

  • Sunday Morning Funnies: Doubt it

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    Sunday Morning Funnies is your weekly list of WoW-related web comics. From Draenor With Love released part three of their behind the scenes feature! It focuses on production, namely, dialogue and readying for publication. Some of the comics missing last week, such as Sara & Kleeyo and The Gnomish Investigation Agency, are back with new updates! Gratz has also done another heavy week, with four new comics released. Don't forget that we're always on the lookout for new comics to add to the list! We feature comics about WoW, and inspired by it. We're also always willing to welcome back any comics that have been on hiatus for awhile, but have started updating again. We've added a few new ones over the last several weeks, but there's always room for more. Leave a tip in the comment section if you would like to submit a comic for consideration!

  • Bloodsworn graphic novel now available

    Sarah Pine
    Sarah Pine

    Lore fans will likely be happy to hear that Bloodsworn, the companion graphic novel to Dark Riders, is now available. While Dark Riders, released earlier this year, told the story of the eponymous Dark Riders we met through quests in Darkshire, Bloodsworn is the tale of a small band of disparate Horde warriors determined to prove their worth to their new warchief: Garrosh Hellscream. Yes, the graphic novel requires going back in time just a tad; it's set shortly after the start of Cataclysm, and as our own Anne Stickney pointed out in her review it invites a bit of wistful nostalgia as a result. Depending on your perspective you may or may not enjoy that aspect of it. Nonetheless, if you're a fan of Blizzard's ancillary products, it's certainly worth checking out. You can grab it at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and the Blizzard Store.

  • Sunday Morning Funnies: Tasty emotions

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    Sunday Morning Funnies is your weekly list of WoW-related web comics. In comic news this week, Gratz fans will note that there are extra updates to be had! And From Draenor With Love released part two of its behind the scenes feature, focusing on the artwork. The Gnomish Investigation Agency creator, Scott, is out sick, but plans to be up and running again in time to make next week's list! We hope you're feeling better, Scott! What's Shakin' is also still out, presumably because Coffin is still suffering from allergies. Hopefully you are doing better, Coffin, and are just really busy! Missed the odd Sunday? Check out the list! We've had a couple of recent additions to the list lately, as well as a few comics returning from hiatus.

  • Review of World of Warcraft: Bloodsworn

    Anne Stickney
    Anne Stickney

    Much like its counterpart Dark Riders, World of Warcraft: Bloodsworn is long, long overdue. Luckily, those that have been waiting for the new graphic novel from writer Doug Wagner don't have long to wait -- Bloodsworn will be released next Tuesday, August 27. While Dark Riders tackled some of the Alliance characters introduced in the 2009 special issue of the Warcraft comic series, Bloodsworn tackles the Horde characters introduced in the final edition. Although Dark Riders dove headfirst into familiar waters for those that follow Warcraft lore, Bloodsworn takes a different road entirely, giving us a behind the scenes glimpse of Garrosh's Horde. Taking place shortly after Cataclysm, Bloodsworn follows the tale of several different Horde characters, brought together and united to investigate and uncover the motives and actions of a seemingly new breed of centaur that are intent on wiping the Horde from the face of Azeroth.

  • Sunday Morning Funnies: Good things come in twos

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    Sunday Morning Funnies is your weekly list of WoW-related web comics. In comic news this week, Contested Territory is celebrating its one-year anniversary! Can you believe it has been that long? Congratulations, Maiu! There's even an extra special comic up for everyone to check out, in addition to two new comics. Lo'meath & Huilii is back from hiatus with two updates for this week's list! Not to be out-done, Arena Inside is also back with two updates. And, yes, Trigonometry Comics is back! Welcome back Trig, and I'm sorry to hear that things are not really better. But we missed you and are excited about your return nonetheless. (Incidentally, there are also two updates... we are spoiled this week!) From Draenor With Love posted a special comic that delves into some of the behind-the-scenes info about the making of the comic. If you're a fan, or are interested in comic-making and the artistic process, you won't want to miss it. Finally, for a limited time, DLC has clone grenade-themed t-shirts available. You have about a week to decide if you want one!

  • Sunday Morning Funnies: Kthak

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    Sunday Morning Funnies is your weekly list of WoW-related web comics. In comic news this week, Gratz artist Jason (Lackinganame) posted a YouTube video that shows how he makes the comic. Plus, there are several updates on the list this week! Doctor Who fans won't want to miss From Draenor With Love this week! Trigonometry is still working on the recuperating thing. But, he left a tip to his other comic, Gnomeregan Forever, which is a sporadically updating place for Trig to get creative and post different things. Check it out on this week's list. Finally, Lo'meath & Huilii recently posted a quick update to let everyone know that the comic is not gone forever. Moeru has been extremely stressed and busy and it sounds like there are a lot of life changes happening; congrats on the new job, Moeru! Looking forward to the comic's return.

  • Sunday Morning Funnies: Going evil

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    Sunday Morning Funnies is your weekly list of WoW-related web comics. We have a new addition to this week's list! Check out Kibble & Bit! (Thanks for the tip, Puntable1 and KunamiMata!) Read through from the beginning and I'll start posting the latest updates next week. In other news, Away From Reality has finally hit 250 comics, and is bringing the epic special plot-based storyline to a close. Congratulations on 250 comics, AFR! Coffin is still down with a bad bout of allergies, so What's Shakin' is still on hold. Trig is still resting (get better!) but is aiming to update next week anyway, presumably because he loves us and/or is bad at resting. Contested Territory is back from hiatus with Chapter Four! There's also a Facebook page and the artist is looking for tips for getting a new website set up for the comic. If you're good with that sort of thing, send Maiu a message. Finally, some changes are happening over at GU Comics. The comic is going to shift in focus and format, and a spin-off comic shall be born.

  • Sunday Morning Funnies: Forwarding address

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    Sunday Morning Funnies is your weekly list of WoW-related web comics. This week, in comic news, Away From Reality is almost at the culmination of its special series. Check out #248 and #249 for a ton of action and a huge cliffhanger! The Guilded Age Kickstarter campaign successfully raised over $20,000! That's over twice the original goal. This means that Volume 3 will be produced in print, in addition to Volume 2! Contested Territory will be coming out of its hiatus with a new chapter next week! In the meantime, there are some more sketches up that show how the comic is produced. Gratz only has one update this week due to the artist being on vacation. What's Shakin' is still down due to Coffin's really bad allergies (I can relate). Trig is still resting and, hopefully, recuperating! Check out this week's list of comics:

  • Sunday Morning Funnies: This sort of thing

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    Sunday Morning Funnies is your weekly list of WoW-related web comics. In comic news this week, we have a comic returning to the list: The Noob. It is WoW-inspired and MMO-based. In addition, Trig has made an announcement, and due to illness, Trigonometry Comics will be going on a hiatus. Get well, Trig; we'll miss you and we're thinking of you! Guilded Age's Kickstarter campaign still has a few days left! They're hitting some of their stretch goals, and they even slashed prices on some of the tiers. If you were interested in donating, now's the time. The special series leading up to Away From Reality #250 is still underway and nearing a close. Don't miss out!

  • Sunday Morning Funnies: Experience Boost

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    Sunday Morning Funnies is your weekly list of WoW-related web comics. This week, we're shining the spotlight on a comic that is pretty new to our weekly list. Check out Experience Boost: Experience Boost is written and drawn by Russell Brooks. Russell likes web comics and MMOs, and says that one day he had a "chocolate in my peanut butter" moment. The result is Experience Boost. The art is done in Photoshop, and the lettering in Illustrator. The comic follows the adventures of Keran, a new player in Realm of Quests (which is WoW-inspired), and her friend Vedrana, a returning veteran. They're going from 1 to level cap, and beyond. Other characters include the raging rogue xMurderBanex, the laid back ranger Theron, and Castor, the troll. Experience Boost updates every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

  • Sunday Morning Funnies: Keep them

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    Sunday Morning Funnies is your weekly list of WoW-related web comics. We're taking a break this week from our recent spotlight series, and focusing on good ol' fashioned comic news. So here's what's new: Guilded Age's Kickstarter fund is going swimmingly! Volume 2 (in hard copy) of the comic has been funded, as well as at least one animation. Check out their "achievement" card to see a celebratory comic that also shows the stretch goals, or head over to Kickstarter to check out the rewards on offer and possibly contribute. Also in Kickstarter news, Blind Ferret and Paladin Studios (an indie game developer) are working to fund an LFG-themed four-player co-op video game. There are tons of cool stretch goals and prizes. They have quite a way to go yet, but you can still donate until July 19! And fans of DLC might notice the special LFG-related comic on the list this week... but I won't spoil the surprise. Check it out yourself!

  • Sunday Morning Funnies: Gnomish Investigation Agency

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    Sunday Morning Funnies is your weekly list of WoW-related web comics. Every week, SMF has been featuring a regularly updating web comic about, or inspired by, World of Warcraft. This week, meet The Gnomish Investigation Agency: The Gnomish Investigation Agency is written and created by Scott, who is, among other things, an anthropology student. Scott started the comic as a fun project for himself and his guild, and it evolved from there. He uses iPhoto, Comic Life 2 and Image Tricks to create the comic, but may branch out to other programs in the future. Everything is shot in-game. The comic itself is about a gnomish private detective by the name of Mr. Wizworth Coggling, who, after witnessing various tragedies befall his people, decides to form an agency to help gnomes who have fallen on tough times. The motto: "We make your big problems seem small!" Other characters include Dr. Fizton Lightspanner and a mysterious, top-hatted gnome. The Gnomish Investigation Agency updates once or twice weekly.

  • Sunday Morning Funnies: From Draenor With Love

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    Sunday Morning Funnies is your weekly list of WoW-related web comics. Each week, we've been featuring a regularly updating WoW-related web comic from our list. Today, we're shining the spotlight on From Draenor With Love: From Draenor With Love is created by Stacey, a freelance artist and illustrator, and Mike, a journalist and graphic designer. Stacey also runs a blog called Manalicious, and does character commissions. This comic is fairly accessible to new readers. The jokes are often about experiences that casual and "hardcore" players share alike. There is also usually a good discussion below the comic, which is enjoyable if you "got it" and informative if you didn't! Two of the main characters are Vidyala (a multi-lingual draenei who digs explosions and the Light) and Rades, an orc. The two bonded over their mutual love for goggles and "interest in how things tick and general mayhem." There are other characters, too, but you'll have to read the comic to meet them! You can read more about Stacey and Mike on the comic's About page, or more about Vidyala and Rades on the Characters page. From Draenor With Love updates Wednesdays.

  • Sunday Morning Funnies: The Daily Blink

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    Sunday Morning Funnies is your weekly list of WoW-related web comics. Each week, in addition to bringing you the latest in comic-goodness, SMF is featuring a regularly updating WoW-related web comic. Check out The Daily Blink: The Daily Blink is a WoW-related web comic by Chris Hanel. It consists of funny, one-off jokes about Blizzard, the in-game experience, the developers, classes, characters, and the like. It experiments with a variety of styles; for example, there are mock magazine covers, meme parodies, and staged in-game situations. The subject matter is often topical, riffing off of the latest news or the popular complaints du jour. Hanel uses WoW Model Viewer, Machinima Studio and Photoshop to create the comic. The Daily Blink updates on Wednesdays.

  • Sunday Morning Funnies: Dark Legacy Comics

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    Sunday Morning Funnies is your weekly list of WoW-related web comics. Each week, we're shining the spotlight on a WoW-related web comic from our weekly list. This week, we're looking at Dark Legacy Comics: Dark Legacy Comics (DLC) is a funny comic featuring a group of 8 Alliance-based regular characters: Keydar, Donald, Miji, Gigz, Narya, Krom and Nyte, as well as the two little clones, pictured above. Many of its comics are one-offs, which makes it very accessible for new or casual readers, but it also features running story lines from time to time. The subjects vary. Sometimes there are long story lines where something unique happens in the world (like an NPC strike). Other times, the comics focus on a character's hobby (like Gigz's cooking) or even comment back on the experience of playing WoW, such as with a sequence where the characters are raiding. DLC is one of the longest running and most popular WoW-related comics, and is a great pick if you're new to either WoW or web comics. DLC updates on Sundays.

  • Sunday Morning Funnies: Looking for Group

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    Sunday Morning Funnies is your weekly list of WoW-related web comics. Every week, we're profiling a different WoW-related web comic. This week, we're taking a look at Looking for Group (LFG): Looking for Group is, unlike many of the other comics, not just a (time-consuming and awesome) hobby. In fact, it has a whole team behind it. A team including personnel with titles like "logistics manager" and "communications director." They are part of the Blind Ferret network. LFG was launched in November of 2006 and has grown to be very popular. It is a fantasy-themed comic that is loosely based on WoW; however, it's very accessible to non-WoW players. It "follows the adventures of Cale'Anon and Richard, as well as their companions." It's story-based but also humorous. The warlock Richard is the primary source of comedy as well as the entry point for readers who don't usually enjoy comics heavy on story. Looking for Group is Canadian. It's written by Ryan Sohmer and drawn by Lar DeSouza. You can read a bit more about them and the rest of the team on their About page. Looking for Group updates Mondays and Thursdays.

  • Sunday Morning Funnies: Away From Reality

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    Sunday Morning Funnies is your weekly list of WoW-related web comics. Each week, we're featuring a regularly updating WoW-related web comic from our list. This week, we're shining the spotlight on Away From Reality: Away From Reality (AFR) is a comic by Erik Jensen. Professor of ancient Mediterranean history by day, WoW-player by night, he has been creating AFR comics since 2007 but adventuring in Azeroth since 2004. It is made using software programs such as Poser, Bryce, GIMP and Paint, and most comics take 2-3 hours to do up (not counting the days or weeks spent with the jokes percolating in the back of Jensen's mind, of course). Jensen aims for humor and accessibility, so new readers can jump straight in and won't feel lost. The tone is light and on the occasions when the comic is critical, he tries to keep it fair and maintain the silliness. Most of his inspiration comes from his own play-time, but he also gets ideas from engaging with WoW-related media.

  • Sunday Morning Funnies: Gratz

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    Sunday Morning Funnies is your weekly list of WoW-related web comics. Each week, SMF is placing a regularly updating WoW-related web comic under a spotlight. This week's feature is Gratz: Gratz is a humorous comic by Lackinganame (Jason Nebeker). It is a relatively new comic, and family-friendly. It's fun and a great one to check out each week if you enjoy watching an artist evolve. It began as a few character sketches and evolved into a full story-based comic. It features five main characters: Vancore (a leader, hero), Starfire (gifted, insightful druid), Red and Green (brothers; jokers, trouble-makers), and Gorak (wise, grandfather-figure, trainer, aging leader). Gratz Genesis was written from 2009-2011 but not published until 2012, when the artist was able to devote more time to the comic. This is also when Gratz Transition was born, which not only features the characters as older, but also an updated art style. Gratz updates Mondays, usually with 3-4 pages (and sometimes more!).

  • Sunday Morning Funnies: Fox Rain

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    Sunday Morning Funnies is your weekly list of WoW-related web comics. Each week, SMF is putting a comic into the spotlight. This week, the focus is on Kuo's Fox Rain: Fox Rain is a WoW-related web comic surrounding the mysteries of the Scythe of Elune. Since October 2012, it has been undergoing a reboot. Although it is being redone in a different style and feel, the comic still features a WoW-inspired world. The story follows Lis the genius and Biryuk the mysterious, who are on a quest to search for what's most dear to them. The comic is driven by the narrative and geared towards WoW-playing adults who love an involving story. In the new version, more focus is being put into the artwork and pages often have only two or three panels, giving the story a slower pace that requires readers to invest their time in the characters and their world. Kuo Comics started making WoW comics back in 2009 with one-off funnies based on raids, cooking dailies and the adventures of the author's Horde guild. After exhausting every punchline she could find, Jenn (aka Volucris) changed the comic to be story-based, linking the old Warcraft 3 and WoW lore together. It also featured guest comics from Keen (Rory) and Ssantoki (a Korean web comic artist) from time to time. Fox Rain was created to weave story, action, and humor into one. The comic updates every Thursday New Zealand time (Wednesday US time). "Fox Rain" is a word used in East Asia for what is commonly known as a Sun Shower. The bright light above the falling rain goes perfectly with the theme of Fox Rain. In the near future, the comics will be translated to Korean and Japanese, so if you're interested, check those out too! Words from Volucris - "Thanks so much for everyone who reads Fox Rain! And to those who haven't started, please go take a look! The comic will deliver story, fun, action, lotsa wolves and tons more mischief." Words from Keen - "I love you readers."

  • Dark Riders graphic novel hits virtual store shelves today

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    If you're itching for a good World of Warcraft story and patch 5.3 is too long to wait for new story content, Blizzard is happy to oblige with the just-released World of Warcraft: Dark Riders graphic novel. Unfortunately, Blizzard's own description of the comic -- talking about an "enigmatic destiny" and "hidden dangers" -- is too vague and generic to grab our interest. But fortunately we've heard about Dark Riders before and expect good things from writer Mike Costa and artist Neil Googe. So what can you expect to find in this tome of lore? More about the mysterious Dark Riders of Deadwind Pass, who have only been alluded to in the game, the secretive wolf cult, and the Scythe of Elune. But if you're not a lore hound, you'll just have to be tempted by the promise of a good World of Warcraft story in graphic novel form. World of Warcraft: Dark Riders is available today. You can take a sneak peak at the art or buy it directly form Amazon or Barnes & Noble for $16.01 -- though if you prefer digital, it's $12.99 for Kindle and $13.74 for Nook.