
After Math: Hey there, big spender

Maybe flash some of that cash our way.

With Elon Musk narrowly avoiding $150 million in damages in his "pedo guy" defamation case, let's take a look at some of this past week's big ticket headlines.


Riot Games pays $10 million to settle gender discrimination lawsuit

Looking for a quick and easy way to avoid paying out an 8-figure class action sexual harassment claim? Don't treat your workplace like it's a stereotypical frat house from an '80s teen comedy. It's really not difficult.


Apple reportedly spends big to bring Billie Eilish documentary to TV+

$25 million dollars. Roughly half of what it would cost to fix Flint Michigan's water supply. And they're spending it on a documentary about a pop star. This is why we can't have nice things.


FCC rolls out a $9 billion fund for rural 5G connectivity

Look, you know it, I know it, we all know it, so I'm just going to come out and say it: The Rural Juror was hands down 30 Rock's best bit.


Bernie Sanders proposes $150 billion for public broadband improvements

While the FCC works out how to deliver 5G to America's farmers, Bernie Sanders has a plan to uplift the rest of us -- or at least our broadband speeds. The Presidential contender unveiled a plan last week to invest billions in the nation's digital infrastructure should he be elected.


DOJ charges two Russians with using malware to steal millions

Remember kids, crime doesn't pay -- *presses finger to ear* -- no, I'm sorry, my producers have informed me that crime does in fact pay, especially if you live in the Baltic region and are even remotely competent around computers.