

  • Square Enix party details make us want to buy a ticket to Tokyo

    Kevin Kelly
    Kevin Kelly

    IGN has some of the details for the upcoming Square Enix party in Japan, which could result in overload for Final Fantasy fanboys and fangirls in attendance. The tip of the iceberg includes: Dragon Quest Monster Joker (DS, playable) Final Fantasy XII Revenant Wing (DS, playable) Final Fantasy Tactics (PSP, playable) Itadaki Street DS (DS, playable) Dragon Quest Swords (Wii, playable) It's a Wonderful World (DS, playable) Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII (PSP, playable) Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles (DS, playable) Final Fantasy XI (PS2, X360, Windows, playable) Final Fantasy (PSP, video) Final Fantasy II (PSP, video) Dragon Quest Monster Battle Road (Arcade, video) Final Fantasy VII Advent Children Complete (Blu-Ray, video) Final Fantasy XIII (PS3, Mobile, video) Partygoers will also be able to play a slew of mobile game demos, and will be going home with exclusive Square Enix goodies, some of which can be seen here. Give us the slime from Dragon Quest, and we might be able to pretend like we experienced all this first-hand.

  • Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core - new trailer [Update 1]

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    Crisis Core is undeniably one of PSP's most hotly anticipated games. This exclusive title takes place before the events of the original PS1 classic, and it will have players unearthing more secrets from the beloved universe. Although players will take primary control of Zack, fans will love seeing many familiar faces, from Cloud, to Sephiroth, and even Aeris. This new trailer reveals more of the game's incredible graphics, gameplay, and dialog-heavy storyline that should keep yaoi fanfic writers busy for years to come. See also: More incredible Final Fantasy VII screens to drool at [Via Gamespot] [Update 1: Replaced original YouTube video with a new, working source. Silly Square: why do you not want people to see your game?]

  • More incredible Final Fantasy VII screens to drool at

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    Warning: the following screenshots of Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core are not suitable for those who are pregnant, nursing, suffering heart disease, or have high blood pressure. Why? You may simply faint at how gorgeous these shots, available at Jeux-France, are. Ripped straight from Famitsu, these screenshots showcase quite possibly the best graphics on PSP so far. Hopefully, it'll play just as good.

  • Crisis Core scans look good; game 70% complete

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    Jeux-France, lovers of illegal magazine scans, has posted up some beautiful images of Square's upcoming Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core. The battle page (pictured) certainly impresses. Now that the game is 70% complete, hopefully, it won't be too long until we get some direct-feed footage directly from Square.

  • Yatta! Atarashi FFVII Crisis Core scan!

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    Crisis Core, the upcoming PSP-exclusive prequel to Final Fantasy VII had disappeared from the public eye for a while. Now it's back, and my desire to play it is ever increasing. The graphics look to impress and the "Power Surge" feature teases us with gameplay possibility. [Thanks, Jamal!]

  • Jump for tons of new FFVII:CC scans [Update 1]

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    PSP owners and Square fans will be ecstatic to see that Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core is shaping up quite nicely. IGN pointed out that this game "looks better than most PS2 games out there," and looking at the scans from V-Jump, I'd have to agree. The character models look especially nice, considering how well-animated they appear. The gameplay looks fast, maybe even emulating the incredibly over-the-top anime-styled action sequences of Advent Children. I never had high hopes for Dirge of Cerberus, but Crisis Core seems to be nothing short of a must-have. [Update 1: A ton of new scans are available on Jeux-France today. Look after the cut to see some shots.]

  • More FF awesomeness: Tactics features multiplayer & FFVII kicks butt

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    An enthusiastic reader, Pal, sent us a great tip about the upcoming Final Fantasy Tactics for PSP. Not only will the game come with new cutscenes and new job classes, the game will also feature ad-hoc multiplayer. Many Tactics fans have been waiting patiently for a way to the game with others, and it appears that the PSP version will deliver. If Square-Enix considered Infrastructure multiplayer, I'd imagine that our pal might simply implode. Finally, if you weren't convinced of Crisis Core's awesomeness, read IGN's latest preview: "From a strictly gameplay standpoint, Crisis Core seems solid, with a fast pace and the potential for a good mix of action and menu-based battle systems ... Crisis Core looks better than most PS2 games out there. During cinematic scenes, the character models are detailed and fully animated. Battles contain screens with double digit enemies, and giant bosses. All that, and full voice, without any pauses for loading! ... Personally, I think all the "Compilation of Final Fantasy VII" products released so far have been second rate. But Crisis Core looks so good that it could turn things around on its own."

  • Jump Festa: Final Fantasy on display

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    1UP gets mad props for getting footage from Japan's Jump Festa, where the hotly anticipated Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core and Final Fantasy Tactics: The Lion War are on display. A trailer showcasing the game's beautiful new cutscenes is on display, and can be seen after the cut. Crisis Core's demo is available for attendees to play, and it seems like FF fans need not worry about the game's quality: "Combat in Crisis Core takes place in pseudo-real-time, not unlike Final Fantasy XII, though there's only one playable character (FFVII fan favorite Zack), and the action is a lot more active. During battle you find yourself constantly mashing the attack button to pull off combos or backstab enemies for extra damage, but you can dodge and defend as well, and you can use the L and R buttons to cycle through your items and magic attacks... With the stunning visuals and interesting battle system we saw today, it seems to be headed in the right direction."

  • Crisis Core demo to premiere at Jump Festa [update 1]

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    Jump Festa attendees will score hands-on time with Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII on Saturday. This year the annual anime and manga party, sponsored by Shueisha (publisher of Jump Comics), will feature the first playable public demo of Crisis Core. Jump Festa has traditionally served as a platform for premiering new media, including video games. Sony and Sqaure Enix have yet to reveal plans to offer a downloadable version of the demo on the official PlayStation website or elsewhere. Update: A Crisis Core producer has revealed Square Enix's intention to offer a downloadable version of the demo by years' end. See also: Crisis Core trailer emphasizes PSP shortcomings, offers hope

  • Today's hottest game video: Final Fantasy VII trailer [update 1]

    Zack Stern
    Zack Stern

    Today's most-watched YouTube game video is a fairly good-quality bootleg of the Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core trailer from this year's Tokyo Game Show. This Japanese-language video of the upcoming PSP game starts slowly, with a lot of exposition. But the last third of the five-minute sequence includes enough action and in-game footage to move the most reserved Final Fantasy fanboy into a foaming, rabid, lurching frenzy. Even regular gamers may like it. See the whole video after the break. [Update 1: Thanks, commenters, for pointing out that this clip was already featured in a non-hottest video post. So, we're bringing you an extra hottest video -- the hottestest video -- the SSX Blur trailer. Thrill as snowboarders glide down the mountain, doing tricks on the Wii, presumably with motion controls. See the extra video after the break.]

  • Crisis Core trailer emphasizes PSP shortcomings, offers hope

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    Square Enix's closed-door TGS trailer for Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core has finally surfaced. For the bulk of this five-minute demonstration, a handful of manicured men (and one woman) ham it up in a whirlwind of staged emotional drama. Are we supposed to want to play a soap opera? (Don't answer that.) There are some brief moments of relief, glimpses into the game's active battle system, which suggest commonalities with Final Fantasy XII. There's no denying that Crisis Core appears extraordinarily capable; a bittersweet detail. That is, efforts like Crisis Core really highlight the lack of solid support for PSP. Alas, Square Enix's prequel has been a long time coming -- and, for those of us outside of Japan, the wait isn't getting any shorter.

  • Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core trailer

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    Enjoy! With a playable version of the highly anticipated PSP-exclusive FFVII: Crisis Core hitting Japan very soon, it makes sense that a trailer would eventually make its way to YouTube. The trailer is from the Tokyo Game Show, but due to Square Enix's no-camera policy, the rest of the gaming public hasn't been able to see it until now. As you'll be able to see in this glorious trailer, Crisis Core seems to push the PSP to yet another graphics echelon. The character models are stunning, as are the animations. The brief moments of gameplay that are featured look exciting: certainly a very different approach to the Final Fantasy universe. [Thanks, Joel!]

  • Time to move to Japan; FFVII playable at Jump Festa

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    Two words, when paired together, can make any gamer weep. Final and Fantasy. The upcoming PSP-exclusive Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core will be playable to the public at Japan's "Jump Festa," which will take place on December 16th and 17th at the Makuhari Messe in Chiba, Japan. Gamers will be able to learn more about Zack's adventures in this FFVII action RPG prequel. Will Square-Enix deliver the goods on their first game on the PSP? If you want to find out for yourself, you better start saving up: a trip to Japan certainly won't be cheap. [Via PSP-Vault]

  • New Loco Roco & Final Fantasy VII demos to arrive in time for holidays

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    We PSP fanboys love to play demos. We've been blessed with a plethora of demos for Loco Roco, but it seems like they're not done quite yet. A key observer on the PlayStation forums noticed that YourPSP described plans on releasing a Christmas-themed demo of Loco Roco to supplement the Halloween demo that came out about a week ago. Considering how the game is about eating everything in sight, wouldn't a Thanksigiving themed demo also be appropriate? Another noteworthy demo to come out later this year is the highly anticipated PSP-exclusive Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII. Jeux-France reported about a week ago that an issue of Famitsu reveals the producer's intentions to have a playable demo available by the end of the year. If it comes around the time of the other Loco Roco demo, it seems like PSP fanboys will have a lot of free demo playing on their hands this holiday season. [Via PlayStation Boards & 1UP Boards]

  • New scans of FFVII reveals my inability to read Japanese

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core is one of my most anticipated games, even though it's surrounded by complete mystery. (Of course, I'm one of those types that pays attention to anything that has the words "Final" and "Fantasy" together.) I know many of you are just as desperate for new info and screens on this game as I am, and any miniscule bit we can find only makes us hunger for more. has discovered two new scans, filled with copious amounts of kanji. There are two new screens to admire (pictured above), and they look absolutely amazing (assuming they're in-game, and not CG). If you'd like to act as a translator for us, take a peek after the cut and help us decipher these scans. Maybe they'll reveal thrilling insights into the game. Or, maybe they'll give you tips on how to make your hair as snazzy as Cloud's.

  • TGS 06: FFVII Crisis Core trailer eyes-on

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    One of the most wanted, and most mysterious PSP games out there has to be Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core. Little to nothing is known about this prequel to the uber-popular Square RPG, except that you'll play as Cloud's buddy, Zack. There's a new trailer for the game at Tokyo Game Show, but until the video gets leaked, 1UP has given us some great eyes-on: Based on the roughly five seconds of gameplay footage on display (which is actually generous; it may have been four), Crisis Core looks like a single-player action RPG. It's extremely fast-paced, in fact, with Zach dashing around combat areas, slashing foes with a sword and racking up combo hits. Over-the-top seems to be the order of the day; attacks rack up damage in the triple digits, and the action is preceded with Zachs squaring off for a fight with Neo-Bahamut.Sounds good to me! According to the preview, the graphics seem to be stunning. The action-packed approach to Final Fantasy seems exciting to say the least, even if it hasn't translated very well in previous efforts. Once we find a trailer, we'll post it here on the Fanboy.

  • Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII screenshot blowout

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    The Magic Box has a plethora of screenshots for the upcoming Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII, a prequel to FFVII starring Zack. There is also artwork included showing some of the game's characters, including a sketch on Cloud. What's even more interesting is the addition of the character on the right, who seems to be in possession of the Buster Sword. Every trickle of info that comes in about this game gets me more and more excited.