
Instacart now offers same-day delivery from Best Buy

The option is available for almost every store in the US.

Instacart has teamed up with Best Buy to offer same-day delivery. The option is available for almost every Best Buy store across the US via the Instacart app.

You’ll be able to pick from hundreds of products, including some kitchen appliances — an Instacart shopper might not be able to bring you a fridge, however. Still, if your local Best Buy somehow happens to have a PS5 or Xbox Series X in stock in the future, this could be a way for you to get your hands on one.

As part of the partnership, Instacart has rolled out a feature called Certified Delivery. That will allow you and shoppers to track orders with high-value products, and to confirm delivery and receipt of them. Instacart will enable the feature for other retailers in the coming months.

Best Buy deliveries from Instacart