

  • The Digital Continuum: Concerning superpowers

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    It's been a long time since City of Heroes launched and up to the sale of the CoX property to NCsoft, Cryptic Studios added quite a bit more into the game. Not just City of Villains with its slew of additional content but also additional levels, tailors for extra costumes/costume redesigns, epic archetypes, plenty of new zones, PvP elements, game balances, new powers, an item system that allows players to invent all sorts of things and even an alien invasion or two. Just recently players were given with another set of new powers that they themselves were able to help choose via the official forums! While that laundry list of additions is quite well and good, for me it still feels like something is missing from my super hero game.Largely, I think the problem lies with what the game engine is and isn't capable of rendering. The recent inclusion of customizable melee weapons and guns/bows has made me realize something. What about the guy who shoots fire or throws punches full of pure energy? What if I want to create a magic character ala Dr. Strange and green magical fire sounds really cool to me? Well too bad, my fire looks like everyone's boring red fire and there's not a thing that I can do about it. Yet in a game where customization is king, personal touches like green fire or red and purple energy blasts seem to me an incredibly important feature. I've paid a lot more than one or two months of subscription fees just to design myself some characters in CoX and I only manage to get them to around level 14. Just imagine how much more money and time someone would spend given further customization choices.

  • Cryptic Studios says adios

    Eli Shayotovich
    Eli Shayotovich

    Saying goodbye is the hardest part. At least that's what the song by Coko tells us.Cryptic Studios, the original developers of the dynamic City of Heroes & City of Villains universe, recently announced that they're shutting down. Well... they're shutting down their forums and blogs. Why? "As work on Cryptic Studios' upcoming projects progresses, we have reached a point where we must focus all of our energies toward ensuring that our presentations of those projects are the absolute best work we can do." Makes total sense since at least one of those aforementioned projects (and undoubtedly the biggest one they got brewing) is the beyond-eagerly anticipated Marvel Universe Online, the MMO that will at long last let players "explore exotic locations and encounter their favorite characters from Marvel comics in a massively multiplayer environment."But is that all there is to it? The good folks at A Ding World ask: are they hiding something? Does it have something to do with the rumors of MUO's demise? Or perhaps they're trying to avoid the "loose lips sink ships" motto by prohibiting their employees from posting. Check out their line of reasoning for the complete conspiracy theory rundown.What cryptic things are really going? As tight lipped as the players involved in the MUO project have been to this point, accidental leakage likely won't occur until Cryptic and/or Marvel is good and ready to spill the proverbial beans. But that won't stop us - or you - from speculating, right? Excelsior, True Believers!

  • Top 10 MIA MMOs of 2007 - part 1

    Chris Chester
    Chris Chester

    In the waning weeks of December, we've already started turning our eyes towards the new year. 2008 is already showing a great deal of promise for the MMO community, with the impending release of Pirates of the Burning Sea, Wrath of the Lich King, Age of Conan, and Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning. Though most of these titles are still a good ways away from hitting retailer shelves, we've already got a pretty good idea of what's in store, not just in terms of assets and information that's already been released, but also from hands-on impressions and beta testing. In other words, as excited as we are, there probably won't be terribly many surprises as it concerns these titles. They're practically a given.As luck would have it, those aren't the only titles we'll be drooling over next year – this much we know. There are a number of games in development out there that have shown up on our collective radar screens over the past few months, but only as tiny blips. For the most part, they still represent riddles wrapped up in mysteries with a side of question mark. We've assembled a list of the top 10 MIA MMOs - those mysterious games that represent the future of the MMO... if only we knew what they were.In the first part of this feature, we'll take a look at the first half of the list.

  • Cryptic talks PvP in Marvel Universe Online

    Amanda Rivera
    Amanda Rivera

    It's awfully odd to be reporting about developers talking about game mechanics in Marvel Universe Online after we just let you know that there are rumors the game might never actually see the light of day. Personally, I take it as a sign of good faith that Geoff Tuffli of Cryptic Studios is discussing the challenges that arise when trying to create a PvP system in an MMO in his third article in a series of blogs about PvP considerations. Of course, at its core this is more of a philosophical discussion about MMOs in general than about the specific choices they are making with this particular project, but a girl can hope, right?The first section of the article deals with the debate between persistent PvP environments versus instanced ones. With instances, such as in World of Warcraft battlegrounds, preselected teams can form up to battle in a controlled environment that includes quests, faction rewards, and tokens. On the other hand, a PvP system more like Dark Age of Camelot or Anarchy Online where the combat takes place in a more persistent environment allows players to build the ever-so-enjoyable guild grudge and fight over territory within the game. From reading through his article it looks like the Marvel Universe Online PvP system will lean more toward the persistent than the instanced, which is fine by me. As long as they actually let me play the game.[via Warcry]

  • Marvel MMO may be our rumored canceled game

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Ah ha! We think we've come across the unlucky winner of this week's canceled Microsoft game search. And unlike the Price is Right, this winner doesn't get a new dishwasher, car or get to play Plinko. Instead, it's (possibly) getting canceled.According to whispers into 1UP's ears, the rumor is true and we'll soon find out that (wait for it ...) Marvel Universe Online will be getting axed. This game collaboration between Marvel, Microsoft and Cryptic Studios has been years in the making, but hasn't been openly discussed since an interview way back in 2006. And the odd thing about this Marvel MMO is that nobody (and we mean nobody) is confirming that the game is even in development. Microsoft refuses to talk, Marvel is very hush and Cryptic Studios sidesteps questions when asked. Only time will tell, but even if Marvel Ultimate Online isn't the rumored canceled game, it should still be watching its back. There's definitely some management and development issues going on there. Or maybe they're just being super secret.[Thanks, EC]

  • Marvel Universe Online source of cancellation rumors

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    No doubt amused by a ridiculous process of elimination that prompted game developers to rush to their keyboards and confirm the continued existence of their upcoming third-person role-playing whatever-em-ups, 1UP has revealed that the first-party Xbox 360 title supposedly skirting around cancellation is none other than Marvel Universe Online. In an echo of True Fantasy Live Online's demise, the MMO has reportedly run into "serious, potentially stalling, development troubles," the least of which is likely to be the monotony resulting from everyone playing as Wolverine.Aside from a mysterious source, 1UP cites a suspicious inability by the project's collaborators to outright confirm the game's on-going development. Though Microsoft insists that Cryptic's recent sale of two Cities has no bearing on Marvel Universe Online, the developer hasn't so much as mentioned the game when discussing upcoming projects. Not a particularly convincing chain of evidence, but it does seem a tad quiet when shook.

  • CoX fan service goodies go live Dec. 10th

    Chris Chester
    Chris Chester

    As part of the announcement that NCsoft was purchasing the rights to the City of Heroes franchise from Cryptic Studios, the development team revealed that they were going to roll out some fun stuff for players to thank them for their continued support and patience in the coming time of transition. The first perk came the day the of the announcement, when players who only owned City of Heroes or City of Villains were granted access to both games.Well the team has lifted the veil on the second phase of gaming goodies, revealing that the prestige grant and debt wipe will be taking place a little less than a month from now, on December 10th. As part of the announcement, Supergroups will be receiving 20,000 prestige for each member they have on the day of the grant. They're also encouraging players to be as spectacularly reckless as possible, since all debt will be forgiven on the 10th. Don't you wish real life were like games sometimes -- who couldn't use an arbitrary debt wipe?

  • Update: a "new age" for City of Heroes franchise

    Chris Chester
    Chris Chester

    The CoX news just keeps on coming. As we previously reported, NCsoft has acquired the full rights to the City of Heroes franchise from developer Cryptic Studios, and in addition, will be opening up a new studio named (dubbed NCsoft NorCal) to continue development of the game. We've been sifting through the deluge of press releases, developer responses, and forum posts on the topics, and we've found some bits and pieces. According to board rep Ex Libris, the entire CoX team has signed on with NCsoft, with the exception of Jack "Statesman" Emmert, the former Creative Director, and will be continuing their three issue per year schedule at the new NorCal studio.As a special thank you to players, NCsoft has given all players with retail City of Heroes accounts a full Good versus Evil upgrade, effective immediately; and free of charge. So if for some reason you haven't jumped on the City of Villains funwagon yet, the decision has been made for you! In addition, sometime after the launch of Issue 11, all Supergroups will receive a bonus 20,000 prestige for each member of their SG, up to a total of 3 million prestige. And finally, the devs will be instituting a debt wipe sometime in the near future - so if you want to rack up some debt gathering those badges, now would be the time to do it.This appears like part of a larger push by NCsoft to expand the CoX playerbase in anticipation of MUO's eventual arrival. Spirits are high though on the CoX boards, as most people expect that the developers can finally devote the time and attention to the game that it needs moving forward, where in the past Cryptic's focus at the executive level on their new properties was seen to be hampering development. Under NCsoft's full stewardship, that problem seems to be resolved. A "new age" indeed...

  • NCsoft acquires City of Heroes IP, parts ways with Cryptic

    Chris Chester
    Chris Chester

    In a fairly startling bit of news, NCsoft has announced that they have acquired the complete intellectual property rights to the City of Heroes franchise from developer Cryptic Studios, and will be forming a new studio in Northern California dedicated solely to the on-going development of the franchise. As part of the agreement, they'll be licensing Cryptic's proprietary engine for use with future games. The team currently responsible for managing CoH (including Matt "Positron" Miller, Aaron Brady, and Ken Morse) will be coming along for the ride, and Cryptic Studios will be aiding in the transition to make sure that the handover of all assets and responsibilities goes smoothly. In their statement, they say they don't expect that the transition will be visible to players, and the free issue updates will likely continue as planned.Cryptic Studios has published an FAQ on their website explaining the details on their end. To the question of what they'll be doing now that they are free of their duties involving the upkeep of City of Heroes, their response is: "Cryptic is developing new titles and new IPs, as well as expanding its business interests." It seems pretty clear though that the real reason Cryptic and CoH had to part ways was because of the inevitable conflict that is going to arise when Marvel Universe Online hits the MMO scene.The real question for CoH players is this: do you expect this new team to keep up the same standards for quality as Cryptic has held in the past? Is bringing along Positron and the rest of the management team enough to keep the spirit of the game alive, or is this the beginning of the end?

  • Marvel Universe Online info still lacking - will it kill CoX off?

    Matt Warner
    Matt Warner

    When is it coming? The one question everyone is anticipating an answer to, and so far all we know is sometime this decade! How did this all come about? Lots of suits, lots of money, strings of piano wire, and some body bags -- you know the basic necessities when it comes to building a MMOG. Hopping back in the way-back time machine to a few months after Comic-Con 2006 edition, Cryptic Studios, creators of City of Heroes and City of Villains, decided to unleash some sparkle magic, dropping the industry bomb that they held Marvel Universe Online in their clutches in conjunction with Microsoft Game Studios as their new cohort and publisher. When I read the news, it felt as if I was kicked in the gut by some fat man wearing a Spiderman Speedo (I love my Spidey Speedo) because Marvel had slapped Cryptic Studios with a lawsuit. Apparently, Marvel thought CoH's character creation system infringed on their intellectual property, otherwise referred to as the super hero awesome sauce. Well, to make a long story short, Marvel lost and Cryptic rejoiced -- freedom for players to create look-alikes won out and everyone got a cute puppy. Marvel mended fences and reached out to Crypic, all the melted faces were contorted back into sleek shape! But, what is there to know about Marvel Universe Online, and does it spell doom for City of Heroes and City of Villains?

  • CoX: the issues respecting respecs

    Chris Chester
    Chris Chester

    City of Heroes lead designer Matt Miller (who was interviewed not long ago) has emerged from the shadows of the official forums to give us the low-down on Cryptic's efforts to include a balanced respec utility in the game. As veteran players well know, you're given the opportunity to run a Trial three times before you max your character out to earn a respec, and of course, they're also offered any time they make significant adjustments to powers. Problem is, the game is in its fourth year of operation. Many characters have been sitting at 50 for a long time now, and it's entirely plausible that they'd want to switch up their builds a little bit, without having to go through the trouble of rolling an entirely new character.Their solution? In Issue 11, they'll be rolling out the Respec Recipe, designed to take advantage of CoX's budding (i.e. since Issue 9) economy and invention system. It'll be a rare drop, presumably dropping off of mobs at any level, and Miller expects it to demand a fairly high price at auction, probably higher than the Very Rare Enhancements also making their debut in Issue 11.Here's hoping it's slightly less rare than he makes it out to be - we'd hate for it to be the commodity only the richest players could afford. Give us lowbies a chance too![Via Warcry]

  • Character Creation: "I Have a Great Idea for a ..."

    Jonathan Northwood
    Jonathan Northwood

    C8H10N402: it's the most widely-used psychoactive drug in the world, blocks adenosine - the chemical which regulates your energy metabolism - exhausts the adrenal glands, and can push your cortisol levels high enough that it runs the risk of shrinking the part of the brain necessary for memory. It's also the call sign for Caffeina, one of my newest characters on City of Heroes. The basics of character creation are pretty similar for everyone: first, I create a character concept, and then I play around with various outfits.Now comes the difficult part: picking a name, and testing out different power sets that seem to fit the concept. Occasionally I'll stumble upon a combination that works swimmingly from the get-go, but it usually takes a few builds to come up with a character that I feel fits the model I've built in my head. Occasionally, however, the concept is not able to be built out in a realistic manner, and I hold the character in abeyance, hoping that a future issue will supply power sets or costume options to make the character work.

  • A stitch in beta time

    Amanda Rivera
    Amanda Rivera

    If any of you are as excited about Issue 11 as I am, then I have good news my friend. The beta for Issue 11: A Stitch in Time has opened up on the Training Room server, letting players have a whack at Oroboros missions and customizing their weapons. The current beta patch notes are available, and it looks like things are running fairly smoothly. I don't know about you, but I can't wait to see my Stalker waiving around twin katanas. I feel some new character creation coming on! Grab yourself a spot in the Issue 11 beta today.

  • Heads of Cerberus and strike force number 1

    Amanda Rivera
    Amanda Rivera

    I love in-character tales. There is just something about reading the exploits of a CoX group from the perspective of the characters that just makes my day all shiny and happy, REM style. For that reason, I dove right in when I stumbled on Van Hemlock's recounting of the trials, tribulations and triumphs of The Heads of Cerberus, his CoV supergroup. His most recent story has to do with the first Strike Force mission the little level 15 supergroup encountered, taking them deep into Cap Au Diable. I don't want to spoil the read for you, but suffice it to say, they had some tough times, and kicked much do-gooder butt.

  • Transfer/rename your hero or villain

    Tateru Nino
    Tateru Nino

    NCSoft/Cryptic Studios have finally implemented two long-awaited and much anticipated features for super-powered MMO, City of Heroes/Villains, specifically Character Transfer and Character Rename. Sure, these features will cost you a few pennies ($9.99 USD per use, charged directly to your credit card, only), but you can now transfer characters between servers to play with your friends (but not between US and EU servers), or rename your character to get that name that was mysteriously unavailable early on, as management have completed a large cleanup of inactive and unsubscribed accounts, freeing up "millions of previously reserved names." As usual, both of these features are well documented, with a tutorial and FAQ: Character transfer tutorial and FAQ. Character renaming tutorial and FAQ.

  • Marvel Universe Online trailer update

    Alan Rose
    Alan Rose

    Marvel Universe Online caught the attention of many true believers at X06, and now the MMO's trailer is available on the web. Microsoft and Cryptic Studios haven't included any gameplay sequences, but the extended CGI clip teases us with the usual suspects from the House of Ideas. Everyone seems to be grabbing a piece of the Marvel pie these days, with Activision handling the Spider-Man, X-Men Legends and Ultimate Alliance games, and EA attempting to rebound from the dreadful Nemesis fighter. Read more about how Marvel and City of Heroes developer Cryptic decided to play nice in the IP sandbox.

  • City of Heroes II: The Marvel Universe [update 1]

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    Looks like Marvel and Cryptic Studios not only buried the hatchet, but got all snuggly and close during their courtroom time together. Now they are ready to make a baby with the aid of Dr. Microsoft.Microsoft and Marvel Entertainment officially confirmed today that Cryptic Studios (City of Heroes, City of Villains) will develop Marvel Universe Online, an MMO for the Xbox 360 and Windows Vista. Whether Marvel Universe Online will work cross-platform, Director of the Game Development Group at Microsoft Scott Henson says, "We haven't confirmed that yet, but that is certainly an option."Although Henson hasn't confirmed it, the press release on Cryptic Studios site says, "Marvel Universe Online will unite gamers in a cross-platform experience, allowing for Xbox 360 and Windows Vista users to play alongside one another." Michael Lewis, president of Cryptic Studios says, "Cryptic Studios and Microsoft share a common vision for online gaming and commitment to quality titles. Together we will create a new exciting game that captures the uniqueness of the Marvel IP."Translation: It'll be nice to make an updated version of City of Heroes without Marvel breathing down our necks trying to sue us. Oh, and it's great to have the support of Microsoft.It's only a matter of time now before Sony Online Entertainment officially announces details regarding their upcoming DC comics based MMO.[update 1] Added cross-platform information[Thanks Matt]

  • Cryptic may bring heroic MMO's to consoles

    Nick Doerr
    Nick Doerr

    Recently IGN released some news regarding City of Heroes and City of Villains creator, Cryptic. They have announced they are looking for programmers and artists for new PC titles and consoles. The MMO-related jobs open include Lead Designer, Lead Programmer, and Associate Producer. The rest are listed at Cryptic Studios website, for anyone interested.The only confirmation Cryptic has let out is they have multiple projects in the works. City of... Mutants? The Lead Designer position calls for interest in mythology and history, both ancient and current. Don't worry -- they say there's no Rome or Greece involved. Hopefully they also don't intend on World War 2. All three of those are very, very overdone. What kind of City of... would you like to see come to consoles? Cleverness is quite appreciated. City of Zombies would be neat, even though most zombie games (excepting a few, like Resident Evil) are sort of lacking in gameplay.

  • Cryptic Studios hiring; hint at more MMORPGs

    Joystiq Staff
    Joystiq Staff
    07.26.2006 is reporting that Cryptic Studios -- the makers of City of Heroes/Villains -- is holding an open house for people who want to join their team. Perhaps more importantly though, hidden in the announcement is the fact that the studio will make known later this year that "multiple" new MMORPG titles will be coming out. And not only on the PC, but next-generation consoles as well. The release reads: "Cryptic Studios, Inc. ... announced today that the company is actively searching for new talent to join their development team. With projects in the works on console and PC platforms, Cryptic has partnered with top publishers and is planning to announce multiple new massively multiplayer titles later this year." Good to know developers are working on bringing more MMORPGs to the consoles. +1 to that!