

  • All guilds are is dust in the wind

    David Bowers
    David Bowers

    Recently my WoW friends and I decided to start a new guild. We're really excited about all the interesting things we plan to do together, we've thought of new ways to recruit people, and naturally we think we're starting something pretty special. But there's one thing that makes me feel prouder and happier about this than I have been before, something my new guild leader pointed out: that this guild, no matter how great it is, is just dust in the wind.In fact, we realized all guilds are basically temporary arrangements of diverse people for certain purposes; they grow, change, and dissolve even as the people in them grow and adapt to new situations. A lot of people become upset by guild changes, especially if they're trying to lead and lots of drama ensues. They know in their head of course that no guild will last forever, that WoW itself will not last forever, but they still become sad when, eventually, things fall apart.My friends and I are discovering that there's no need for this sadness. A great guild, you could say, is like a Buddhist Mandala: an impermanent gathering of individual grains of sand, destined to live its time and then get brushed away. Most of my friends come from a guild that had served us well and gotten old with us, and leaving it behind just felt like the right thing to do. Someday our new guild will get old and we'll leave it behind to do other things -- and that's okay. The purpose of a guild is not to reign eternal, just to let us do what we want to do together now, and enjoy every minute of the present.

  • Guildwatch: King me!

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    I think it would be really fun if, once you downed a boss like High King Maulgar, your guild got to run the instance for the next group coming through. As in, you all took Maulgar's place, and when the next raid showed up, they had to fight your guild. Sounds like fun, right? No? Ok, well, it was just an idea.Meanwhile, click the link below to read this week's dose of drama, downing, and guild recruiting notices. My ideas might not be so great sometimes, but your stories of guild happenings around the world of Azeroth always are. Send your own to wowguildwatch@gmail.com to see them here next week!

  • Guildwatch: Stuck in group 2

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    There's a new kind of Karazhan drama in town. By now, most guilds have worked their way through most of Kara-- even if they haven't downed all the bosses, they're at least getting there. But the new drama monster? Group 2. Yeah, it was hard enough for guilds to whittle themselves down to 10 players, and now they're finding themselves split in two. Who goes in Group 1? Who is forced to learn the whole thing again? And why do they get the good mage?Ah, good times. For more drama, downing, and recruiting notices (including a special notice from my own personal guild-- at least, when I have the time to play with them), hit the link below. And send us your own tips, please, at wowguildwatch@gmail.com. Thanks. You'll always be our Group 1.

  • Azeroth Interrupted: Save the drama for yo mama

    Robin Torres
    Robin Torres

    Each week, Robin Torres contributes Azeroth Interrupted, a column about balancing real life with WoW.In my second column, I described the different personalities you can get stuck with when you invite friends and family to WoW. Of course, you can get stuck with these personalities even if you don't know them in real life. You see them in general chat, in groups and, unfortunately, in your guild. Today, I would like to discuss three possible severities of the Drama Queen. I know this has been done before, but sometimes the drama can affect real life and I would like to present some solutions for dealing with it.Attention Addict: Not all Attention Addicts are Drama Queens, but all Drama Queens are Attention Addicts. (In logical terms, Drama Queens are a subset of Attention Addicts.) We all want some attention when playing WoW, which is why we are playing an MMO instead of a single player RPG. But the Attention Addict must have as much attention as possible at all times. Following are some of tactics the Attention Addict uses:Attention Grabber: If Attention Addicts say what they want to say all at once, they can be ignored. So they want to make sure they have your attention before they tell their story/problem/world-ending-tragedy. They will say one or two phrases, waiting for responses before they finally give a hint about what they want to say. For example: AA: OMIGOD! <long pause waiting for someone to respond> SuckerGuildie: What? AA: I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!!!! ConcernedGuildie: What's wrong? AA: Stupid @#@$#%$ Horde!!!! The best way to handle the Attention Grabber tactic is to ignore the Attention Addict until he gets to the point.

  • Guildwatch: Roses are red, violets are blue, I /gquit, and f#($ you

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Is that title too harsh? Too bad-- drama ain't pretty! It is poetic, though, as today we've got a /gquit rant that sounds more like free verse than anything else.Click the link below to read your weekly dose of drama, downed, and recruiting notices for the week. And remember: your tips fuel this poetry corner, so send tips, anonymous or otherwise, to wowguildwatch@gmail.com.

  • Tony Blair comments on Church of England's Sony issue

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    Make some popcorn and grab some drinks because Tony Blair, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, has now publicly commented on the Church of England's issue with Resistance: Fall of Man. During the Prime Minister's questions (which is fantastic television viewing BTW) the MP for Manchester Central asked, "Would the Prime Minister agree with me then that when Sony used images of Manchester Cathedral as part a game which extols gun violence, this was not only in bad taste but also very, very insulting to not simply the Church of England, but people across the land who think it's inappropriate that big corporations behave in this way?"Mr. Blair's response? Quite "meh" in tone and execution. Blair said, "I agree with my honourable friend. I think it's important that any of the companies engaged in promoting these types of goods have some sense of responsibility and also some sensitivity to the feelings of others ... I think it is important that people understand there is a wider social responsibility as well as an interior responsibility for profits." So, that means what exactly?We wish we could get a better idea oh how this kerfuffle is really going down in England. Any Brits want to comment? So far, what we know is that Sony is handling the situation through their Europe branch quietly. Meanwhile, developer of Resistance, Insomniac Games, is keeping their mouth shut and not saying anything either. This whole situation is becoming very Alice in Wonderland. Alice might say, "If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn't be. And what it wouldn't be, it would. You see?"Update: Changed Blair from PM of England to PM of United Kingdom. Please pardon our oversight citizens of Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and Eastern Bavaria.

  • Guildwatch: WTB 15 more players

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Lots of guilds had to slim down to get into Karazhan, but now it seems like they have the opposite problem-- as they head towards 25 man raids, more of them are needed more players all the time. If you're picky and you've been looking to join a guild, it's a seller's market right now.So click the link below and check out this week's recruiting notices, as well as your weekly dose of guild drama and downings. It's Guildwatch and just like Scarface, the world is yours right after the jump.

  • Guildwatch: Get me the board!

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Watch your back, Shade of Aran! You're On Notice! This week's Word is "Ninja," but we've lots of all kinds of drama, downed, and recruiting news in today's Guildwatch, your weekly look at guild happenings around the realms.Remember, if you've got tips for us, the address is wowguildwatch@gmail.com. Click the link below to read all the truthiness we could find this week.

  • Guildwatch: We won't stand being talked to like that, either

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Yes, it's Tuesday, time again for Guildwatch, and this week we have a question. WHO IS YOUR GM!?! We won't stand being talked to like that! You better watch your mouth, sonny; I am the GM of Guildwatch, ruler of all you see before you!Yep, the only problem with being a guild leader is that it doesn't mean you actually have any authority at all-- but it's still funny when you think you do. For more drama, downed news, and recruiting notices, click the link below. And if you've got anonymous tips to report (we got a ton this week!) send them please to wowguildwatch@gmail.com. Now get us some tea and crumpets-- we are your king!

  • Guildwatch: Trouble at the top

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Guild drama is always pretty bad, but almost nothing is worse then guild drama that hits right where it hurts: at the top. When your guildleader gets a little out of shape, takes an extended break, /gdisbands, or even flips factions on you, you know it's going to be rough going ahead for your fellow guildies.Lots of stuff like that today-- here's this week's Guildwatch, right after the jump. To get your guild here (or let us know about something going down on your server) drop us a line at wowguildwatch@gmail.com and hook us up with drama, downed, or recruiting news. Follow your favorite raidleader past the link below to check the column.

  • Officers' Quarters: Pistols at dawn?

    Scott Andrews
    Scott Andrews

    Every Monday Scott Andrews contributes Officers' Quarters, a column about the ins and outs of guild leadership. Most GLs can't handle all the duties of running a guild by themselves. We rely on our officers to pitch in and set a good example. But what happens when one of your officers wants to run things differently than you do? That brings us to this week's question: I'm the GL of a small, up-and-coming guild. We started the guild with the full intention of having fun while accomplishing our goals first and foremost. The guild was started by myself and several friends of mine from real life. Well we started to expand and have since tripled our numbers. This has also tripled the amount of drama that has occurred as well. But, the main focus of this drama has come from one of the lead officers who is the newest edition to the rank. He's arrogant, pushy, quick to snap and his judgement isn't exactly what I would call favorable in given situations. But, and here's the main problem: he is also someone I've known for several years in real life.

  • Guildwatch: Stripped bare

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Getting your toon stripped to his undies is bad enough, but what happens when your guildies do it to you? That's what happened in the picture above-- click the link below to read more in this week's Guildwatch.And don't forget, the only way we get all this drama, downing, and recruiting in one place is via your tips-- send them in ASAP to wowguildwatch@gmail.com. And if you don't, be careful. Your bags just may end up full of junk!

  • How to Destroy Your Guild: An Officers' Quarters Special Feature

    Scott Andrews
    Scott Andrews

    The feedback to my first Officers' Quarters column made me realize something that was floating around in my head for a while but that I never fully acknowledged: It's usually the guild leadership that causes a guild to collapse. I don't have any hard data to prove this statement. However, from what I've seen on my server and heard about on others, the cause of a guild's demise is much more likely to be its officers than its nonofficer members. It's obvious when you think about it: A guild's leadership defines not only the guild's rules and regulations, but its philosophy, purpose, and culture. When its purpose is to do what the GL wants and its philosophy is to do what the GL says, that is a guild headed for extinction. From time to time I'll be bringing you a feature in addition to my weekly Monday-morning posts. Today's feature will explain how to destroy your guild in seven easy steps. 1) Invite everyone. That 10-year old warlock whose dad obviously helped him fill out the app. That warrior in Serpentshrine gear who wants to switch guilds so he can raid more. That guildless hunter who melee'd his way through the Ring of Blood quests with you. There are often many warning signs that someone may not be the right fit for you guild -- ignore them at your peril.

  • Guildwatch: Well that's one way to do it

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    I'm so excited. Next week, finally, my guild is going to roll with a full 25-man group, and head into Gruul's Lair to try and take the big guy down. We haven't raided together in a full group in quite a long time (it's been 5mans and Karazhan, of course), so I can't wait to see some action like High King Maulgar here (this is Shadow Fate's kill, complete with extra adds-- see below).It's Tuesday, which means it's time once again for your weekly dose of guild drama, downings, and recruiting notices, brought to you by tipsters from all over the realm of Azeroth. If you've got a good tip (and we're sure you do), please send it away to wowguildwatch@gmail.com for next week's column. Meanwhile, hit the link below to read about this week's hot guild-on-guild action.

  • WoW Drama, a blog about serious business

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    I can't believe, considering my fascination with the great WoW drama that shows up every week in Guildwatch, that this has existed for months without me knowing about it, but I guess it has. There is apparently an entire blog dedicated to nothing but gritty, stupid, complicated WoW drama. How genius.At GW, we just stick to guild drama, and it's true that most of the really great stuff comes from that. There's nothing better than a WoW is Serious Business guild post or a shocking Vent session (that poor kid is really crying! wow!). These guys have also expanded into PvP drama, and even reviewing some classic stuff. The site is run by two guys named Kingfox (who I believe has commented on this site before) and Eddie Bax, and while they could update a little more often (it seems like they've been too busy raiding lately, what's there is definitely an interesting read.I don't know what my fascination is with this stuff. I guess maybe it's that I always seem to have no trouble remembering that I'm just playing a game, and so the people who completely forget that just amuse me to no end. I don't want anyone to get hurt (although feelings do often get hurt in good drama), but it just seems like so much of this stuff could be avoided if everybody just lightened up. It's a game, folks-- there'll be other guilds to join and other loot that drops.

  • Guildwatch: Back in the swing of things

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    I think I can now safely say that most guilds have either survived the expansion drama, or reformed as guilds that can, because things are really rolling in the endgame lately. Lots of guilds are moving up through Karazhan, and we're finally seeing those 25-man groups out there working on Gruul. Raiding times are here again?This week's GW starts right after the jump, but don't forget-- next week's Guildwatch is completely and totally supported by your tips! If you've got info about drama, downed, or recruiting going on around the servers, get 'em in the email right now, please: wowguildwatch@gmail.com!

  • Capcom to Japanese TV: "Take that!"

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Well, this is just about the coolest marketing campaign ever; and, of course, after reading that, you'll be able to guess that it's for Japan only. Also, if you're familiar with our site, you should have no problem guessing what game it promotes. Gyakuten Saiban 4, the latest entry in Capcom's Phoenix Wright/Ace Attorney series, doesn't really need any more marketing, but we aren't complaining. Capcom will be running a 5-10 minute Gyakuten Saiban TV drama, which presents a case for viewers to solve. Later, the solution will appear on the Gyakuten Saiban 4 website. If any of our Fanboy friends are located in Japan, we hope they'll watch next week and tell us about it!

  • Guildwatch: A long struggle with raid cancer

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    I would say that I'm sorry that Guildwatch is running a little late this week, but you didn't really notice, did you? No worries, we're here now, with all the drama, downings, and recruiting that any one man (or woman, or orc, or undead) can handle!And please-- please!-- remember that this column runs on your tips, so throw any and all news you have about drama going on around the servers, guild progression, or recruiting notices in the box at wowguildwatch@gmail.com. You do it-- we just report on it, right after the jump.

  • Lost islanders snag an iPhone before the street date?

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    If you're one of the many former Lost fans whose interest slowly faded after the show became predominantly filled with mind-numbing flashbacks, all while the writers attempted to string us all along until the next commercial break, we're right there with you -- but for the folks still hangin' in there to catch the 10PM broadcasts, last night's episode was a treat. Thanks to the wonders of DVR, an eagle-eyed viewer noticed that the "satellite phone" discovered on the island seemed a bit too modern for the circumstances, and upon closer review, an actual iPhone was unearthed. Hidden beneath a makeshift enclosure sat an iPhone interface, complete with an OS X Home icon, which leads us to wonder if the entire show isn't based in the future. Regardless, the islanders no longer have reason to whine about being stranded, as we're fairly confident there would be quite a manhunt going on if they offered up the pre-release iPhone in exchange for a boat ride home.[Via TUAW]

  • Suda 51 & Kojima's 'Project S' based on Snatcher, radio drama announced

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    According to Famitsu, Suda 51 has declassified 'Project S,' a not-so-mysterious collaboration with Hideo Kojima. As suspected, "S" is for "Snatcher," Kojima's 1988 cyberpunk adventure, which was eventually translated and released for Sega CD in 1994. During this past weekend's 'Snake vs Zombie Vol. 2' event, Suda confessed that Snatcher was his favorite Kojima effort, prompting a few snickers between the No More Heroes creator and Kojima, who joined Suda on stage. While the pair alluded to Project S's presumed connection to Snatcher, it wasn't until this week's article that the link was openly confirmed.Project S is apparently a series of works based on the Snatcher property. The first, a radio drama (yeah, you read that right, radio drama), will be written by Suda 51, who will also star as one of the voice actors. "I think I will call it 'Snatchers.' I can't talk about the details of the story at this point," he told Famitsu. Any chance it'll make it to satellite?