

  • Belkin dishes out SOHO KVM at CES

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Continuing on with its invigorating list of CES releases, Belkin is cranking out its SOHO KVM, which unsurprisingly enables users to "share one monitor, keyboard and mouse between two or more computers." Nothing here we haven't seen before, but it does include a handy USB port on the front for connecting up your iPod (Belkin's suggestion, not ours) while switching between computers. The unit itself is available in VGA or DVI / PS/2 or USB flavors and ranges from $159 to $269.

  • Belkin delivers new Desktop Internet Phone for Skype

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Another day, another Skype phone. Belkin's doing its best to not stand out here at CES with the Desktop Internet Phone for Skype -- a $99.99, um, internet phone for Skype. Among the absolutely dazzling array of features is the ability to take / receive calls without having to turn on your computer, automatic Skype login and the ability to plug directly into one's router for immediate use. Unfortunately, it seems Belkin's site isn't exactly in the mood to divulge an image of this thing, but judging by the sound of it, you're not missing much.

  • Belkin's RockStar channels jams to five others

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Sure, we've seen star-shaped hubs before, and headphone splitters are a dime a dozen, but Belkin is out to make sure your entire posse can get a listen to your favorite tune whenever they please. The six-port RockStar audio hub touts a single input-only socket alongside five other ports that can be toggled between input and output, essentially allowing certain DAPs to funnel different songs to different individuals. Of course, we can't really understand why you'd need to be all up in each others' grilles while taking a listen, but we suppose the kids these days have their reasons. Expect it to land this March for around $20.

  • Belkin's FlyWire Wireless HD solution ready for CES

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    As the war between wireless HD solutions heats up, AMIMON is looking to make a splash by partnering up with Belkin. Reportedly, the firm's Wireless High-definition Interface (WHDI) -- which was just recently HDCP certified -- will be the heart of the Belkin FlyWire aimed at streaming HD DVD / Blu-ray (among other uncompressed content) to television sets sans wires. Unfortunately, little more is known beyond that (aside from the price range, set at $499 to $599), but here's to hoping that we'll get a closer look in just a few days.

  • Belkin and Kodak trot out cameraphone-friendly Bluetooth adapter

    Donald Melanson
    Donald Melanson

    While there's certainly no shortage of ways to get your photos off your cameraphone and onto your PC, Belkin and Kodak seem to think they've got a better way of doing things, with the pair now rolling out a new Bluetooth adapter / software combo that promises to make things even easier. The key to that, it seems, is Kodak's Picture Upload Technology software, which will apparently automatically pull images off your phone whenever you walk within range of the adapter. Unfortunately, it seems that only XP or Vista users will be able to take advantage of the software, but if that's not a deal-breaker for you, you should be able to get your hands on the bundle now for $50.

  • Belkin ships a low-cost 2-port HDMI switch

    Nilay Patel
    Nilay Patel

    There are quite a few HDMI switches out there for the input-challenged, but this latest box from Belkin is by far the least-expensive we've seen at $49.99 list -- which means street prices might be even lower. Nothing too special apart from that: 1080p compatibility, HDMI powered, IR remote for switching, and Belkin's classy-but-anonymous case design. Shipping now in the US and Canada, March 2008 in Europe, Asia, and Australia.

  • Massively's Massive Giveaways Day 3: Old skool

    Barb Dybwad
    Barb Dybwad

    O hai, have you come back for free stuff? We've been expecting you! Today's theme is a salute to the classic MMOs of the past. How many folks here played UO back in the day (how many do still?)? Where my DAoC vets at? Even EQ is still kicking. In honor of a wide variety of titles, our prizes today are something that can help you be more ergonomic in all of them: two Belkin Nostromo N52 SpeedPads. Want to win one? Leave a comment in this thread by 10am EST Monday morning November 5. You need to be 18 and live in the US to enter (official rules!). We'll choose one random winner from the comments of this post, and tune in later today for another chance to win an N52 gamepad!

  • Microsoft talks third-party Zune accessories

    Nilay Patel
    Nilay Patel

    You can't run around launching fancy new music players these days without a secondary offensive of cases and car chargers following close behind, and Microsoft's new Zunes have a veritable cavalry behind them. In addition to the official accessories we've already heard about from J Allard and crew, the company's lined up a number of third-party manufacturers to crank out 60 different Zune-friendly products, including Polk, Belkin, DLO, Monster, Altec Lansing, Targus, iHome, Memorex and Griffin. Microsoft's new pals will be releasing everything from speaker docks to RCA cables, so it looks like you'll be able to build a happy little home for that new Zune of yours when it launches next month.

  • Belkin intros n52te SpeedPad gaming keyboard

    Donald Melanson
    Donald Melanson

    Belkin certainly took its time producing a successor to its Nostromo n52 gaming keyboard, but it looks like the company has now finally gotten its ergonomic act together, with it today showing off its new and slightly improved n52te SpeedPad for all to see. Designed to be equally adept at FPS, MMORPG, and RTS games, the SpeedPad boasts 15 fully programmable keys that are "built for speed," along with a programmable 8-way thumb pad and a removable joystick. Also new this time around is some nifty blue backlighting on the keypad and scroll wheel, as well as some software courtesy of the gaming-minded folks at Razer. Look for it to set you back $70 when it launches in November, although 50 gamers will get a chance to take home one for free as part of Belkin's "Proud to PWN" contest, which requires gamers to submit a video of themselves that "showcases their dominance in multiplayer, online PC games."

  • Belkin starts shipping the Network USB Hub

    Nilay Patel
    Nilay Patel

    It was supposed to ship in June, but it looks like Belkin is finally shipping the Network USB Hub this week. The five-port USB hub "simulates a direct USB connection" that allows you to use all your USB devices over the network -- and special caching software even lets you use USB 2.0 devices at full speed. Looks like Windows users can nab one of these now for $129 -- Mac users are still waiting on driver support.[Via PC World]

  • Engadget at Belkin's July media get-together

    Paul Miller
    Paul Miller

    While not as well stocked as Samsung's event today -- or as cleverly named -- Belkin hit NY today to show off its 2007 product lineup. We're loving us that Wireless USB, and the N1 Vision is just the right amount of over-the-top, but you aren't getting any of those frumpy cases in between us and our scratch-free iPhone just yet.%Gallery-4751%

  • Belkin N1 Vision router displays speed and bandwidth

    Joshua Topolsky
    Joshua Topolsky

    Belkin is finally adding some action to the wireless router game with its newest entry, the N1 Vision. Instead of the uninformative and confusing blinking lights which adorn most routers, the N1 has a full monochrome LCD display which tracks your upstream / downstream speeds, logs your bandwidth, displays date, time and network access key info, and also shows you what devices are connected and how much bandwidth each one is eating up. Clearly an ideal solution for those of you requiring cold, hard facts with which to confront roommates about their rampant "film" downloading. In addition to all the displayed data, the N1 sports 802.11n, gigabit ports, a link rate of 300Mbps, a range of up 1,600 ft., and a hefty $199.99 price tag. Check some more pics after the break.

  • Belkin announces 4-port Wireless USB Hub

    Donald Melanson
    Donald Melanson

    Those not satisfied by Belkin's latest attempt at clutter-reducing USB hubs may want to consider stepping up to the company's new 4-port Wireless USB Hub, which'll let you ditch the cables all together and spread your peripherals to places they've never been before. According to Belkin, the hub will give you about a 30 foot range and transfer speeds up to 480Mbps, with full compatibility promised for any "Certified Wireless USB" devices. Nothing too remarkable there, but the price is certainly a bit more welcoming than some other hubs we've seen, coming in at an even $200, which includes the hub and a wireless USB adapter. Look for it to roll out late next month.

  • Belkin takes USB hubs to the next level

    Joshua Topolsky
    Joshua Topolsky

    Belkin has introduced three new clutter-destroying, space-saving hubs that will have you straightened up and back in business in no time. First there's the Swivel Hub ($29.99), which allows you to swing its four USB ports in any direction you'd like instead of having to use totally bendable cables to determine the angle of hub entry. Next up is the Clip-On ($29.99), a two port hub which opens up your workflow by clipping to the side of a desk and wrangling your loose cables -- unless your desk is thicker than 1.25 inches, which would make this product worthless. Finally, Belkin wants you to get acquainted with the Hub-To-Go ($49.99), a base of three ports which has a travel adapter containing four more that you can "take on the go", although you'll probably have to cancel your vacation plans since you just spent $50 on a USB hub.

  • Belkin's iPhone accessory salmagundi now shipping

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    What better way to cap off a recent $600 or so purchase than to spend even more money accessorizing it? The myriad of Belkin wares we spoke of a short time ago has hit the market just in time to grab your attention (and dough), and users itching to wrap their precious toy up in a clear acrylic case ($29.99), armband ($29.99), or slim-fit holster ($29.99) can now pick up any of the three. Additionally, a number of 3.5-millimeter stereo cables and headphone adapters are also available, but they aren't likely to perform any differently than the bargain variety already out there. Check 'em all out below in glorious high-resolution.[Via I4U; thanks Doom!]%Gallery-4492%

  • Hands-on with Belkin's iPhone Headphone Adapter

    Chris Ziegler
    Chris Ziegler

    First, a disclaimer: this is a peripheral no one wants, but many will need. The Belkin Headphone Adapter for the iPhone simply allows you to do what you should be able to do without any adapter whatsoever -- plug in a plain ol' set of headphones. This was a pretty clear-cut play on Apple's part to give itself and official accessory manufacturers some license to further scar our already irreparably damaged wallets, and frankly, we're bitter that we had to buy it for a stiff $9.95. But yeah, whatever, let's get on to the good stuff.

  • Belkin's washable mouse and Mouse Trap

    Joshua Topolsky
    Joshua Topolsky

    In the fight against dirty mice, one can never be too vigilant -- as anyone who has ever spent time carefully cleaning and drying their beloved input device will tell you -- but now there is an easier way. Like the IOGEAR anti-germ mouse we told you about, Belkin is getting into the cleanliness game with its washable mouse, a water-resistant, USB device that you can unplug and wash in your sink (or anywhere else you've got water), which should come as welcome relief to neat freaks everywhere. Of course, once you've got that thing cleaned up, you'll need something to carry it around in, so Belkin made the Mouse Trap, a mouse pad which zips up, allowing you to take your squeaky-clean peripherals on business trips. The washable mouse hits the streets in August, while the Mouse Trap is available now.Read -- Belkin washable mouseRead -- Belkin Mouse Trap

  • Bevy of upcoming iPhone accessories revealed

    Chris Ziegler
    Chris Ziegler

    iPhone owners might be putting their treasured handsets into accessory detectin' mode right out of the gate thanks to a plethora of accessories outed in iLounge's iPod accessory guide, which at well over one hundred pages is pretty much the be-all, end-all bible of iPod add-ons. As we might expect this early in the game, the goodies are strictly standard fare -- cases, FM transmitters, and the like -- though Belkin's Acrylic Case (pictured) looks like a winner thanks to its ability to support the iPhone on it side for more relaxed widescreen video viewing. Another gem is Crystal Film, which'll cover the entire front of the device with a thin, transparent static cling layer; good idea from a protection standpoint, but we can't help but wonder how that's gonna affect the feel of the screen.

  • Belkin Network USB Hub gets official

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Right on cue, Belkin has coughed up the official details surrounding the Network USB Hub that we saw last month. As expected, this five-port USB hub will "work with your existing WiFi router to give you wireless access to printers, media readers, and external hard drives by simulating a direct USB connection that makes your computer think that the devices on the network are directly attached to the computer." Moreover, we now know that "special caching techniques" will enable high-speed USB devices to be supported along with isochronous transfers at full speed. The F5L009 is still on track for a June release here in the US, with launches in Asia, Europe, and, Australia to "follow soon," and while Windows users won't have any qualms trying to best the purported "three minute setup time" that this thing promises, OS X users will be pouting 'til September waiting for drivers. Click on through for one last shot.

  • Belkin's 802.11n Network USB Hub provides wireless access to accessories

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Belkin's well-versed in both the 802.11n and wireless hub arena, so it's about time the firm's engineers put one and one together and cranked out a Network USB Hub. The all black device looks awfully similar to another newfangled 802.11n device floating around, but does manage to take its WiFi abilities to another level by adding in five USB 2.0 ports (two in the front, a trio in the back) so consumers can attach their DAPs, PMPs, iPods, printers, heating devices external storage, and whatever else they feel like accessing remotely. Essentially, the Linux-based device will purportedly allow users to access the connected peripherals sans wires thanks to a software suite that will come bundled in, and for those wondering about a release date, a Windows-compatible version should hit US shelves around June for $130, while UK / OS X users must wait a few extra months to get in on the fun.