

  • Tabula Rasa team talks two patches ahead, sort of

    Chris Chester
    Chris Chester

    Another week brings another gaggle of player questions for Critters over at the Tabula Rasa community team. Nothing of terribly much interest this week, though they're reporting that the development team is already on their second week of development on patch 1.6... which saddens my little gamer heart because we've scarcely heard any details about 1.5 yet. We know it exists, surely, but since one of the few details we have heard was later rescinded, it's hard to get terribly optimistic about the whole thing. We're not totally wise on the development process, but doesn't it seem a little premature to be working on 1.6 when players have only just came to terms with 1.4? Maybe I'm out of touch, that's always a possibility.They also go on to address some slightly mundane questions like whether there are unlimited clone credits (no), whether player attributes pass over to clones (yes), whether item rarity should be affecting the quality of tools (yes, and they're fixing it), and whether we can get some more information on the always-popular Personal Armored Units (no, but stay tuned). There seems to be a growing frustration with these community updates, to which we are certainly not immune, and it stems from the general absence of real substantive developer feedback about player concerns. We'll see what the mood is next week.

  • NCRage goes toe to toe with "Critters"

    Eli Shayotovich
    Eli Shayotovich

    NCRage (a new website dedicated to all things NCsoft, so you know I'm a member) recently sat down with Amy "Critters" Crider, the Tabula Rasa Community Coordinator, and talked about her role, the community program, and what the dev team is working on next.Rage asked her about the interesting dynamic between TR and the fan community, specifically in regards to the fact that unlike CoX, Tabula Rasa does not have any official forums. They're all run through third party fansites. Part of Critters job is to work directly with them by promoting their features and events. She personally visit them daily to address or note hot topics, and provides "official" responses on a regular basis. In fact, the community is so important that issues in the past have been bumped up on the "To Do" list. One example given by Critters was item rarity. The whole concept was "introduced to make mission rewards more important and make it easier to recognize an item's worth." Plus, several emotes were added based on player suggestion.Be sure to check out the whole interview with Critters. It goes without saying that NCsoft knows how to run an MMO. The players make the game, and giving them this much access, attention and say is undoubtedly something that other, less gamer-friendly MMOs, should take to heart.

  • How about some charcoal for Valentines?

    Eli Shayotovich
    Eli Shayotovich

    For those of you lonely and without a date on this Hallmark Holiday, don't despair. The long awaited arrival of the fabled Charcoal dye for your Tabula Rasa soldier will appear in your backpack sometime today. Oh sure, it won't keep you warm at night (or maybe it will), but look at the bright side... it won't talk back, doesn't ask for candy, and won't expect flowers. Just pop it over your armor and away you go. No fuss no muss! NCsoft wants you all to know that the process will take several hours, so if this über reward doesn't show up today don't go and pitch a hissy fit. OK, that's me telling you - not NCsoft. They're nice. Me? Not so much. Just give it until tomorrow (4PM GMT or so) before calling in an APB on your missing loot.

  • TR's hybrid high jinks prove hollow on the whole

    Chris Chester
    Chris Chester

    When the Destination Games crew announced that they would be putting alien hybrids into Tabula Rasa's patch 1.4, I think it took a lot of people by surprise. Since the game launched in early November, the devs have shown a reluctance to acknowledge many of the complaints players have had with the game. One of the more persistent complaints was that there was a lack of depth in the character creation and customization options. Most character models are indistinguishable from each other to begin with, and there is no variety within a specific armor set of a certain level. My level 50 graviton is going to look just like your level 50 graviton, which lends an air of homogeneity to the whole affair. So it really came as a surprise when all of a sudden, they fulfilled part of our wish and gave us the option of making clones with hybrid DNA – taking on the physical features and stats of one of Tabula Rasa's three most prominent alien races. After having given my new Forean clone a good deal of play time, I've found myself dissatisfied. It's pretty cool being green (and getting the huge bonus to Mind!), but there are so many different things I wish they had done. %Gallery-9822%

  • Lord British's history of violence

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    If you've ever played a game made by Richard Garriott, then chances are you've probably encountered (or at least heard of) his alternate persona, Lord British. Ever since his very first game Akalabeth, the character of Lord British has been something of a digital signature for Garriott. However, being a lord comes with its personal risks, as many players are always trying to find ways to stick a knife in you.For all he might have tried, every time a game was released with Lord British in it, players would figure out ways around the code and put him in the ground. With nine Ultima games and the more well-known Ultima Online incarnation, Lord British has bitten the dust more than a few times. Many of people never played the original Ultima series or weren't there when the infamous fire spell blasted Lord British face-first into the ground. It's for this reason the you'll probably want to check out an article by CVG chronicling the many different deaths of Lord British. They even cover the way in which General British was killed during the beta for Tabula Rasa.

  • TR's epic Blind Race finally sees winners

    Chris Chester
    Chris Chester

    We reported on it last weekend, and on Saturday it finally came to fruition. Certainly fetching the honors as one of the more... bizarre in-game events we've ever heard of, for Tabula Rasa or any other game, the gregarious lot on the Planet TR forums put together the first ever Blind Race. Racers were tasked with running a marathon race through a series of predetermined check-points with their monitors turned off. Guided by the voice of a coaching partner, they had to navigate the oft-treacherous landscape of the Wilderness, the Divide, and the Plains. With the buff to enemy mobs in patch 1.4, it's difficult even making that run when you have all your senses about you, so even more kudos to Andriss and Mcloseky for their victory!In a sadder bit of news, the DG crew rescinded an announcement in a previous community update. Due to some complication on which they didn't care to elaborate, PvP safe zones will likely not make it into patch 1.5 as expected. It's still in the pipeline, we are assured, just not for a little while. I can live with that, as long as they're using the resources to address some of the other, more easily-fixed problems with the game.

  • The necessity of Tabula Rasa's Military Surplus

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    It's hard to imagine a massively game without some sort of auction house system in place. For Tabula Rasa players last year during launch it was an actual reality, but that changed in time. Eventually Destination Games added the Military Surplus system, which is essentially an auction house but with a properly themed name. A lot of players were happy to finally have a marketplace (even with bugs), but many people weren't quite sure how to price their product.So when the subject of whether or not the Military Surplus system is needed in TR, out ears definitely perked up a bit. The article in question is over at Ten Ton Hammer, and actually covers ways to improve the economy present currently in the game more than anything else. Although there are plenty of different ways the economy could be improved, everyone benefits from it one way or another -- we think it's here to stay in Tabula Rasa.

  • Richard Garriott is from Mars

    Michael Zenke
    Michael Zenke

    We've always known it, right? Okay, that's not fair: Richard Garriott isn't literally from another planet, that's just a usefully illustrative statement used in the Gamasutra interview with the well-known designer posted earlier this week. Mr. Garriott has some unique opinions on a number of topics, which he shares over the course of a lengthy discussion. Topics covered by the design mogul include whether or not games are art, the resultant role of folks who make games, and the possibilities of the next-gen consoles.He also (somewhat surprisingly) expresses a lot of interest in mobile games. Noting the Game Boy Ultima title Runes of Virtue as one of his favorites, he states his enthusiasm for mobile gaming as a platform, while (just a few sentences later) noting that the platform is nowhere near ready for the kinds of games he wants to make. He also states that most of the gaming industry's big names from recent years are 'under his radar' ... he hasn't even played Portal! An interesting discussion with a man that's obviously had a lot of impact on the MMO industry.

  • Feedback Friday makes patch 1.5 blurb

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    After last week's less-than-exciting feedback Friday, we're happy to bring a bit of Tabula Rasa news to the forefront. High on the list this week is 1.5 patch talk, which is incidentally high on our list of things we want Destination Games to talk about.A concern among many players since the 1.4 patch has been combat speed and general soloability. Apparently the reason for this problem originates from the way attributes worked with creatures pre-1.4 compared to how they function now. We're promised changes in 1.5 that may (or may not) improve upon this issue -- although it seems like this may not be resolved immediately.There's a ton of other random bits in the update this week, but that's the biggest piece of news concerning the next patch. There is a mention of some upcoming armor optimization, specifically light armor. It's a bit vague, but players are warned to beware of some slight changes to the look of some armor pieces. We just hope that it's a good change, as nobody likes it when they log in and suddenly their armor looks a bit -- strange.

  • TR's Chinese New Year late?

    Chris Chester
    Chris Chester

    Earlier last month the Destination Games crew announced that they'd be honoring the Chinese New Year in Tabula Rasa by sticking some black, blue, orange, yellow, and red fireworks in the pack of every member of the AFS in good faith. I was looking forward to seeing the mini fireworks shows that were bound to spring up in Foreas Base and all the other big player hubs. So you can imagine my confusion when I log on today and find no goodies waiting for me! Was the Chinese New Year delayed?Sort of, it would seem. I logged onto my new Forean hybrid and started going about all the newbie motions in the Forean Wilderness when I spotted GM_Bellum putting on a little fireworks show around the Alia Das waypoint. He wished me a Happy Year of the Rat and traded me some fireworks. I asked him when the event was starting, as the original announcement had pegged the event for today, February 7th. He said he'd just jumped the gun a bit with the fireworks, and wandered off. By all indications, I would assume that they'll announce the celebration tomorrow, as Fridays have always been their favorite day to announce things.

  • Craft the vote

    Eli Shayotovich
    Eli Shayotovich

    It's no secret that there's a weakness in the crafting component of Richard Garriott's sci-fi epic, Tabula Rasa. The folks at Tabula Rasa Vault put that weakness to the test last week when it asked it's community members, "Do you craft?" A total of 330 votes were tallied and a whopping 215 of those votes responded with, "Maybe if they fix things." Ouch. This week TR Vault tosses out a follow up question: What change would you like to see MOST in crafting? They offer four possible answers, with a fifth allowing you to comment in their forum thread. The folks at NCsoft and Destination Games take this matter very seriously since they've announced this in their own Community News section. If you'd like to see changes in the crafting system, be sure to go and cast your vote!I have a handful of toons spread out across the middle teens, and crafting simply doesn't seem to be very useful. While it's fun to collect and break down equipment to see what you get out of them, the current system is a bit cumbersome, time-consuming and not very beneficial at low levels. Based on what I've read elsewhere crafting doesn't make a noticeable difference until the 30's. This isn't a deal breaker for me since I still love the fast-paced action and the "realistic" sense of a war that the game imparts. What are your thoughts? We want to know!

  • Tabula Rasa has another control scheme?

    Chris Chester
    Chris Chester

    Have you ever played a game over a period of a few months, thinking that you've plundered the very depths of its gameplay system, only to have some facet of the game come along and smack you on the forehead? It happened to me this morning in Tabula Rasa when I was playing around with a brand new Forean clone and stumbled on an entirely new control scheme I had never seen before. It was buried in the options menu, and has completely changed the way I play. I knew I had to share it with you, dear readers, because there have to be a few other players out there who weren't aware they had this option at their fingertips.If you go into the options menu, click the key bindings tab, you can select "MMO Style" from the drop-down menu. It swaps the control bars at the bottom of your screen in a way that should completely change the way you play. Where before you had to use the toolbar to select a Logos ability and then right-click to activate it, the MMO style scheme allows you to use the ability simply by pressing the corresponding number, just as it does in other MMO titles. As an added bonus, the interact button is switched from the "T" button to the right mouse button. The MMO scheme, I'm finding, is particularly helpful for those under the Specialist tree who need quick access to a variety of Logos abilities. Saving those extra button presses is a real life-saver. If you haven't already, give it a try.

  • TR's CuppaJo dings, promoted to management

    Chris Chester
    Chris Chester

    Tabula Rasa's lovely and lively community manager, April "CuppaJo" Burba has gotten the thumbs up from management to move on to greener pastures... situated a couple offices down the hallway. She's taken on the rank of Associate Producer for Tabula Rasa in recognition of her efforts on the game for the past three years. According to her letter to the community at large, she'll be taking on a sort of shepherd role, goading new patches through development from design to execution, as well as performing triage in outage issues and things like that. We hope she enjoys her new position and (we hope) expanded paycheck.Taking her place as the main community contact will be Amy Crider, better known to most players within the community as Dev_Critters. CuppaJo promises she'll poke her head when she can, and when Critters is on vacation. We, for our part, welcome our new Critters overlord (overlady?) and hope we've all got years of fun community events ahead of us.[Via TR Vault]

  • Razorwire snaps at TR vet reward

    Chris Chester
    Chris Chester

    In our daily internet travails this morning we were a bit surprised to see Warcry's razorwire taking a bit of a nasty shot at the Tabula Rasa community crew for having included a joke 3-month-veteran award instead of something "cool" like black armor. He further postulates that one of the artists for the game probably put a lot of work into the model for his furry fandom, and wanted to validate that work by including it in the game somehow. I'm not quite sure if he was trying to be funny or edgy or whether he was actually genuinely angry about having a unicorn mask left in his bag for being a 3-month veteran. Seems a bit of an overreaction either way, and he appears to have missed the point.Anybody who has followed Tabula Rasa for a few years now no doubt remembers when the game's development was rebooted due to a lack of design focus. Back then, the game featured a lot of eccentricities that were more befitting the East Asian audience the game was originally trying to court. One of those eccentricities was an abundance of unicorns in the early builds of the game, which delighted some and confused most. Back in November we found one of the early trailers of the game and were similarly confused by the unicorn to people ratio. It was quite high. Still, I think the unicorn mask is a fun little self-deprecating joke with the fans who are most likely to "get it." Moreover, we know full well we're not getting our charcoal paint for another week, so what's the sense in crying about it?

  • Destination Games talking 1.5 already, glee!

    Chris Chester
    Chris Chester

    What's the best cure for the "post-patch blues?" Why, an early preview of features from the next patch, of course! The Destination Games crew knows what was ailing me, and delivered in the Weekend Wrapup posted earlier today. Featured is a new concept new to Tabula Rasa known as "PvP Safe Regions" -- areas where beleaguered soldiers can seek respite after death from their belligerent clan war foes. This should put an end to the practice of camping hospitals for good, or at least we hope so.Also mentioned was the Blind Race event we told you about over the weekend and a recap of a new squad-based fighting tournament called "Mid-week Massacre" (sharing the Friday Night Fight guys' affinity for well-placed alliteration), which you can found out about on the omni-present Planet TR forums. All in all, not a bad week for Tabula Rasa players. Oh, and did anybody else notice the... interesting new 3-month veteran award depicted above? Classy.

  • Tabula Rasa 'Blind Race' community event next weekend

    Chris Chester
    Chris Chester

    MMO players are famous for the ability to come up with strange and often bewildering ideas for in-game events. Whether you're talking about naked gnome raids on Ironforge, naked races across a continent, or a large group punching a whole zone into submission ... while naked, MMOs and community events just go hand in hand. I suppose we shouldn't be surprised then to find that dinoroger on the Planet TR forums is trying to arrange a "Blind Race" on the Pegasus server for next Saturday.The basic gist of it is that each team will be composed of two players, a racer and a coach. The racer will be instructed to turn off his monitor, and attempt to race through a series of objectives as quickly as possible. The coach will be tasked with guiding the racer using Ventrillo or any other voice chat program. Motor Assist Armor and five pumps in the sprint ability are heartily recommended. The event is just for fun, so there won't be any prizes for the winners beyond the requisite bragging rights, but it could be potentially amusing if enough players decide to take part. And who knows, maybe the weekend after that there'll be potato sack races!

  • The award for best online RPG of '07 goes too...

    Eli Shayotovich
    Eli Shayotovich

    According to Play Magazine, that award goes to Richard Garriott's Tabula Rasa. An excerpt from the February 2008 issue in which the award is given, says, "... Richard Garriott's Tabula Rasa presents a compelling moral/political sci-fi yarn sprinkled with just enough clever hybrid gameplay to escape the clutches of the MMO cookie cutter. TR's instances are well written, its world designs are thoughtful, and the cloning concept provides for highly rewarding class experimentation." I can't argue with that. I'm sure a hoary host of others will... since people love to gripe. But frankly I love the game. Then again I'm easy to please. If I don't like a game I'll stop playing it instead of ranting about how horrible it is in the general chat channel - day in and day out. Yet ironically continue to play the game. (Hmmm, can you say attention starved "griefer?") Anywho, congrats to Richard Garriott, NCsoft and Destination Games! Keep up the great work.

  • Feedback Friday not as fun

    Chris Chester
    Chris Chester

    It happens to even the best games out there. In the wake of the latest patch release, the next few updates from the developer prove... underwhelming. They've already blown their proverbial wad, so there isn't really much for them to put on offer. In this week's edition of Feedback Friday, the Tabula Rasa team posted to let us know that there are uh... still hybrids! I suppose it's handy to compile all the information for people who don't have the time to comb through the community sites, but it's still a bit of a downer for your average Joe Grenadier.They also included a short Q&A that outlines some of what we can assume are the more common questions from the player base. They ask such pertinent questions as whether vehicles are in the works, whether they plan to add new paint schemes such as camo, and whether secondary color schemes will ever be something that players can tinker with. Unfortunately, the answers are no, no, and no. Well nyah at you too, Destination Games!

  • Tabula Rasa is all patched up

    Chris Chester
    Chris Chester

    I honestly can't tell you how we went a whole day without noticing, but Tabula Rasa's Patch 1.4 is currently active on the live servers. With it comes a wealth of new changes that we've been talking about over the last couple weeks. All players have had their attribute and skill points refunded with the change to in the effects of attributes. Alien hybrids are about to become the next big thing as players start churning out colorful clones for the changes in looks and base stats. Health now plays a bigger factor in the game than ever before, giving healers a greater role to play. There are of course lots of other tweaks, bug fixes, and additions to numerous to list here. If you want to review the full patch notes, take a peek after the jump.One of the things I noted about the patch that I don't recall seeing in test is that the Military Surplus has a curiously low cap of 30 items per account. This will likely have the unfortunate effect of stunting whatever market there may have been for schematics, ammo, or... well, pretty much anything but blue and purple items. There's no real clear reason for the change, but it's kind of unfortunate. People have been struggling with crafting from the start, and now it looks like there's no real out waiting for them. Bummer.Again, patch notes available for your perusal after the jump.

  • Tabula Rasa racial hybrids in motion, with QA from Sage

    Chris Chester
    Chris Chester

    At this point, you've probably heard of Tabula Rasa's racial hybrids. They're something that we called for in our 2008 wishlist, we pointed them out when they appeared in the 1.4 patch notes, and we pointed you to the best resources in the Tabula Rasa community to see what they looked like when they first appeared on the public test server. So when Destination Games crew released a new video through this morning showing the racial hybrids in motion, we were decidedly underwhelmed. Somehow, showing the new hybrids in motion seems to just reinforce the notion that they're just skins slapped onto the same old gameplay. They don't really note the differences in base stats, which, as of patch 1.4, will make a much more profound difference than mere skin color.Attached to the video is a Q&A with lead designer Paul Sage, which provides a few new details. Sage explains how they're planning to add some new assets into the game, such as armor designed with specific racial hybrids in mind, though he doesn't give much of a time frame. From there, he says how the team is focused on improving PvP, enhancing the enemy AI, and adding more veteran content. Conspicuously absent is any mention of crafting, but we're willing to let that slide if they can actually go ahead and kick-start the quest hubs between levels 30 and 50. We hope assume that's what he means by "veteran content."