

  • Cryptic giving away 60-day Star Trek Online codes

    Looking to captain your own starship on the cheap? If so you'll want to check out a new offer from Cryptic and Alienware that will net you the Star Trek Online retail client as well as 60 days of subscription time for free. The promotion is available to registered users on the Alienware Arena website, and bonus items include a Tribble pet, eight hours of bonus XP, and an Enterprise Era Bundle from Cryptic's cash shop. Anyone can sign up for Alienware Arena, but it's worth noting that the promotion will not work with existing STO accounts per a developer post on the game's official boards.

    Jef Reahard
  • Prius Online launches with a spiffy Alienware giveaway

    It's a really good day for fans of Prius Online. First up, gPotato has officially launched the title worldwide with no regional restrictions whatsoever. On top of that, Prius has beefed up with a major day one patch that includes an increased level cap to 60, new skills, a pair of additional zones, five virgin dungeons, and castle siege warfare, where guilds can engage in PvP skirmishes to take over one of three castles that will bestow special benefits for the victors. The last reason why this is such a stellar day is that to celebrate the launch, gPotato got together with Alienware to host an awesome giveaway for the game. Starting today, players can loot special Alienware tokens from mobs, and after two weeks, the person who's accumulated the biggest collection will win a souped up Alienware MX11 laptop! All players will enjoy double XP and drop rates during "peak gaming hours" and other random giveaways, such as the chance to win an HD video camera, during this period. We've also added five new screenshots to our Prius Online gallery, so check 'em out! %Gallery-122493%

    Justin Olivetti
  • Wicked partners with Alienware for Bounty Hounds Online North American launch

    Wicked Interactive has partnered with Alienware Arena for the North American launch of Bounty Hounds Online. Players may recognize the game as a sequel to the 2006 PSP title Bounty Hounds. BHO is a free-to-play MMORPG that allows players to delve deeper into the Bounty Hounds universe, which is set centuries in the future after a devastating third World War. Players choose from five different mercenary classes (Trooper, Agent, Bioengineer, Artillery, or Scientist) and select a Mercenary Company to align themselves with. Each mercenary is also given a CTU, or Combat Tactical Unit, which is a robotic pet that assists players in combat. Players are able to build their CTU to their liking in order to further increase its combat acuity. And to round it all out, we have some lovely screenshots in the gallery below and a trailer after the cut. For more information on this sci-fi MMORPG, such as how to get in on the beta test which begins July 29, head on over to the game's official site. %Gallery-128873%

    Matt Daniel
  • EVE Is Real website presents visual record of EVE, hosts launch contests

    Two weeks ago, EVE Online developer CCP Games announced a new advertising campaign with a twist. An external marketing company was hired to create a unique virtual museum of EVE artwork, screenshots and videos that would function as a growing visual record of what EVE means to its players. People interested in seeing what EVE is all about could then skim through the site and hopefully get a better impression of what it's like to be part of the EVE community. Players got a head-start in uploading content to the EVE Is Real website last week and we've been eagerly awaiting the website officially going live. Although no official announcement has been made, it appears that the EVE Is Real website has launched. To encourage players to upload their work, the site's creators are running launch contests with some huge prizes. The top 20 images uploaded to the site will win their owners a brand new EVGA GeForce GTX 460 SE graphics card, and the video that gets the most votes will secure its creator an expensive Alienware gaming desktop machine. Submissions end on August the 18th, and the voting phase then takes place between August the 18th and September the 1st. If you've created some nice screenshots, an epic EVE video or even an awesome My Little Pony version of the latest EVE trailer, submit it before August the 18th for your chance to win. In an interesting move, CCP will be rewarding every single EVE player with several thousand of its new microtransaction currency Aurum if the website takes off. A running total is maintained of the number of times images and videos on the site have been shared via Facebook and Twitter, and at certain share levels every single EVE player will be gifted a lump sum of Aurum.

    Brendan Drain
  • Alienware M14x review roundup: a lovely blend of poise and power

    Know what happens when you split the difference between an M18x and an M11x? The M14x, of course! We managed a bit of hands-on time with Alienware's middleman back in April, and now the web at large has had a chance to spit their opinions on it. By and large, critics were overwhelmingly pleased with performance, and hardly anyone could find too many griping points. Hot Hardware dished out an Editor's Choice badge, noting that the 14-incher exhibited a near-perfect blend of portability and power -- it's not often that a machine capable of running today's latest 3D titles can also get four hours of battery life. Having Optimus onboard is certainly a boon, but just about everyone also suggested springing for an SSD to really round things out. Folks also seemed to love the apparent lack of bloatware, and while the $1,100+ price tag was certainly steep, the top-tier numbers it delivered definitely helped soften the blow. The long and short of it? Folks looking for a nice balance of mobility and raw horsepower need look no further, but you can humor yourself anyway by digging into the links below.

    Darren Murph
  • Alienware adds jitter-killing Killer Wireless-N technology to M18x, M17x, M14x and M11x

    And this, friends, is how you make the leap into the mainstream. Bigfoot Networks has been toiling away in an effort to get its gaming-optimized networking guts into just about everything -- there's also a VisionTek GPU with Killer innards, and a trifecta of mainboard makers announced that they too would be joining the bustling integration party earlier in the year. Now, however, the outfit's really got something to hang its hat on: a handshake with Dell's Alienware unit. The Killer Wireless-N 1103 networking adapter will now be listed as an option for the Alienware M18x, M17x, M14x and M11x, promising data rates as high as 450Mbps as well as its Advanced Stream Detect to intelligently classify and prioritize network traffic. Mum's the word on how much the upgrade will be, but based on prior reviews, we'd say the premium will be well worth it for the hardcore among us.

    Darren Murph
  • Ask Engadget: best prefabricated gaming desktop?

    We know you've got questions, and if you're brave enough to ask the world for answers, here's the outlet to do so. This week's Ask Engadget inquiry is coming to us from Wilfred, who needs a new gaming rig (but ain't interested in buying the time to build one). If you're looking to send in an inquiry of your own, drop us a line at ask [at] engadget [dawt] com. "I'm going to buy a powerful computer, so naturally, I am looking to buying a gaming computer. I know about Alienware and iBuyPower desktops, and while I know others exist, I don't know which one is superior. Looking for a Core i7 and enough horsepower to chew through today's latest titles, but I'd prefer a company that's reputable and known for above-average service. Thanks!" We know you're probably passionate about [insert PC builder here], but let's keep the banter civil down there, cool? Cool.

    Darren Murph
  • NVIDIA refreshes notebook graphics with GeForce GTX 560M, attracts ASUS, MSI, Toshiba and Alienware

    If you've enjoyed NVIDIA's fine tradition of merely bumping along its GPUs time and again and affixing a new badge, you'll like the GeForce GTX 560M -- it's much like last year's GTX 460M, but with more bang for the buck than ever. ASUS, MSI, Alienware, Toshiba and Clevo have all committed to new notebooks bearing the graphics processor in light of the potent performance NVIDIA claims it will bring: Namely, those same 192 CUDA cores (now clocked at 1550MHz) and up to 3GB of GDDR5 memory (now clocked at 1250MHz, with a 192-bit bus) should enable the latest games to run at playable framerates on a 1080p screen with maximum detail -- save antialiasing. Of course, that assumes you've also got a recent quad-core Sandy Bridge processor and gobs upon gobs of RAM, but NVIDIA also says that with the built-in Optimus switchable graphics, those same potent laptops should be able to manage five hours of battery life while idling. If you're looking for some inexpensive discrete graphics, however, NVIDIA's also got a refresh there, as the new GeForce GT 520MX bumps up all the clock speeds of the GT 520M. When can you expect a mobile GPU to knock the GTX 485M off its silicon throne, though? Glad you asked: a chart shows a "Next-gen GTX" coming late this year. Meanwhile, see what NVIDIA says the GTX 560M's capable of in the gallery below and a video after the break. %Gallery-124725%

    Sean Hollister
  • Alienware M18x shipping now, hernia threat level set to high for American delivery men

    Here it is tinfoil hat gaming enthusiasts, the Alienware M18x laptop. Sure, you've been told it existed and even seen some photos of a purported prototype, but a savvy person such as yourself wants to see the proof with his or her own eyes. Now Dell is willing to deliver one of these 16-pound beasts to your doorstep for the starting price of $1,999. Let's be serious though, you're not interested in that pedestrian 2GHz Core i7 that ships with the base model. You want the intergalactic speed delivered by that Core i7 Extreme overclocked to 4GHz and dual 2GB Radeon 6970m graphics cards. Top it off with a pair of 256GB SSDs and 32GB of RAM and you're looking at a $6,000 laptop. Nobody said this thing was gonna be cheap -- besides, it's gonna cost some serious dough to cover up the disappearance of the M15x. [Thanks, Nicklas] Update: It looks like you can purchase your Alienware M18x today, but it won't actually ship until later this month. Put in an order with Dell and the company quotes a preliminary ship day of May 24th. On the plus side -- your UPS man will have time to strengthen his core.

  • Dell kills Alienware M15x, government denies it ever existed

    This is sort of the gaming laptop version of a politician stepping down to spend more time with his family. We've confirmed with Alienware today that the M15x system is no longer available -- the company has opted to focus its efforts on the rest of its line of glowing extraterrestrial gaming laptops. After all, while the 15-inch form factor will no doubt be missed by some, devoted gamers should be able to find solace in the arms of, say, an M11x, M14x, M17x, or M18x. It may be gone from sight, but surely grainy teardown footage from a New Mexico bunker can't be far away. [Thanks, Zach]

    Brian Heater
  • Alienware M18x and M14x first hands-on!

    Now that Alienware's latest gaming notebooks have broken free from their classified captivity, perhaps you'd like to know how their form factors stack up? Well, we just so happen to have gotten our grubby paws on the extraterrestrials, and they're looking mighty fine. We'll warn you though, that the chart-topping M18x is a beast in more ways than one -- it may not be a literal 600-pound gorilla, but after one heft of its 16-pound frame we started wondering if luggables were back in vogue. While the M18x's factory-overclocked 4GHz processor and HDMI-input sorely tempted us, we were rather more taken with the Alienware M14x's svelte frame, which should prove quite tempting for those who dig its more petite profile. While it doesn't have the anodized aluminum shell of its big brother the M18x, its red matte plastic exterior has a high-quality feel to it, though we spotted an unsightly seam along the right edge of the prototype unit. It's also unfortunately got a super-glossy screen, but the Klipsch speakers impressed -- much more than a simple gimmick, they're plenty powerful for a 14-inch notebook and sounded fairly crisp. We briefly played Call of Duty: Black Ops on the M14x, and found the keys to have plenty of travel and provided a satisfying click with each press as we wandered Cuban streets, and the touchpad was quite responsive as well (though we didn't have a chance to test its multitouch capabilities). It's heavier than other laptops with similar screen real-estate, but it's still an totally totable PC -- and the heft is a welcome tradeoff in exchange for the added horsepower under the hood as compared to its Jenny Craig competition. %Gallery-121630% Sean Hollister contributed to this report.

    Michael Gorman
  • Alienware M18x, M14x and M11x R3 finally official, world can now move on

    Last week, we received a top-secret communique from Dell's Alienware division, bidding us attend a San Francisco event -- where, we were told, we'd be privy to some highly classified announcements. Of course, this being Dell and not the CIA, we already knew more or less what we'd see: Alienware's latest batch of powerhouse gaming machine. Today, the aliens have landed with two new notebook computers -- the Alienware M18x and M14x -- and a hefty spec bump for the littlest alien in the form of the M11x R3. Each brings Intel's new Sandy Bridge processors and NVIDIA Optimus switchable graphics to the fore, as well as some oh-so-slightly tweaked frames, and the M14x and M18x bring WirelessHD tech to sling images to your screen. The M11x and M14x are available now on Dell's site starting at $999 and $1,199, respectively. For your cash, you'll get 8 hours of battery life in the M11x and 6 hours in its chunkier sibling. Scheduled to land in May, the M18x weighs a scale-tipping 16 pounds, and adds an HDMI input (because PC gamers own consoles, too), and the factory overclocked 4Ghz processor and five programmable keys with up to fifteen different macros for your customizing delight. We're off to get some hands-on time with Dell's new little green (and blue and red) extra terrestrials, so stay tuned... PR after the break. %Gallery-121611%%Gallery-121607%

    Sean Hollister
  • Alienware M14x laptop now available to order... in Malaysia (update: M11x too)

    Well, it looks like those eager to get their hands on Dell's much-leaked Alienware M14x laptop now finally have at least one option, although it might not be the most convenient one. The gaming laptop has just turned up on Dell Malaysia's website, where it's now already available to order starting at RM 4,799, or roughly $1,600. Of course, this is an Alienware laptop, so there's also quite a few higher-end options available for some extra cash, including up to a Core i7 2820QM processor, 8GB of RAM, NVIDIA GeForce GT 555M graphics with 3GB of DDR3 memory (and Optimus technology), and your choice of either a 1,366 x 768 or 1,600 x 900 resolution on the 14-inch display. As for a broader release, Pocket-lint is reporting that both the M14x and M18x will be officially announced (if not released) on April 19th which, last we checked, is tomorrow. [Thanks, koinmove] Update: Looks like the US (or global, perhaps) release for the M14x is indeed on. Or, Alienware's coincidentally teasing something else entirely at the exact same time. Thanks, Jason. Update 2: Ah, and now we have the little M11x R3 showing up on Dell's Australia and New Zealand sites. Thanks everyone. Update 3: As expected, the UK's also getting the M14x and the new M11x. Thanks, Thomas.

    Donald Melanson
  • Alienware's M18x: a beautiful beast for the gamer on the go

    A sneak peek from the Great White North showed us Alienware's new mobile gaming flagship, but now we've got the real specs and a whole gaggle of pretty pics for you to drool over. It turns out the M18x has a massive 18.4-inch 1920 x 1080 Full HD display, an Intel Core i7 Extreme chip overclocked to a frag-tastic 4GHz, your choice of AMD CrossFireX or NVIDIA SLI graphics, up to 32GB of DDR3 RAM, a 3D-capable HDMI 1.4 port, WirelessHD for the cable-averse crowd, and five macro-programmable keys wrapped in a otherworldly anodized aluminum shell. We're still not sure when you'll be able to get your hands on one, but we do know it can't get here soon enough. Would-be alien abductees can catch a glimpse of their new overlord in the gallery below -- not to worry, no neuralizer's included. [Thanks, Thatoe] %Gallery-121015%

    Michael Gorman
  • Alienware M18x appears on Dell's Canadian site, glares at you from afar

    We've been hearing rumors of an 18-inch addition to the Alienware line for some time, and now its big-eyed visage is making an appearance -- in Canada. The M18x configuration page has gone live on Dell's Canadian site, though curiously it's displaying what looks to be a picture of the M17x. The system starts at just over $2,000 CAD with a 2.8GHz Core i7 processor, 4GB of DDR3 RAM, 320GB of storage, and NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460M graphics. But, our more well-heeled neighbors to the north can step up to a 3.4GHz processor, 8GB of memory, 750GB of storage, and dual AMD Radeon HD 6970M graphics cards, pushing the price up nearly another $1,000. The 18.4-inch display manages a full 1080p resolution and you can have any operating system you like -- so long as its Windows 7 Home Premium. The estimated ship date has this thing leaving the factory in early May, which means it should start hitting the domestic configurator soon enough. Update: Daniel wrote in to let us know that the M14x is there as well -- though it looks to be in the process of being taken down. [Thanks, Nicklas]

    Tim Stevens
  • Alienware M14x manuals leak out, confirm the gaming notebook once and for all

    Just yesterday Dell's leaky website poured out details about the upcoming Alienware M11x R3 gaming notebook, and it didn't take long for its larger brother to follow suit -- today, we've got the full user and factory service manuals for Alienware's M14x, confirming a number of juicy rumors. Unfortunately, there's no mention of a Full HD 1080p LCD screen for the 14-inch visitor from another planet, but there will apparently be both 1366 x 768 and 1600 x 900 options on tap, both driven by NVIDIA's GeForce GT555M switchable Optimus graphics with up to 3GB of dedicated memory. Of course, you'll also find Intel's latest Core i5 and i7 Sandy Bridge CPUs and up to 8GB of RAM, Gigabit Ethernet, SATA 6Gbps and optional 3G / 4G connectivity, optional WirelessHD, a two megapixel webcam, and even a 8-cell, 63Whr battery to make portable gaming vaguely possible. Hit up our source link to see how Dell put this machine together -- and how you can tear it apart -- while we wait for the company to finally make the smokin' hot notebook official, and let us know how just badly our wallets will feel after it rips their innards out.

    Sean Hollister
  • Manual for Alienware M11x with Sandy Bridge confirms NVIDIA GT540M graphics

    If the previous Alienware M11x R3 spec leak got you all giddy, then we have some good news for you: according to a manual dug up by one of our eagle-eyed readers, it appears that this year's M11x refresh will indeed be coming with second-gen Core i5 ULV and Core i7 ULV options, along with a faster DDR3 bus (1333MHz instead of 800MHz), a higher-res webcam (2MP instead of 1.3MP), an HD TrueLife LCD, and optional 3G / 4G mobile broadband. But of course, the real meat on this laptop is its graphics card, which turns out to be an NVIDIA GeForce GT540M with either 1Gb or 2GB of dedicated memory -- not bad for a laptop of this size. Unsurprisingly, no dates or prices are mentioned here, but given the early start of inventory clearance, it shouldn't be long before Round Rock reveals all. [Thanks, Matt]

    Richard Lai
  • Alienware's M14x revealed: classic middle-child overachiever, none of the simmering sibling resentment

    First, Alienware's M17x got a bit of spit and polish with a new Sandy Bridge CPU and a 3D display, then the M11x got Intel's speedy new silicon too. Now, the middle alien child appears to have gotten a similar makeover. Christened the M14x, rumor has it that Alienware's newest portable rig packs an Intel Core i7-2820QM 2.3 GHz CPU, up to a 750GB 7200RPM HDD, 256GB SATA2 or SATA3 SDD, a robust NVIDIA GT555M GPU, LTE or WiMAX connectivity, and your choice of 14-inch screens: either a 1366 x 768 display or a Full HD 1920 x 1080 LCD. Following its big brother's lead, the M14x also rolls with a pair of Klipsch speakers for hi-fi fragging. No word on when this mothership lands, but with those specs, we wouldn't mind making first contact -- would you?

    Michael Gorman
  • Alienware M11x R3 specs leaked, brings Sandy Bridge to your next LAN party?

    Alienware's laptops first hopped on the Sandy Bridge bandwagon when the company's top-of-the-line M17x got Intel's second-gen Core processors, and now it appears the more budget-conscious M11x may get some Sandy Bridge love too. According to Dell News and more -- who correctly foretold the 3D screen on the M17x R3 before its January debut, among other things -- the littlest alien laptop is getting your choice of Core i5-2537M, Core i7-2617M, and Core i7-2657M chips ranging in speeds from 1.4GHz to 2.7GHz. Accompanying the new silicon is an optional 750GB HDD (up from 640GB) and an upgrade from 800MHz to speedy 1333MHz RAM. And, to keep you gaming wherever you please, the company will offer optional 3g, LTE, and WiMAX radios as well. Unfortunately, one minor detail didn't make it out -- how much will the extra goodies cost?

    Michael Gorman
  • Klipsch speakers coming to Alienware's 3D-enabled M17x gaming laptop

    Altec Lansing does it, as does Harman Kardon. Oh, and lest we forget about Beats. We're talking about companies that have gone the extra mile (and paid a certain price) to get their speakers into the shells of laptops, and now the fine folks at Alienware are grabbing a top-tier name of their own: Klipsch. Despite being snapped up by Audiovox a few months ago, the outfit's powering ahead with an apparent plan for expansion. Today, Alienware's launching its first-ever Klipsch-equipped laptop, the 3D-enabled M17x. Not only will buyers find Intel's newest Sandy Bridge CPUs, a 1080p 3D panel, custom lighting controls and an HDMI input, but they'll also be gifted with a set of Klipsch drivers and MaxxAudio 3 software from Waves. Hard to say if the partnership will soon bleed over to even more of Alienware's machines, but all logical signs are pointing to "yes." As for this guy? It'll ship this month starting at $1,499.

    Darren Murph