

  • Landscape orientation with physical iPad keyboard possible, thrilling

    Joseph L. Flatley
    Joseph L. Flatley

    When "Joe," our favorite bloggin' anesthesiologist, sat down for his daily Twitter session (he takes social media very seriously) he couldn't get past the fact that Apple's hardware iPad keyboard was oriented in portrait mode. Pretty weak, right? Well, fear not, iPad users! It seems that your basic dock extender cable will let you attach the keyboard and orient the screen however you desire. Now all of you proud iPad users can get back to worrying about things like protecting your phalanges and Flavor Flav wannabes.

  • iPad Camera Kit ships with USB headset and keyboard support

    Sean Hollister
    Sean Hollister

    Reports are coming in that the iPad Camera Connection Kit has finally shown up on a couple buyer doorsteps, and that the pair of white dongles may actually have been worth the wait. While one is a simple SD card adapter that adds one-touch image and video import (including RAW, complete with EXIF data) to the iPad, the second provides a USB port with some exciting new functionality. TUAW reports one reader could type on an iPad via USB keyboard, and those rumors about USB audio were true, too: TidBITS was actually able to make a Skype call after connecting a USB headset. Before you get too excited, however, please note that the USB and SD image transfers are one-way, and not all peripherals are supported -- for instance, TidBITS' iPad sneezed at an external hard drive. Also, according to the Apple Store, Camera Connection Kit shipments are still two to three weeks out, so don't be surprised if it still takes some time to get yours. For now you can make do with the video after the break.

  • iPad Chain makes Flavor Flav obsolete

    Aaron Souppouris
    Aaron Souppouris

    Look. You can either wear your iPad, or you can wear your iPad -- like this stylish trailblazer spotted at the Lennox Mall in Atlanta this week. Of course, we've been wearing ours like this since day one, but it's always nice to see a trend catch on. Let's just hope no one tries to steal this guy's iPad. We all know how that can end. [Thanks, Nique]

  • Thieves snag iPad from buyer, yank a finger off while they're at it

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    We'll be honest with you -- it literally pains us to write this. If you're the queasy type, we'd probably suggest scrolling on down and continuing about your day. For the hardcore still with us, the story goes a little something like this: a Denver-area man headed out to his local Apple store to pick up an iPad for a colleague (read: not even for himself), and in an interview, he admits to not even really understanding the fascination with Apple's new product. After doing his good deed and plopping down the plastic, he casually curled the strings atop the Apple bag around his hand as he headed for the exits. Unfortunately, a pair of thugs met him along the way, yanking the bag, the iPad and all of the flesh surrounding his pinky finger as they bolted for a getaway. Currently, police are investigating surveillance footage in hopes of tracking down the crooks who pulled off the stunt... and, uh, a bit more than they likely bargained for. Video after the break if you've still got the stomach. [Thanks, Chris]

  • Apple names April 30th, 5PM as date and time for 3G iPad retail launch

    Vlad Savov
    Vlad Savov

    There was a bit of confusion with Apple's online store update yesterday as to when the 3G version of its iPad will actually make its retail debut. Let that fog of ignorance be no more, as Cupertino has today named April 30th, a Friday, as the day the WiFi + 3G slate will arrive in stores. In American stores, that is, don't get all excited if you live outside the 50 states. That's also the date when early (read: before yesterday) pre-orders will be fulfilled. Deliveries for those were promised for "late April," though clearly this date has more of the late and less of the April to it.

  • iPad 3G orders being processed?

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    We've had a number of reports come in that various people's bank accounts were giving simultaneous good and bad news. First the latter: a pending charge upwards of $888 for an order you probably placed a month ago and forgot about -- hope tax day didn't wipe you out too much. The good news, should you brave that sudden financial burden, is that it emanates from Apple Computers and seems to indicate that the gang in Cupertino is, as indicated in an earlier email, on track to start delivering iPad 3Gs in late April. Got an outstanding reservation? Better check with your online money handler... [Thanks Justin and everyone else who sent this in!]

  • Keepin' it real fake: iPad QWERTY slider edition

    Donald Melanson
    Donald Melanson

    We're not about to cover every iPad knockoff that emerges from parts unknown, but this particular device packs just enough KIRF innovation to get us to take notice. The biggest selling point, so to speak, is the tablet's sliding QWERTY keypad, which packs some MacBook-esque keys and a ThinkPad-style pointing stick. As if that wasn't enough, you'll also apparently get WIndows 7 for an OS, along with a 10-inch display of unspecified resolution, and an Atom N450 processor at the heart of rig. No indication of a price -- or even a name, for that matter -- but you can at least check out another shot of it in its closed state at the source link below.

  • iPad 3G coming by May 7th

    Vlad Savov
    Vlad Savov

    Apple has just updated its online store with a shipping date for the 3G-equipped variants of its iPad. As you can see, all varieties of the hallowed Apple tablet should be out and about by May 7th -- meaning that some deliveries could sneak out even earlier -- and you can expect AT&T will be ready and waiting for you to activate that $30 a month unlimited data plan. Just for the European record, that means the iPad will be out in full force for American consumers three days ahead of the announcement of specific international availability. Ah well, at least that gives the UK and others hope that they might see the 3G and WiFi-only slates coming out at the same time, which should be somewhere around the end of May. [Thanks to everyone who sent this in] Update: We've heard from numerous tipsters that 3G iPads pre-ordered before today are still on track for a somewhat woolly "late April" delivery. It seems, therefore, that the new date relates to pre-orders being taken from here on out. Here's the direct quote from Apple's email: "To Our Valued Apple Customer: Thank you for your recent order of the magical and revolutionary iPad 3G. We would like to confirm that your order will be shipped in late April as communicated at the time you placed your order. You will receive a confirmation notice when your order has shipped."

  • iPad taken apart then re-assembled in under four minutes, Harryhausen-style (video)

    Tim Stevens
    Tim Stevens

    We hope you're not sick of seeing the iPad's inner bits, what with the iFixit disassembly, gratuitous Blendtec promo, and even the FCC having some fun. Now TechRestore is getting in on it -- a bit tardily -- by giving the iPad the same stop-motion tear-down treatment that it lovingly applied for a Modbook last year. Not only does the company rip this magical tablet down to its constituent parts but it puts it all back together again and, while there is neither a kraken released nor Medusa slain, the video does feature some rather fanciful sound effects for you to enjoy, and it's all after the break.

  • Sprint's iPad '4G case' features an Overdrive pocket, oodles of irony

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    Listen Sprint, we get it, you want the whole US drooling over an iDevice hitting the internet at 4G speeds. First you extolled the virtues of WiMAX in an ad featuring the iPhone, and now you're going so far as to give away a special "4G" iPad case for free with the purchase of an Overdrive from Best Buy -- and yes, to be sure, the tote features a special pouch for your new mobile hotspot. No word yet on if placing a 3G iPad in the case creates some singularity from which no nearby object can escape (or get reception, for that matter). Update: Don't take the playful tone personally, we actually love the concept. More so, we just think Sprint is being funny here. We'll have some detailed test results of our time with Overdrive / iPad soon! [Thanks, John]

  • Apple looking to hire camera expert, iPad Camera Kit to support USB audio?

    Donald Melanson
    Donald Melanson

    We know it's been hard to deal with the comparative lack of iPad rumors now that the thing has actually be released (in some places, at least), but we've got a bit of a treat today: not one but two camera-related iPad rumors. The first comes courtesy of an Apple job posting for a Performance QA Engineer for iPad media who, among other things, must rely on their "knowledge of digital camera technology (still and video) to develop and maintain testing frameworks for both capture and playback pipelines." While anything to result from that may have to wait until iPad 2.0, Apple software engineering manager William Stewart has dropped another interesting detail on an Apple mailing list concerning the soon-to-be-available Camera Connection Kit. Apparently, in addition to accommodating your digital camera, the USB adapter will also support class-compliant USB audio devices -- although that is yet to be confirmed by Apple itself. Of course, you'll also need some apps to take advantage of that, but Stewart seems to also imply the necessary functionality is at least already built into the OS, which would seem to make apps only a matter of time. We'll let you take the speculation from there.

  • Keepin' it real fake: Moonse iPad knockoff loses a few inches, runs Android

    Donald Melanson
    Donald Melanson

    This is far from the first iPad knockoff to emerge from KIRF-land, but Moonse's new E-7001 tablet may just be the first to garner some serious interest -- if it ever actually turns up for sale, that is. Supposedly, the tablet will sell for as little as 900 Chinese yuan (or about $130), which will get you a 7-inch touchscreen, a 600MHz Rockchip RK2808 processor (which could possibly be upgraded to a Cortex-A8 before launch), Android 1.5 for an OS, an SD card slot for storage, built-in WiFi, and a promised five hours of battery life. What's more, while it is slightly thicker than an iPad, it apparently weighs just 0.7 pounds, or about half as much as the iPad, and it boasts a few advantages of its own, in a front-facing camera and a USB port. As you may have guessed, there's not even a hint on availability, but it does seem to at least exist in prototype form, and there's plenty more shots of it at the source link below.

  • iPad will have 'dedicated tariffs' on O2 UK, Orange and Vodafone also doing Western Europe and Australia

    Vlad Savov
    Vlad Savov

    A bevy of identically worded UK carrier announcements has emerged in the wake of Apple's statement about the iPad's delayed international release. The good news is that you'll be able to take your pick from O2, Orange or Vodafone, though the bad news, by the sound of their robotic PR, is that there probably won't be too much price differentiation in their eventual offerings. Naturally, we'll have to keep waiting until at least the May 10th pre-order date to find out how much an iPad will set us back with either of them. Concurrent with its UK announcement, Orange has revealed it'll also offer iPad plans in Switzerland, France and Spain, while Vodafone adds Germany, Italy, Spain and Australia. We've also heard from an insider at O2 that the network operator will not itself stock the iPad, with only Apple's retail, web and "authorised dealers" offering the device for purchase. [Thanks, Rob and anonymous O2 tipster]

  • ABC reveals iPad app statistics, says it's 'pleased' with results

    Donald Melanson
    Donald Melanson

    There's no question that ABC's free iPad app was one of the highest-profile apps to launch with the device, and ABC has now finally revealed some hard numbers to give an indication of just how successful it has been. According to The Wall Street Journal, ABC says the app has been downloaded 205,000 times in the ten days following the iPad's debut, and that is has been used to watch at least part of 605,000 TV shows. Perhaps the best news for ABC, however, is that the app has served up "several million" ad impressions, although the exact number is apparently still being calculated, with ABC only adding that it is "pleased with the results." Also, the most popular single show watched with the app? Why the episode of Modern Family where Phil Dumnphy gets an iPad, of course.

  • iPad international launch delayed until the end of May

    Vlad Savov
    Vlad Savov

    Uh oh. Looks like all that US popularity has taken Apple by surprise and the European arrival for the iPad will be shifted back from the earlier promised "late April" to the end of May. Citing more than 500,000 tablets sold in the first week of American availability, the Cupertino brain trust urges its international audience to look forward to May 10, which is when availability and pricing for the rest of the world will be specified. Update: Rogers has come forward and confessed that it'll be offering the 3G iPad "from the end of May in Canada," though it's keeping monthly price points close to the chest for now.

  • Apple iPad vs. Dell Mini 5 / Streak... fight! (Bonus: smartphone pile-on!)

    Richard Lai
    Richard Lai

    Occasionally we've had strangers -- very likely non-Engadget readers -- coming up to us and ask, "Sorry mate, but is that the iPad?" To which we reply, "No, it's the Dell Mini 5." This may sound like a silly boo-boo to make, but there is this common misconception of the iPad being just "a bigger iPhone" while not knowing how much bigger it is (despite our best effort). To clear this up once and for all, we've brought the two devices in question together -- the Mini 5 / Streak smartphone on the left, and the iPad on the right. Now it's up to you guys to spread the love. As a bonus, we also threw in various phones -- HTC HD mini, Nexus One, Sony Ericsson Xperia X10, and HTC HD2 -- to pile on top of Apple's latest toy, just to kill the Sunday afternoon. No magical and revolutionary devices were harmed in the making of this article. [Thanks for the toys, Chris and Andy]%Gallery-90236%

  • iPad gets ColorWare'd, your retinas and savings may never recover (video)

    Tim Stevens
    Tim Stevens

    You thought $500 to start for a silly tablet was bad? How about another $410 to get the thing in some other color than raw aluminum? Yes indeed, ColorWare is at it again, this time dunking the back of iPads into giant vats of Technicolor dreams -- or nightmares, depending on what combination of hues you choose. You can make your own design, with separate colors for the back, logo, and home button, but there's no escaping that $410 service charge -- or you can pay $910 for a new, painted 16GB model. The 64GB model is a whopping $1110, but the inspirational promo video after the break is entirely free.

  • iPad LapDock asks why you'd ever need a laptop, we can think of a few answers (video)

    Vlad Savov
    Vlad Savov

    Don't act like you haven't thought about it, every slate device is just begging for the perfect keyboard accessory that can also function as a hard case. Some industrious souls have gotten on the case of building just such a contraption for the iPad, titled it the LapDock, and given it no lesser a goal than to completely obviate the need for laptops. Shh, no need to ruin their halcyonic existence with talk of the added connectivity, functionality, and versatility of laptops, just let it slide. As to the current state of affairs, well, the LapDock looks like a nicely carved wooden case with room for your iPad and Apple Bluetooth keyboard and that's about it. Not the highest of high-tech implementations, but it's still at the, ahem, prototype stage. Go after the break to see if it catches your fancy.

  • iPhone OS 4 not coming to the iPad until the fall

    Vlad Savov
    Vlad Savov

    All that great stuff we just heard about iPhone OS 4: multitasking, tentpoles, app folders, Game Center, iAd -- okay, maybe you weren't all that excited about iAd -- seemed destined to hit the iPad this summer. Surely, right? Instead, rather than finishing with his usual "one more thing" flourish today, Steve Jobs just left a stunned audience with the terse statement that Apple will be "bringing OS 4 to the iPad this fall." That's like... a whole different season from the new operating system's release. Why Steve, why?

  • Live from Apple's iPhone OS 4 event!

    Joshua Topolsky
    Joshua Topolsky

    We're on the ground outside of Apple's iPhone OS 4 event, awaiting the doorbuster stampede we hope to be a part of soon. Keep it tuned here, and check back at the times below for the official start! 07:00AM - Hawaii 10:00AM - Pacific 11:00AM - Mountain 12:00PM - Central 01:00PM - Eastern 06:00PM - London 07:00PM - Paris 09:00PM - Moscow