

  • E3 2013: Trion's role in bringing ArcheAge to the West

    Andrew Ross
    Andrew Ross

    ArcheAge has finally officially arrived at E3. I've personally been following this game for about two years. I've written about it on multiple websites and had a chance to play a closed beta for the Korean version. However, I'm also critical about the game (or just a pessimist), so hopefully I can balance my enthusiasm for the game with some critical commentary, but to be honest, my interviews today with both Trion and XLGAMES' producer Kyoung Tae Kim has reminded me why I've been following this game for so long.

  • E3 2013: ArcheAge beta signups are live [Updated]

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Zomg, ArcheAge beta signups are live! In the West! How cool is that? It's so cool that I could really just stop writing this post now and leave it at that. Seems we have this acceptable word count thing, though, so let's see. ArcheAge is a fantasy sandpark that's been in development for nearly six years by Korea's XLGAMES. Lineage creator Jake Song is the brains behind the game, and Trion Worlds is publishing the title for the western market. The game's feature set is too long to list here, but it includes open PvP, sieges, extensive player housing, hang-gliders, sailing ships, steampunk tractors, and a whole lot more that you can learn about via our ArcheAge category and dedicated column. Don't forget to look for our ArcheAge E3 interview later this week. [Update]: We've added the ArcheAge teaser trailer shown to the media at this week's E3. Watch it after the cut. [Thanks Soren!] %Gallery-191137%

  • Lost Continent: About that ArcheAge automobile

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    I owe ArcheAge an apology. A couple of weeks ago, when XLGAMES released a trailer featuring steampunk-powered hot rods and an impromptu beachfront drag race, my kneejerk reaction was a boisterous what-the-funk! After I watched the clip a second time, I realized not only that the cars fit neatly into the world that Jake Song and company have created but that they tickled my fancy in the same way that numerous other elements in the game have done over the years.

  • Lost Continent: An ArcheAge community guide

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Is it me, or has ArcheAge been a long time coming? I don't think it's me because it was three years and thousands of posts ago that Massively introduced ArcheAge to western gamers. Heck, it was six years ago that Jake Song and company started building XLGAMES' upcoming sandpark. And it's been two years -- two years! -- since I first got my hands on the game's seemingly endless closed beta. Now, though, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Trion recently and famously signed on to publish ArcheAge in the West, and despite the silence following the announcement, I'm still optimistic about a beta before the end of the year. Even if it that doesn't happen, we've still got plenty to talk about, which is why I'm taking the wraps off Massively's newest game-specific column. Join me after the cut for the traditional first-issue community roundup.

  • Yes, that is a car in ArcheAge

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    This not-sure-if-serious moment is brought to you by XLGAMES. The Korean MMO maker, presumably hard at work collaborating with Trion to westernize its ArcheAge sandbox opus (right guys... guys?), has published what can only be termed a curious gameplay video to its official YouTube channel. The clip features car racing and a number of spiffy looking hot rods, which normally wouldn't raise any eyebrows if they weren't located smack dab in the middle of a feudalized high fantasy world that, up until now, has featured sailing ships, horses, and low-tech gliders as its primary forms of transportation. It's hard to tell what's under the hood on these babies -- maybe it's some sort of steampunkish propulsion system -- but one thing's for sure: We can't make this stuff up. Have yourself a look-see after the cut. [Thanks Dengar!]

  • ArcheAge Chinese beta trailer impresses

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    How's your Chinese? Mine's not very good either, but I imagine that the narrator for the new ArcheAge trailer is just saying the Mandarin word for badass over and over again for the duration of the clip's two-minute-and-29-second running time. That's because everything in the clip is indeed badass, from the location fly-throughs to the mounts to the boat construction to the combat. The trailer is being released to build excitement for ArcheAge's Chinese beta phase, which is less than a week away. I'd say it's doing a pretty fine job of it, wouldn't you agree? Click past the cut to have a look.

  • Leaderboard: Bless vs. Black Desert vs. Blade & Soul vs. ArcheAge

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    There are plenty of interesting MMOs coming out of Korea these days, and whether we're talking sandboxes like Black Desert, themeparks like Bless, or hybrids like ArcheAge, I'm pretty excited to try all of them. Let's not forget Blade & Soul, either, and even Aion has a new expansion on the way that's introducing a couple of game-changing classes. For today's Leaderboard, let's pit these games against one another and see which one will claim the title of Massively's most anticipated Korean import. Vote after the cut! Ever wish that you could put to rest a long-standing MMO debate once and for all? Then welcome to the battle royal of Massively's Leaderboard, where two sides enter the pit o' judgment -- and only one leaves. Vote to make your opinion known, and see whether your choice tops the Leaderboard!

  • ArcheAge may be F2P in China

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    ArcheAge launched with a subscription model in its native Korea, but XLGAMES founder Jake Song says that a free-to-play model may be better for the title's Chinese release. Song's comments came as he attended a recent awards ceremony, according to MMO Culture, but there is no official word from the company as of yet. Similarly, no plans have been announced for ArcheAge's Western business model. The game is being published by Trion in America. [Thanks Dengar!]

  • Sieges coming to ArcheAge Korea, new trailer released

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    If yesterday's ArcheAge fishing trailer didn't float your boat, XLGAMES is trying again with a more combat-oriented gameplay teaser. Castle sieges are the subject, and the game's latest clip takes us on whirlwind tour filled with siege engines, flying arrows, cavalry charges, and clashing armies. Siege mechanics are new to the Korean version of the game, which launched in January. Trion will publish ArcheAge in the west, though the company has yet to announce a release window. Click past the cut for the full clip. [Thanks Dengar!]

  • XL releases ArcheAge fishing trailer

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Ho hum, fishing in MMOs. Who cares, right? Wrong! XLGAMES cares, and the company apparently thinks enough of its ArcheAge angling mechanics to make a gameplay trailer out of them. MMO Culture has uploaded the trailer to YouTube, and in it you'll see over a minute's worth of deep sea fishing plus the transporting of the day's catch back to land, presumably to sell or cook. ArcheAge is gearing up for its Chinese closed beta phase, a date for which will be announced later this month. The game has already released in its native Korea and will be published in the west by Trion, though no date has been forthcoming. You can view the trailer after the break.

  • Some Assembly Required: Your guide to MMO sandboxes in 2013 and beyond

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Welcome to Massively's guide to MMO sandboxes in 2013 and beyond. I've collected the essential details on all the major sandbox titles releasing this year and in the near future in one easy-to-reference article. If you're wondering whether ArcheAge forces you to PvP, or if you can't tell The Repopulation from Origins of Malu, this is your post. I'll be updating it as game features are added, removed, or revealed, so be sure to use the comments to let me know if I've overlooked a particularly noteworthy item. Finally, I want to point out that this isn't an exhaustive list because of the sheer number of sandbox projects ongoing. For now, I'm choosing to focus on the ones that will be playable in 2013/2014 as well as the projects that have a big-name developer attached.

  • Trion Worlds' Victoria Voss talks ArcheAge

    Matt Daniel
    Matt Daniel

    There's been quite the hubbub surrounding Trion Worlds' taking up the mantle as the Western publisher of Korean sandbox title ArcheAge, largely because many fans were doubtful that the game would even make its way to the western hemisphere at all. Now that we know that we're going to be able to get our hands on the title courtesy of Trion, a new set of questions have been raised. How will Trion be handling the game's localization? Will the game be receiving extensive westernization, or will we be getting the game as-is? Thankfully, some of those questions now have answers. In an interview with MMOCulture, Trion Worlds' Senior Producer for ArcheAge, Victoria Voss, answered a few questions on the upcoming western version of the hotly anticipated sandbox title. In the interview, Voss reveals that Trion is in constant communication with ArcheAge developer XLGAMES in regard to the localization process, noting that Trion has discovered that "XLGAMES had many of the same thoughts [on localization] as [Trion], so many of the changes will be game-wide, not just for the west," though Trion is also "working with XLGAMES on some western-specific changes, such as character creation options, which [western] players are expecting." And of course, in the ultimate tease, Voss reveals that there is an internal ETA for the game's closed beta test, but Trion isn't quite ready to announce the specifics. For now, though, try to satiate your cravings by clicking through the link below to check out the full interview. [Thanks to Dengar for the tip!]

  • ArcheVille mobile game hooks into ArcheAge somehow

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    If you've got a serious craving for ArcheAge and you don't mind cutesy graphics, you might want to check out XLGAMES' ArcheVille. Oh yeah, you'll also need an iOS device (an Android version is in the works). What exactly is ArcheVille? It's a farming- and minipet-based mobile game that ties into XL's upcoming sandpark title. MMO Culture reports that gift exchanges are possible between ArcheVille and ArcheAge, though we're not sure if that functionality will work for English-speakers just yet due to the latter's Korean-only client. In any event, ArcheVille is currently available in English and viewable in the App Store. You can view a gameplay video after the break. [Thanks Dengar!]

  • 'Don't believe the ArcheAge hype,' lengthy fan review warns

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Hyped about ArcheAge? We are too, but as with any MMO, great expectations can lead to great disappointments. That's why we're linking to another fan review of the game's Korean client. While the previous such post was largely high on the game from a dedicated player perspective, this piece at AltTabMe raises more than a few concerns involving AA's combat, sandboxiness, character creation, and more. While most of the combat complaints can be summarized by the subjectively nebulous it-doesn't-feel-as-polished-as-game-XYZ argument, the sandbox and economic concerns are a bit more concrete. "And like the pirate system that has no reward for serious consequences, the economy has the opposite, high reward with no consequences, except to those who also play the game," the author writes. "Without money sinks and a way to balance out the economy, ArcheAge is heading toward a flatline when it comes to worth." He also alludes to the possibility that the game's extensive housing and farming systems will be lost in translation from the social gaming culture in Korea to the isolationist achiever mentality prevalent in the West. "When you apply these [housing items] to the real world/game practice you see player-run towns that don't look like towns, but rather more like FarmVille: a homestead of the same resources in bulk, such as goats (which are the most profitable resource) filling every single bit of available space. So you go from being aesthetically pleasing to a resource farm," the writer explains. "The magic of a home and town is lost to min-maxing personal gain. ArcheAge turns into Men Who Stare at Goats." [Thanks Dengar!]

  • ArcheAge player infiltrates casino, finds housing blueprint

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Ready for some ArcheAge-style gambling? No, it's not lockboxes, but in-game casino gambling looks to be implemented on the game's Korean servers. An article on 2p.com has the details, which are somewhat premature since the author had to sneak into the closed facility via some crafty climbing and judicious use of glider wings. Inside he found a "spacious hall with lavish decoration" as well as slot machines and three types of exchange trophies, one of which was "obviously [a] blueprint of [a] house." If you're playing the Korean version of ArcheAge, you can check it out for yourself by following 2p.com's map which marks the location on the game's Fantasy Island. [Thanks Dengar!]

  • XL releases offline farm monitor for ArcheAge

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    So farming is kind of a thing in ArcheAge. According to a recent review of the game's Korean client, it's also a thing that requires a certain amount of in-game maintenance, lest your crops wither away and your cute little cows and chickens die of starvation. Management minigames tend to give time-poor players a severe case of eyetwitch, though, so XLGAMES has released a new tool designed to help gamers keep track of their farm and its furry denizens. The system is basically a monitor designed to alert you (through either a web or mobile app) that your assets need attention. MMO Culture reports that there are currently no options to harvest your crops or feed your livestock outside of actually connecting to the game server.

  • Level 50 player reviews ArcheAge, sees 'issues for the casual crowd'

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    If you're interested in ArcheAge but you haven't been playing the game's Korean release client, there's a thread at the AionSource forums that demands your attention. It's basically a review of the game by a level 50 player, and he has plenty of interesting details to share about PvP and safe zones, the legal, weather, and land ownership systems, and the significant role that crafting and resource management play in the day-to-day experience. The author illustrates several of ArcheAge's extensive non-combat gameplay options, many of which are focused on crafting and gathering. These take a certain amount of dedication, as not logging in for a few days will result in the deaths of your crops and livestock. That said, it is possible for in-game "family" members to manage things while you're gone. The ultimate takeaway from the piece is that the author is having a great time in an MMORPG loaded with unique features, though he does see "potential issues for the more casual crowd."

  • Some Assembly Required: The sweet sorrow of choosing a new sandbox

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Late last year I penned a piece that looked ahead to 2013's most promising sandbox titles. Recent developments have necessitated that I add to that list, which is simultaneously staggering and somewhat stressful. My new MMO home is lurking in one of these games, but I must choose, and choose wisely! Help me out after the cut.

  • Trion to publish ArcheAge in the West

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    So, about that whole ArcheAge coming to the West thing. Yes, it's actually happening. In fact, XLGAMES is partnering with Trion Worlds to make it happen. The company responsible for RIFT, Defiance, End of Nations, and the Red Door publishing and development platform will bring Jake Song's fantasy sandpark opus to audiences in North America, Europe, Turkey, Australia, and New Zealand, according to a joint press release. The document makes no mention of either a release date or beta dates for the western market. You can read it in its entirety after the cut. [Source: Trion/XL press release]

  • ArcheAge shows graphical frills thanks to Nvidia

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    It's not exactly a secret that ArcheAge is a good-looking game, but did you know just how good-looking it can get? Thanks to the magical, wonderful power of Nvidia graphics cards, now we can. XLGAMES and Nvidia teamed up for a video to show off the premium graphical effects that ArcheAge is capable of putting forth. The video continually turns effects on and off for comparison purposes, showing how much more defined the world can be with all of the effects turned on. These include anti-aliasing, depth of field, and some pretty nifty water motions. Seeing is believing, and believing is after the jump!