
New Netflix Watch Instantly interface showing up on Samsung HDTVs

First it was the PlayStation 3, then it was the Google TV and now it appears Samsung Apps compatible HDTVs feature the new look of Netflix's Watch Instantly interface. According to our reader Bruce, the new UI popped up after he upgraded the firmware on his UN46C6500 LCD HDTV and, like on the other platforms, it adds the ability to search through Netflix's catalog right on the device -- no adding DVDs to your queue though, that's still PC or mobile only. Of course, after our experience with the PS3's multiple UI madness we know how much Netflix likes to test multiple versions of its app at once, so we wouldn't be surprised if everyone isn't seeing this immediately, just keep an eye out if your app suddenly asks to be reactivated again and you should be in for the new version.

[Thanks, Bruce]