

  • New 360 ad says, "It's the games stupid"

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Some of you may have seen the latest Xbox 360 ad -- we saw it during Adult Swim. The commercial depicts thousands of Xbox 360 game cases flying around to assemble the 360 console itself, like a puzzle. The commercial closes, saying that, "The next generation is over 100 high-def games. The next generation is now." It's a very slick way of reminding consumers that the 360 has more games to offer this holiday than its other next gen competitors, and also that you won't have to wait in line to get one. See the commercial after the break.

  • Video Sandwich: October 17, 2006

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    It's been a while. It's time for another Video Sandwich. We love looking at PSP ads here, and I would have to say that this "viral" ad is pretty effective. It tells you that you can play your PSP anywhere, any place... but would the PSP function in a low-grav, no-oxygen environment? Something tells me no. MISLEADING AD!!! (Okay, maybe it's just puffery.)Below, you'll see a fan-made parody of one of the earliest PSP ads: you know, the ones where they threw them around, from friend to friend. I was always horrified by that ad, just because I asked: what would you do if you dropped it??? That's $250 down the drain! Well, thankfully, these kids find out so you don't have to.

  • Happy happy old Japanese McDonald's ads

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    I'd like to end your evening with absolutely terrifying footage from GameVideos. These McDonald's ads from the PS1 era feature your favorite Ape Escape and PaRappa characters, dancing and singing. AND EVERYTHING IS SO HAPPY!!! Maybe Sony isn't as "t3h m4tur3!!!1" as we thought it was.

  • Absolutely brutal banned PSP ad

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    This can not be real. PSP ads have been terrible for the most part, but this takes it one step further into the "what the f--- were they thinking?" category. The video is embeeded after the cut, but I'll have a FOX-like warning for you: Due to the violent nature of this advertisement, viewer discretion is advised.See also:ASA rules UK PSP ads inoffensive

  • Video Sandwich: September 29, 2006

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    This is, like totally the most EXTREME version of the Video Sandwich, dude! In our first video, you see a skateboarder pulling off a trick with his PSP while boarding. You don't ever see Tony Hawk doing that these days. Pretty cool, huh?The bottom video features yet another one of the hilarious "Let Tekken Decide" advertisements. After seeing it, you'll be one of the few on this planet that can confidentally say you've seen an Asian pimp send someone to an alligator pit-of-doom. And that's an accomplishment, right?See also:Don't get mad! Get even with Tekken

  • Rewind! Passport's new ad

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    The Passport guides are supposed to help you find the coolest things to do in major cities around the world. It hasn't gotten great reviews, but maybe this surprisingly classy (and romantic) advertisement will be able to convince the masses to pick one up. The ad sure beats the heck out of all those other European PSP ads.

  • Sony offers up interactive DVR advertisements

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Since advertisers -- and broadcasting companies -- aren't exactly fond of folks cruising through those ads while watching a recorded show through their DVR, and can't seem to get legislation to make it illegal passed just yet, a few companies have resorted to clever tactics to get those spots viewed. KFC offered up a "secret message" that could only be seen if witnessed in slo-mo, and TiVo has been testing fast-forward-proof banner ads to get the idea across even when blasting through the commercial breaks. Now Sony is getting in the act, by teasing viewers with an interactive plug for its Bravia TVs that shows "alternate endings" tailored to both men and women. It should be noted that only viewers watching through a DVR / TiVo will have the, um, luxury, of being able to pick and choose which endings to see. Sony apparently hopes to draw more attention to that fresh new LCD lineup by making stagnant ads a bit more lively, but we think they should be focusing on ramping up production on those sure-to-be-sold-out-everywhere PlayStation 3s.[Via PVRWire]

  • Your feet do the talking in Sony's latest ad

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    Sony's ads just keep on getting weirder. Here's one for the PSP that involves sign language... for the feet. What could this possibly mean? Maybe it means your hands are too pre-occupied playing that your feet must do the talking... OR maybe Sony's working on a new DDR pad for the PSP! [Via AdJab]

  • This Blu-ray ad lacks something...

    Matt Burns
    Matt Burns

    Advertising is a lot like art -- ether ya get it or you don't. Apparently this Blu-ray ad is a bit over our heads as it just doesn't seem like a good way to promote one of the most exciting technical advancements of the last few years. In fact this advertisement may very well be one of the most boring marketing piece ever created. Seriously, how can Sony expect this to help the sales of the PS3 or Blu-ray? The whole concept is rather innovative showing a collector with lots of room for all of his crap (Blu-ray = lots of storage), but the implementation was very poor. The whole commercial drags on and on. Maybe we just don't get it. Do you?[Thanks, Andrew]

  • Video Sandwich: August 10, 2006

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    It's been a while since our last Video Sandwich. If you're a newcomer to the Fanboy, here's how it goes: you get two videos that make the tasty bread of this sandwich. Then, in the middle you get the meaty commentary by me. Tonight's sandwich features two PSP ads, neither of which will ever air in America. The top is an ultra-romantic, somewhat cheesy Korean advertisement that focuses on the wide variety of features of the handheld. Using my mad Korean skillz, I can tell you that the commercial tries to portray how their love is like the various features of the PSP. It ends with the guy saying: Whatever you want to do... the PSP can do it. This kind of advertising must work wonders on the same Nintendogs-crazy market that's gone mad for the DS (read: girls).The bottom video is a fan-created commercial that also highlights the various features of the system. It doesn't feature any game or movie footage, but is done in such a sleek way that it trumps all of Sony's official marketing here in the states. Considering how Sony's trying to rebuild the PSP brand as a device that can do games and more, this kind of commercial would work really well. Maybe we'll see something like this on the TV in the future.

  • Japanese PSP owners never flirt in bars again

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    The internet is just filled with Japanese PSP gold today! Like I mentioned before, Japanese advertisements tend to teach valuable lessons. We learned that you should always keep your PSP up-to-date. This new advertisement teaches us that you should never use your Talkman in a bar. Or better yet, it teaches you not to slide your $200 white PSP at a hundred freaking miles per hour. Duh.

  • Japanese PSP owners never eat dairy again

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    I love watching Japanese commercials. More so than American commercials, they teach you a lesson. This one, from Sony, shows why you should update your PSP firmware. Because if you don't, they'll keep on making more ads like this! For the love of all that is holy, please, please update your PSP firmware so that we may never see a commercial like this one here in the states.

  • Honey, get the's Wii's first ad!

    Jason Wishnov
    Jason Wishnov

    Over in Germany, the magazine "Games Aktuell" has printed what appears to be the first Wii advertisement from Nintendo. It's quite obvious that despite the momentum Nintendo has, they need one hell of a marketing campaign to reach the desired non-gaming crowd. Is this a start?The ad is amazingly simple, to the point of several accusations of "WTF LOL PHOTOSHOP". While many of us may have to ability to make such an ad, its simplicity still has a certain, ah, je ne sais quoi unbegrenzte kraft, no? Today, a German magazine ad. Tomorrow, the world Opera!

  • Azeroth Ad Contest

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper
    06.30.2006 is holding a contest calling for Warcraft video-makers to create 30 second video advertisements related to the game.  If that leaves you confused, they provide some examples of what they're looking for: Horde Enlistment Bonuses, Join Today!. "An Army of One." Take a taste of "Auntie" Bernice Stonefield's mouth-watering Pork Belly Pie. "Now with zero calories!" Enjoy delicious, soothing Noggenfogger. "Because you only live once." So if you have any talent with this sort of thing, get to it - because the rest of us are waiting to be entertained by the results.

  • New Mac ad surfaces

    Dave Caolo
    Dave Caolo

    A couple of eagle-eyed readers have seen a new Mac ad on CNN and the net, featuring the two actors from the most recent campaign. This time, they're in boxes, with the Mac talking about how ready to go he is from the start, while the PC has to deal with all sorts of demo software and so on. We haven't seen it on Apple's site yet, so keep your eyes peeled and let us know what you find.

  • Rabbids can indeed rave

    Jason Wishnov
    Jason Wishnov

    As impartial observers, we'll need to scientifically verify the truth of this statement. Regardless, it's quite a bizarre advertisement, and one right in line with what you'd expect from the rather quirky series head honcho, Michel Ancel. Rayman: Raving Rabbids is currently slated for launch.[Update: Experiments have yielded conclusive test results; bunnies are completely unable to play soccer. Further studies involving dancing, we leave to the reader.]

  • Chinese WoW Advertisement

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    While this video isn't new, I just ran across it today.  It's a Chinese advertisement for World of Warcraft and Coke.  And I think I'll leave the conclusions to you...

  • Luxury car manufacturers choose HDTV for their ads

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    High definition advertisements are going upmarket, with these separate releases regarding Mercedes-Benz and Lexus producing their new spots in HD. The first focuses on the Germans, who shot their new S-class mostly in 720p (but some 1080p, maybe for Blu-ray or HD-DVD trailer releases only) and how they used Apple software to manage all the footage. The second regards the marketing campaign for the new ES 350 and how their three commercial spots set to run on network television during prime time were all filmed in HD.Seen any other HD ads lately? The last one i noticed was the trailer for the new Mission: Impossible.

  • HDTVs on sale @ Best Buy

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    Because if there's anything we like more than HDTVs, it's cheap HDTVs. All televisions $499 and up (excluding Sony XBRs and HP models) are apparently on sale this week, and there's free shipping for online orders. If you already know what set you want and have just been waiting for a price break, this may be a good opportunity.See any other good deals in this weeks ads? Let us know in the comments for people like me who don't read the newspaper.[Via digg]

  • macTV posts my least favorite Apple ad

    Dave Caolo
    Dave Caolo

    Remember "Middle Seat," the ad that featured an iBook-wielding airline passenger? For some inexplicable reason, he decides he's just got to work on his iMovie project during the flight, and he commandeers the dining trays of the poor people sitting on his left and right, which he immediately fills with his computer, camera, Palm (why he needs this is a mystery) and stacks of CDs. Finally, he blasts his music and wakes the sleeping passengers. "Middle Seat" indeed. I've always thought of this ad as "Obnoxious Jerk." I like to think that, in the moments just after the story ended, the guy in the tie gave this kid a pounding.Check it out for yourself.