

  • XLGAMES revamps English ArcheAge website

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    XLGAMES has updated ArcheAge's English website to more closely resemble its Korean counterpart. The redesign boasts a slew of videos and images from diverse in-game activities like glider air shows, the court and trading systems, housing, farming, and ship-building mechanics, and of course information on the game's world, races, and classes. The new site also lists several English-language fan sites. ArcheAge launches this week in its native Korea. Thus far XL has not revealed any information regarding a European or American release window. [Thanks to Chris for the tip!]

  • Build an ArcheAge boat with this handy player guide

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    If you've heard anything about the upcoming Korean sandbox ArcheAge, chances are you've heard about the ability to sail on the high seas. From videos of fighting a Kraken to reports of piracy, players eager to shed their landlubbing ways have been teased with the knowledge that watery adventure awaits. And thanks to this guide, players have the knowledge of how to construct their very own ship to get out there and begin those adventures! The guide contains a detailed materials list as well as instructions on finding a construction site and tips for transporting materials to the site. Also included is a video that demonstrates the whole process; you can watch the full clip after the cut. [Thanks to Dengar for the tip!]

  • New ArcheAge gameplay clips showcase crafting, questing, and undead

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    ArcheAge is launching in Korea this week, and Steparu has been spending a lot of time in the game's open beta exploring crafting, trading, questing, and even running afoul of pirates and farming bots. Questing appears to be the fastest way to level through XLGAMES' new sandpark, but plenty of XP can also be gained by tradeskilling, mining, farming, exploration, and more. Speaking of tradeskills, players have multiple chances to crit on their equipment when crafting, which can raise the quality of the resulting item or its level. Even equipped armor can be reforged and upgraded. As usual, Steparu also provides readers with a number of video highlight clips. Check out some battles with the undead in the dark of night and take a look at upgrading your armor through crafting in the clips after the break.

  • ArcheAge lists Korean pre-order options for next week's launch

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    Things are moving fast for ArcheAge in Korea as the title barrels down the final stretch to launch. The title is currently wrapping up open beta testing in the region and recently revealed that it will be releasing on January 15th there with a subscription model. Now we have a glimpse as to what XLGAMES is preparing in terms of pre-order options thanks to the official Korean website. While the translation is never perfect, it looks as if the various pre-order packages include game time (including bonus days), commemorative coins, items, buffs, and even a "sky boat." There's a limited amount of time to take the studio up on this offer, so if you're in the region and interested, definitely give it a look sooner rather than later. [Thanks to Dengar for the tip!]

  • ArcheAge to launch with subscription model in Korea

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    A Korean website called Inven has spilled the beans regarding ArcheAge's business model. According to a leaked photo from a convenience store, the highly anticipated fantasy sandpark will feature a monthly subscription. Steparu reports that the listed prices will change after the game's open beta test, while MMO Culture says that they're cheaper than Blade & Soul and comparable to the Korean version of Aion. The site also says that a cash shop "is expected to be added soon." Developer XLGAMES has issued no further comments on a western release of ArcheAge nor a possible western business model.

  • The Daily Grind: What's your favorite non-combat feature?

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Non-combat features don't get a lot of love in popular MMOs these days, but there have nonetheless been some interesting experiments in this department over the years. From RIFT's housing to Star Wars Galaxies' Entertainers to Lord of the Rings Online's music system, several genre titles have strayed from the straight and narrow of violence and character progression. Upcoming titles like Age of Wushu and ArcheAge are adding new wrinkles as well, so for today's Daily Grind we'd like to hear your thoughts on non-combat MMO features. Specifically, which one is your favorite? Every morning, the Massively bloggers probe the minds of their readers with deep, thought-provoking questions about that most serious of topics: massively online gaming. We crave your opinions, so grab your caffeinated beverage of choice and chime in on today's Daily Grind!

  • ArcheAge open beta vids detail dungeon, trade market, and more

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    ArcheAge's Korean open beta is in full swing, and Steparu has been spending some quality time with the upcoming sandpark title. A new post details a series of week-long adventures that led up to level 20, as well as plenty of video that covers questing, a tour of one of the game's neutral trading markets, and an instanced dungeon. Check out this last clip after the cut, and head to Steparu's website for the rest.

  • The Perfect Ten: New MMOs to watch in 2013

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    Oh, I had a great Perfect Ten prepped as the first list of the year, but my meanie-face editor slammed on the veto button and told me, point-blank, that I was going to be counting down the best MMO prospects for the year. Then she drove a lawnmower through a Nordstroms while huffing paint thinner and throwing empty cans at the security personnel. Even so, her idea is probably more interesting than what I had. Let me give you a few notes on today's list because I sense that I'm going to tick more of you off than normal here. My goal was to sift through the possible releases for 2013 and pick the 10 most promising, both in "will it actually launch this year?" and in its potential for success. The combination makes it a tough call because some of these will undoubtedly be delayed to 2014 or beyond and some of these we still don't know as much as we'd like about them. But who cares? Let's have some fun and kick this year off right. Here are my picks for new MMOs to watch in 2013.

  • ArcheAge's Korean OBT features lengthy queues, intro cinematic released

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    ArcheAge's Korean open beta is finally here, and XLGAMES has a lot of fans banging on its front door for a chance to test drive the new sandpark title. According to ThisIsGame, the firm opened 20 servers, some of which feature entry queues ranging from 500 to 2,300 players. Steparu is hosting a look at the game's intro cinematic which features a "Nuian goddess summoning a gigantic portal and sacrificing herself to save her people." Check out the two-minute clip after the cut.

  • Leaderboard: Age of Wushu vs. ArcheAge vs. EQNext

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Are sandbox games making a comeback in the MMO space? That remains to be seen, but there are a handful of major titles in development that self-identify as either sandboxes or sandparks, and all of them will be playable to one degree or another in 2013. First up is Age of Wushu, currently in a public beta and scheduled to officially debut in February. Next up is ArcheAge, which, while still in limbo for the western market, will certainly launch in Korea and probably China in 2013. Finally we have EverQuest Next, which SOE has said will be playable at its annual SOE Live event in the fall. Assuming you're a sandbox fan, which of these three titles do you see yourself playing the most? Vote after the break! Ever wish that you could put to rest a long-standing MMO debate once and for all? Then welcome to the battle royal of Massively's Leaderboard, where two sides enter the pit o' judgment -- and only one leaves. Vote to make your opinion known, and see whether your choice tops the Leaderboard!

  • Fan posts new ArcheAge housing how-to [Updated]

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    An ArcheAge fan named LlexX has demystified some of the mechanics surrounding the game's extensive housing system. The fantasy sandbox features open world buildings as opposed to the instances commonly found in many MMORPGs. In order to keep potential suburban sprawl in check, there are housing taxes as well as the potential for dwellings to be destroyed if they're built on ArcheAge's PvP continent. The loss of a house isn't as dire as it sounds, though, since an affected player will receive the house and items in the mail and will need to simply find a new building plot. LlexX has outlined a basic building guide as well as posted a number of videos. Check out a decorating clip after the cut. [Update: ArcheAge Online's sleuthing has also revealed that the game might have secured a Russian publisher.]

  • XL teases fans with another impressive ArcheAge trailer

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Ready for a new ArcheAge trailer? XLGAMES is in a coy mood, and the four-minute clip is a doozy that shows off everything from crafting and gathering to a giant kraken beast to some sort of player wedding. There are also glimpses of the game's crime and punishment system as well as the typically scrumptious shots of sailing ships and underwater exploration. ArcheAge creator Jake Song starts the clip off with a brief introductory spiel, and if any of you fine commenters are fluent in Korean, we'd love to know what he says!

  • Some Assembly Required: Six reasons to love sandboxes in 2013

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    What a difference a year makes, amirite? This time twelve months ago, I was licking the wounds brought on by Star Wars Galaxies' unceremonious and premature departure from the MMO scene. It was bad enough that a profitable title was sacrificed in order to clear a path for one of 2012's biggest disappointments, but it was worse that said title was the premier sandbox in the genre's history. Frankly, the last few years have been abysmal for fans of non-linear MMOs and player-generated content, but thankfully, 2012 righted the ship and gave us more than a bit of hope for 2013.

  • Jake Song: 'We're working on the English version' of ArcheAge

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Last summer XLGAMES COO Suk Woo Choi told Massively in no uncertain terms that the firm was "definitely going to service ArcheAge in Europe and America." He didn't know the details at the time, though, and XL has been completely silent on the matter of localization since. Yesterday company founder and ArcheAge creator Jake Song took to Twitter to reassure fans that a western version of the game is still cooking. "OBT [open beta test] will be in Korean only," Song wrote. "We're working on the English version." While there are no dates involved, it's more confirmation that western sandbox fans will indeed be getting their hands on ArcheAge at some point.

  • New ArcheAge game guide videos abound

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    XLGAMES has a revealed a new teaser website for ArcheAge in advance of the Korean open beta which starts on January 2nd. The firm has also released a number of new game guide videos detailing various aspects of the fantasy sandbox. Highlights include siege warfare, ship building, tracking player thieves, and the jail and jury system. Sadly, MMO Culture reports that the open beta requires authentication in the form of a Korean mobile phone number. Finally, XL has released an extended version of the cinematic trailer we glimpsed last week. Head past the cut to check it out.

  • ArcheAge's Korean open beta starts January 2

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    After six years of development and nearly two years of closed testing, ArcheAge's Korean open beta is nearly upon us. XLGAMES has revealed that the final tuneup phase prior to launch will begin on January 2nd, 2013. Korean players will be able to download the client on December 17th, and there's also an early bird character creation phase that runs from December 19th through December 30th. Steparu has posted a brief CG trailer for the open beta as well as a collection of gameplay videos to whet your appetite. Check out a couple of them after the cut. [Thanks to everyone who sent this in!]

  • Extensive ArcheAge housing guide released

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Ready for some more ArcheAge-related torture? Nope, we still have no idea when the game is headed West, but we do have a better idea about the game's extensive housing system thanks to a new guide at ArcheAge Source. Houses are placed in the open world as opposed to the instances found in many MMOs, and XLGAMES has designated certain build areas on AA's northern and southern continents as well as several islands. Depending on placement, houses may be taxed or even destroyed. ArcheAge features several architectural styles including various Asian and Western influences along with the ability to build stilt homes on the water. The guide touches on the game's castle system too, and apparently players will need to plan the entire layout since the location of walls, towers, and farms are not predetermined. Have a look at a 10-minute CBT4 housing construction video after the break, then head to ArcheAge Source for dozens of housing-related screenshots. [Thanks to Dengar for the tip!]

  • Over 20 minutes of ArcheAge gameplay on display in new vids

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Looking to change the world? You can in ArcheAge according to a couple of new videos released this week for China's Tencent Games Festival 2012. Both clips are in Chinese, but you can still get a good sense of the diverse gameplay on offer in XLGAMES' fantasy sandbox. The first video is an eight-minute affair that shows off everything from housing to farming to rearing cattle and sieging castles. The second clip was taken from a Tencent demo station and features nearly 15 minutes of random gameplay. See them both in their entirety after the break.

  • The Daily Grind: Would you play an MMO where you might go to jail?

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    While plenty of sandbox titles give players total freedom, ArcheAge is taking the concept a step further by offering actual in-game consequences for choosing a life of crime. We're very interested to see if XLGAMES can manage to keep griefers in check while providing fun gameplay for both criminals and victims, but we're also interested to see your responses to the system so far. If you're a law-abiding type, does ArcheAge's system sound like a good idea? If you're prone to playing criminal characters, would you roll in a game where you might spend some of your fun time in virtual jail? Every morning, the Massively bloggers probe the minds of their readers with deep, thought-provoking questions about that most serious of topics: massively online gaming. We crave your opinions, so grab your caffeinated beverage of choice and chime in on today's Daily Grind!

  • ArcheAge criminal system features jail time, player juries, and more

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Bad behavior in free-form sandbox games is inevitable, but ArcheAge is adding an interesting wrinkle in the form of a criminal system which includes trials, prison time, and pirate status for repeat offenders. When you steal from protected property or kill a faction member, you leave behind clues in the form of blood or footprints. When a certain amount of said clues are turned in as evidence against you, you'll be faced with a choice of either a trial or immediate jail time upon your next death or login. Trials may increase or decrease your jail time depending on what the jurors (level 30 players who accept an invite) decide. If you end up doing time, you can kill rats, play soccer, or try to escape. While incarcerated, you lose access to your hotbars, and the penalty remains in effect for an unspecified time should you make a successful escape. While there are still several aspects of the criminal system that remain unclear, you can get a glimpse of it via the German-language video after the cut. [Thanks to Dengar for the tip!]