

  • New iPad to hit 30 more countries this weekend, work on its tan

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    The corners of the Earth that don't have a new iPad have been quickly shrinking, and Apple's tablet is about to get nigh-on inescapable as of this weekend. A round of 23 more countries is getting the 2012 refresh on May 11, most of it being South American countries such as Foxconn's new manufacturing hub, Brazil. Parts of Africa and southeast Asia will be served as well, such as the home of our favorite unofficial hands-on sessions, Vietnam. Seven Persian Gulf countries will get their Retina Display fix one day later. By the time the weekend is up, the iPad will be available in nearly 90 countries on this planet, which makes it highly likely that anyone reading this article can find the slate in a local retail store.

  • Orange says it'll bring LTE to all of its EU markets by 2015

    Amar Toor
    Amar Toor

    Orange made a bold pledge to the future of Europe's "digital economy" yesterday, promising to bring 4G / LTE networks to all EU markets by the year 2015, and reaffirming its commitment to Africa and the Middle East. The France-based carrier outlined its plan during an event in Brussels, where CEO Stéphane Richard and European Commission digital chief Neelie Kroes met to discuss the Commission's "Digital Agenda for Europe." Orange laid out ten commitments in total, including a promise to make FTTH available for 15 million households and 80 percent of all businesses in France by the year 2020. It also vowed to bring 3 million NFC-enabled handsets to the EU this year, and 10 million by the year 2013. Perhaps most salient to Kroes' agenda was Orange's promise to offer customers a privacy "dashboard" by the year 2015, allowing them to more directly control their personal data. In Africa and the Middle East, meanwhile, the company is looking to roll out its 3G network by the year 2015, in the hopes of providing 80 percent of the population with mobile services. For more promises and optimism, check out the full PR after the break.

  • BeetleCam's back with armor on board, and it brought a friend packing a Canon EOS 1Ds MK III

    Michael Gorman
    Michael Gorman

    Having braved the wilds of Tanzania and emerged with some brilliant photos, but a camera destroyed by a lion, the remote control BeetleCam is back at it. This time around, the buggy's got a Canon 550D, is sporting an armored shroud and it brought a buddy with some serious imaging chops to help it get up close and personal with a pride of lions in Kenya's Masai Mara. The new BeetleCam, dubbed the Mark II, has six wheels, two flashes, a Canon EOS 1Ds MK III for stunning stills and GoPro camera capable of streaming HD video. How did round two in Africa turn out? Pretty darn well, but as they say, the proof is in the pudding, so check out the amazing shots taken by the twin BeetleCams at the source below.

  • Test Drive: Ferrari Racing Legends announced by Atari

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Atari has announced a new version of Test Drive, but instead of the open-world, tropical setting of the two Unlimited iterations, this time the franchise is headed back to the race track. Test Drive Ferrari Racing Legends will focus on Ferrari's history across almost all of the racing disciplines, including Formula One, rally racing, and GT. There will be over 50 different Ferrari vehicles to drive, and each will show off full realistic interior and exterior models, as well as damage effects, which means Atari didn't skimp on the Ferrari licensing budget. The game should be out for Xbox 360, PS3, and PC later on this spring. Too bad the company didn't stick with the more fantasy-based version of the Test Drive series, this time based exclusively on night drives in Africa; They could have named the game the Starry Atari Ferrari Safari. Don't like that joke? Sorry.

  • Nokia establishes stance on conflict minerals in formal policy

    Amar Toor
    Amar Toor

    Recent weeks have seen a swell of interest in corporate responsibility, particularly with regard to technology manufacturing and supply chains. Last month, Apple CEO Tim Cook affirmed his company's commitment to ethically and environmentally sound practices, evoking sentiments that were echoed today in a similar announcement from Nokia. Seizing the opportunity to establish some goodwill among socially conscious consumers, the Finnish manufacturer has just released a policy outlining its philosophy on conflict minerals -- metals like gold, tungsten and tin that have played a direct role in fueling civil violence and unrest in the Democratic Republic of Congo. In the document (linked below), Nokia acknowledged that it doesn't play a direct role in obtaining these materials, but emphasized its strict traceability requirements. All suppliers, Nokia says, must provide detailed information on the sourcing of its metals, going back to the smelter phase, at a minimum, and even to the mine itself, if necessary. The company also highlighted its adherence to guidelines established by the EICC-GeSI Extractives Work Group, which both Apple and Intel have already joined. Granted, it's impossible for a single company to wipe out civil strife and human rights abuses in one fell swoop, but with this codified approach, Nokia hopes to at least "increase transparency, ensure responsible procurement by our suppliers and sub-suppliers, and drive positive change."

  • iPad has become a big factor in African business

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Here's an interesting stat: As compared to the global average, professionals in Africa are actually twice as likely to get offered an iPad by their employers. Forty-seven percent of respondents to IDG's latest survey revealed that they own an iPad issued to them by their employer. The global average, according to the survey, is 24 percent. That sounds high to me, but then again it just means that IDG likely interviewed people already in corporations more likely to give out iPads. It doesn't mean the African number is entirely unfounded, however. It makes perfect sense that many employees working remotely in Africa (for example, outside big cities) would find good use for Apple's iPads. In addition, 83 percent of respondents report using their iPads at work, while only 43 percent report using their iPad at home. That work number is much higher than the global average of 51 precent, and that home number is lower than the global average of 54 percent. IDG says the discrepancy is likely the consequence of spotty Wi-Fi and 3G connectivity on the African continent. Keep in mind that the iPad could serve as a low-cost, powerful Internet-connected computer, which means that it's used for plenty of reasons, not just because it's supplied by an employer. IDG also notes that even globally, the iPad's users remain extremely loyal to Apple: Only 17 percent of those surveyed said they would consider purchasing another non-Apple tablet in the future.

  • Orange offers free Wikipedia access to mobile users in Africa and the Middle East

    Amar Toor
    Amar Toor

    There are more than 70 million Orange customers across Africa and the Middle East, but only about 10 million are able to access the web from their handsets. That gap may be narrowing, though, now that the provider has decided to offer free mobile access to Wikipedia for users throughout the region. Under the program, users with an Orange SIM card and a web-enabled phone will be able to access the site as many times as they want, without incurring any data charges. Heralding the partnership as the first of its kind, Orange says its new initiative should make it easier for emerging market consumers to access the online encyclopedia, which Wikimedia Foundation director Sue Gardner described as a "public good." The offer is slated to roll out across 20 countries in Africa and the Middle East, beginning early this year. Find more details in the press release, after the break.

  • Democratic Republic of Congo bans text messaging

    Daniel Cooper
    Daniel Cooper

    After a controversial presidential election that saw Joseph Kabila retain the office amid fierce protests, the Democratic Republic of Congo has shut down the nation's text messaging services in order to restore public order. Civil liberties concerns aside, it's proving to be highly dangerous for the one point four million deaf residents who rely on text messaging. Normally they would receive safety signals when conflict broke out in their vicinity -- leading to people being caught unawares in crossfires who would otherwise have remained indoors. Human Rights organization ASADHO has said the crackdown could lead to further deaths, especially for people in remote areas and has joined numerous others in requesting the repeal of the ban.

  • Braille-It Labeler brings low-cost printing, 'sightless construction' to the blind

    Amar Toor
    Amar Toor

    It's certainly not the first Braille label printer we've seen, but Ted Moallem's Braille-It Labeler does bring notably unique element to the table -- namely, "sightless construction." Presented at this year's A Better World by Design conference, this compact device allows blind or visually impaired users to print out adhesive labels in Braille, thanks to a simple six-button design that's compatible with any Braille alphabet. Made out of relatively common materials like aluminum and steel wire, the Braille-It can also be constructed by the blind themselves -- a potentially groundbreaking development for a demographic that's too often ignored by the retail sector. Moallem, a former MIT grad student, explains: Blind people cannot depend on mainstream commercial forces to advance the cause of Braille literacy. Nearly two centuries after the invention of Braille by a blind adolescent boy, the most widely used Braille-writing tools, the slate and stylus, are quite similar to the tools used by Louis Braille himself. In the hands of the sighted, the low-cost Braille industry has stagnated. The inventor tested his label maker at a workshop last year in Katpadi, India, where blind trainees successfully taught other visually impaired users how to create their very own Braille-It. Moallem is now looking to set up similar workshops across other locations, including Senegal, Liberia and Lebanon. The ultimate goal is to empower blind consumers to create their own low-cost and potentially life-saving tools -- particularly in developing countries, which account for an estimated 90 percent of the world's blind population. If successful, Moallem's invention and ensuing campaign could provide a remarkably simple solution for a large, yet often neglected population. We certainly wish him the best of luck. Find out more at the source link below, or check out Inhabitat's extensive coverage for more images and insight.

  • Visa aims at developing countries with new international prepaid mobile payment service

    Richard Lai
    Richard Lai

    Shortly after announcing its new digital wallet service for developed markets, Visa also made a presence at Mobile Asia Congress in Hong Kong to promote its new prepaid mobile money platform aimed at the under-banked and the unbanked consumers. By utilizing its recently-acquired Fundamo (which currently has more than 10 million mobile payment subscribers), Visa aims to leverage on the vast number of mobile phone users in developing countries -- many of whom are already using local but carrier-bound mobile payment systems -- in order to offer a globally interoperable mobile payment network. This overlaying platform is said to be more secure, much cheaper and more convenient than the likes of Western Union, especially when you can simply make mobile-to-mobile payments when sending money across countries. Nigeria and Uganda will be the first nations to get a taste of this early next year courtesy of telecommunications provider MTN Group, and eventually more developing countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America will join the list. Full press release after the break. %Gallery-139688%

  • College students unveil the Kiira EV, Uganda's first electric car (video)

    Amar Toor
    Amar Toor

    Take a good look at that lime green hornet pictured above, because it may just herald the dawn of a new era in Ugandan transportation. Known as the Kiira EV, this plug-in was designed by students at Makerere University in Uganda, where electric cars, as you might imagine, are something of a rare commodity. In fact, local media outlets are heralding the Kiira as the first EV ever produced within the central African country, and it's not too shabby, either. On Tuesday, after nearly three years of development, the two-seater successfully completed its first test run, reaching a top speed of 65 kilometers per hour and nimbly making its way up a 55-degree incline. According to Paul Isaac Musasizi, who oversaw the project, the Kiira is capable of maxing out at a speed of 150 kilometers per hour, and can run for up to 80 kilometers on a single charge. Aside from its steering wheel and other accessories, every other component was designed and constructed domestically. Perhaps more important than the Kiira EV's specs, however, is what it symbolizes for Uganda. "When we started the project, we wanted to demonstrate that Uganda has as good talent as that in the US or Germany," Musasizi told Uganda's Daily Monitor. "Now that this is over, we expect and want it to be taken up." It remains to be seen whether the Kiira actually enters production anytime soon, but Musasizi says his team is already working on a 28-seat EV for public transportation, underscoring their commitment to bringing green technology to their country. Hum past the break to see video of the momentous occasion, along with coverage from Uganda's NTV. [Thanks, Roger]

  • Microsoft and Brightpoint buddy up to deliver Windows Phone to Middle East and Africa

    Brad Molen
    Brad Molen

    Microsoft's sights have clearly been set on expanding its Windows Phone empire into emerging markets, considering its recent interest in developing Tango, a low-cost version of its mobile OS due out next year. But the company's expansion strategy doesn't just get put on hold in the meantime -- Redmond announced a new partnership with Brightpoint, effectively adding the North African and Middle East markets to its Mango distribution list. Individual countries will have access to the Windows Phone Online Shop before the end of the year. We imagine there's quite a few anxious souls in the region who've been looking to get their hands on these devices for a long time now, but that wait is almost over.

  • RIM clarifies global service outage, doesn't provide ETA for restore

    Zach Honig
    Zach Honig

    If you don't own a BlackBerry yourself, chances are you know somebody who does. And if that person lives in Africa, Asia, Europe, North America or South America, they're probably quite unhappy with RIM at the moment. This week's service outage began with a server failure in the UK, and spread like wildfire to Africa and the Middle East, before continuing on to parts of Asia, the US, Canada and a good portion of South America. This is only the latest BlackBerry service outage for RIM, bringing email, BBM and web browsing services to a halt. But with BlackBerry services playing a critical role in real-time business and government communications, any interruption is unacceptable, and costly for all. RIM CTO David Yach responded to questions during a press conference this afternoon, explaining the original cause of the outage (that UK server failure, along with a series of failed redundancies), and how that grew into the global outage we're experiencing now: "It's a backlog issue. Clearly we have a backlog in Europe, based on the initial outage and the time it's taken to stabilize that. At this point, we have not throttled the other regions, but as you can imagine, with the global reach of BlackBerry, people using it to contact others around the world, there's a lot of messages coming to Europe from Asia and the Americas, and those would be backed up on the other system. It's looking like over time that backlog built, and started impacting those other systems." The obvious solution would be to clear the backlog and restore service, but in doing so, RIM would purge any undelivered messages. Yach said that all emails will eventually be delivered, however, so you shouldn't have anything to worry about there (there was no related comment regarding BBM messages). When asked what the company would be doing to "make right" by way of its customers, Yach emphasized that his focus was only on restoring service at this point, and made no promises of restitution. Is the BlackBerry outage affecting you? Let us know by voting in our poll, or leaving a comment after the break.

  • BlackBerry outage spreads to US and Canada, continues in Europe, Middle East, Africa, Asia, South America (update: RIM confirms)

    Zach Honig
    Zach Honig

    It's day three of RIM's BlackBerry service outage in much of the world, including Europe, the Middle East, Africa, India, Brazil and Chile. But now the problem appears to have spread into Canada -- RIM's home turf -- and we're even hearing reports of some service issues in the US as well. We've reached out to RIM for comment, but we'd like to hear from you. Let us know whether or not you're having issues in the poll below, and jump past the break to sound off in the comments.%Poll-69781% Update: RIM has posted the following statement to its BlackBerry Service Update page: BlackBerry subscribers in the Americas may be experiencing intermittent service delays this morning. We are working to resolve the situation as quickly as possible and we apologize to our customers for any inconvenience. We will provide a further update as soon as more information is available. Update 2: RIM UK has also posted a statement: We know that many of you are still experiencing service problems. The resolution of this service issue is our Number One priority right now and we are working night and day to restore all BlackBerry services to normal levels. [Thanks to everyone who sent this in]

  • BlackBerry services offline for some in Europe, the Middle East and Africa. Again. (update: RIM confirms India, South America, too)

    Zach Honig
    Zach Honig

    Well, RIM, things really aren't looking good for you over in EMEA, are they now? We've received several reports of a second BlackBerry outage for the Europe, Middle East and Africa region, and our friends over at T-Mobile UK and Vodafone Egypt have confirmed again on Twitter, just several hours after RIM tweeted that service had been restored. So, what's going on over there? We're reaching out to RIM for a statement, and like those of you affected, we can only hope that things get back up and running very quickly. Are you outraged? Experiencing perfect service (and in EMEA)? Jump past the break to tell us what's up in the comments. Update: RIM has issued the following statement: Media statement - October 11 Some users in Europe, the Middle East and Africa, India, Brazil, Chile, and Argentina are experiencing messaging and browsing delays. We are working to restore normal service as quickly as possible. We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused. Update 2: Another update from RIM: The messaging and browsing delays being experienced by BlackBerry users in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, India, Brazil, Chile and Argentina were caused by a core switch failure within RIM's infrastructure. Although the system is designed to failover to a back-up switch, the failover did not function as previously tested. As a result, a large backlog of data was generated and we are now working to clear that backlog and restore normal service as quickly as possible. We apologize for any inconvenience and we will continue to keep you informed. [Thanks to everyone who sent this in]

  • UK server failure sends BlackBerry devices offline in Europe, the Middle East and Africa (update: restored)

    Zach Honig
    Zach Honig

    If there's one thing RIM doesn't need right now, it's another BlackBerry outage. Well, are you sitting down? RIM UK is currently investigating issues affecting "some users in EMEA" -- that's Europe, Middle East and Africa, for the acronym-disinclined. The company has turned to Twitter to acknowledge the outage, with T-Mobile UK and Vodafone Egypt chiming in as well (and pointing fingers at RIM, as expected). The Telegraph reports that the "glitch" hit around 11AM this morning local time, and is affecting email and instant messaging services, along with web browsing, leaving users unable to use their BlackBerrys for anything but making phone calls and sending texts. BlackBerry outages appear to be a rather frequent occurrence for RIM, typically hitting during peak usage times -- like, for example, 11AM on a Monday. So are you currently without service? Jump past the break to chime in with a comment. Update: BBC is reporting that email services have been restored after the outage affected millions of users. [Thanks to everyone who sent this in]

  • VMK Way-C tablet shows off its full figure, on sale for $300 in select countries this October

    Michael Gorman
    Michael Gorman

    We got a look at the back of the African-designed VMK tablet awhile ago, and today we got a bit more info about its pending release. The slate, now named the Way-C, is set to go on sale in October -- a month later than initially expected -- for $300, and we finally got a look at the front side of the thing. If you like what you see, hopefully you're reading this in Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kenya, Gabon, Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Senegal or Belgium, 'cause those are the only places you can pick one up. If not, well, the plethora of pics in the gallery below will have to suffice. %Gallery-134333%

  • $1 chip tests for HIV in 15 minutes flat, fits in your wallet

    Lydia Leavitt
    Lydia Leavitt

    Getting tested for STDs used to mean a doctor's visit, vials of blood, and days, weeks, or even months of anxiously waiting for results. mChip aims to change all that, while simultaneously ridding your brain of viable excuses not to get tested. It works as such: one drop of blood goes on the microfluidics-based optical chip, 15 minutes pass, and boom, the AmEx-sized device will confirm whether or not you have syphilis and / or HIV. The bantam gizmo is practically foolproof, as reading the results doesn't require any human interpretation whatsoever. Plus, it's cheap -- cheaper than a coffee at Starbucks. One dollar cheap. Researchers at Columbia University claim the mChip has a 100 percent detection rate, although there's a four to six percent chance of getting a false positive -- a stat similar to traditional lab tests. As you'd likely expect, there's hope that the inexpensive mChip will help testing efforts in places like Africa to detect HIV before it turns into AIDS. Next stop: the self-service pharmacy at CVS?

  • Congolese VMK Gingerbread tablet eager to show its face, shipping in September

    Brian Heater
    Brian Heater

    This is the upcoming tablet from Congolese company VMK -- or, rather, this is the back of the upcoming tablet. We received a note from the company's CEO explaining that, while the Gingerbread slate is making its internet debut, the front isn't quite ready for public consumption, seeing as how the company is a bit worried about getting poached by copycats as it attempts to register a few trademarks. The Android 2.3.3 tablet is apparently ramping up for a September release in its native Africa, though the company is still looking for more funding, seeing as how difficult it can be to launch a CE product in that part of the world. The device is targeted toward developing nations, and will likely have a price to match, for now, feel free to get acquainted with its rear in the gallery below. %Gallery-127213%

  • Nokia debuts C2-03 at CommunicAsia (video)

    Zachary Lutz
    Zachary Lutz

    Nokia's Mary McDowell announced the company's third dual-SIM device, the C2-03, at CommunicAsia. It's a portrait slider with a 320 x 240 touchscreen display paired with the company's Touch and Type interface. Like the C2-00, it's based on S40 and supports Easy Swap -- a handy feature that lets users hot swap their SIMs. Additionally, the phone sports a new version of Nokia's web browser that compresses data up to 90 percent, and Nokia Maps for Series 40 -- which provides location search and routing while offline. Amazingly, standby time is rated at a hearty 400 hours, and while the built-in memory is somewhat paltry (10MB), the storage can be expanded up to 32GB. It's expected to be released in Q3 for €77, and will roll out across India, China, the south-east Asian-Pacific region, Eurasia, the middle east, and Africa. The C2-02, a single-SIM variant will debut alongside the more intriguing sibling, but we know you're most interested in the dual-SIM darling, so hop past the break for an extended peek.