

  • Editorial: Betting on BlackBerry (or hoping)

    Carrying a BlackBerry Storm requires a certain capacity to face scorn with pride. You have to have a thick skin for pity, too. Also condescension. And incredulity. BlackBerry's reputation is in the gutter, but that's better than being down the sewer, which it was before RIM started showing prototypes of the BlackBerry 10. On the strength of an undeniably cool interface, the BlackBerry brand has clambered back up to ground level, where it sits in delayed-launch limbo. RIM is smartly spending the extra time exposing BB10 prototypes to the smartphone-using audience (and, crucially, app developers). It is not only to escape scorn, pity, condescension and incredulity that I place an emotional bet on BlackBerry 10. More objectively, there appears to be clear and careful thought to identifying how current models fall short in today's smartphone landscape (admittedly obvious), assessing weaknesses in Android/iOS experiences, and targeting an imaginative feature set to both loyal and disenfranchised users. It starts with a newly holistic approach to the mobile work-life balance. And there is that amazing camera thing.

    Brad Hill
  • Verizon FiOS will stream live TV, VOD plus your own stuff to TVs, iPads & mobile devices soon (video)

    Despite whatever other tablets Verizon may have on the way, it showed off a new trick for FiOS TV at a press conference today by streaming live TV and video on-demand to the iPad. NewTeeVee grabbed the above picture of the app, which Chief Information Officer Shaygha Kheradpir says brings the same software from its set-top boxes to the iPad and other screens. That hasn't stopped potential licensing issues with offering video on off-TV devices, but Reuters reports the company doesn't expect to pay any additional fees to programmers, probably because the app will only work from subscriber's homes. While live TV streaming is a big draw, it also showed off a video on-demand app called FlexView due later this year for Verizon's new Android phones, the Blackberry Storm and Windows Mobile 6.5 (other platforms due later on, it will work on other mobile networks as well) that would let videos purchased/rented via the cable box or website be downloaded onto up to five different devices, while its Media Manager service will be refreshed with an update that lets users upload video to 70GB of cloud storage and then stream it to their PCs, TVs or mobiles. Reports indicate live TV streaming should be available early next year, we'll see if FiOS beats Cablevision to the punch. Update: ZatzNotFunny pointed out a video of the demo posted by Steve Donohue on YouTube, check it out after the break.

    Richard Lawler
  • BlackBerry Storm 3 detailed in training slide: same look, more RAM?

    For those of you hoping that RIM could pull off a handset capable of challenging the incredibly slim and futuristic tree-borne Android handsets in the touchphone hardware arena, you'll have to dream past the Storm 3. From the looks of it, we'll be getting a fairly minor "refresh" of the Storm 2, according to our tipster, with upgrades more designed to accommodate BlackBerry 6 than anything. As seen on the slide, the phone will double the Storm 2's RAM with 512MB, the camera will be bumped up to 5 megapixels, and the WiFi is being shifted to 802.11n -- a spec RIM is already rocking on the Pearl 3G, so not unprecedented. Outside of BlackBerry 6 and that (supposedly) blazing new WebKit browser, we're probably most enthused about the "coming soon" 3G mobile hotspot functionality, something that's made our Android handsets invaluable as of late. We were already hearing the Storm 3 and Curve 3 (another refresh, says our tipster) were holiday possibles for Verizon, and the bottom of this slide points to an "___ember" month.

    Paul Miller
  • Screen Grabs: Blackberry Storm saves the world in new Doctor Who

    Screen Grabs chronicles the uses (and misuses) of real-world gadgets in today's movies and TV. Send in your sightings (with screen grab!) to screengrabs at engadget dt com. While the US was busy delivering a certain tablet product yesterday, British sci-fi fans sat comfortably at home for a brand new Doctor Who series. We won't go into too much detail here, but the eleventh Doctor -- played by the charming Matt Smith -- was spotted writing a computer virus and sending pictures on a BBC-debranded Blackberry Storm, minutes before the aliens were to incinerate Planet Earth. Perhaps the freshly-regenerated Time Lord's a fan of the virtual keyboard? As a bonus, the Doctor also borrowed a disguised 15-inch Acer Aspire laptop for some virtual face time with chief brainiacs around the world, and then promptly reminded the owner to "delete your internet history" in reference to, well, something more disturbing that he found on the computer. And who are we to question the orders of a time traveler? Update: Turns out the new Lead Writer Steven Moffat learned of his job offer on a Blackberry back in June 2008. Too bad the Storm wasn't due out for another five months, but a quick trip through the time vortex could turn this into an amusing coincidence.%Gallery-89694%

    Richard Lai
  • Skype mobile heading to Verizon smartphones on March 25th

    We knew it was coming, and now we have a concrete date. Starting this Thursday, March 25th, Verizon Wireless customers with one of nine select smartphones (Motorola Droid and Devour, HTC Droid Eris, various BlackBerrys) and data plan will be able to use Skype over the 3G network. As we heard before, Skype-to-Skype calls will not affect your VZW minutes, and now you've got the option to use the app for cheaper international dialing using the mobile app. Full list of compatible devices after the break, a list we're hoping gets expanded in the not-so-distant future.

    Ross Miller
  • First Storm 2 ad huffs and puffs for attention (video)

    Given the timing of Storm 2's launch and the Motorola DROID's unveiling, you'd think Verizon had all but abandoned its touchscreen BlackBerry. But lo and behold, we do have a new television spot. "Who says lightning never strikes twice" -- who said it ever struck the first time? Video after the break. [Via Gear Diary]

    Ross Miller
  • BlackBerry Storm update landing tomorrow, bringing lots of good stuff (update: now with changelog!)

    Hey, you -- yeah you, the BlackBerry Storm owner over there. You listening? Good. That mythical software update we heard about just last week is obviously the real deal, and a screen grab from Verizon's internal systems has shown up to prove it. We're told that it should go live tomorrow (that's October 25th for those in strange, potentially illegitimate time zones) at 6PM. On the whole, it'll make your Storm act a lot more like the forthcoming Storm2, but specifically you can expect a "faster, more accurate and more natural text input experience, word completion, a virtual QWERTY keyboard in portrait view and enhanced sensitivity when editing, copying and pasting." You'll also get the ability to "enable Auto Correction as opposed to Word Completion in landscape view." The full changelog should be coming soon, so hang tight! Oh, and cancel those plans for tomorrow night, okay? [Thanks, Anonymous] Update: Check out the full (purported) changelog after the break!

    Darren Murph
  • Original BlackBerry Storm to get flick scrolling, better browsing through firmware update?

    Despite Verizon's best efforts to ignore the obvious, RIM's BlackBerry Storm2 is not only official, it's (un)officially destined for Big Red's airwaves. If you're one of those slightly disgruntled Storm 9530 owners, however, you could be looking at a rather nice firmware update coming your way in the near future. According to phoneArena, the Storm and Storm2 will eventually be "practically identical" in terms of software, with a forthcoming update to add flick scrolling, tabbed browsing and threaded texting to the original. Of course, we should probably wait for VZW to confirm the existence of the Storm2 before expecting any formal word on this, but feel free to go about your day with cautious optimism.

    Darren Murph
  • Motorola Sholes to launch by holidays, along with the BlackBerry Storm 2 and Nokia Booklet 3G

    Well well, it looks like the Android-powered Motorola Sholes will be out on Verizon by the holidays. That's at least the impression we're getting from a bunch of leaked Verizon retailer documents posted up by Boy Genius Report, which also indicate the BlackBerry Storm 2, Curve 2 and LG Chocolate Touch will hit Big Red in time for eggnog, along with an unspecified netbook -- we're guessing this Gateway number. Speaking of netbooks, a similar document from Best Buy Mobile also leaked over the weekend, and it looks like the Nokia Booklet 3G will be exclusive to Best Buy and compatible with AT&T 3G. Oh, and the Pixi is coming, but you already knew that. Here's the real mystery, though: "There are multiple Android launches across multiple carriers, along with some new technology that doesn't exist today." That's certainly open for interpretation, so we leave it to you -- is Best Buy Mobile about to start selling teleporters, or what? Read - Sam's Club and Target Verizon docs Read - Best Buy Mobile docs

    Nilay Patel
  • BlackBerry Storm 2 -- and its piezoelectric soul -- dissected at last

    The leaked photo of the Storm 2's internal board got our juices flowing -- and our curiosity piqued -- but this latest set of photos really takes it up a notch. In addition to showing the rest of the device inside and out, we've got a handful of new pictures showing off that piezoelectronic technology doing its thing. Basically, as we understand it, those four "buttons" which are pictured are more like sensors than buttons. When the device is on, they communicate with the screen, and when it registers enough pressure, the result is the familiar "click" that Storm users know all too well. However, when the device is powered off (or in standby mode we assume), the screen stays put, as there isn't an actual mechanism to move the screen like there was in the original Storm. Of course, we won't know how to judge it until we can actually play with a real live demo unit in the flesh, but you can definitely say that RIM has us interested. At least they weren't lying about that whole 'SurePress is here to stay' thing.

    Jacob Schulman
  • V CAST Video comes to Verizon's BlackBerry Storm

    If you want to watch live hockey games played by NHL teams not owned by RIM's Jim Balsillie -- that would be all of them, by the way -- you need look no further than the warm glow of your Storm's display now that Verizon has brought its V CAST Video service to the device. Starting today, users will be able to download a dedicated VCAST Video application to their Storms, bringing a host of feature-length and live programming that makes us thank our lucky stars for high-limit data plans. Sure, it'll set you back $10 a month and kill productivity -- but isn't wasting money and time what life is really all about?

    Chris Ziegler
  • Caption Contest: Waterproof BlackBerry Storm doubles as flotation device

    Following hot on the heels of a similar outing from Samsung, it seems that RIM's finally wading into the oversized novelty smart phone market.Josh T: "Even at that size, the Storm was still difficult to type on."Tim: "HELLO? WHAT? NO I'M IN A SWIMMING POOL. YEAH, IT'S RUBBISH."Darren: "Clickable touchscreen, huh? Riiiiiight."Jacob: "I never thought the Storm could've been such a lifesaver."Laura: "I'm not sure this is what people meant when they said RIM should try to make a BlackBerry that appeals to younger people."Joe: "Looks like it's time to try out that 'rice bowl' trick."Ross: "It's pretty rude of him to sit on those text messages all day." Don: "Gotta watch out for those deep end roaming charges."Nilay: "A U2 backstage pass is not what it used to be."Chris: "Analysts say that the Storm's price is inflated and RIM's touchscreen support is still in its infancy."

  • BlackBerry Storm 2 demoed on video, SurePress "click" and all

    Either the gang at Crackberry have a very good special effects department (which we doubt), or we're looking at the first footage of a working BlackBerry 9550, a.k.a. Storm 2. As noted in the video, the hardware and software is "very early stage," but that said, there's something mighty interesting going on here with the SurePress click. Turned off, the screen has no give whatsoever, but when the phone's powered up, the mysterious click returns. We talked with CB, who confirms that the whole display does in fact move in and out just a bit, although much less than its predecessor, and that sound you hear is a physical click -- guess SurePress really is here to stay, after all. The takeaway here is that it's definitely a step in the right direction and perhaps what RIM should've released from the get-go. More impressions via the read link, and check out the video for yourself after the break.

    Ross Miller
  • Verizon drops BlackBerry Storm price to $99.99 on contract

    With all signs (and by "all," we mean "all") pointing to a new Storm joining Verizon Wireless' lineup in the not-too-distant future, it's just about the perfect time to start discounting the current model in hopes of working that inventory down before the inevitable launch of numero dos. Starting today, VZW customers can snap up the SurePress-equipped Storm 9530 for $99.99 on contract, which is a full Benjamin less than it has been since debuting last November. If you're looking for a word of advice on the situation, here's ours: hold out for the next revision -- you'll thank us later.[Thanks, Cara]

    Darren Murph
  • BlackBerry Storm 2 spec'd, 3G-equipped original en route to AT&T?

    You haven't forgotten about that BlackBerry Storm 2, have you? The Boy Genius Report is claiming it's gotten device specs for RIM's touchscreen-centric maven, also reportedly called the 9550, and while not surprising (and not confirmed), according to his source the CDMA device will be sporting 802.11b/g (which we already sort of knew), a 3.2 megapixel camera, 360 x 480 capacitive touchscreen, and BlackBerry OS 5.0. If that's not enough, the site's also saying a GSM version of the original, with 3G in tow, does exist as the 9520 and is possibly on track for release soon on AT&T and Rogers. All nice fodder for dreams, but we're not getting our hopes up until something more official rears its SurePress-laden head.

    Ross Miller
  • Keepin' it real fake, part CCXVII: Not even Obama can sell us on BlockBerry

    The ad reads: "Obama have BlackBerry, I have BlockBerry." BlockBerry, of course, being haff-comm's Huawei K3-based WinMo 6.1 handset. This Storm 9500 KIRF packs a 460MHZ processor, a 3.2-inch touchscreen, WiFi, Bluetooth, GPS, and supports 3G and EDGE. Some people's audacity, it seems, knows no limits.

  • Keepin' it real fake, part CCXVI: HiPhone F06-Slim is brewing up a Storm

    Oh hi, HiPhone. Not much of a surprise to see you here, again. The latest masterpiece, the HiPhone F06-Slim, is a Frankenstein amalgamation of KIRF favorite iPhone and RIM's first foray into the world of touchscreen phones, albeit with a slightly smaller, 3.2-inch display. We're also looking at a 1.3 megapixel camera, FM radio, microSD support, GPRS, Bluetooth, dual SIM card slots, and "TV phone" capabilities, which we're taking to mean a mobile receiver of some sort. Looks like it forgot the refresh button on the bottom of the device, but with any luck, it left out SurePress as well. If you hang out with the kind of friends who respect a good knockoff, the price of raising your street cred is just a penny under $190 before shipping.[Via PMP Today]

    Ross Miller
  • Verizon Wireless to carry Palm Pre, Storm 2 "in about six months"

    Think you'll have to wait until June 6th for all the Pre surprises to emerge? Think again. A breaking Reuters report has just dropped one of the biggest cellular bombshells of the year: Verizon Wireless, America's largest mobile operator, will soon be carrying Palm's Pre. Oh, that's not enough? No worries -- it'll also be selling a "new version of the touchscreen BlackBerry Storm," which is obviously the Storm 2 that we've been toying around with. The report makes clear that both phones would be cleared for shipment in around six months, which certainly jibes with whispers we've heard about Sprint's mighty short exclusivity period. The news came from the company's Lowell McAdam, the top executive for the venture of Verizon Communications and Vodafone. To quote: "Over the next six months or so you will see devices like Palm Pre and a second generation Storm." First Sprint, then AT&T, and now Verizon? T-Mobile, where you at? [Thanks, E]Update: Seems Mr. McAdam continued on by noting that VZW would get the Palm Pre "and a cousin." Hmm, Eos, anyone?

    Darren Murph
  • RIM CEO: "SurePress is here to stay"

    In a scandalous, but not entirely shocking turn of events, RIM CEO Mike Lazaridis has declared from the stage of D7 in no uncertain terms that "SurePress is here to stay." The trouble is, there's no clarification of what he means by that, since the Storm 2 we've been toying with quite obviously lacks a click-screen mechanism. Our best shot-in-the-dark guess is that RIM has developed some alternative to a physical click that may or may not duplicate the functionality adequately, while hopefully removing some of the frustration experienced by the physical click of the Storm. What is clear is that apparently whatever face-saving technology that turns out to be, Mike and co. plan on calling it SurePress.

    Paul Miller
  • BlackBerry Storm 2: the official unofficial hands-on

    We've been bumping into the new BlackBerry Storm 2 for quite a while now on the so-called "information superhighway," but we've finally had a chance to escalate those encounters and spend a few sweet moments with a live unit in the flesh. First off, let's confirm the huge news: RIM's abandoned the original Storm's SurePress click-screen and gone with a traditional fixed capacitive display for the sequel. It's over, guys. Unfortunately, the Verizon-branded dual-mode GSM / CDMA unit that we played with has a bug preventing us from getting past the license screen, so we couldn't dive deep into the OS, but we can tell you what we do know: the Storm 2's sleeker style and more heft combined with the newly-stable screen collaborate to make everything feel a wee bit higher end than the original. Follow the break for more impressions!Update: On the advice of our legal team, we've had to pull the images and videos originally seen in this post. Sorry, everyone!

    Sean Cooper