

  • AR goggles take crime scene technology to CSI: Miami level

    Andrew Munchbach
    Andrew Munchbach

    Dutch researchers are looking to catapult crime scene investigation into the 21st century through the use of augmented reality (AR). The prototype system, designed by the Delft University of Technology, employs a pair of AR goggles, two head-mounted cameras and a portable laptop rig to allow investigators to build virtual crime scenes by tagging evidence and placing objects they are viewing. After mapping an area, additional law enforcement personnel can review the investigator's work and request additional information -- asking the CSI to define or place additional objects. Researchers hope that the 3D renders will be used as court-admissible evidence in the near future; the technology is set to be tried on a real Dutch crime scene later this year. We can see it now: Lieutenant Horatio Caine whips off his shades and tosses on a pair of (equally stylish) crime-fighting goggles... YEAAAAAAAAH!

  • New Year reveler crafts Kanye-approved EL Wire glasses: light up as the bass pounds (video)

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    The bar-laden spectacles that Kanye West popularized have just been reborn, and dare we say, they're harder, better, faster and stronger. YouTube user ch00ftech decided to borrow a few good great ideas while adding in a few twists of his own, resulting in the creation of EL Wire Kanye glasses that actually light up when the beat pulses. There's a deep, deep dive into the technicalities down in the source link, but for the 99 percenters in attendance, the video just below says it all.

  • Click KeyPad Watch is the timewasting retro-timepiece you've been waiting for

    Daniel Cooper
    Daniel Cooper

    We do like a good indecipherable timepiece 'round these parts and Click's KeyPad certainly fits the bill. Resembling an old-school mechanical numerical keypad, each button packs an LED -- press any number and it'll blink out the time in single digits, so if it was 9:15am, the zero, nine, one and five buttons would flash in sequence. Push the hash key and the watch will oblige you for today's date. If you enjoy frustrating colleagues who ask you for the time, then you'll be delighted to hear that it costs $90 and is shipping now. However, we're not sure we could pull one off -- maybe the hipster down the street will have better success.

  • Scientists testing HUD contact lenses on rabbits, hope to bring augmented reality to your eyeballs

    Brian Heater
    Brian Heater

    Scientists at Washington University are a step closer to bringing us all some sweet information displaying contact lenses. The team has been successfully testing prototype lenses on rabbits -- though there are some major caveats here. First, due to limits of circuitry, they can only display a single light-emitting diode at a time. Also, the scientists have yet to figure out a workable energy source -- at present, they need to be within centimeters of a wireless battery. The researchers have big plans, however, including the display of holographic images -- and, no doubt, information about which targets to destroy.

  • Nike teases Back to the Future shoes, creepily leaks the contents of Marty McFly's closet (video)

    Sean Buckley
    Sean Buckley

    What's this? Nike is rounding up shoe-nerds (and Back to the Future fans) to taunt them with futuristic metal shield glasses, 1980s candy, and a personal messages from Doc Brown? Could this shoe-filled YouTube tease (uploaded by DocEmmettBrown88) mean that Nike is bringing nerdom's coolest kicks back from the future? Probably. After all, you don't patent power-laces just to make a normal shoe, do you? [Thanks, Rob]

  • Electrowetted insoles charge your strut, The Police stand by for music licensing deal

    Joseph Volpe
    Joseph Volpe

    Every move you make is another ten watts you waste. Which is why researchers at InStep NanoPower are working towards taking that spring in your step, and turning it into juice for your gadgets. Flipping the process of electrowetting on its head, whereby mechanical energy is converted into electricity via a microfluid transfer, the team was able to pound some pavement-generated milliwatts out of mercury and galinstan. The tech is far from a real world debut, with its practical, portable device-powering merits achievable only in theory. So, until this device manages to get off the ground, we're going to lump it in with past piezoelectric efforts, and call it like it is -- pics, or it didn't happen.

  • Versetta iPad cases promise form and fashion, deliver something else

    Christopher Trout
    Christopher Trout

    When we first got wind of Versetta's line of iPad-toting totes, we were immediately intrigued. Handbags and cases that deliver form and fashion you say? Well, we took the extra two seconds to scroll on past the press release and found -- to our surprise -- the peak-a-boo bag featured above. Now, Versetta's clearly taken some liberties with the English language here -- its bags are more Paris, Texas than Paris, France -- but we're nonetheless impressed with the novel approach to stowing your iOS slab. The company's pushing two separate lines for its pouches -- one for professionals and one for ladies who lunch -- both of which allow you to access your iPad, ports and all, without taking it out of its case. Sure they're more QVC than LV, but if you're into trap doors, you can grab a bag at the source link below. Full PR after the break.

  • Adafruit's iCufflinks pulsate with the power of your Mac love

    Vlad Savov
    Vlad Savov

    Men have struggled for millennia to find the most immediate visual signifiers for their wealth and status. Adafruit Industries has now added to their list of choices with a set of iCufflinks that disposes with the metaphors and speaks of power literally -- by featuring a pair of power buttons. It's not enough to merely cast some Mac-inspired On / Off switches out of aluminum, however; Adafruit has also inserted LED lights within the iCufflinks, which can be programmed to pulsate to your chosen rhythm. Because keeping it classy and LEDs go so well together. If you've got $128 to splash out on a pair of eminently prestigious shirt adornments, the source link is where you'll want to head. And keep an eye out for the upcoming necklace version -- it'll be available to suave ladies and gents everywhere in the summer.

  • Conductive nanocoating could lead to flexible, wearable devices, Lady Gaga sticks with meat suit

    Jesse Hicks
    Jesse Hicks

    Flexible is the new rigid in the gadget world, from OLED panels and e-paper displays to, of course, the adorable PaperPhone. Now researchers at North Carolina State University are hoping to take flexible to the next level by applying a conductive nanocoating – thousands of times thinner than a human hair – to ordinary textiles. Their technique, called atomic layer deposition, grows an inorganic coating atop cloths like woven cotton. The treated fabric conducts electricity, opening the door to thin, wearable devices with the flexibility of everyday clothing. The technology's still in its nano-infancy, but who knows: maybe a few years from now you'll be sporting a genuinely playable Angry Birds shirt.

  • Engadget interviews Dwyane Wade: the technology behind the Fly Wade (video)

    Sam Sheffer
    Sam Sheffer

    It's not all that difficult to peer at some gadgets without fully understanding the wizardry and magic that assists in driving them from concept to reality. Did shoes ever cross your noggin as being technologically eye-opening? Sure, a few pairs of kicks have caught our attention over the years, but could a pair of sneakers be more than just that? To answer that question, we sat down with NBA star Dwyane Wade and Jordan Brand designer Mark smith to figure out what goes in to a modern pair of kicks. Read on to introduce your brain to the latest in shoe technology. %Gallery-120428%

  • Full-on electric drum kit shoved within a pair of jeans, subway musicians celebrate (video)

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    It's a natural progression, really. Way back in the heyday that was 2008, we saw a fully-functional keyboard worked into a pair of jeans. Three years later, those characters have morphed into something far more raucous. The University of Hull's own Aseem Mishra has just nabbed an prized engineering award for his recent musical work -- specifically, for integrating eight sensors into an otherwise ordinary set of trousers. For now, the wearer has to connect their legs into a speaker-filled backpack in order to be heard, but he's working on a wireless version that'll transmit to far larger sound systems. There's also hope that version 2.0 will include more sensors for more sounds, and if a manufacturer decides to start shoving these into your local Hot Topic, we're guessing they'll be available in a rainbow's worth of hues. Vid's below for those who'd fancy having a listen themselves.

  • Alphyn Industry jackets play iPad close to the chest, stick smartphones on your wrist

    Sean Hollister
    Sean Hollister

    When startup Alphyn Industries speaks of jacketing an Apple iPad, the company means it in a literal sense -- this PADX-1 Ledge is a form-fitting polyester and silicone pullover with a zippered shelf to both protect your slate and offer easy access. Twin straps hold up the slate in a work-friendly position, connected to load-bearing straps built into the jacket that fully distribute the weight -- a technique founder Ben Raviv learned as a ballistics specialist for defense equipment provider HighCom Security. At $285, it's certainly an investment, but we found the garb both comfortable and quite warm when we donned it today at Macworld 2011, and though the close proximity of the screen to our chest didn't make for easy typing, it's more useful than other products we could name. %Gallery-115259% Alphyn's also got a second $285 jacket, the SOMA-1, which also quite literally sticks an iPhone or iPod touch up your sleeve. We weren't able to wear this one, but we admired the design, with a zippered channel that runs all the way up one arm to connect and store earbuds and a thick transparent film for wrist-mounted use. You'll find the PADX-1 available right now, and the SOMA-1 up for pre-order at Alphyn's website. PR after the break.

  • Louis Vuitton cellphone belt buckle is fake, potentially harmful to your manhood

    Christopher Trout
    Christopher Trout

    This Louis Vuitton cellphone belt buckle comes to us by way of China and brings together two things that should never be combined: fake designer belts and wireless communication. First off, we've all heard the warnings about a cellphone's proximity to our baby-makers; second, we're pretty sure that taking your belt off every time you get a call will not only lead to frustration, but some pretty weird looks on the subway; and finally, it's a fake. Look, it's not like we're anti-excess here, but it seems to us like a solid gold cellphone is a far more practical investment. This rather ridiculous contraption apparently comes complete with Bluetooth earpiece and built-in camera, and supports dual card standby and TF card expansion. You know how we feel about it, but if you must, there's a video after the jump.

  • @MeTees shows your Twitter handle to the world, gets you one step closer to #trending

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Twitter-related messages on t-shirts aren't unheard of, but tossing your actual handle on a tee? Now that's an idea we're down with. We can't exactly say we're boastful enough to toss our own name on a shirt, but it might not be a bad idea to throw your company Twitter account on there and force all of your employees to rock one on a trade show floor. Watch for The Situation to roll into B.E.D. rocking one of these in 3... 2...

  • Heart Spark pendant blinks with your heart, automatically gets you into B.E.D. (video)

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Not that we haven't been inundated with circuit-related fashion accessories in the past, but if you've already started thinking about what to get that lovely lad (or lady) in your life come February, look no further. SenseBridge, a research group with loads of passion, has just revealed the Heart Spark ($69, on sale now) -- a wearable pendant with an integrated wireless receiver, a smattering of LEDs and a wow factor that's downright heartwarming. The fortunate wearer must also strap a belt around their chest in order to monitor their heart rate, which is then transmitted wirelessly to the Heart Spark; upon receiving the information, the onboard lights will flash at the same rate as your heart, making it easy for the love of your life to see when your heart is aflutter. Video demonstration is just past the break, and yes, it's about as precious as you'd imagine.

  • Reebok sets sights on flexible computing sportswear, partners with startup team

    Sean Hollister
    Sean Hollister

    Science has prototyped flexible versions of just about everything a ever-loving geek needs: displays, memory, batteries, LEDs, speakers and an input device or three. Now, Reebok's looking to put some of that computing power up our sleeves. The apparel manufacturer's teamed up with MC10 -- a startup founded by our old friend John Rogers, who helped pioneer the field -- with the intent to build "conformable electronics" into high-performance clothing for athletes over the next couple of years. Though the company told MIT Technology Review the devices typically consist of thin silicon strips printed onto flexible materials, and that they might they might measure metabolism and performance using embedded sensors, hard details are few -- the only thing we know for sure is that a flexible tech scientist just scored a partnership with a major company, and we're hopeful they'll make something neat. PR after the break.

  • Charlie Bucket creates fantastic lighted dress with knitted tubing and a pump, Veruca Salt demands ten

    Laura June Dziuban
    Laura June Dziuban

    Charlie Bucket is a household name in some parts, and not just because he's a Roald Dahl character. No, the one we're talking about creates fantastic creations with tubing and light. The above Fluid Dress is composed of 600 feet of knitted tubing and it's powered by a pump which is worn as a backpack. Now, we don't know how heavy said rucksack is, and the dress is a bit short for our tastes, but we hear that Kate Middleton is searching far and wide for the perfect threads for her nuptials, so... can we make a suggestion? Honestly, we're just glad that the art of knitting hasn't died off in the high tech era. Check out the video below.

  • Latest Ben Heck Show helps you build your very own Portal Shirt

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Considering that you're an avid viewer of The Ben Heck Show, we're assuming this is old news to you and yours. On the off-chance that you missed the last episode, we're here to rope you back into reality. Embedded past the break is a video filled with love, laughter and legitimate instructions on building your very own Portal t-shirt. According to Benjamin, the system consists of a front-mounted LCD, pocket-mounted battery pack and rear-mounted camera, and naturally, it's being released just prior to Halloween. You now know exactly what you have to do.

  • Nike files patent for auto-lacing sneakers, Marty McFly doth protest

    Laura June Dziuban
    Laura June Dziuban

    We've seen some extremely DIY auto-lacing sneakers, but it looks like the big boys -- Nike -- have thought about getting in on the game as well. Patent filings which occurred in early through late 2009 show off an automatic lacing system that is pretty reminiscent of Marty McFly's invention in Back to the Future, and we can tell you that from the looks of it, it's a future we'd definitely like to inhabit. The shoes appear to boast a charging system and lights in addition to the lacing component, and while so few patent apps ever lead to a real retail product, we're really rooting for this one. One more image below.

  • Innocent glasses transform into GPS-equipped routing mechanism... on video!

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    The Powers That Be may think that they're pulling the wool over our eyes, but we can see the planned fate unfolding in front of us. Before long, our arms will be effectively useless -- after all, once you can game and navigate with just your face, why bother pumping iron and keeping those biceps toned? Over at Wireless Japan 2010, the Nakajima Laboratory at the University of Electro-Communications showcased a prototype that helps explain the latter. Dubbed a Wearable Personal Navigation System, this GPS-infused pair of glasses has integrated LEDs in the frame that wearers can see in their periphery; there's also a magnetic direction sensor, which detects the orientation of the user's head. Once you point your face in a given direction, the LEDs change color to let you know which way you need to head in order to walk, sprint or gallop to your destination. It's hard to tell how long we'll have to wait before we see these on Pearle Vision's Buy 1 Get 1 rack, but the video after the break ain't making it any easier to wait.