

  • New Baidu Cloud phone unveiled: Changhong H5018 with 100GB of cloud storage

    Richard Lai
    Richard Lai

    That new Baidu Cloud phone we told you about last week? You're looking right at it! Following the flagship Dell Streak Pro D43 (which was branded with what was then known as Baidu Yi aka version 1.0 of the platform), this Foxconn-built Changhong H5018 is the second smartphone to have its Android Gingerbread system enhanced by Baidu, meaning it'll come with 300GB of cloud storage space (instead of the old 100GB), voice search, voice control and a set of other online services offered by the Chinese search giant. As for the hardware itself, we're looking at a 10.3mm-thick matte chassis housing a 650MHz MTK6573 processor, a 3.5-inch 480 x 320 display, a three-megapixel camera and a non-removable 1,400mAh battery, all of which would explain that highly affordable CN¥899 (US$140) off-contract price tag. That said, you'll still find a dual-SIM (WCDMA plus GSM) tray and a microSD slot hidden beneath the bottom cover. Not sure where ZTE is on this one, but for now, you can head over to Sina Tech for its hands-on report and photos. Update: Baidu just confirmed that it's actually the same old 100GB of cloud storage, so somehow Sina Tech got lucky with its 300GB edition. We'll let you know when we hear more.

  • PSA: Dropbox Dropquest begins right now!

    Daniel Cooper
    Daniel Cooper

    Big Dropbox fan are you? Got plans for the weekend? Cancel 'em. Dropquest 2012 begins right now. If you're unfamiliar -- it's the storage company's internet scavenger hunt that involves a series of puzzles, challenges and, erm, origami. If you complete the game, you'll get 1GB of extra space for free, but if you come in first place, you'll get 100GB free for your entire life, while 10 second-placers get 20GB for life and so on. You're not allowed to ask for help on the company's support forum (you'll get disqualified) and you're competing against at least half a million other fans of the service, but if that hasn't daunted you then head on down to the source link and get puzzling!

  • Adobe Creative Cloud rolls out today: CS6 applications, storage and syncing from $50 per month

    Sharif Sakr
    Sharif Sakr

    If you haven't already upgraded to CS6, then maybe Adobe can entice you to take the "radical" next step of signing up to its cloud service, which starts today in 36 countries priced at $50 per month on an annual contract, or $75 per month for the non-committal. Will it be worth the potatoes? That depends on whether you're the type of person who prefers to pay $2,600 upfront for a perpetual license, or alternatively make use of subscription-based access to online install files, HTML5 apps like Adobe Muse 1.0 (for code-free HTML design) and Adobe Edge preview (for animations and interactive content), plus integration with Adobe's Touch Apps for iOS and Android tablets. You'd also get that other big cloudy offering: 20GB of online storage for easy sharing, viewing and syncing of all your hard work. Finally, if you're using an older version of Creative Suite, then Adobe's offering you a pretty hefty introductory discount to entice you onto the slippery upgrade slope. Check out the press release for further price info, or just look up in the sky.

  • Pogoplug Team lets businesses tap into their own 'personal clouds' for $15 a year per user

    Joe Pollicino
    Joe Pollicino

    Last we heard from Pogoplug, it had unleashed its Series 4 hardware (its current device for making any of your drives network accessible). Today, the company, known for its pursuit to make the cloud more "personal," has shifted its gears back to software, aiming directly at businesses with a new service dubbed Pogoplug Team. On basic level, Team is similar to the software-based version of Pogoplug, enhancing the experience with goodies like multiple accounts and full customization to match your businesses' look. Interestingly, Pogoplug isn't including storage options for Team's pricing scheme, but instead charging $15 a year for each user (minimum of three required) -- meaning your users dictate the amount of storage space needed with their own computers and drives, rather than utilizing remote servers as with other major services like Google Drive or SkyDrive. Better yet, current Pogoplug users can upgrade to Team if they're interested. Curious for all the details? There's a nifty press release just after the break.

  • MobileMe customers get free 20 GB of iCloud storage until September

    Kelly Hodgkins
    Kelly Hodgkins

    Last year, Apple announced that it's shutting down MobileMe at the end of June 2012. To ease the transition from MobileMe to iCloud, the company offered 20GB of free iCloud storage to all existing MobileMe users. This free storage expires June 30, 2012, but a change in Apple's website, noticed by Macotakara, suggests the company is extending this freebie until September 30, 2012. Apple's FAQ page for the MobileMe transition was recently updated and now reads, MobileMe members with 20GB of purchased storage receive a complimentary iCloud storage upgrade of 20GB, and accounts with additional purchased storage (40GB to 60GB) receive a complimentary upgrade of 50GB after moving to iCloud. These free upgrades are good through September 30th, 2012 When the free trial ends later this year, customers can pay to keep the 20 GB of storage or accept a downgrade to the free 5 GB iCloud storage plan. [Via AppleInsider]

  • Apple gives MobileMe holdouts an olive branch, extends 20GB iCloud offer to September

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    Still skittish about jumping from MobileMe to iCloud, even after Apple promised you a free copy of Snow Leopard to ease the pain? Have no fear: Apple has quietly extended its offer to upgrade those paying for 20GB of MobileMe space to a matching amount on iCloud the next time they renew. You now have until September 30th to make the leap at no extra cost, instead of the original June 30th cutoff. And if you've been paying for 40 to 60GB of MobileMe storage, you can get 50GB of iCloud space on the same terms. It won't take away the sting of losing iDisk, Gallery or iWeb at the end of June, but if you're the sort who routinely needs a lot more storage than a free 5GB iCloud account -- and don't like the alternatives -- you now have that much more breathing room.

  • Amazon outs Cloud Drive desktop app for Windows and Mac, allows easy access to your digital wares

    Billy Steele
    Billy Steele

    If you've been storing part of your digital library on Amazon's Cloud Drive, access to your goods just got easier. The outfit has released a desktop app for both Mac and Windows machines enabling uploads and downloads with minimal effort. For starters, you'll be able to drag and drop files via a Cloud Drive icon and you'll be a brief right-click away from sending any file or folder to the repository. Downloads from the cloud run in the background and can be paused / resumed whenever you darn well please. Dropped your connection in the heat of battle? No worries. The app manages restarts and connectivity hiccups without losing your wares. If you're already signed up, hit the source link below to fetch yours. [Thanks, Max]

  • Microsoft SkyDrive impressions: a look at features and functionality

    James Trew
    James Trew

    You may remember a certain, somewhat anticipated cloud service finally coming in to land in recent days. That wasn't the only news in nebular computing last week, however: perhaps in anticipation of Google's long-rumored Drive service, Microsoft made some updates to the Windows Phone app for its own offering, SkyDrive. This comes not long after the release of desktop SkyDrive applications for Windows and OSX, all suggesting that Redmond's hoping to cut itself as large a slice of the cloud-storage pie as it can, preferably while others are still taking their seats at the table. We spent some time with the latest quiver of tools from Microsoft, to see how they've progressed.

  • Huawei throws R&D dollars at gesture control, cloud storage, being more 'disruptive'

    Sharif Sakr
    Sharif Sakr

    Undeterred by the fact that even humans struggle to interpret certain gestures, Huawei says it's allocating a chunk of its growing R&D budget to new motion-sensing technology for smartphones and tablets. The company's North American research chief, John Roese, told Computerworld that he wants to allow "three-dimensional interaction" with devices using stereo front-facing cameras and a powerful GPU to make sense of the dual video feed. Separately, the Chinese telecoms company is also putting development cash into a cloud computing project that promises to "change the economics of storage by an order of magnitude." Roese provided scant few details on this particular ambition, but did mention that Huawei has teamed up with CERN to conduct research and has somehow accumulated over 15 petabytes of experimental physics data in the process. Whatever it's up to, Huawei had better get a move on -- others are snapping up gesture recognition and cloud patents faster than you can say fa te ne una bicicletta with your hands.

  • Google Drive now offers a bumpy ride for Chrome OS dev-channel users

    Zachary Lutz
    Zachary Lutz

    You knew it was gonna happen, but Google's cloud-based storage service has now been married to its cloud-based operating system, as Chrome OS users who receive updates via the dev-channel may now benefit from integration with Google Drive. Most notably, Drive will now appear as an additional folder within the file manager, although the implementation isn't without its quirks. For example, our peers at TechCrunch described the inability to make these files available for offline access. It goes without saying that dev-channel releases aren't for everyone, but if you enjoy living on the edge, then be sure to take a peep at what Google has in store for the inevitable mainstream release.

  • Dropbox adds automatic photo uploads for Windows and Mac, up to 3GB just for using it

    Sharif Sakr
    Sharif Sakr

    Dropbox isn't short of aficionados, but it's undoubtedly lost some of its gleam since Google drove the cloud war into a frenzy. In response, Dropbox's devs have been at the squat rack pumping up their multimedia credentials, recently adding auto photo and video uploads to their Android app and now extending that feature to any camera, tablet, smartphone or SD card via the Mac or Windows utility -- an add-on that was previously beta-only. Access the web interface and you'll see your stills arranged in a handy new Photos page, which displays them as large thumbnails bunched together by month. There's a blunter enticement too: your first auto upload will secure 500MB in extra storage, with subsequent efforts also rewarded up to 3GB. Perhaps that cardboard isn't looking so soggy after all.

  • Chrome OS and Google Drive to get intimate in version 20

    James Trew
    James Trew

    When Google finally announced its shiny new cloud-based Drive service, many people will have been glad to see an extra bit of storage tacked onto their daily gadget lives. Some, however, spin out a generally more nebular existence, and that'd be the Chrome OS faithful. If you find yourself amongst their number, you'll be pleased to know that Sundar Pichai, SVP for Chrome, revealed in an interview with Wired that the next iteration of its slight operating system will come with Drive tightly sewn into the fabric. The idea is that the service will operate as the local file system, and all the core OS functionality will use Drive for storing data. Third party apps like VMware are already baking in Drive functionality, and expect more to follow when it lands in version 20.

  • Box releases new API for developers, announces 15 more OneCloud apps

    Donald Melanson
    Donald Melanson

    It's been quite a week for cloud storage, with Dropbox rolling out a significant new update, Microsoft's SkyDrive getting a new Windows Phone app, and Google Drive making its long-awaited debut. Now Box is getting in on the act, announcing the release of a brand new API that is says makes it easier than ever for developers to integrate the Box platform into their products. Along with it, the company has also announced 15 more Box OneCloud apps for iOS devices, and teamed up with the NYC-based General Assembly and TechStars in an effort to "drive innovation in enterprise software." You can get a quick rundown of the new API in the video after the break, and find all the details on how to get started with it at the links below.

  • Google Drive is coming to Linux, tells users to 'hang tight'

    Terrence O'Brien
    Terrence O'Brien

    As you may know, there is at least one out and proud Ubuntu devotee on staff. So, when Google Drive was announced, there were a few grumbles from those who noticed Linux was absent from the list of supported platforms. Especially in the wake of Picasa for Linux, many were afraid that Big G was slowly killing off it's (comparably) robust support of the open-source OS. But, rest easy, in addition to Dropbox and Ubuntu One, soon enough you'll be able to use Google's offering as well. Google Docs community manager Teresa Wu (we assume, soon enough, that will be Google Drive community manager) swung by a potential customer's Google+ profile to assuage his ire over the lack of Linux support. The message, while not very detailed, was quite clear: "we're working on Linux support -- hang tight!"

  • Google Drive preview: an in-depth look at features and functionality

    Brad Molen
    Brad Molen

    It's been a long time in the making, but the once-mythical cloud storage service known to all as Google Drive is real, and it made its official debut today -- and even though Goog's taken plenty of time to make it available to the masses, our impatience certainly got the worst of us, and we immediately started digging through the new service. So what does this online storage option entail? Will it make you delete your Dropbox and SkyDrive accounts and jump for joy? Or has Google simply waited too long to start playing the game? Read on to find out our first impressions.

  • PSA: If you purchased extra Gmail storage, your Google Drive just got bigger

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    5GB, huh? Not quite enough for you? If you were wise enough to up the capacity of your Gmail inbox + Picasa allotment before today, your Google Drive experience just got a lot more awesome. A trio of editors here at Engadget HQ managed to upgrade their Gmail boxes a couple of years ago, and at the time (read: it's no longer an available option), Google was offering an extra 20GB for use across its properties for a mere $5 per year. Upon loading Google Drive today, we each found a healthy 25GB waiting to be filled, with no expectation of additional payments to Google. Be sure to let us know if you're seeing a similar boost in capaciousness down in comments below, particularly for those who splurged on one of the more current Gmail add-on plans.

  • Google Drive vs. the competition: pricing plans and perks, compared

    Dana Wollman
    Dana Wollman

    Sometimes a table says a thousand words. Now that Google has finally announced its cloud service, Google Drive, we're sure more than a few of you are crunching the numbers in your head in an attempt to figure which is the best deal. Far be it for us to tell you which service to use when we've barely had a chance to poke around Drive, but for now, better if we lay out those gigabytes and dollars in number form, rather than squeeze them into a crowded paragraph, don'tcha think? Follow past the break for a brief breakdown of what you'll get from Google, along with Dropbox, Microsoft SkyDrive and iCloud.

  • Google launches Google Drive

    Kelly Hodgkins
    Kelly Hodgkins

    Google launched Google Drive, an online service that lets you create, share and store your documents online. You can use the desktop client to upload videos, photographs, Google docs and more to Google's cloud. When you're on the go, you can access these files using a mobile client. Google Drive includes 5 GB of free storage, and additional space is available at a rate of US$4 per month for 20 GB of storage (up to 16 TB supported). The service will launch with support for Windows and Mac desktops as well as Android devices. An iOS client is in the works. Google also increased your free amount of Gmail today, now up to 10 GB. Also, if you update to Google Drive, be aware that will redirect to, which (as The Next Web suggests) indicates somewhat of a rebranding of Docs into Drive. You can read more about Google Drive and sign up for the service on Google's website.

  • Google Drive official: 5GB of free storage, Chrome web apps, Wave-like sharing and editing (video)

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    If it happened any other way, it just wouldn't be as satisfying, now would it? After years of leaks, murmurs, hubbub and other familiar synonyms, Google's mythical cloud storage platform is now official... sort of. As Lady Fate would have it, the company apparently outed a memo of the features on its French blog earlier today, but before it could yank the 'pull' switch, an eagle-eyed reader managed to grab the text and run it through -- surprise, surprise -- Google Translate. What's left is an official-as-you'll-get-right-now transcript of Google Drive's features, but contrary to the hype, it all feels way more enterprise-centric than consumers may have wanted. For starters, there's no real mention of music (we guess Google Music is on its own, there), and there's just 5GB of free storage for "documents, videos, photos, Google Docs, PDFs, etc." According to the brief, it's designed to let users "live, work and play in the cloud," with direct integration with Docs and Google+. We're also told that Drive can be installed on one's Mac, PC or Android phone / tablet, while an iOS version will be "available in the coming weeks." Of note, Google's making this accessible to visually impaired consumers with the use of a screen reader. As for features? Naturally, Google's flexing its search muscles in as many ways as possible; if you scan in a newspaper clipping, a simple Search All within Drive will allow results to appear directly from said clipping. If you upload a shot of the Eiffel Tower, it'll show up whenever you search for the aforesaid icon. Moreover, Drive will allow folks to open over 30 types of documents directly from a web browser, including HD video, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop and more -- "even without the software installed on your computer." For those concerned about access, the new platform will have the same infrastructure as any other Google Apps services, giving admins a familiar set of management tools on that end. On the topic of storage, just 5GB are provided gratis, with 25GB costing $2.49 per month, 100GB running you $4.99 per month and 1TB demanding $49.99 per month, with a maximum of 16TB ($799.99 per month, if you're curious) per user; thankfully, Google Docs will not be included in your usage total. Finally, the note played up the ability to "attach documents directly into your Drive Gmail," and given that it's intended to be an open platform, Goog's promising to work with third party developers in order to enhance Drive's functionality even further. The source link below is still dead as of right now, but it simply can't be long before the lights are officially turned on. Oh, and if you're not enamored at the moment, the outfit's suggesting that "many more developments" will be arriving in the coming weeks. Update: It's live on the Google Play store, and a pair of explanatory videos are embedded after the break!

  • Google Docs bumps up free storage to 5GB, primes servers for Drive?

    Mat Smith
    Mat Smith

    Is space at a premium in your Google Docs folder? Good news from Mountain View, then, as it's just stealth-increased the storage allowance for its cloud-based document editor. Unfortunately, anyone that's already plumped for a paid extension of their Google Docs storage won't see an extra 5GB on top. This new storage limit also tallies with what we're expecting to see from Google Drive -- presumably pretty soon. [Thanks Kenji]