kind of pet gives a specific bonus to the player and his team, so be extra careful which one you pick.The existence of these pets was leaked last week (they're already up on the ParagonWiki, for instance), but it was widely believed that they were a hoax. According to players on the test server, the buffs they give can be substantial, and if you get a group of vets together, the group buffs stack. Granted, the pets have awful resistances and barely a drop of HP, but their buffs are strong enough that they seem to be getting the kind of proper reception you would hope to see for a four year veteran reward. The rewards should take effect after the live update this morning.

  • Vanguard Game Update 4 preview shows new flying mounts

    William Dobson
    William Dobson

    The next Vanguard content patch, Game Update 4, has now had it's features listed. Headlining the preview over at VGPlayers is the addition of flying mounts, and we get to see what they look like (that spiffy griffon pictured above, if you didn't guess). Also mention in the preview is the introduction of visible helmets -- while it's nice to see them in the game at last, it's hard to be too thrilled with visible helmets being a big feature in a patch for a game that's been out this long. GU4 will bring Veteran Rewards for older accounts to Vanguard as well, similar to what we have already in EverQuest II.Over at the forums, there is an extensive list of the other things that GU4 will bring. Notable among these is a new overland raid target, Fengrot Foulbreath (designed for 18 well-geared high level players) and updates to the Druid, Necromancer, Shaman and Dread Knight classes. If you want to try out all the updates, the whole lot is already in place on the Test Server, so you can take to the skies with your fancy new helmet right now. We have the full list of changes for the patch posted after the break for your perusing.