

  • EU online spending estimated to grow 16 percent, reach €232 billion in 2012

    Zachary Lutz
    Zachary Lutz

    Pardon us Americans as we act surprised, but it turns out that we have one more thing in common with our Euro brethren: a growing number of us dislike shopping in stores. According to Kelkoo estimates, online spending in the European Union is projected to continue its upward trend, which is said to reach somewhere in the neighborhood of €232 billion before year's end. If the estimate holds, this would be a 16 percent increase over the €200 billion raked by e-tailers during 2011, and is naturally assumed to come at the expense of traditional brick and mortar outfits, whose growth is projected to increase by a mere 1.8 percent.The data gathered also suggest there's significant room for expansion, however, as online spending accounted for just 7.8 percent of all EU retail sales in 2011, with the UK, Germany and France being responsible for a whopping 71 percent of that tally. The 16 percent projected growth is a slight decline from 2011, which saw EU online spending grow by 18 percent -- although, Europe's growing habit for click-and-ship continues to outpace the US, which grew by only 12.8 percent in 2011. Now, since you've crammed all these numbers, why not check the funny pages?[Shopping button via Shutterstock]

  • Capcom behind 'No Hope Left' viral ads (or widespread graffiti, depending on your perspective)

    Ben Gilbert
    Ben Gilbert

    The "No Hope Left" ad campaign spotted in a variety of locations across Europe has been pinned to Capcom. At least that's according to The Sixth Axis, whose intrepid reporter schlepped down to the Vauxhall station in London after seeing an image pop up on the viral ad campaign's website. He spotted an ad company (Primesight) credited for the faux graffiti and emailed them to confirm who had bought said ad. He was told, "Panel number is 2375 03 Parry Street. The company advertising on it is CAPCOM." This makes a lot of sense, given the "O" in "No" looks like a stylized biohazard symbol (the name of the Resident Evil series in Japan). It would also not be surprising at all for a video-game company to post adverts marauding as graffiti, though we doubt this will draw as much ire as previous attempts. Either way, it looks like we'll find out more tomorrow, as the ads all point to a reveal on January 19, 2012. Here's hoping tomorrow doesn't accidentally coincide with the real zombie apocalypse. Boy would that be a lot of egg on Capcom's face, eh? [Image credit: NoHopeLeft.com]

  • ASUS offers refunds and extended warranties to piqued Prime customers in the UK

    Terrence O'Brien
    Terrence O'Brien

    If the Ice Cream Sandwich update, bug fixes and piles of apologies from the folks at ASUS just aren't cutting it and you happen to live in the UK, then we've got some good news for you. You are free to take your Transformer Prime back to the shop for a full refund. Don't expect turn around and pick up that updated TF700T with your haul, though, it won't be hitting shelves in merry ol' England till at least June. If you choose to keep your dockable tablet, ASUS will offer an extended warranty of 18 months, just to soothe your panicked mind that wakes you with night terrors about GPS issues and unknown serial numbers.

  • O2 begins rolling out 'Europe's largest free WiFi network' in London this month

    Brian Heater
    Brian Heater

    UK carrier O2 will be rolling out its ambitious free WiFi network this month, just in time to let the throngs of tourists update their Facebook statuses during the 2012 Olympic Games and Queen Elizabeth's Diamond Jubilee. The plan will cover London's Westminster and Kensington & Chelsea boroughs, creating Europe's largest free wireless network, according to O2. The deal, which the company adds will not be footed by the taxpayer, is part of a larger plan announced this time last year. Official information and lots of quotes from important sounding people after the break.

  • Harrods reportedly nabs Porsche Design P'9981 BlackBerry as UK exclusive, costs a princely £1,275

    Zachary Lutz
    Zachary Lutz

    The department store Harrods is no stranger to exposing Londoners to some of the finer -- and more eccentric -- things in life, and so after learning that it'd be bringing RIM's Porsche Design P'9981 BlackBerry to its shelves as a UK exclusive, we couldn't help but smile with curiosity. While we've yet to see anything official come across the wires, it's reported that this sexy slab of unlocked goodness will retail for £1,275 and hit stores before the month's end. We've attempted to confirm these details with RIM's UK group but, as it turns out, Brits like going home early on Friday, too.

  • Skyrim flies past Modern Warfare 3 on UK charts

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    It took some time for the Dovahkiin to level up, but Skyrim has slain a fearsome beast and taken the top spot of Chart-Track's UK sales chart. Five weeks after its debut, Skyrim has grabbed first place from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, thanks to the game's continued buzz and an average price reduction of £13 last week. But an evil still lingers, growing in strength. Just Dance 3, the latest lieutenant in the army of dance darkness, has entered third place. The launch of the PS3 version of Just Dance 3 helped the game on the all formats chart, but the Wii edition still makes up 89 percent of sales. The rest of the UK top ten is playing musical chairs -- check those out after the break.

  • UK courts to introduce tablets, vow to cut back on tree killing ways

    Lydia Leavitt
    Lydia Leavitt

    It may not be retiring the powdered wigs just yet, but according to The Guardian, the British government is ready to replace traditional paper documents with tablets in UK courtrooms. Starting in April, the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) will give slates to Welsh and English prosecutors to store all forms and evidentiary items, later extending the offer to judges, jurors and defense lawyers. To start, administrators will give 35 Hewlett-Packard tablets to prosecutors in Norfolk as a test for the bigger roll out, which is estimated to save around £50 million (or around $78 million) in dead trees across the UK. There's no word yet which tablet HP has in mind, but chances are it will not be the discount rack TouchPad -- perhaps a Windows tablet is more in order in this court.

  • UK court orders ISP to block Newzbin 2 filesharing site within two weeks, Hollywood smiles

    Amar Toor
    Amar Toor

    Pirates just can't catch a break these days. Way back in July, a British judge ordered telecom company BT to block its subscribers from visiting a site called Newzbin 2, on the grounds that the ISP had "actual knowledge" of customers using the platform access copyright infringing content. An appeal was soon filed, but yesterday, it was shot down by a high court. Under the order, BT will have 14 days to seal off access to Newzbin 2, and will have to do so on its own dime -- something the provider was aiming to avoid. The decision marks the first time that an ISP has been forced to block access to a filesharing site, something the Motion Picture Association heralded as "a win for the creative sector." BT, meanwhile, didn't have much to say about the ruling, stating only that "it is helpful to have the order now and the clarity that it brings." Less certain, however, is the impact this order will have on future copyright lawsuits and web censorship, in general. Find the ruling in its entirety at the coverage link, below.

  • British man's prosthetic arm doubles as Nokia C7 dock

    Brian Heater
    Brian Heater

    Smartphones have changed our lives, sure, but for those with only one arm, the touchscreen-centric devices can be a downright nuisance. Trevor Prideaux of Somerset, England has worked out of a solution, with help from Nokia and some folks in the medical community. A prosthetist built the 50-year-old catering manager a limb with a cradle for his Nokia C7, allowing Prideaux to operate the phone with a single hand. Prideaux told The Telegraph that he'd initially approached Apple for assistance with the project, eventually settling on Nokia after the Finnish handset maker agreed to help out. [Image source: The Telegraph]

  • EA Bright Light in process of closure

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    The body count for established British studios keeps rising, with EA Bright Light the latest in the crosshairs. EA confirmed to GamesIndustry.biz that a "formal consultation process" has begun at the studio. That's a fancy term for the time required under UK law (dependent on number of employees) before the publisher can shut down the studio. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 was the latest project from the studio, a title we couldn't be bothered to review after the previous installment. Apparently we didn't miss anything. "Employees that are impacted will be considered for positions at other EA Studios including those in the UK," EA said in a statement. "The UK is a vital centre of game development for EA and we intend to maintain a strong presence here." You know, with the one studio EA officially has left on the island.

  • Samsung Galaxy Y available now from Vodafone UK

    Mat Smith
    Mat Smith

    The latest product off Samsung's near-constant conveyor belt, the Galaxy Y, has been spotted loitering around Vodafone UK stores. The "youth"(translation: entry-level) smartphone arrives with a slightly better spec sheet than the Korean giant's cheapest Android phone, the Galaxy Mini, although you shouldn't expect a load of GS II-eque features. The petite handset includes a two megapixel camera, a three-inch touchscreen, an 832MHz CPU, and the typical wireless medley of Bluetooth, 801.11 b/g/n WiFi and GPS -- all packed into a 3.5 ounce shell running Google's Gingerbread OS. Sure, there's no 4.3-inch Super AMOLED Plus screen, but for just £10.50 per month, we may be willing to overlook it.

  • UK Gov wants opt-in system for adult material, imagine a boot stamping on a trackpad, forever

    Daniel Cooper
    Daniel Cooper

    Looks like Prime Minister David Cameron's not content with just shuttering the internet during social unrest (whilst condemning others who do the same). He's declared that four of the UK's biggest ISPs have entered into an opt-in system for adult material. The move is backed by the Mothers Union but has been flatly denied by the ISPs, who insist they're offering McAfee parental controls with new signups rather than Government-level web filtering. (Probably a massive let down to those eagerly waiting to delegate their parental responsibilities.) Of course, given the flaky nature of web filtering, any sanguine word that contained an expletive (the word "arsenal", for example) could be impossible to access until you had an awkward conversation with someone over the phone.

  • Rare studio tour shows that Kinect is the centerpiece these days

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Here's the thing: The stuff you loved when you were a kid changes as you grow up. Mr. Rogers passed away after a long and full life. The Smurfs got turned into a terrible movie starring Katy Perry. And Rare, the creators of all those games you loved way back when, are really, really into Kinect Sports. That's the lesson from this quick tour of the company's studios, where you can see lots and lots of wall-sized displays of Kinect avatars, but only two mentions of the company's storied and prosperous history with Nintendo. Goldeneye 007 and Banjo and Kazooie may sit front and center in many gamers' hearts, but at Rare HQ these days, they mostly just sit as unmarked cartridges inside a glass history case. That's fine -- Rare is doing quite well under Microsoft's leadership, and as the article says, the company is very proud of what it's done with Kinect and Xbox Live. But that won't keep us from remembering the good old times, and all of the fun we had together way back when.

  • Nerdy Day Trips guides traveling technophiles, could use your input

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    It's like DayZipping, tailored for nerds. Nerdy Day Trips has just taken the wraps off of itself, launching a "slightly in development" website that aims to give jetsetting technologists a guide for their upcoming excursions. Put simply, users can navigate around the world and find published day trips that involve shockingly geeky things -- you know, like a quick jaunt out to see Tokyo's monumental Gundam statue or The Robot Museum in Nagoya. As it stands, almost all of the recommendations are in the United Kingdom, but that's not to say it'll always be that way. The company's already planning to improve searching, develop a mobile app, integrate a social networking aspect and showcase places to stay near said trips, and you can help expand the database by tossing in trips that you've already accomplished. As for us? We'll have our endeavors to ESPN's 3D haunts, Westone's headquarters and Ferrari's Italian lairs in there shortly.

  • Samsung Galaxy Y coming soon to Vodafone UK's budget lineup

    Zachary Lutz
    Zachary Lutz

    The Samsung Galaxy Y recently appeared on Vodafone's "Coming Soon" page, where Sammy's youth-oriented smartphone will look to carve a niche among the UK carrier's value options. While the handset compares favorably to the current bottom-of-the-line Galaxy Mini (free on all contracts over £13 per month), the low-res QVGA display makes it a timid competitor to better-equipped options such as the Wildfire S and Xperia Mini Pro (both free on all contracts over £20.50 per month). Along with a Gingerbread OS and an 832MHz CPU, you'll find a 2 megapixel camera and the usual assortment of 802.11n, Bluetooth 3.0 and GPS. Neither pricing nor a release date have been announced, which will certainly determine much of the Galaxy Y's fate. So, Vodafone, how low can you go?

  • Three announces UK's first 21Mbps HSDPA+ hotspot for September arrival

    Zachary Lutz
    Zachary Lutz

    Live in the UK and have a burning desire for faster internet while on the run? Excellent, because Three is taking an important step forward with the announcement of its new Huawei E586 MiFi. It's a mobile hotspot that supports 21.1Mbps HSDPA -- a first for the British market -- and is designed to complement the network's current upgrade of its equally brisk HSPA+ network. The device is slated for a September arrival and features a charging cradle that's designed to keep you in business beyond the stated 4.5 hour battery life. Additionally, an OLED screen on the hotspot's face displays information such as your data usage, current connection speed and password. Pricing hasn't been announced for the little one, but if we've piqued your curiosity, just follow the break for the full PR.

  • Nokia gifts Museum of London with NFC tags, makes you tap for more info (video)

    Lydia Leavitt
    Lydia Leavitt

    Make sure to grab your C7 next time you visit the Museum of London. Nokia took the liberty of installing NFC tags at the museum's coolest attractions (like the Lord Mayor's coach and a sweet medieval brooch) -- showing us there's more to the technology than just mobile payments. So far, museum-bound Brits can use their NFC phones to get more exhibit information, buy things like prints and check-in, tweet or "like" what they see. Go on people, tap away, and in the meantime check out the video after the break.

  • UK teen arrested for illegal BBM, social media crackdown gains steam

    Joseph Volpe
    Joseph Volpe

    Lending further gravity to the proposed crackdown being bandied about in British parliament, an Essex teen has been arrested for sending a BBM that ran afoul of the Serious Crime Act of 2007. The 18-year old, now free on bail, allegedly used the service to encourage copycat attacks of the violent rioting that's swept London, and is set to appear in court on September 1st. It's the second known case to put RIM's private messaging service -- "popular among urban teenagers" as a cheap texting alternative -- in the UK's legal hotseat. For its part, the Canadian electronics maker has since reached out to police, promising to aid the investigation "in any way [it] can." Although no decision has yet been made to extend law enforcement's powers over social media services, such as Twitter and Facebook, arrests like these seem to indicate a murky free speech future.

  • UK Prime Minister exploring social media crackdown in wake of London riots (video)

    Amar Toor
    Amar Toor

    As Londoners continue to pick up the rubble and carnage from this week's riots, UK Prime Minister David Cameron is exploring new ways to maintain order -- including, apparently, a government crackdown on social media. In a speech to members of Parliament today, Cameron made clear his belief that law enforcement officials should be able to curb and monitor the use of social networking sites under certain circumstances, lending credence to the theory that mechanisms like Facebook, Twitter and BlackBerry played a critical role in inciting the recent violence: "Free flow of information can be used for good. But it can also be used for ill. And when people are using social media for violence we need to stop them. So we are working with the Police, the intelligence services and industry to look at whether it would be right to stop people communicating via these websites and services when we know they are plotting violence, disorder and criminality." There's a fine line separating issues of national security from the rights to free speech, but it's a line that Cameron seems willing to toe. And, though he and his Conservative government are only mulling the idea, it's difficult to ignore the irony in his statements. Keep in mind that this is the same man who roundly condemned Hosni Mubarak for shutting down Egypt's internet at the height of its revolution, calling for the now-ousted leader to fully respect the "freedom of expression and communication, including use of telephones and the internet." Cameron, of course, isn't calling for anything nearly as drastic as what Mubarak orchestrated, nor is he facing anywhere near the same level of domestic turmoil. But the fundamental narrative remains the same: in the face of social upheaval, a national leader instinctively reaches for a digital muzzle as a stop-gap measure, while (perhaps) ignoring the larger, longer-term ramifications of his actions. Fortunately for the UK, though, Cameron is already doing one thing that Mubarak apparently never did -- he's thinking about right and wrong. Head past the break to see Cameron's speech, in its entirety.

  • Nokia N9 coming to UK and Sweden through back door

    Zachary Lutz
    Zachary Lutz

    Okay, so Nokia has made it abundantly clear that the N9 -- the company's current halo smartphone -- has no future in the US, UK, or most recently... Germany. It's quite the bum's rush for the handset that could have been Mr. Elop's shining star, but if you live in Sweden or the UK, there's still a few options. Independent dealers Katshing (for Sweden), and Expansys (for the UK), are both offering the device on pre-order. The release date hasn't been established by either reseller, but Katshing quotes a price of 5,490 Kronas ($845). Unfortunately, Expansys is remaining coy with its pricing strategy -- perhaps recognizing its new relative exclusivity. It's sad seeing the N9 fading into oblivion before its release, but if you're still pining over this sweet slab, at least these independents are watching out for you.