

  • Wonderbook gets more Harry Potter, dinosaurs, detectives on Nov. 12

    Jessica Conditt
    Jessica Conditt

    We'll explain the header image in a moment. Wonderbook's library is expanding three times its current size on November 12, adding Book of Potions, Walking with Dinosaurs and Diggs Nightcrawler. The first and only Wonderbook game, Book of Spells, launched in December – even though it takes place in a Harry Potter universe designed for younger players, we had a blast crafting charms. Book of Potions also stems from Harry Potter's Wizarding World, complete with a new character written by JK Rowling and a Potions Championship tournament. Book of Potions links up to Pottermore accounts, just as Book of Spells did. It will be available in a bundle with the Wonderbook peripheral for $30. There's no mention of a download or game-only option. Diggs Nightcrawler was announced with Wonderbook at E3 2012, and it stars a cartoonish bookworm detective. It is listed for $15, download only. Walking with Dinosaurs is a partnership with BBC Worldwide, available as a bundle with Wonderbook or as a download. As for our choice of header image: Who would be better at mixing up potions than Walter White and Jesse Pinkman of Breaking Bad? We can see it now. Book of Potions, bitch.

  • New Wonderbook trailers walk with dinosaurs, encourage homebrewing

    Jordan Mallory
    Jordan Mallory

    These new trailers for future Wonderbook games Walking with Dinosaurs and Book of Potions show what appear to be happy, well-adjusted children enjoying Sony's augmented reality peripheral, but if you look closely you'll discover a terrible secret. That's right, these kids are augmented reality fabrications themselves! Horror of horrors! Tremble as your fragile grip on reality is shattered! Okay fine, that's not even the least bit true, but this dinosaur thing does look pretty educational, even if these kids are overselling their zeal. We're not so sure about teaching children to drink strange foaming liquids they've mixed together themselves, though.