

  • Wai Wai Combat: why, why does it look so great

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    D3 Publisher's official page for Simple Wii Vol. 6 THE Wai Wai Combat has a bunch of new screenshots (and a few old ones) of the party/online shooting game. It kills us that this game looks so incredibly awesome, represents a completely unique implementation of the pick-up-and-play party game idea, has six-player online, and is budget-priced. It kills us because the Simple series is Japan-only, and it is currently extremely difficult to play imports.Whine Whine Complaining aside, the information page also reveals a bit more about D3's "Apian" avatar system, which is really cute and also expandable. Turns out that each Simple game includes certain parts and accessories that you can use to customize your character -- we think across games. Well, that just destroys Miis.

  • Oneechanbara Screenshot Revolution

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    An exciting innovation from D3 can be found on the Oneechanbara Revolution website: screenshots that take a really damn long time to load! Also they move or something. Apparently the "Revolution" in the game's title refers to the range of movement in the promotional screens. D3 has updated the website with two "3D Screenshots" -- images whose perspective can be changed by moving the mouse, allowing for a 3D view of the game. It's basically like those QTVR panoramas that, five years ago, everybody thought would be important right now. Except important, because they're about video games.Of course, we hate to say it, but Oneechanbara isn't necessarily the best subject for high-tech screenshot technology. From pretty much any angle, all there is to see is gooey blood and zombie chunks.[Via Siliconera]

  • Simple Block Kuzushi drops the ball

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    While a couple of the games in the Simple Wii series have been interesting (though we can't comment on their actual quality), it's fairly apparent from screens that Simple Wii Vol. 5 THE Block Kuzushi is basically a miss, due to some questionable design decisions. The main problem is that the actual playfield is so small. About 20% of the screen is occupied by actual game, with the rest going to gaudy backgrounds and a view of your "Apian" avatar (all the Simple Wii games use the same totally cute avatar creation system). This seems like an odd choice, especially since it forces all the actual blocks and the paddle to be tiny onscreen. In addition, if there is pointer control for the paddle, we would much prefer to have the whole screen at our disposal instead of being restricted to minute movements.The other issue we can spot from screens is that, for some mysterious reason, the playfield is tilted. Both of these choices seem like they would make the game harder to see and more annoying. On the upside, the game has a level editor. With the awesome-looking THE Shooting Action scoring a 17/40 in Famitsu (and with little chance of localization), we shouldn't continue caring about these games, but we still do. Famitsu reviews don't matter anyway.

  • Simple Wii: THE awesome cel-shaded multiplayer shooter

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    When D3 announced that their popular Simple series would come to the Wii, we expected stuff like mahjongg games and low-budget Wii Sports ripoffs. Instead of (well, in addition to) the normal cheapo kart racers and casino games, D3 seems to actually be putting some thought into the Wii concept. They seem to be focusing the Simple Wii series on multiplayer party games that fall into a variety of categories -- not just "minigames" and "sports-related minigames." The two most interesting Simple Wii games to us are Vol. 4 THE Shooting Action, a multiplayer space shooter, and Vol. 6 THE Wai Wai Combat.Simple Wii Vol. 6 THE Wai Wai Combat is a cute-looking third-person shooter (in the style of Resident Evil 4) with Wiimote aiming and an emphasis on multiplayer. The game can be played by up to four people on one system, or up to six people online. The game looks pretty simplistic, both in terms of its cel-shaded style and its objective (shoot each other). It does feature various multiplayer modes like capture the flag.Simplicity would be very welcome in this genre, to be honest. We dropped out of multiplayer 3D shooting games when we couldn't find anyone to play Doom with over our 14.4k BPS modem.

  • Oneechanbara Revolution is definitely not a budget game

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    We wondered when we heard about D3's Oneechanbara Revolution whether it would be part of the Simple budget series from which the Oneechanbara games originated. Well, actually, we suspected that it wouldn't be, since Oneechanbara VorteX on the Xbox 360 had crossed the full-price barrier, and since a series of Simple Wii games had been announced independent of this new Oneechanbara.But we continued to hope. We can forgive a repetitive, low-tech game for the right price, especially if it's in the action genre we crave. However, at full price we find it harder to overlook the obvious issues with the game (not that it matters, since it's a Japan-only release). We now have extremely definitive proof that Oneechanbara Revolution is not a budget game: the price. NCSX is taking preorders for the title at a price of $58, and Amazon.jp lists the game's retail price at 6,090 yen ($55), with Amazon selling it for $46. D3 is including somewhat of a consolation prize with every copy, in the form of a soundtrack CD. The music's the most entertaining thing about the game anyway!

  • Custom Tank looks incredibly non-budget

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Much like D3's other recent Simple series announcement, THE Zombie Panic, we question whether THE Custom Tank actually began its life as a Simple game. It looks like a lavishly-drawn, fully 2D action game -- which, these days, is actually more expensive than 3D. The thing's even got wireless (but not online) multiplayer! That doesn't sound like a super-low-budget game to us.Custom Tank features (duh) customizable tanks, to which you can add parts found in battle. There are 20 varieties of main weapon, 40 subweapons, and 16 different kinds of armor. With that Metal Slug-esque cutesy/gritty visual style, and the customizable weapons, we hope to see more of this game soon. We can start with the gallery of screenshots available at GAME Watch.

  • Friday Video: Don't try to fight it

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Yes, we know that the Oneechanbara games are terrible, and we know that the addition of awkward, low-budget waggle is unlikely to help. We can see the lack of variation in the enemies in this latest trailer. Furthermore, we know that Oneechanbara Revolution has zero chance of coming out in the U.S., and would be too expensive even if it did.But we don't care. The song sold us. Whoever got the idea to write and perform an inappropriately funky, upbeat song about the horror-action game should get a bonus. D3 of America, if you're reading: please, if nothing else, let us download the song. But we would be perfectly happy to buy the game -- just saying.

  • Bangai-O charges up, launches massive screenshot attack

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Bangai-O's seeming rebirth as a puzzle-shooter is fascinating to us. There was always an element of knowing what to shoot first and which weapon to use when, but Treasure and ESP seem to be putting more emphasis on smaller scenarios that require thought, rather than just spamming the 'shoot' button. We never thought that we'd want the most frenetic, insane shooter ever to be a puzzle game, but we trust Treasure and we appreciate the fact that Bangai-O Spirits is not a simple remake. And anyway, look at those screenshots (some new, some old, all wow). It's still insane. And if you don't like the new level designs, the game's got an editor, so you can just make your own game.

  • Get your kana on with an obscure license from D3

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Ojaru-maru: Ojaru to Okeiko Aiueo DS isn't necessarily made for adult learners of Japanese as a second language. In fact, it isn't. It's made for children. But the first thing you learn from trying to learn a new language is that being illiterate is pretty much the same experience whether you're 4 or 40. Materials designed to help kids learn to read in their first language are pretty useful for adults learning it as a second language. Unless they're too hard.Ojaru-maru DS helps you learn to speak and read very basic Japanese. It contains games that train kids on how to read and write the kana syllabaries, and pick the correct numeral classifier for counting different varieties of objects. There are also speaking exercises that require you to pronounce phrases into the DS mic. It's made for Japanese native speakers, but this vaguely approaches the idea of a My Japanese Coach. It could come in handy for at least learning how to read the Media Create listings every week!

  • A Simple addition to the zombie rail-shooting genre

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Most Simple series games betray their low-budgetness in fairly obvious ways: crap graphics and either boring (mah-jongg) or insane premises. They also tend to be direct copies of other more popular games. Simple DS Vol. 32 THE Zombie Panic looks like pretty much the same concept as Touch the Dead, which is, uh, pretty much the same concept as The House of the Dead -- "shoot at some zombies."But where THE Zombie Panic diverges from its DS contemporary is that, well, it's got a sword in it. That's, like, a paradigm shift for zombie-shooting games. We'll take the dual-wielding as well. There's something suspicious about a fully-3D first-person game like this being made for the Simple series. We suspect that Dream Factory was originally doing this for another publisher who canned the project.

  • What's been happening with Dark Sector?

    Nick Doerr
    Nick Doerr

    Why do we need a game that seems to play like Sam Fisher and Gabe Logan had a weird, mutant Rygar-like child? Because Dark Sector insists we cut people up with a boomerang. That's really the main draw to this game, as a lot of previews don't say much else about it. The glaive does seem interesting though, and developers D3 added a Heavenly Sword-like aftertouch where you can control the weapon in midair as you slice through multiple enemies.The game used to revolve around that. You'd have to put that weapon away to pull out a handgun -- lame. Not anymore. Dual-wielding has made its entrance and appears to make the game a tad bit more worthwhile. In fact, gunfighting seems to take priority over your throwing blade, somehow. Lots of black market weapon upgrades, et cetera. IGN mentions that the hand-to-hand, er, hand-to-glaive combat is a little iffy, but with a 2008 release, there still might be time to patch it up. Here's hoping the game turns out to be something special, because we'd hate to be disappointed with something that lets you throw a giant cutting blade around at will.

  • Nikon D3 full frame DSLR unboxed

    Evan Blass
    Evan Blass

    So it looks like the first lucky individuals have started receiving their Nikon D3s in the mail -- lucky not just because they're the proud new owner of a 12.1 megapixel full frame DSLR with 6400 ISO, 51-point autofocus, two CF slots, HDMI, and a 3-inch live view LCD, but lucky because, you know, they can afford to spend $5,000 on a camera. For those of us who can only aspire to possess such luxuries, there are always a bunch of nice unboxing shots to really help flesh out our weird gadget fantasies. You can check out another such pic after the break, before hitting the Read link for an entire D3 gallery including a few images of those new AF-S NIKKOR lenses...[Thanks, Andrew]%Gallery-11336%

  • Celebrating Simple series sales

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Comprising 345 (and counting!) games, D3 Publisher's Simple series has sold over 20 million units since its inception in 1998. That's a lot of cheap junk. To celebrate this remarkable milestone, D3 is rereleasing the first Simple DS game, Simple DS Vol. 1 THE Mah-jongg, at a special price of 1,480 yen ($13.39), which is quite a bit nicer than the original 2,800 yen price.We've often lamented the lack of Simple games in the U.S., as we're in love with both the concept (low-cost games that are modest in scope) and the general quirkiness of the games. We can't think of a better celebration of a sales milestone than to expand the series worldwide.

  • DS supplemented with Vitamin X

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Vitamin X Evolution: Super Supplement Boys Goes On. That's a game's title. If anything, this is a testament to the importance of compositional meaning in language. After all, all of those are English words, but hell if we know what that title means. We know what the game is on a practical level, at least, and that's another remade PlayStation 2 adventure game -- this time, an otome game about a female teacher assigned to tutor a group of problematic high school boys. By choosing when to correct the students' mistakes and when to let them pass, the students' "Love" and "Study" stats vary depending on these decisions, as well as their (your) performance in monthly exams. Is it a dating game? We can't really tell! We don't want it to be. But otome games seem to be relationship-focused, so ... it probably is a vaguely creepy dating game.

  • New Simple games: Tanks get customized, zombies get shot

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    D3 has revealed a couple new entries in their budget-priced Simple DS series, and they look awesome. Simple DS Vol. 31 THE Super Bullet!! Custom Tank is a side-scrolling run-and-gun that looks like a Metal Slug game, except starring a tank. It also happens to be quite a bit nicer-looking than SNK Playmore's own Metal Slug 7. Vol. 32 THE Zombie Panic is a zombie-themed rail shooter like Touch the Dead. And, inexplicably, it's developed by Dream Factory, the company responsible for Ehrgeiz and Tobal No. 1. It also looks surprisingly high-quality! Please, D3 of America, put some of that Naruto money into localizing some Simple series games! We'll give small amounts of money back to you in exchange!Both games are due on January 31 in Japan. Check after the break for the magazine scan in which these games were revealed.

  • Mythic to show off Warhammer at D3 show

    Chris Chester
    Chris Chester

    If you're planning on being in Denmark for some strange reason later this month, you might want to stop by Øksnehallen, Copenhagen. GOA, the European publisher for Warhammer Online, will be showcasing the game at the upcoming D3 show there from November 16th-18th. They'll have 12 systems set up on their 100 square meter booth, running continuous RvR sessions between Dwarves/Greenskins and Empire/Chaos.The press release doesn't get into which specific build they'll be showing off, but ostensibly it's not bleeding edge if the elves still aren't playable. Nonetheless, if you're not in the beta and you can make it to Copenhagen, we highly recommend going. If not for yourself, than for us. Then we can live vicariously through you instead of staring wistfully at Mythic's beta sign-up page.[Via Gamershell]

  • Simple Wii: THE Surprisingly neat-looking shooter

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    D3 Publisher released some screenshots of the next two entries in their Simple Wii series, Simple Wii Vol.3 THE Party Casino and Vol. 4 THE Shooting Action. Both games use the same set of Mii-like characters, which we think are adorable. We're particularly interested in THE Shooting Action, because it appears to be a competitive shooter!Using four different kinds of weapons, up to four players can shoot at each other in spaceships. Given the appearance of targeting reticles on the screen, we're guessing that aiming is done with the Wiimote pointer. And ... it's online. Suddenly, we're very interested in this game. If it's the same kind of space dueling found in Star Control, but with four players and online play? We'd gladly pay a budget price for that.

  • Oneechanbara R: a revolution?

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    GAME Watch is referring to D3 Publisher's Oneechanbara R as Oneechanbara Revolution now, solving the mystery of what the R means. We sort of assumed that it was "Remake," ourselves. Does this mean that the new Oneechanbara game takes significant steps forward toward becoming more than a ridiculous novelty game?Probably not. The title is probably just a reference to the Wii, once called the Revolution itself. Oh, well. Let's not let the supposed terribleness of the games bring us down. Today is the best day of the year for browsing a bunch of screenshots of bloody zombies, and GAME Watch has obliged with a large collection of new screens. Their post also reveals that the game contains not just the cowboy-hat-and-bikini-clad Aya, but also Saki, the other playable character from the first Oneechanbara game, just in case you'd like to choose which underdressed girl with whom to slash monsters.

  • Simple DS Sports shows a bit of complexity

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Simple DS Vol. 29: THE Sports Daishuugo may turn out to be the low-rent waste of a budget price that other Simple series games tend to be. But, at least in screenshots, it still looks pretty nice!It's not just that the game obviously apes Wii Sports's style. It seems that our enjoyment of Nintendo's Wii pack-in has made us more receptive of sports games in general, and cutesy ones in particular. Our eyes are opened to the possibility of baseball maybe being kind of fun.The screenshot pictured shows that THE Sports Daishuugo doesn't take the simplistic approach that Wii Sports does; without motion controls, the game opts instead for directional-pad control of finer aspects of gameplay. In this screen, for example, d-pad directions choose different styles of pitching.

  • A Wii Sports-alike on the DS? Simple!

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    D3 Publisher's Simple DS Vol. 29: THE Sports Daishuugo (The Big Sports Assembly) is exactly like Wii Sports. Except it doesn't look as good, has different sports, doesn't have any kind of motion controls, is probably lacking in polish to the point of glitchiness, and nobody's ever heard of it. But outside of those and probably some other things, the two are the same.THE Sports Daishuugo contains five main games: baseball, golf, volleyball, tennis, and futsal, as well as minigame variations on all of those. Like any decent casual sports game, it allows for multiplayer-- four-player single-card play.We're actually surprised by how bad this doesn't look. The characters are cute and the graphics are non-awful. We wonder if this cute sports game will take off in Japan, where Wii Sports sells tons as a standalone product.[Via Siliconera]