

  • Live from Hitachi's CES press conference

    Paul Miller
    Paul Miller

    We're hunkering down for Hitachi's CES press conference, but there's no air of mystery in the air: two huge walls are decorated with "1.5" emblems, and we're surrounded by about 20 of the displays -- including a series of the 1.5-inch thick LCDs on a huge sort of staircase. Very surreal. We should be getting started any second now.12:04PM - There's a criminal shortage of seating, so most people are lining the aisle next to the Hitachi booth in order to catch the action.12:09PM - And here we go. "Thank you for your patience." Starting off with an opening video. Well, sort of. The 1.5 displays are sort of dancing for us, very evocatively. Video ends with "1.5 is here." 12:10PM - Mr. Monotone MC gives the floor to the President of Hitachi America, whose name we cannot spell. "Americans are always looking for something exciting." He sounds pretty bored with the whole idea, but hopes we'll enjoy what Hitachi has to announce.

  • Live from DISH Network's press conference

    Steven Kim
    Steven Kim

    10:54AM PT - We're here at the DISH's press conference. Folks are taking their seats, and it's pretty laid back right now. Expect to hear about new DVRs and plenty of HD goodies! 11:02AM PT - Okay, things are getting underway. Follow us in after the break for the news.

  • Live from Panasonic's CES keynote (with Gary Shapiro)

    Paul Miller
    Paul Miller

    We're getting ourselves situated here for Panasonic's CES keynote, which we're expecting to include an unveiling of Panasonic's 150-inch plasma TV. We're in the same ballroom that hosted last night's Gates extravaganza, but it's cut down to half the size for this morning's event -- all the same, we don't expect to be disappointed. Stand by for the proceedings to begin at 8:30AM PST (11:30 EST). 8:21AM - Panasonic AVC President Toshihiro Sakamoto will be joined on stage by Gary Shapiro, President and CEO of the CEA, who kicked things off last night.8:32AM - "The show will begin in five minutes." Apparently when you've got a 150-incher in the wings, there's no need to be punctual.8:36AM - And here we go. Oh, it's just the video intro from last night. Strong start, folks. As a side note, it turns out we're sitting behind some sort of ambassador. Sadly, she's not liveblogging. 8:39AM - Here's Gary Shapiro. He's pretty intense, plugging the number of exhibitors and particular partners (hey NBC). "In 2007 technology exploded as never before as the free market drove adoption..." Video downloads took up where MP3 downloads left off "Just look at YouTube."8:42AM - "Our industry's growth remains strong, and the trend will continue in 2008." Despite economic concerns, they expect the industry to grow to $171 billion next year.

  • Live coverage from Audiovox's press event

    Evan Blass
    Evan Blass

    8:00AM - We're front row for Audiovox's 2008 CES press conference, ready to bring you all the exciting news from the world of the 'Vox and friends (Jensen and RCA). Stay tuned as we wait for presenters to take the podium.8:08AM - Ok, we're getting started. Tom Malone, President of Audiovox, is on stage, talking about the RCA A/V Group acquisition. Gets into the eight CES Innovations awards that the company's products have won.Keep reading after the break for the rest of the liveblog...

  • Live coverage from the Philips press event

    Joshua Topolsky
    Joshua Topolsky

    Well folks, we're here basking in the soothing white light, and extremely ready for whatever Philips has to offer this CES season. Prepare to be blown away, or not blown away. Only time will tell.12:53AM PT - We've got front row seats, and things are looking and sounding quite dramatic today. We're not sure if we should be laughing or crying. It's emotional.1:00PM PT - Right on the nose! We're off! It should come as no surprise we're being treated to some intense, arty video of the company's Aurea.And Andrea Ragnetti, CEO consumer lifestyle has taken the stage. The consumer lifestyle is a brand new sector of Philips -- it combines consumer electronics and domestic appliances.

  • Live from Panasonic's press conference

    Steven Kim
    Steven Kim

    10:37AM PT - Panasonic's press conference is about to begin, and we're here. Expect big news on the mondo-sized Lifewall plasma, LCD talk, and Blu-ray drives. Stay tuned, we'll be live blogging from inside.10:58AM PT - We're in and the crowd is taking its seats. Beatles are playing, always a crowd fave.11:06AM PT - And we're off! Follow us after the break.

  • Live from Netgear's CES press conference

    Joshua Topolsky
    Joshua Topolsky

    We're here live at Netgear's CES press conference in beautiful and delightful Las Vegas, stay tuned for a blow by blow account of all the router-fied goodness coming our way in the new year.8:47AM PT - We're sitting down. It's awesome.8:52AM PT - The vibe in the room is thick. There's an overwhelming feeling of pure love here. 9:01AM PT - The intro begins -- they're claiming we'll be glued to our seats for a solid 45 mins. Patrick Lo, the founder of the company is on the stage, letting us know the company's mission in the world -- high speed broadband for everyone, cheaply. He says they're the most "global" company in home networking.

  • Live coverage of Google's Android Gphone mobile OS announcement

    Ryan Block
    Ryan Block

    8:58AM PT - Ok, we're on the call, and there's soothing classical. We'll "be underway in a few minutes."9:02AM PT - Ok, we're about to begin!9:04AM PT - "Welcome everyone to the Google, Inc. conference call. Today's call is being recorded." Yeah, by us! Elliot Shraig (sp) from Google is on. "We have a number of companies here with an exiting announcement to make in the mobile space."Sergey and Eric from Goog, Peter Chou from HTC, Zander from Moto, plenty of heavyweights. Eric Schmidt is kicking off -- Andy Rubin will join for the Q&A.9:05AM PT - "Thanks everybody, for joining us. We're obviously very, very happy that this announcement is going out today. To give you some context, there are 3 billion mobile users worldwide... getting people access to information is very important. On Google's side we have a two part strategy... the part we want to talk about today is creating a whole new mobile experience for users, and we're going to do that with Android."9:06AM PT - "Google along with 33 other companies are announcing Android, the first truly integrated mobile operating system. ... What's particularly notable is that it's available under a mobile open source license. It's incredibly important to say that this is NOT an announcement of the 'Gphone'... we hope there will be thousands of 'Gphones'..."9:08AM PT - "... an unprecedented mobile platform... We couldn't do this alone. ... Users will have much better access to mobile experiences." Slow down, Eric!

  • Liveblogging the Leopard install

    Scott McNulty
    Scott McNulty

    I've got my hot little hands on my copy of Leopard, and I'm about to install it. What better way to spend a rainy Friday night in Philadelphia than installing a new OS and liveblogging it?Before I did anything I made a bootable backup of my Mac, just in case bad things happen. Mat showed you how to do this earlier. My tool of choice is SuperDuper, but the app doesn't matter as much as the existence of this backup. As a bonus you'll be able to import your settings from this backup if you do a clean install (like I am).7:07pm: Open disk, toss aside manual, save Apple stickers and slide the disk into my MacBook (2Ghz Core Duo). Start up holding down C.Find the rest of the updates after the break.

  • Live from the Palm press conference at DigitalLife

    Joshua Topolsky
    Joshua Topolsky

    Well folks -- we're here at the Palm / Sprint press event at DigitalLife, so get ready to have your heads go popping off your neck in a matter of moments. We're going to be liveblogging the whole nasty affair -- so keep your browser tuned in for the action.12:34PM EST - Ed Colligan is about to take the stage, and we get a video! Very emotional video being played -- quite a few people in tears. Just kidding. 12:36PM EST - Ed Colligan is talking about the video. Blogging and emailing from a Treo he says. Colligan just said he didn't know what Twittering was until today.Ed is talking about the market, says a billion phones will be sold this year. Says the market will grow 56 percent over the next few years.12:39PM EST - Now he's talking about the size of smartphones and how they're too big and too complex.12:40PM EST - Here it goes -- the Centro!

  • Liveblogging the iPod Touch

    Erica Sadun
    Erica Sadun

    Well, it's here. And here's all the dish on my first hours with the iPod Touch. Impressions Feel. Man, this thing definitely has a completely different feel and weight from the iPhone. It feels way way thinner. Squeeze Control. It seems to be confirmed that the iPhone headset squeeze control does not work with the touch. I'll test when I have time. Video Out. Does not work with the Belkin dock. Audio jack. At the bottom!!?? Why? Didn't work the first time. A lot of people are reporting flaky iTouch behavior. The first time I connected my new iTouch to iTunes, this was the error I got. Removing the USB and reconnecting it made it work. Calculator. Same as iPhone. Absolutely the most boring accessory ever shipped. Keyboard. All the sounds on the Touch are clickier and lighter than on the iPhone. It's a very palpable difference. Safari. Works great--once you remember to switch on WiFi. All my Javascript bookmarklets are working fine. Clock. There are a *lot* fewer sound effects to play with the built-in alarm, and since there's no speaker, you can only get alarmed through your headphones. No vibrate either. Sounds are: checkmate, jump, time passing, time's up, updown. Cheerios! Brian Mulllally writes that the icon for the iTouch test mode serial number is, *hee*, a Cheerios box. Diagnostic Information. I keep saying: "No" and "Don't ask again" but it keeps asking and asking and asking... Hack after the jump...

  • Austin GDC: Live at the Minho Kim keynote

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    If you haven't heard of Minho Kim, I'll forgive you -- I hadn't heard of him either until the name showed up in the list of keynote presentations at the Austin Game Developers Conference. Kim is Nexon America's director of game operations, and while Nexon hasn't made a big impact in North American markets, their free-to-play, micro-transaction driven online games (the best known of which is probably MapleStory) are a hit in Asia and Europe. Kim's keynote launches the final day of the conference with a discussion of micro-transactions. Joystiq is on-site waiting for festivities to begin, so keep reading for a play-by-play.

  • AGDC: How to rule the World (of Warcraft)

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    I'm attending the Austin Game Developers Conference this week, and today's big event is a keynote by Mike Morhaime, president and co-founder of Blizzard Entertainment. Titled How to Rule the World (of Warcraft): Ten Lessons, I doubt it covers guild management, PvP tactics, or farming for gold -- but I'm certainly interested in Morhaime's thoughts on the operation and administration of the Warcraft universe. Keep reading for a play-by-play of the keynote!9:25 AM CST: The ballroom is filling up, and everyone is waiting for the show to get started.9:36 AM CST: The ballroom is working its way towards full, all of us waiting on the man of the hour to show.

  • Live from LG's IFA keynote

    Paul Miller
    Paul Miller

    We just showed up at LG's IFA keynote, and LG Europe CEO James Kim has taken the stage.11:09AM - LG has struck upon a new factor for product design: WAF, Woman Acceptance Factor. It's not just about the guys anymore.11:11AM - Mentions the Chocolate, and LG's latest TVs that "look beautiful even when switched off. 11:12AM - And now welcoming Elmar Schuller, VP of red dot to talk more about design.

  • Live from Sony Europe's IFA keynote

    Paul Miller
    Paul Miller

    Things just got underway at Sony Europe's IFA press conference, here in Germany. President of Sony Europe Fujio Nishida just took the stage, and is talking up Europe's strong percentage of sales for Sony worldwide.10:14AM - He's talking up the rapid change in technology, which Sony needs to anticipate, the ease of entry to the market, which creates more competition, and the need for Sony to "stick to our strengths." Two pillars: "a razor sharp focus on the viewpoint of our customers." And leveraging Sony's innovation capabilities.10:16AM - 75 percent of all Sony electronics products to be HD-compatible by March 2008. "From the lens to the living room."10:20AM - Announcing the BDP-S300 and the BDP-S500 for Europe.10:23AM - Europe version of the DSC-T200 for Europe, with full touchscreen and HD out.10:25AM - Now we've got Jeffry van Ede, VP of Sony Europe, to talk about DAPs. 10:27AM - "WALKMAN goes OPEN." Yeah, he's not even kidding. "We have listened to our customers, who want choice." We keep waiting for him to yell out "gotcha!" but he's keeping a straight face.

  • Live from Apple's summer Mac product press conference

    Peter Rojas
    Peter Rojas

    8:51AM (all times in PST): Well, we're here... And we're a bit early. Not too many folks waiting around; we'll let you know as they start admitting. 9:27AM: Plenty of people here now, the usual suspects -- gadgetrati VIPs and, well, little old us. Admission in about 15 minutes!9:36AM: Consensus of experts polled: "New iMacs, definitely." "It's a slam dunk." Well, there you have it, proof positive.9:38AM: Okay, we're headed in! ...but only to wait some more inside. Follow the rest of our coverage after the break...

  • Liveblogging Apple's Special Event

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Unfortunately, TUAW wasn't able to send any of us to San Francisco today (rumor is that McNulty cleaned out the petty cash to buy an iPhone for himself just so he could play NES), but we've got the next best thing-- like true Apple faithful, we're liveblogging the liveblogs. So stay tuned for updates, live from my apartment here in Chicago, on what's happening at the Apple campus in Cupertino.If you want to see it straight from the source, we'll be watching Engadget, Mac Rumors, Gizmodo, SlashGear, Mac Observer, Stuff, and I've also got a tab open refreshing the Apple Store, just in case it goes down-- as of this writing, it is open for business just went down at 12:50pm EST. Sure, you could watch all those sites yourself, but why not settle down on this post and let us do it for you? Think of it as one-stop shopping for all your liveblog news.The event itself starts in about 10 minutes, and our liveblog kicks off right after the jump. Save the Mini!

  • BlizzCon Day 2 liveblog session roundup

    Barb Dybwad
    Barb Dybwad

    It's been another Warcraft-filled day here in Anaheim, with several meaty sessions with the Blizzard developers digging in to the mechanics of the game and some of the changes we might expect in future patches and the Wrath of the Lich King expansion. Once again we camped out near the life-giving sustenance of two 110-volt friends to bring you as close to the action as it happened as possible -- here's a roundup of the sessions we liveblogged today at BlizzCon: Professions and items Legendary Pictures Warcraft film panel WoW PvP Panel Day 2 Class panel Q & A Lore and quests panel For those of you who missed it, here are all the sessions from day 1: Opening Ceremony Wrath of the Lich King live demo session WoW Class Panel Dungeons and Raids Panel

  • Liveblog: World of Warcraft PvP Panel at BlizzCon

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Hey folks, we're still here live at BlizzCon, and just minutes away from the start of the PvP panel, with dev Tom Chilton. We expect to hear about balance between classes, PvP troubles (including how they're going to fix AV, hopefully), and hopefully some new info about PvP in the next expansion.Drysc just said it's time for a "calm and rational discussion on PvP" (with laughter from the crowd), so let's do it.

  • [Updated] BlizzCon Day 2: Professions and Items session liveblog

    Robin Torres
    Robin Torres

    We are back at our happy little camp of the power source spot in the press area to liveblog the WoW Professions and Items panel with Tom Chilton, Travis Day and Jon LeCraft.Updated: This post has been cleaned up and extensively added to after it was partially eaten by a technical error.Liveblog after the jump.