

  • Today on Massively: November 12, 2007

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    Broken Toys has mentioned that we put up 40 new posts an hour over here on Massively -- and while I think that's a slight exaggeration, there's certainly enough happening every day that it's easy to get lost. So without further ado, I present our very first daily wrap-up post, compiling all of the days news and information into a single easily-clickable reference. Contests Massively's massive giveaways: EQ2 Rise of Kunark, redux Massively's massive giveaways: EQ Secrets of Faydwer, part 2 Massively's massive giveaways: EQ2 Rise of Kunark Massively's massive giveaways: EQ Secrets of Faydwer EverQuest 2: Rise of Kunark EverQuest 2: Rise of Kunark -- mega information link overload EQ2 Rise of Kunark tradeskilling: Armor EQ2 Rise of Kunark tradeskilling: Furniture EQ2 Rise of Kunark tradeskilling: Harvested resources

  • Massively's Massive Giveaways: EQ Secrets of Faydwer part 2

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    Here we are with our second round of EverQuest: Secrets of Faydwer giveaways for you today! For those of you not aware of what all the goodies are that come with this expansion, here's a quick taste of what players have to look forward to: The level cap has been raised to 80! This of course means a bunch of new spells, Alternate Advancement points, and a slew of new armor and weapons to check out. Over a dozen new zones -- Travel to interesting new areas, find new monsters, and kill them for plat and prizes! Over 100 new quests added for you to solo or get groups for, including 28 new high-end raids. Oodles of new Heroic gear to buff you to heretofore previously unattainable levels of ass-kicking. All you need to do to win one of the three copies of this mega-bundle of Secrets of Faydwer, original EQ and all the expansions to date that we're giving away is to leave a comment below. So long as you're 18+, a resident of the U.S., and everything else covered under the official rules, you're set to go. So what are you waiting for? Get to commenting!

  • Massively's Massive Giveaway: EQ2 - Rise of Kunark

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    This just in: we've actually been contacted by the fine folks at Sony Online Entertainment, who have given us a veritable plethora of copies of both of their new expansions launching today! This means that we've changed the original prizes from just the one copy we had, to 3 copies -- as well as the prizes for the rest of the day! That said, for EQ2 we couldn't be more excited about this, as some of us were lucky enough to get into the beta for Rise of Kunark. You can trust us when we say that the Sarnak are a wickedly fun addition to the Everquest II stable. The attention to even the little details of the starting area in Timorous Deep on up will impress both old and new players alike. But enough gushing about Everquest II and Rise of Kunark -- for now, anyway. Let's get on with giving you a chance to win your own copy!This hour we're offering three copies of the EverQuest II expansion, which actually includes the core game and all expansions up to this point! So those new to EQ2 and those who've been around alike will be able to use this prize. Full of win, no? All you need to do is leave a comment below and you could be one of the lucky people who walks away with your very own copy -- and the ability to create your very own snarling Sarnak! You must be 18+, a resident of the U.S. and all the rest of the hoopla from the official rules. Good luck!

  • Massively's Massive Giveaways: EQ Secrets of Faydwer [Updated]

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    Many, many moons ago, I remember getting a call from one of my best friends; he was crowing about this new game called EverQuest that he said I absolutely had to go get. After all, as he pointed out, not only was it a game (a common passion we share to this day) but it would give us a chance to "hang out" together despite the enormous physical distance between us. Thus began my passion for MMOs -- and EQ will always have a special spot in my heart as my first MMO love. For those of you who also keep your torches burning bright for EverQuest, this giveaway is for you! For this giveaway, we're offering a copy 3 copies of the newest EverQuest newest expansion, Secrets of Faydwer. But don't think that this is only for the people who only own EverQuest already. This expansion actually includes all the prior games in a giant roll up of gaming goodness for both EQ veterans and total EQ newcomers alike.All you need to do to be eligible for this drawing is to leave a comment before 2:00 PM tomorrow (11/13) telling us what your first ever MMO was and how you got into it? Did your friend call you and tell you to go get it right now or they were going to buy it for you -- or was that just me? Of course, you must be 18+ years of age, a U.S. resident, and all the other official rules stuff. Let us know!Update: We've just heard back from SOE who has gifted us with some boxed copies of Secrets of Faydwer. So this giveaway has just gotten three times as cool because we're giving away 3 copies of Secrets of Faydwer instead of 1! Stay tuned throughout the rest of the evening for more EverQuest giveaway goodness!

  • Legends of Norrath expansion announced

    Michael Zenke
    Michael Zenke

    The Legends of Norrath trading card game was only released a few months ago, but already Sony Online Entertainment is planning for the future. This past week they announced the first expansion to the title, Forsworn. Combined with Oathbound, the current card set, Forsworn will open up a series of new options for the player. Set highlights include: 2 on 2 multiplayer - small scale team combat to change up the game types. New Avatar Races - The high elves and the Iksar will join the game, opening up new Light and Shadow options. Raids - Groups of players, each with their own deck, can team up to take on AI opponents of great power. Players who complete enough of the single-player content can actually run these raid decks against their fellow players. New Loot Cards - Up to twenty new cards representing in-game items will be released with this set. New single-player scenarios, pitting your avatar against the forces that oppose the Seventh Hammer and the Tribunal. The single-player elements will introduce new game concepts, like the Overwhelm, Sentinel, and Reinforce key words. There's no word yet on when the set will be released, and more features are promised in the future.

  • Chat live with the EverQuest devs on November 15

    Samuel Axon
    Samuel Axon

    MMORPG.com will be hosting a live chat with the developers of EverQuest on November 15th at 7:00 PM EST. There will be a particular focus on the new Secrets of Faydwer expansion. You can either plug in through their web-based chat interface, or connect via IRC in the #mmorpg channel on forthegamers.org.EverQuest set the stage for the contemporary, DikuMUD-inspired MMO experience. Its subscriber numbers have dwindled over the years but it still retains a hardcore following. The new expansion aims to satisfy some of their cravings for new content, and to win back some old-timers as well.Also, check out our tour of the expansion.

  • The Massively EverQuest: Secrets of Faydwer beta tour

    Dan O'Halloran
    Dan O'Halloran

    Watch the official SoE video exploring the new expansion lands, then read below for a write up of my beta tour!I played EverCrack, uh, EverQuest for 7 years. The game was hard. Death meant loss of experience that would erase an entire week's level gain. It also meant all your equipment stayed on your body requiring venturing back down to the mob infested pit to retrieve it, but this time you're naked and it's 3am. On a school night. And many core game mechanics that we know and love were not developed yet, such as having no way to get gold and items to alts other than to hand them to a random stranger and hope they would be there when you logged on your alt.The game evolved, making time spent in Norrath not quite so harsh. But it when World of Warcraft launched, I went running to it like the Promised Land: no corpse runs, no experience loss on death, a mail system to move items and cash to alts. It was all good with a side of good. It soon became hard to justify logging on to EverQuest where a 5 hour experience grind could be lost in a few deaths.So it was with some trepidation that I poked my head back into the game to get a tour of their 14th expansion, Secrets of Faydwer. And I what I saw made me want to come back to the game that I remembered so bitterly and so fondly at the same time.

  • EQ2 tradeskill writs confirmed for Tier 8

    William Dobson
    William Dobson

    If you were worried that you would be grinding your EverQuest II tradeskiller to 80 without any writs to help along the way, then fear not. EQ2 tradeskill developer Domino has replied in a thread on the official forums, stating that T8 writs are currently being beta tested for inclusion with Rise of Kunark, the new expansion that will see the level cap for both adventuring and tradeskilling raised to 80. It was also confirmed that the existing distribution scheme of writs throughout a tier, will be used for T8 -- that is to say, the writs will be at level 70, 74 and 79. There was some discussion in the thread as to the possibility of changing this formula, particularly moving the 79 writ a little closer to 74 -- people argued that there was limited use of a new writ on the second-to-last level, and that the few levels prior to this are punishing when grinding on a lower level writ. However, Domino stated that for the time being, the levels would remain the same for the new tier, and could not say whether they would be changed in the future.Are there any EQ2 tradeskill buffs out there that have an opinion on this matter? Would you prefer to see the last level of writs moved down somewhat, to bridge the large gap -- or perhaps, an extra level of writs to be added altogether? Or are you of the mind that it is fine as is? Let your voice be heard in our comments section.

  • Under The Hood: Of Titles, Badges, and Achievements

    James Murff
    James Murff

    Say what you will about achievement points on the Xbox 360. They may cheapen the experience, or reduce elements of skill down to raw numbers, but anyone who has ever played a 360 knows how addictive the little "Achievement unlocked!" message is. So what happens when you toss that into an MMO? Titles. It seems that a recent trend in MMOs is "titles". When they first debuted in the mainstream with City of Heroes, they didn't do much. All they did was add bragging rights for the person who has them, and a displayable title above the person's head. They were worthless (Well, mostly worthless). And most of the titles in CoX are still worthless. "Oh, I killed 200 Circle of Thorn members. I've got that sweet new title." Some MMOs are actually starting to change things up now, though, including the pioneers of the "Titles" system. Getting the exploration titles in City of Heroes/Villains will enable your Supergroup to teleport to that map from your Supergroup base. Getting certain titles in Guild Wars will allow you to increase your holding cap on faction. Getting all titles in an area in Tabula Rasa gets you a huge experience bonus (noticing a trend here? NCsoft developers seem to love the use of titles).

  • Race to Kunark with bonus XP Sundays

    Samuel Axon
    Samuel Axon

    Our favorite events are ones that net us heaps and loads of experience points. What could be better than that? You have fun, and you become more powerful so you can have even more fun. It's a win-win situation. So we want to point out to all the EverQuest II players out there that SOE is running a bonus-XP event called "Race to Kunark."Players will receive 50% more experience than normal in both PvE and crafting "from midnight to midnight pacific time" on the two Sundays preceding the expansion's launch -- November 4th and 11th. This is a pretty nice boon for adventurers looking build up in so they can vanquish all the new monsters. So if you're an EQ2 player, make plans to order some pizza and start grinding this Sunday. Oh, and check out our overview of what Rise of Kunark has to offer if you're in the dark.[Via Stratics]

  • EverQuest Halloween event live today -- late start due to fires

    William Dobson
    William Dobson

    By now you will all be aware of the wildfires last week in San Diego, and that the Sony Online Entertainment offices were affected by them. Now that everyone is getting back on their feet, the EverQuest team are able to launch their Halloween event, "The Haunting of Norrath". Whilst it is being implemented a little late, the event has been extended and runs from October 30th to November 4th -- fans of Halloween will get to cling on to their favorite holiday for just that little bit longer.The Haunting of Norrath will feature a generous helping of Halloween quest-lines (with the event's homepage filling you in on where to get started). There will be merchants selling candy and costumes, and a number of other things to do including trick-or-treating, bone-collecting, and -- my personal favorite -- a hungry halfling event. Players are advised to seek Zigand Ribshard in the Plane of Knowledge to find out more, and be sure to visit the link below for other Haunting of Norrath details.

  • Legends of Norrath booster drops increased in promo this weekend

    Michael Zenke
    Michael Zenke

    If you're a fan of Sony Online Entertainment's Legends of Norrath card game, you're set to have a good time this week. This coming Friday to Sunday is a promo weekend for the collectible card game, with increased drop rates of booster and combo packs. In order to snag them you're going to have to play EverQuest or EverQuest 2, the two games directly connected to Legends of Norrath's lore and gameplay. The card game's booster packs drop normally in those two titles, but this weekend SOE has decided to up the ante and ensure that you'll probably get a reward or two from your time in-game.Players will also have the opportunity to snag two brand (non-foil) new cards in the booster packs, both of which (for the moment) are only available via this promo weekend.

  • EverQuest II upcoming expansion details: Set sail for the Rise of Kunark

    William Dobson
    William Dobson

    Since we've now heard that pre-orders are becoming available for the fourth expansion to EverQuest II, expected to be released November 13th, let's take a look at what players will have to look forward to. Rise of Kunark will focus on the continent of Kunark, including its dragon-lizard inhabitants, the Sarnak. Veterans of the first EverQuest game may remember these annoying fellows, introduced during its first expansion, and be keen to relive old memories by relentlessly hunting them down all over again. But this time around, you can expect them to have a little help.The Sarnak will be greatly bolstering their numbers, as for the first time they become a playable race. Sarnaks will have their own new starting city located in the islands of the Timorous Deep, and the surrounding areas will support advancement to around level 20. The Kunark mainland is designed for the upper echelon of levels, and the expansion itself includes an increase of the existing level cap from 70 to 80. Along with the raising of the level cap and new race, other highlights of Rise of Kunark include an increase in the current achievement point limit of 100 to 140, and a new player mount, the Kunarkian Rhinoceros (which for some reason instantly brings to mind Donkey Kong Country and the rampaging Rambi) to traverse the lands upon. There will of course be new dungeons and raid encounters for the high level folks to sink their teeth into, with Veeshan's Peak (making its return from the original EverQuest) for the top raiders. You can read about the expansion or pre-order the game from Sony's Station Store. Those that pre-order will receive a new pet for their house, a Burynai Seeker. If you wanted to give the game a go before the expansion hits, EQ2's main page includes a download link to a 14-day free trial.

  • A Tigole flashback to Legacy of Steel

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Reader Dbandith sent us this little gem-- it's Jeff "Tigole" Kaplan's old EQ guild page from back in 2002. Back before Blizzard really got started with World of Warcraft, they raided (pun intended) the biggest guilds in a few other MMOs, most notably EverQuest, for developers, and some of those folks became the Blues that we know and love today. I know both Tigole and Alex "Furor" Afrasiabi came from EQ guilds (and in fact, their old guilds still play WoW, and it's gotten them in trouble at least once), and Rob Pardo originally ran Legacy of Steel, the guild that Tigole came from.But this little flashback is extremely interesting, not only for the post at the top of the page-- it's very cool to see a fresh-faced Tigole, one excited about breaking the MMO mold and not a guy concerned with balancing Arena Ratings and an expansion beta schedule-- but also for the expletive-filled post at the bottom. "Fix your goddamn buggy bull**** half-assed encounters," rages Tigole at the EQ staff. And he sounds just like the same folks raging on the forums about Blizzard's current problems, even if their language isn't quite as strong as his.Now don't get me wrong-- Kaplan and Blizzard have done an amazing job, and created one of the best games in history. Fighting over Brewfest bugs (or even one tree of one class in the game) is 1000% better than fighting over the entire act of playing the game itself-- there's no question in my mind that Kaplan and all of the other raiders brought on board at Blizzard pushed the MMO genre light years ahead of where it was back in their raiding time. But it is an interesting sight to see Blizzard devs on the other side of the message board posting button, raging against mistakes in implementation just as so many on Blizzard's forums are today.Thanks, Dbandith!

  • Why other MMOs remain the underdogs

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    Over at MMOG Nation Michael tries to answer the question of why Everquest 2 remains an underdog in the MMO market despite numerous updates and improvements to the game by SOE. And I've got to say I agree with his answer -- whether we're talking about Everquest 2, Lord of the Rings Online, or even Star Wars Galaxies (do people still play that game?). Despite how good other games may be, if all of your friends play World of Warcraft, I bet you're going to be playing World of Warcraft, too. While MMOGCHART hasn't been updated in nearly a year now, their last set of data breaking down the number of active subscribers maintained by all of the major MMOs at the time showed World of Warcraft holding over 50% of the market, leaving a dozen games to split the remaining half of the market. And just looking at my circle of friends, all of them play World of Warcraft -- a couple of them play Everquest on the side, several of us play Lord of the Rings Online as well, and one dabbles in the world of Final Fantasy. But if I want to hang out with all of my friends, I've got to log on to World of Warcraft. So how's the next big thing going to break into the market when all of my friends -- and probably yours -- play WoW? I'm guessing it won't be able to simply be a Warcraft-alike, but be something so far beyond World of Warcraft today that it will draw in the same mass of subscribers WoW did in its initial release. So what do you think the next big thing will be in the MMO market -- or is it so far off that we'll all just be playing a different Blizzard game by then? (I'm still waiting on World of Starcraft, thank you very much!

  • A DS game for the emotional

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Known as EQ Trainer (through Google translation), the game's goal is not to measure how smart you are, but to measure your emotions and how you feel. How does the game measure your emotions, you ask? Well, apparently there are 3 game modes by which this is done. Solving problems is one method, with another, loosely-translated explanation for the second being "[the player] can forge four fields such as identifying and understanding the feeling respectively." The third way seems to be a kind of progressive chart, which has measured, and will measure, all of your emotions and forms a consistent reading.A quirky title, but for such a dynamic platform as the DS, as well as previous titles taking full advantage of the system to offer non-conventional games, are we that surprised to see something of this nature crop up? Honestly, no, and for us here at DS Fanboy, we're kind of peeved we do not know Japanese and the odds of this title being localized are so slim as to be invisible.[Via Go Nintendo]

  • Cybering night elves is cheating, but will you stop?

    Vladimir Cole
    Vladimir Cole

    Any gamer who's been playing massively multiplayer online games for a while has come across (?!) a couple of wood elves entwined in passionate embrace in an abandoned treehouse in Kelethin or has stumbled upon a pair of night elves deep in some abandoned mine grinding out more than just a few quests. For some, cybersex and MMOGs just go together -- virtual trysts seem a natural extension of living in a fantasy world. But be warned: you're flirting with danger. if you've got a real-world partner it's cheating, according to psychologist Dr. Janet Hall, who specializes in relationship counseling. "As soon as secret, intimate, emotional or physical information is shared, it's cheating," she told The Age.

  • Sony loves mag's stance against RMT

    Vladimir Cole
    Vladimir Cole

    Sony placed a full-page advertisement in the April 2006 issue of PC Gamer congratulating that magazine on their recent decision to stop taking advertisements from companies that amass huge piles of gold and other virtual items in games like World of Warcraft and Everquest in order to sell these virtual goods for real money. (The practice is often referred to as "real money trade," or RMT.) First, we've got to give props to PC Gamer, because they've taken an editorial stance against advertising that they feel harms certain game environments. More game magazines should be willing to turn down advertising revenues when they feel it compromises editorial quality. That said, Sony's note sounds a little whiney. They write, "For every fix we make in our games, for every new tool we develop for our customer service teams, there are literally thousands of unscrupulous people around the globe looking for ways to poke holes in our games and find exploits in our worlds." Replace "games" and "worlds" with "software" and you've got a statement that could have been written by any company developing Internet-enabled applications. Welcome to the Intarwebs, dudes! Address complaints to Al Gore, plz thx. (Click image for a version large enough to read in full.)