

  • HTC Thunderbolt issues abound, but a fix is on the way

    As if the one-call-wonder's battery life wasn't enough, the update pushed out to HTC Thunderbolt owners a couple weeks back has some devices randomly rebooting. Verizon and HTC have said they're working on the issue, but that's of little comfort to customers whose phones are spontaneously restarting several times a day. If you were hoping to solve the issue by installing the leaked version of Gingerbread, we've got bad news -- there have been a number of reports at the XDA Developers Forums that the Sensed-up version of Android 2.3 is bricking phones and sending them into an endless bootloop. But don't despair, a fix could be arriving soon. A source at Verizon told Droid Life that Thunderbolt-owning employees "may be entitled" to a software update before it gets rolled out to the general public -- presumably a final test run for that reboot repressing patch. If you're too impatient to wait for yet another firmware update, you can apparently stroll down to your local VZW store and simply trade in your troublesome T-Bolt for a new one. Just make sure it's running the older software before you take it home.

  • Climbing robot can scale walls on a supersonic stream of air, won't leave fingerprints behind

    There are plenty of wall climbing robots roaming the Earth, but few can scale heights as gracefully as this little guy can. Developed by researchers at the University of Canterbury in New Zealand, this bot can wind its way across any glass, metal or cloth terrain, without even touching its pods to the surface. The secret lies in Bernoulli's Principle, which states that as the speed of a fluid increases, its pressure decreases. This phenomenon also applies to streams of air, which, when moving at high speeds around of a circular gripper, can create a vacuum strong enough to hold things without actually touching them. In this case, air shoots out of the robot's feet at more than 2,000 miles per hour, creating enough pressure to lift the craft, while holding it close to the wall. The technology isn't new, but rarely can it support the weight of an entire device -- let alone the extra cargo that this climber's non-contact adhesive pads can hold. Researchers say the supersonic grippers will be available in "some months" and will probably cost "a few hundred dollars." As for the bot itself, Canterbury's engineers envision it being used for industrial inspections -- though the more we think about it, the more we realize just how dirty our windows are. Video after the break.

    Amar Toor
  • LikeLight lights up your likes with Legos, Arduino (video)

    How long has it been since someone lit up your life? Since someone gave you hope, to carry on? As it turns out all you need for that is a box of Lego, an Arduino board, and a bit of your time. Ad agency Redpepper has successfully proven its abilities to generate buzz by creating this "LikeLight," an up-scaled version of the blue pixelated thumb that makes Facebook denizens get all in a tizzy. This bigger version is almost guaranteed to generate even greater tizzies, glowing blue thanks to a combination of clear bricks outside and four LEDs inside. Code is even provided that pulls data from the Facebook Graph API to light up those bricks -- and your life.

    Tim Stevens
  • Nintendo can remotely brick your 3DS after flash card use?

    Bad news for those that plan on using a flash card with their 3DS -- if Nintendo detects that you've been dabbing with one, the company might send a firmware update that could possibly brick your system. According to GoNintendo, Japanese retailer Enterking posted a warning message on their site, suggesting that your system might be unbootable after a software update if Nintendo detects you've been using an R4. Enterking is not buying used 3DSs that have a history of using an illegal cartridge -- a transparent indication that it's not taking any chances here. We can't know for sure if Nintendo will dish out said update or how Enterking might tell -- however, Nintendo did issue this statement to Eurogamer in response to their story on the topic: "We do not discuss product security details (for obvious reasons), nor can we discuss the details of countermeasures available in the Nintendo 3DS system. Nintendo 3DS has the most up-to-date technology. The security has been designed to protect both the creative works in the software and to protect the Nintendo 3DS hardware system itself. Nintendo, like most companies, takes a palpable stance against piracy. We recommend that those fortunate enough to own a 3DS stay away from the flash cards altogether, just in case. Update: Flash cards aren't illegal to use per se -- homebrew, anyone? -- although certain countries have banned them from import and sale, and their widespread use for illegal activity makes them a dubious proposition quite often.

    Sam Sheffer
  • Transphorm promises brickless laptop chargers, power savings aplenty

    Stop us if you've heard this one before. A mysterious startup company operates in secret for a number of years, raises millions in funding from some of the biggest players in the industry (in this case, Google and Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers), and announces a breakthrough technology that promises to change everything. In this case the startup is a company called Transphorm, and the breakthrough is a gallium nitride technology that promises to improve AC/DC transformers. While that might not sound like the most exciting thing in the world, the company's CEO says that it could not only drastically reduce the electricity wasted by electronics that currently rely on silicon components, but significantly reduce the size of the components as well. One prime example there is laptop charger bricks, which Transphorm says could be reduced or even completely eliminated by building the necessary components right into the laptop itself. The company also sees a huge opportunity with electric cars, and especially data centers, which is one of the first markets it will be targeting. Of course, complete details are still fairly light at the moment, but the company is promising to unveil its first products in just two weeks, and you can be sure we'll be watching.

    Donald Melanson
  • First Windows Phone 7 update not going smoothly for some Samsung handsets (update: Microsoft suggests temporary fix)

    So this is why they do phased rollouts, eh? If Twitter is the font of truth and reality that we suspect it to be, it sounds like users of some Windows Phone 7 models by Samsung are struggling with that minor first update that Microsoft started pushing this week. Basically, it sounds like the update isn't consistently completing; it some cases, users get an error message, and there doesn't appear to be any way to roll back or restore the prior firmware and get the phone back to a working state. Mass bricking is probably the greatest fear of software engineers before deploying handset updates to the field, so it's a good thing they're taking it slow; of course, that's not much consolation to the folks who are stuck making a call (on someone else's phone) to Samsung support. [Thanks, jdog25] Update: the::unwired is reporting information straight from Microsoft on how to fix a "bricked" device that doesn't complete the update, and it's deceptively simple: just pull the battery, put it back in, and turn the phone on. Failing that, perform a hard reset. Either way, the company is recommending you don't attempt the update again until the phone reminds you, which it says will happen in about three days.

    Chris Ziegler
  • Graphene coatings used to repel, attract water, could make Rain-X decidedly obsolete

    Graphene looks poised to replace our silicon and our touchscreens, even fix our batteries. Now it's due for something perhaps a little less revolutionary: keep our pants clean. Physicist James Dickerson and a team of researchers at Vanderbilt University have created two ways to apply thin graphene sheets that either make them super-hydrophobic or super-hydrophilic. These alternate arrangements, termed "rug" and "brick," make the water bead up and run off or spread out and form incredibly thin sheets. Potential applications are windshields that don't need wipers, pants that cause red wine drops to just bounce off, and goggles that never, ever fog -- no buffing required.

    Tim Stevens
  • PSA: Notion Ink Adam can be unbricked, and here's the 80MB fix

    There were tears of joy at the Notion Ink Adam launch, but also tears of shame, as owners of the long-awaited Pixel Qi tablet who downloaded the very first OTA update had their slate brutally bricked. Thankfully, the Notion Ink team appears to have issued a speedy fix, as you can download the ROM directly from the company's website and flash it the comfort of your own home. Assuming you've got a Windows or Linux PC handy, it's only an 80MB download away, and you'll find file links and a detailed set of instructions right after the break. We'll also note that this gives the hacker community an intriguing opportunity to peek through the Adam's code -- if you find anything interesting, be sure to let us know!

    Sean Hollister
  • Peek experiences permanent outage for older devices, vows to replace with free Peek 9

    Thinking of upgrading your Peek or Peek Pronto to a shiny new Peek 9? You may no longer have a choice -- following an epic fail when migrating to a new network provider, loads of older devices were reportedly fried. Normally consumer outrage would run rampant at this news, but Peek CEO Amol Sarva has a plan -- he's offering brand-new Peek 9s to existing customers, free of charge. It's not clear what will happen to the older units at this point, but a Peek customer service rep says that while fried QWERTY candybars are no more, the unscathed Peeks might possibly be turned back on. "We are currently waiting on T-Mobile to decide our fate," the rep wrote, "There is still a CHANCE that the sky is not falling and older devices will continue to work." In the meantime, Sarva has an amusing instruction for affected customers looking to get in on the deal: "Just check your email." [Thanks, standingup]

    Sean Hollister
  • Sprint halts EVO 4G update due to reports of it bricking phones

    Uh oh. There's been a tiny little hitch in the latest EVO 4G update, which has resulted in a number of people finding their superphones becoming unusable. Aside from rooted handsets having their predictable woes with new official software, some users have found that applying the update twice bricked their phones, stock OS and all. That's pretty worrying, particularly when you consider that checking for updates after a successful install gives you the option to apply it all over again. Sprint and HTC have acted quickly to pull the OTA for the moment, and promise to restore it as soon as its lethal streak has been ironed out: While the vast majority of consumers successfully downloaded and installed the most recent HTC EVO 4G software update, we have received a handful of reports from customers having some issues with the update. In light of this, HTC and Sprint have decided to temporarily halt distribution of this software release until we can investigate further. We expect to be able to resume software updates shortly. In the mean time, let's all just sit, wait, and hope the sky doesn't fall on our heads.

    Vlad Savov
  • Crucial issues RealSSD C300 firmware fix, bricks more drives

    Crucial's RealSSD C300 had a sizable problem coming out of the gate: price. Initially starting at $800 for 64GB 256GB it cost more than most laptops (it's now down to $700), but crazy people pay crazy amounts for crazy performance and so off to retail it went. Recently, Anand over at AnandTech indicated that his review sample "apparently bricked itself" before eventually coming back to life -- albeit at a ridiculously reduced speed. Yesterday Crucial issued an official firmware "fix" for his particular problem and, as you could probably tell by the use of quotes there, it isn't necessarily a good thing. Numerous people in the Crucial forums are reporting that this update has completely bricked their drives, while others are simply unable to apply it in the first place. This particular piece of firmware is still no longer available on Crucial's site (version 0002), and we would definitely advise steering clear until at least version 0003 -- maybe 0004 for good measure. Update: We heard from Kristin at Micron Technology, who passed along the following update: We wanted to let you know that we're aware of the issues some users are experiencing with the firmware update tool. Initially, it sounds like there needs to be some additional steps in the process for their specific systems. As you know, aside from the issues experienced, there were/are several users that had success with their updates. We'll post an update on the forum as soon as we have more information, and will keep you apprised with what we know. Additionally, we had the pricing wrong on the initial C300. It was $800 for 256GB, not 64GB. Update 2: We got another update from Micron. The troublesome firmware has been pulled, and we have a new statement after the break.

    Tim Stevens
  • Stuart Hughes' gold Privé brick phone redefines 80s excess

    Stuart Hughes usually reserves its gold and diamonds for recent gadgets, but the fine purveyor of ridiculous excess has taken a slightly different approach with its latest offering: the $200,000+ Privé brick phone. In addition to a 22ct gold shell and a smattering of diamonds, this apparently functional phone packs a color screen and features like SMS support and, um... buttons. Limited to just ten but, amazingly, still in stock.

    Donald Melanson
  • BIOS update for Alienware M15x laptops turning them into bug-eyed bricks?

    We've received a slew of tips this morning that Dell's latest BIOS update for the Alienware M15x laptop is causing some pretty ugly issues. According to reports this is a different sort of update, run from an application rather than installed separately, and after the first reboot the machine gets to the POST screen then... nothing. Multiple users are complaining of this issue and one claims that Dell is shipping him a new motherboard to fix it. We're still waiting to hear back from Dell to confirm this either way (hello weekend!), and until then we'd advise sticking with your existing version. In the mean time you can feel free to ponder just what the heck is going on at Dell's QA department. 1/11/2010 Update: We got a response from John Blain at Dell, who has indicated that the team there is "fully aware" of the issue and is making this a "top priority." 1/14/2010 Update: John dropped us another note yesterday to let us know that Dell has confirmed the issue, pulling the offending firmware update and apologizing for any inconvenience. It's unclear right now what the resolution will be for those early flashers, but we're guessing free round-trip ticket to Texas is probably in the cards -- for their laptops, anyway. [Thanks to everyone who sent this in]

    Tim Stevens
  • WD TV Live boxes left bricked by firmware update

    In its short stay on retail shelves the WD TV Live HD media box has picked up an avid community of users for the unassuming unit -- at least until they tried to update the firmware of the last couple of days. Forum reports show formerly operational units with nothing but a blank screen after download the v1.101.12 update. For its part Western Digital has acknowledged the problem and pulled the update from its site, but given the poor ratio of successful upgraders to mourners in the thread, we hope it sees loyal customers out of RMA hell and back to 1080p video playing bliss quickly. Until then, we'd keep clear of that "upgrade now" screen until the next patch has been thoroughly vetted. [Thanks to everyone who sent this in]

    Richard Lawler
  • Samsung delivering botched firmware updates to HT-BD1250 owners, twice

    Ever since the tail end of September, owners of the Samsung HT-BD1250 Blu-ray player + HTIB combo have apparently been afflicted by at least two firmware updates that promised new features but instead left many owners staring at only a display flashing "Load" and otherwise unresponsive hardware. If you've already picked up one of these, living without Blockbuster, YouTube and PC Media Streaming access is advisable, as the 2.07 and 2.12 updates appear to be the source of the problems, leaving owners waiting up to several weeks in some cases for repaired hardware to come back their way. Worse yet, according to come posters in the CNET Forums thread, customer service has been slow to pick up the tab for shipping, as if two straight problematic updates weren't bad enough. Ultimately, you may want to look past this one until things are straightened out, or at least for a unit with more (read: any) HDMI inputs. [Thanks, Jarrett]

    Richard Lawler
  • Intel pulls SSD Toolbox for killing drives under Windows 7

    Well, that was a short honeymoon -- Intel's now pulled its SSD Toolbox and associated TRIM firmware update amid reports that it was bricking drives under Windows 7. We haven't heard more than anecdotal evidence about this, but we'd definitely pick having a functional drive over the promised 40 percent speed boost from the code, so you should probably hold off if you've downloaded but haven't updated yet. We're looking into things, we'll let you know -- but man, the X-25M just hasn't had an easy life, has it? Update: Intel just gave us its official statement on the matter: Yes, we have been contacted by users with issues with the firmware upgrade for our 34nm SSDs and we are investigating. We take all sightings and issues seriously and are working toward resolution. We have temporarily taken down the firmware link while we investigate. [Thanks, Joseph and Ty] Read - Former SSD Toolbox download page Read - Intel support forum page

    Nilay Patel
  • MMS for iPhone 2G and tethering on OS 3.1.2 explained, not for the faint of heart

    Let's be clear upfront that this isn't for the casual iPhone jailbreaker, but if you feeling like living on the edge, you can give your original model an added boost of MMS capability, or any device with OS 3.1.2 the power to tether. Highlighted in a series of tweets today by iPhone dev team lead MuscleNerd, whiterat (for MMS) and two-bit (for tethering) will get the job done, but both require tinkering with the baseband, which is exponentially more advanced and brick-inducing than, say, installing Cydia. Venture forth with the instructions beyond the read links below. [Via 9 to 5 Mac] Read - iPhone 2G MMS Read - OS 3.1.2 tethering

    Ross Miller
  • Nintendo also offers free repairs for UK's 4.2-bricked Wiis

    America wasn't the only nation visited by the specter of techno-death this past week when Wii System Update 4.2 was released upon the unsuspecting masses. A number of UK Wii owners have also complained the maligned patch has bricked their unmodified gaming hardware. Don't be sad, our overseas compatriots! You're not alone in your anguish. Fortunately, Nintendo recently confirmed to Eurogamer that the "very small number" of UK-based owners of 4.2-bricked Wiis can get the same free repair service we're eligible for. As long as you haven't diddled around with your console's guts or brains, you can send in your dead Wii for resuscitation at zero cost. Or rather, Wiisuscitation. (Man, Wii portmanteaus are never going out of style.)

    Griffin McElroy
  • Wii System Update 4.2 bricking unmodded consoles

    We've received a ton of tips from readers reporting that the recently released Wii Menu Update 4.2 has killed their console. The patch was designed to remove homebrew applications from modded consoles, providing users with the following warning: "Because unauthorized modifications to save data or program files may impair game play or the Wii console, updating to Wii Menu version 4.2 will also check for and automatically remove such save data or program files." However, a number of Nintendo forumites are complaining the update has bricked their completely unmodified Wiis. This problem can be attributed to the fact that the update makes changes to the Wii's all-important bootloader. If any problems arise during installation, the bootloader becomes corrupt, and the Wii becomes incapable of loading any software. A Nintendo technician has responded to the reports, saying anyone who's experienced these problems on their totally legit hardware can send it in for free repairs. In the mean time, you should probably shy away from installing Update 4.2. Unless, of course, you're using a modded console. In that case, you totally deserve your comeuppance. [Via Escapist]

    Griffin McElroy
  • Off-Broadway play inspired by adventure games

    The off-Broadway (it's in Brooklyn) play, Adventure Quest, explores the conventions set by Sierra's adventure games back in the time of yore (that's something like 20 years ago). The story follows a hero who must meticulously collect items and push forward on his journey while playing by the rules. Of course, things start going wrong, à la Into the Woods (if you don't know, Netflix it).Adventure Quest, currently playing at the Brick Theater as part of the Antidepressent Festival, will also be part of the theater's Game Play celebration, which will have a variety of video game related performances throughout July. If you've seen it (don't be shy, there is love of theater here at the 'stiq), let us know what you thought.[Via MTV Multiplayer]