

  • McAfee: Android malware soars while iPhone untouched

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    McAfee says that the Android OS is having some issues with malware lately -- according to a new study from the anti-malware company, Android malware has grown by 76% over the past few months, sending the number of troublesome scripts out there to over 40. Some of the malware appears to be legitimate apps, and other issues come from code that sends unwanted text messages or performs other scammy behavior. Meanwhile, Apple is doing great with iOS -- McAfee has recorded zero legitimate threats to a stock iPhone, with the only attacks on the hardware coming to four different jailbroken devices. It appears Apple's "walled garden" approach, while limiting to some developers and customers, has at least made good use of those walls in keeping malware away. The other mobile OS with a spotless score? webOS, which of course is probably that way simply because it's just not used that much.

  • Android still king of the US smartphone hill, Motorola facing a market nosedive

    Joseph Volpe
    Joseph Volpe

    In other obvious news, Android and iOS continue to sit pretty atop the US smartphone market, according to a recent NPD study. The current titans of the mobile industry both saw their pieces of the OS pie increase in Q2 of 2011, putting Andy Rubin's green robot in the lead with 52 percent and Apple at 29 percent. Newly adopted webOS, and Microsoft's WP7 and Windows Mobile all managed to cling to their respective 5 percent shares with no yearly change, leaving only BlackBerry OS to experience an 11 percent decline. But the real meat and potatoes of the report focuses on Google's soon-to-be in-house partner: Motorola. Despite the rosy picture painted by recent acquisition talks, the company appears to be facing tough competition from Android OEM rivals, and the wireless market as a whole. In regard to overall mobile phone share (read: dumbphones, et al.) and smartphone-only, Moto saw a 3 percent year-to-year decline, with its biggest loss coming from Android unit sales -- a 50 percent drop to 22 percent of the market. Will the rosy glow of Mountain View "help inspire new paths to differentiation" for Moto, or are we just looking at a repeat of the "RAZR era?" While you ponder these pressing questions, head past the break to read the full report.

  • Opal: the 7-inch HP tablet that almost was

    Joseph Volpe
    Joseph Volpe

    Shoulda, woulda, coulda, but alas, HP ultimately didn't. Such is the tale of the behind-the-scenes gaffes that almost saw webOS launch on a path to success, and instead, ended in the platform's corporate disavowal. The story may be all too fresh in our memory, but did you also know we were this close to a fire sale for a lesser-sized tablet? According to a report on gdgt, HP's QA team had in its possession a production-ready model of the "Opal" tablet, and were in the process of debugging the unit. The aborted 7-inch little brother to the TouchPad had reared its head at the FCC only two weeks ago, en route to a future AT&T home in both 16GB and 32GB versions as the TouchPad Go. Though the passing days bring further bits of this muddled HP puzzle into perspective, it appears likely this mini webOS tab may never know the appreciative touch of consumer hands. And with the recent news of an overseas-only bow for the Pre 3, all that remains to be seen is what'll happen to our recently adopted TouchPads.

  • HP: Pre 3 not destined for US shores

    Brian Heater
    Brian Heater

    Looks like all of those currently enjoying HP's deep discounts on the TouchPad won't be reaping similar benefits with regards to the Pre 3 -- not in the US, at least. HP broke the news to PCMag, explaining that the smartphone won't be hitting the States. European webOS fans will be getting a pretty sweet deal from all of this, however, with the handset running a rather affordable $75 unlocked in France and the UK. And what about Germany? HP is reporting that the Pre 3 has sold out in that country.

  • HP TouchPad tops Amazon US sales, rumored for UK price drop

    Brian Heater
    Brian Heater

    Well, it's official, the TouchPad is currently the hottest piece of consumer electronics around, and all it took was HP's complete abandonment of its current line of webOS devices. The once maligned slate is currently atop Amazon's electronics sales list. The 16GB and 32GB models have snagged the top two spots, beating out the Kindle, the iPod touch, and everyone else. And there may be some good news for UK customers who have been watching the excitement from afar -- reports are rolling in that the tablet will available for £89 ($146) and £115 ($189) for the 16GB and 32GB versions. We'll let you know when we get official confirmation on the matter. Update: Looks like the above pricing has been confirmed for UK retailer, Dixons.

  • Microsoft woos webOS developers with free phones, training

    Donald Melanson
    Donald Melanson

    WebOS developers may not have had much good news in the past few days (apart from a slew of new TouchPad owners looking for apps), but they are at least getting some attention. That includes a message from Microsoft's Senior Director of Windows Phone 7 Development, Brandon Watson, who offered free phones to published webOS developers on Friday, plus all the necessary tools and training to get them started with Windows Phone. Judging from his tweets since, the response has been fairly overwhelming -- Watson says he's received close to 600 emails from webOS devs as of Sunday evening.

  • Poll: If you snagged a TouchPad on closeout, what are you using it for?

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    So, you've done the deed. You've purchased an HP TouchPad, despite having no intentions whatsoever to do so just a week ago. But hey -- a $400 discount can change perceptions. Now that you've got one (or have one en route), we're curious to know what you plan on doing with it. We've heard such far-flung ideas as using it as a digital photo frame, keeping it wrapped up for eBaying in 2049 or just stashing it nearby for those late-night couch surfing sessions. The future of webOS development may be lost (at least on these consumer devices), but there's still fun to be had with a hundred-dollar tablet. Share amongst yourselves in comments below -- we could all stand to hear a tip or two! %Poll-68043%

  • Switched On: The webOS triangle

    Ross Rubin
    Ross Rubin

    Each week Ross Rubin contributes Switched On, a column about consumer technology. HP's decision to discontinue production of webOS devices has been widely seen as the final nail in the promising operating system's coffin. Statements from HP on the future of webOS app development sound absurd in the current context. How can, for example, HP continue to promote the webOS app catalog as it has pledged to do when there are no ongoing devices on which those apps can run? How would developers even test apps? The answer may lie in a complex ongoing reorientation of the webOS triangle consisting of the HP corporate entity, PSG (Personal Systems Group, HP's PC business) and webOS. HP hasn't said exactly what it is doing with webOS. However, the combination of publicly expressing commitment to the operating system while dismantling its own devices points strongly to licensing. In fact, it's highly consistent with it; if HP simply wanted to wage war with (or sell) Palm's patent pool, it wouldn't need webOS developers any more. HP made no secret of its interest in licensing webOS while it was still producing devices based on that operating system. As Switched On discussed last month, though, there is a long, bleak history chronicling the difficulty in building devices based on an OS that a company is licensing. In other words, pursuing both of the contrasting business models of Apple and Microsoft results in inherent conflict.

  • Engadget Mobile Podcast 100 - 08.21.2011

    Trent Wolbe
    Trent Wolbe

    We're 100. 100! If you're like us, you totally can't believe it's been more than two years since we first started Mobile Podcasting but you totally can believe it at the same time because that's just how we roll: dedicated. To celebrate we've brought along Engadget Chinese editor Richard Lai and Noah Kravitz of TechnoBuffalo to weigh in on stuff like the Xiaomi phone and Symbian Belle leaking its way into the world. And...a couple of other things. We're old. It's a mobile party. You just got your pentaband invite to click on the play or download links below. Don't sleep on it: before you know it we'll be 200.Hosts: Myriam Joire (tnkgrl), Brad MolenGuests: Richard Lai, Noah KravitzProducer: Trent WolbeMusic: Daestro - Light Powered (Ghostly International)00:02:45 - HP will 'discontinue operations for webOS devices', may spin off Personal Systems Group00:21:55 - Google acquiring Motorola Mobility00:42:45 - Motorola's new Droid HD makes cameo alongside Droid Bionic01:04:30 - BlackBerry Bold 9930 review01:05:43 - AT&T streamlining individual messaging plans August 21st, leaving unlimited as the sole survivor01:15:00 - Xiaomi Phone hands-on (updated with video)01:25:40 - Symbian Anna now available for download on Nokia N8, E7, C7 and C6-0101:26:30 - Symbian Belle download leaked to N8 community, quickly pulled from site (update: Anna available on NaviFirm)01:30:57 - CNET: RIM in talks to squeeze out BlackBerry music service01:32:50 - Motorola Photon 4G review01:36:53 - Samsung Hercules, HTC Ruby available from T-Mobile on October 26th?01:38:56 - Samsung Hercules gets its Telus on in leaked glamour shots01:39:38 - HTC Holiday prototype shows up on Craigslist, gives us reason to celebrate (update: AT&T-bound)01:45:55 - Why is LTE equipment being installed in an Apple Store?Hear the podcastSubscribe to the podcast[iTunes] Subscribe to the Podcast directly in iTunes[RSS MP3] Add the Engadget Mobile Podcast feed (in MP3) to your RSS aggregator and have the show delivered automatically[RSS AAC] Add the Engadget Mobile Podcast feed (in enhanced AAC) to your RSS aggregator[Zune] Subscribe to the Podcast directly in the Zune MarketplaceDownload the podcastLISTEN (MP3)LISTEN (AAC)Contact the podcastpodcast (at) engadgetmobile (dot) com.Follow us on Twitter@tnkgrl @phonewisdom @engadgetmobile

  • Editorial: tablets aren't the 'third device' I'd hoped for... from a productivity standpoint, anyway

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Hang tight just a second -- let me preface all of this with a quick reminder that I'm speaking on a personal level, and I'm absolutely certain that slates have a place in this world somewhere. We could go back and forth for hours with use-case scenarios (and the same could be done with cars, time machines or your luxury good of choice), but this isn't about proving that a tablet can do one or two things; it's about the limitations and awkwardness of using one that no one seems to talk about. After years of watching the masses fawn over the iPad (and every other PC maker scramble to come out with something that serves a similar purpose), I still can't ever imagine myself investing in one, let alone actually using one in place of a smartphone or laptop. I've met quite a few folks in my line of work that all ask me the same thing: "Should I buy an iPad?" It's worth noting that no one actually asks if "they should buy a tablet," but that's speaking more about Apple's absurdly enviable mind (and in turn, market) share than anything else. My response is always the same: "If you can't think of a reason you'd need it, you don't need it." Tablets, for whatever reason, seem to defy logic when it comes to purchase rationalization in the consumer electronics realm. I've yet to meet a bloke who purchased an ultraportable without knowing full-well that they would take advantage of enhanced battery life and a highly mobile chassis. Everyone I've know that invested in a high-end gaming rig knew why they were shelling out on that $500 GPU (read: frames-per-second). And all of my movie cuttin' pals knew precisely why they just had to have a Thunderbolt RAID setup. But tablets? People are just buying these things in a fit of hysteria -- does anyone actually know why this "third device" is such a necessity? Let's dive a little deeper, shall we?

  • All Things D: HP kept executives in the dark about webOS decision

    Christopher Trout
    Christopher Trout

    If you thought the saga surrounding HP's decision to cease production of webOS devices was over, you may be mistaken. All Things D reported yesterday that key executives -- specifically Todd Bradley of the currently-in-limbo Personal Systems Group and former Palm CEO Jon Rubinstein -- weren't informed of the move until Sunday night. The blog's inside sources say the two plan to remain at their posts for the time being, however, that could change dependent on what happens next with webOS. Those sources also noted that Rubinstein wasn't exactly thrilled about the timing of the TouchPad's release, saying CEO Leo Apotheker had failed to make good on a public promise to ship the tablet only when it was "perfect." So will they stay or will they go? It's anyone's guess at this point, but you can bet we'll keep you posted.

  • Confirmed: Best Buy US begins selling TouchPads after all, good luck finding one

    Brad Molen
    Brad Molen

    Those reports we heard about Best Buys in the US selling off remaining inventory of the HP TouchPad? Turns out they're true, and the "fire sale" is taking place nationwide online and in stores. The FAQ page in the retailer's forums has been updated to announce that it's reversed the decision to ship everything back to HP, and we've also received leaked screenshots confirming the news as well. Best Buy's online store currently shows the TouchPad as sold out and unavailable in stores, and company reps are hesitant to give official word on exactly how much inventory is left at this point. If the online status doesn't change between now and sunrise, we have a strong feeling you should expect a Black Friday-style line waiting for you at the brick-and-mortars. [Thanks to everyone who sent this in]

  • HP TouchPad fire sale spurs online sell out, brick-and-mortars may still carry stock (updated)

    Joseph Volpe
    Joseph Volpe

    It's the same old story of genius recognized only after death, and thus is the fate of webOS. If you were amongst the opportunistic hordes scavenging the interwebs for last night's bargain bin $99 HP TouchPad announcement, chances are you're fresh outta luck. The L.A. Times is reporting widespread online store sell outs for the recently abandoned and heavily discounted 16GB and 32GB slates. While HP's own site and the biggie online retail outfits, like Circuit City and Walmart, have all but sold out of their web inventory, Amazon's third party sellers still have the tablets on offer -- just at non-discounted prices. Of course, you could always leave the hypnotic glow of your monitor and venture out into the real world where actual, physical stores are purported to have the tabs currently in stock. Try your luck, and let us know how things go in the comments below. Update: We've been hearing reports that select Best Buy outlets have begun selling their remaining inventory as of this afternoon. Also, it appears RadioShack plans to get in on the discounted fun, as leaked internal memos indicate an impending price cut. If you haven't had any luck snagging one of HP's also-ran tabs, now's your chance.

  • Best Buy stops selling the TouchPad, HP offers refunds to owners

    Terrence O'Brien
    Terrence O'Brien

    Tempted by the promise of a $99 TouchPad, in spite of its imminent demise? Well, it looks like American Best Buys won't be enjoying the same liquidation sale as our neighbors to the north. A couple of tipsters have reported that the big box electronics retailer has pulled the webOS tablets from its shelves and is shipping them back to HP. The slates have also disappeared from Best Buy's website, though you can buy $30 screen protectors for one. You can still try to score one on the cheap straight from HP, but both the 16GB and 32GB models are currently listed as out of stock. Don't get upset if you already plunked down $400 for 10-inches of webOS goodness -- HP will refund you the difference. Call up the company or the retail partner you purchased it from, and ask. Just be prepared to sit on hold with all the rest of the folks trying to get their cash back. [Thanks, Alex and David]

  • Let the liquidation begin -- HP's 16GB TouchPad on sale for $99

    Christopher Trout
    Christopher Trout

    Well, that didn't take long. It's only been a day since HP announced its intention to discontinue production of webOS devices, and it looks like the outfit's already throwing its flagship tablet in the bargain bin. PreCentral reports that HP sent out a memo to its affiliates asking them to cut the price of the ill-fated TouchPad to $99 and $149 for the 16GB and 32GB editions, respectively. The date apparently put forward by HP is August 20th, but at least two Canadian retailers (Best Buy and Future Shop) have already made the cut -- though both outlets show the sale ending August 22nd. As proof that being fashionably late isn't always a good thing, the white 64GB edition has surfaced on HP's US site, sporting a $600 asking price, leaving us to wonder, well: why now? If all of that isn't enough to turn your smile upside down, webOSroundup is playing the bearer of bad rumors, with what they say is an internal memo from AT&T stating that the carrier's launch of the Pre 3 has been "completely cancelled." Update: Looks like the SlickDeals forums folks have discovered a way to bring those Canadian prices down south, and are reporting that they will be official in the US on Saturday morning. Hit up the link below for details.

  • The Engadget Interview: HP's Stephen DeWitt discusses the state of webOS

    Brian Heater
    Brian Heater

    The last time we spoke with Stephen DeWitt, the head of HP's webOS global business unit was on the defensive about the TouchPad. In spite of -- or perhaps because of -- the anticipation of the device, the first webOS tablet received a lukewarm reception at hands of reviewers. DeWitt vigorously defended the slate against the critics, suggesting that technology writers had been approaching the product the wrong way. A lot has happened since that conversation, of course, including reports of unmoved stock and, more significantly, yesterday's news that HP would effectively be discontinuing production on its webOS devices, the TouchPad included. There's been a good deal of confusion around precisely what yesterday's announcement means for both the company and the mobile operating system that it picked up with its purchase of Palm back in April of last year. In spite of his understandably packed schedule, DeWitt sat down with us to set the record straight and shed some light on the future of webOS -- a future both he and the company remain rather optimistic about. Read on for the full interview.

  • Engadget Podcast 253 - 08.19.2011

    Trent Wolbe
    Trent Wolbe

    Sometimes, you just can't handle it all. There is so much to learn about consumer electronics every week that you simply can't handle the stress. Don't despair: we, The Engadget Podcasters, are here to help. Let us do the tough work of digesting acquisitions, spinoffs, Grids, Xiaomiphones, and a pocketful of BlackBerrys while you lay on the chaise and have grapes fed to you by your loved ones...or whatever it is you people do to relax these days. Just make sure to listen, let the news wash over you, and feel the knots in your neck and back go the way of the TouchPad.Host: Tim Stevens, Brian HeaterGuests: Dana Wollman, Josh FruhlingerProducer: Trent WolbeMusic: S&M00:02:30 - Editorial: Engadget on the death of HP's webOS devices00:03:38 - HP may spin off PC business, shift focus to software and services00:05:10 - HP will 'discontinue operations for webOS devices', may spin off Personal Systems Group00:22:55 - Google acquiring Motorola Mobility00:28:45 - Verizon embraces Google's Moto Mobility deal, hopes for an end to patent disputes00:38:30 - TabCo reveals itself as Fusion Garage, unveils Grid 10 tablet and Grid 4 smartphone (update)00:41:25 - Fusion Garage Grid 10 tablet and Grid 4 smartphone hands-on00:46:48 - The Engadget Interview: Fusion Garage's Chandra Rathakrishnan00:53:11 - BlackBerry Bold 9930 review00:55:25 - BlackBerry Torch 9850 review00:56:30 - BlackBerry Torch 9810 review00:58:14 - Xiaomi Phone hands-on (updated with video)01:02:07 - Motorola Photon 4G review01:02:58 - The NYC Engadget Reader Meetup is less than two weeks away!01:04:43 - The Engadget Show returns Friday, August 19th -- win a ticket to the taping!01:09:28 - Listener questionsHear the podcastSubscribe to the podcast[iTunes] Subscribe to the Podcast directly in iTunes (enhanced AAC).[RSS MP3] Add the Engadget Podcast feed (in MP3) to your RSS aggregator and have the show delivered automatically.[RSS AAC] Add the Engadget Podcast feed (in enhanced AAC) to your RSS aggregator.[Zune] Subscribe to the Podcast directly in the Zune MarketplaceDownload the podcastLISTEN (MP3)LISTEN (AAC)Contact the podcastSend your questions to @tim_stevens.Leave us a voicemail: (423) 438-3005 (GADGET-3005)E-mail us: podcast at engadget dot comTwitter: @tim_stevens, @bheater, @fruhlinger, @danawollman

  • Was webOS tested on an iPad, HP done in by its slower hardware?

    Terrence O'Brien
    Terrence O'Brien

    We're still trying to wrap our heads around yesterday's sounding of what will most likely be the death knell for webOS. The fine folks over at The Next Web have offered some insight, and it seems that hardware was the problem. It's no secret that the TouchPad was released with a single-core chip in an age of dual-core tablets and super phones. As we noted in our review, the device simply couldn't keep up with the competition. According to TNW's sources, developers actually managed to port webOS over to the iPad 2 for testing purposes, and it ran "over twice as fast." It's not terribly surprising that Apple's dual-core A5 chip was able to outpace the single 1.2GHz core found inside the TouchPad, but It may seem strange that the 1.2GHz chip inside the TouchPad was so easily outclassed by the slower clocked A5, but Apple's chip is sporting faster Cortex-A9 architecture, while HP relied on Qualcomm's slower A8-based Snapdragon. It seems that the hardware constraints were ultimately what did in the Linux-based mobile OS. Update: This article incorrectly stated that the TouchPad shipped with a single-core processor. It was in fact a dual-core Snapdragon APQ8060.

  • Editorial: Engadget on the death of HP's webOS devices


    WebOS, where did things go wrong? One moment you're worth a "double-down" investment by HP valued at $1.2 billion, and the OS of choice for future tablets, computers and even printers; the next, you're discarded like yesterday's crusty old oatmeal. Today, HP announced -- among other things -- that it's chosen to discontinue operations for its webOS lineup, and that the company "will continue to explore options to optimize the value of webOS software going forward." So what does this all mean for the future of webOS? Have we seen the last of webOS? Join us past the break for our thoughts.

  • HP to spin off PC business, discontinues TouchPad

    Chris Rawson
    Chris Rawson

    Huge news from one of Apple's biggest competitors today: Hewlett Packard (HP) and its board of directors have "authorized the exploration of strategic alternatives for its Personal Systems Group." In plain English, this means HP may be planning to spinning off its personal computer division into a separate company, while parent corporation HP will concentrate more fully on enterprise sales and deployment. If this move sounds familiar, it's because that's almost exactly what IBM did in 2005 when it sold its PC business to Lenovo. IBM has since focused on enterprise applications and often stunning R&D projects, and the company has arguably been better off for it. Perhaps more pertinent to those following the ongoing smartphone "wars," HP is also discontinuing its entire tablet and smartphone business. Sales of the TouchPad were reportedly extremely disappointing to both HP and its retail partners, so while unfortunate, the move is not particularly surprising. HP will continue development on webOS despite discontinuing sales and production of webOS devices, which brings to mind the possibility of HP licensing webOS to other smartphone manufacturers. From the sounds of things, HP's chief competitor going forward will be IBM instead of Apple. Good luck to them.