

  • Amazon's Echo speaker guides you through workouts

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    Amazon must want to help you fulfill your New Year's resolutions, since it just updated the Echo speaker with a handful of features meant to get your life in shape. To begin with, you can ask Alexa to start a 7-minute workout -- the voice-guided cylinder will coach you every step of the way. You can also get your investments on track thanks to a Fidelity feature that tells you how individual stocks are doing. And if you're more interested in how political leaders fare this year, you can ask the Echo when the next Democratic or Republican debate will take place. The additions won't change your life, but they're definitely cheaper than visiting the gym or a financial guru.[Image credit: AP Photo/Mark Lennihan]

  • Hillary Clinton's private server had two 'top secret' emails

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    Those concerns that Hillary Clinton's private email server had classified intel? They're apparently well-founded. Sources for Fox News and Politico maintain that two of the messages sent to Clinton were labeled as "top secret" when fresh. One of them was eventually reduced to "secret," but critics say that's beside the point: they're worried that the email wasn't subject to tougher government security standards, and could have been compromised.

  • Rand Paul will livestream an entire day from his presidential campaign

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    Senator Rand Paul's campaign for the Republican presidential nomination isn't going well -- he's as far down as eighth place, depending on whose polls you trust. And he's hoping that showing some internet savviness will help him get out of that rut. The politician has announced plans to livestream an entire day from his campaign (October 13th) on both Facebook and UStream. He'll take questions whenever he can, and hopes to finish after the Democratic debate wraps up in the evening.

  • Hillary Clinton isn't a fan of Uber-style contracted workers

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    Like it or not, the hiring practices of on-demand internet companies just became an election issue. Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has outlined her economic policies, and it's clear that she's not fond of Uber and other firms relying on contracted workers instead of regular employees. While she believes that these demand-based outfits are "unleashing innovation," their labor practices allegedly amount to "wage theft." They're depriving people of vital benefits like paid maternity leave and sick days, Clinton says. She's not specific about how she'd solve this dilemma, but she believes that policies could "fix" the situation and give some workers a stronger safety net.

  • Hillary Clinton wants all police to wear body cameras

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    Police body cameras might just represent a big talking point in next year's US elections. Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton tells those at a policy forum that she wants "every department" to issue the wearables to their officers. While a White House taskforce has already recommended the technology, Clinton believes that the implementations should "go even further" in certain circumstances. As she argues, there's a pattern of cops abusing their power across the country -- body cameras should encourage accountability and transparency.