

  • OUYA wrapping up funding with limited brown metal console, Vevo deal

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    To put it mildly, the OUYA console has had a better than expected funding run -- the project is now past the $6 million mark, or six times what it originally needed. The team still wants a little something to end the last week of fundraising with a bang. It just unveiled a limited edition brown, brushed metal version of the console with a controller to match; all it takes is a $140 pledge during the final push to August 9th and you've got the Yves Behar-chosen color for yourself. The special run should arrive as part of the wider March 2013 launch. If the original silver hue will do just nicely, thank you very much, OUYA has struck another content deal and will launch Vevo's music video hub side-by-side with the console. Click past the break for a peek at the controller, and consider a pledge on Kickstarter if you just can't stand the thought of having the same console as everyone else.

  • Google Chrome 21 stable release adds Retina MacBook Pro support, webcam use without plugins

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    Some Retina MacBook Pro owners have been waiting for this day for six weeks: that promised Retina support in Google Chrome is now part of a finished, stable release. Chrome 21 is now crisp and clear for those who took the plunge on Apple's new laptop but would rather not cling to Safari for the web. No matter what hardware you're using, Google has rolled in its promised WebRTC support to let webcams and microphones have their way without Flash or other plugins. Other notable tweaks like wider support for Cloud Print and gamepads tag along in the update as well. If you're at all intrigued by the expanded hardware support in Chrome, Google has an abundance of details (and downloads) at the links below.

  • Ask Engadget: best Mac gamepad?

    Daniel Cooper
    Daniel Cooper

    We know you've got questions, and if you're brave enough to ask the world for answers, here's the outlet to do so. This week's Ask Engadget inquiry is coming to us from is from Jaime, who's really just showing off about their new Retina MBP. If you're looking to send in an inquiry of your own, drop us a line at ask [at] engadget [dawt] com. "I recently bought a Retina MacBook Pro and started playing a bunch of games from Steam. I'm wondering if there's a gamepad I could use to play Portal or Left4Dead on a Mac, I grew up with a NES, so there's something about the form that feels natural to me. Thanks!" Okay, so for those of us who do tire of W-A-S-D, what's the best solution to game on a Mac? Is there a perfect device on the market, or should we all just hack an Xbox 360 controller to do the same job? It's a fun week, spread some fun in the comments.

  • Xbox 360 Halo 4 bundle fights new enemies, packs familiar hardware on November 6th

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    It's widely considered a tradition: Microsoft readies a new Halo game, and a new Xbox 360 bundle swings by stores to mark the occasion. The Limited Edition Halo 4 Xbox 360 follows that pattern, with a special (if minor) twist. No one will be shocked by the new Halo-themed artwork or the inclusion of a Halo 4 copy in the 320GB system's box, but the ring of light on both the console and its two matching gamepads will drop the Xbox 360's green glow in favor of a distinctive bright blue. At $400, the console arriving November 6th will aim chiefly at the hardest of hardcore sci-fi shooter fans -- although murmurs of an upcoming successor console could make the Halo 4 pack an unofficial swan song for Microsoft's market dominator. Consider the stand-alone $60 special edition wireless controller for a less expensive way to say goodbye.

  • OUYA's $99 Android-based gaming console meets Kickstarter goal: $950k in under 12 hours (update: it's a record)

    Joe Pollicino
    Joe Pollicino

    The gaming public at large has spoken. In less than 12 hours, Yves Behar's Android-based OUYA gaming console has reached its lofty funding goal of $950,000 on Kickstarter. To refresh your memory, the $99 system (which was only $95 for 1,000 swift early adopters) packs a Tegra 3 CPU, 8GB of storage, 802.11n WiFi, Bluetooth 4.0, a USB 2.0 port and an SD card slot -- that price also grants you a single controller with a touch sensor. Most notably, the system is aimed at being extremely developer-friendly, having open hardware and software with a push for free-to-play content. There are only about 5,000 units (out of 10,000) (update: that number has been bumped to 20,000, with just under 10k available) left at the $99 price, so feel free to check out our in-depth chat about OUYA with Behar himself here before you head over to Kickstarter. It appears that the traditional business model for gaming consoles just got rocked, and we can't wait to see the final results. Update: If you thought that was fast, you'd be right: Kickstarter has confirmed that OUYA achieved the biggest first day ever for one of its hosted projects, and it's just the eighth project ever to crack the million-dollar mark, joining an esteemed company that includes Double Fine's upcoming adventure game and the all-time champion, the Pebble smartwatch.

  • OUYA's Android-based, hackable game console now official: we chat with designer Yves Behar (update: funded)

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    A handful of details briefly slipped out about the project earlier, but now it's here: the OUYA, an attempt not just to delve into the cutthroat world of TV game consoles but to try and shift the goal posts. At its heart, the design sounds more like a smartphone than a gaming rig with a quad-core Tegra 3 and 8GB of storage running Android 4.0. The upscale, RF wireless gamepad's standout is a built-in trackpad for playing mobile games alongside the familiar sticks and buttons -- clever, though not entirely new. But with completely open hardware and software, an emphasis on free-to-play gaming and an all-important $99 price, the system is a gamble by a handful of game industry luminaries that at least a subset of players are frustrated with the status quo enough to want a real break. Read on for the full details, including a Kickstarter project as well as added details from our chat with OUYA (and Jambox) designer Yves Behar.

  • New Google Chrome beta lets webcams go plugin-free, video chat gets a lot less Flashy

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    Google has been talking up the prospects of integrating WebRTC into Chrome for the past several months. It's now ready to put theory into practice with a fresh beta of the web browser. The upgrade uses WebRTC to let typical microphones and webcams talk to the browser without using a plugin like Flash or something otherwise so very 2011. Just to embrace this future of direct hardware support ever the more tightly, Google is also building in a gamepad programming interface that lets controllers tap into Chrome without having to rely on Native Client's magic. There's more waiting at the source link, including more direct tie-ins with Cloud Print, so the more adventurous among us can get to chatting (and playing) right away.

  • SNES-001 Advance gives two retro gamers a screen to play, guarantees no fights for TV time (video)

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    There's been no shortage of SNES mods with built-in screens. They almost always tend to overlook one fundamental problem, however: with only one screen, gamers have to either share one tiny LCD or play solo, and neither option will make that Street Fighter II nostalgia trip a pleasant one. Frequent console modder Downing has offered a fix with a key trade-off. Although his Super Famicom-like SNES-001 Advance is decidedly non-portable, each gamepad has its own LCD to show what would normally go to one screen, even with audio. Both controllers are custom-molded creations that still plug in the old-fashioned, wired way. Downing certainly isn't hoarding his creation, despite it being one of a kind. An auction for the console (with a $500 buy-now price) is still well underway as of this writing, making sure that at least two Double Dragon fans will be happy without cutting into their less sentimental roommate's Netflix marathon.

  • Dual GamePad support won't be coming to Nintendo Wii U until 'well after launch'

    Edgar Alvarez
    Edgar Alvarez

    Contrary to what we'd heard, it seems as if you and your friends won't be able to enjoy some of that dual GamePad play on Nintendo's upcoming Wii U -- at least not until some time after the novel gaming console launches later "this holiday." During an interview with Gamasutra, Reggie Fils-Aime (Nintendo of America President) said, "Games need to be built that can take advantage of the two GamePad controllers" and that "it's going to be well after launch for those game experiences to come to life." According to Fils-Aine, developers will have to first place all their focus on "asymetric gameplay," before eventually adding support for two GamePads on their titles. Notably, the revelation comes shortly after he himself confirmed the Wii U GamePad won't be featuring any multi-touch capabilities. Not all is lost, however, you'll just have to wait it out a little longer than expected, or make due with one of those Wii remotes you have laying around in the meantime.

  • Nintendo's Reggie Fils-Aime: Wii U GamePad won't feature multi-touch

    Joseph Volpe
    Joseph Volpe

    The Wii U's 6.2-inch killer feature might look a whole lot like a tablet, but prospective buyers shouldn't expect it to function like one at all. In a recent interview with Kotaku, NOA prexy Reggie Fils-Aime confirmed that multi-touch capabilities will indeed be purposefully absent from the upcoming GamePad. It's a puzzling omission for sure, but not one made lightly on Nintendo's part. According to Fils-Aime, the existence of hardware buttons on the controller itself render that full-blown slate functionality redundant, not to mention cost-prohibitive and "unwieldy." So you see, the Big N giveth and the Big N taketh away, but all in the name of user convenience. You can check out the full blow-by-blow with the House that Mario built's American keeper at the source link below.

  • Netflix app for the Nintendo Wii U, pictured

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    Nintendo vowed at E3 to provide Netflix on the Wii U, but tracking down the mythical streaming video beast has proven elusive. Thankfully, Engadget has obtained the first shots illustrating how it will work. While it's a prototype that could easily change between now and the Wii U's holiday release (or whenever the app is available), what we've seen so far makes it clear Netflix will milk that second screen for all it's worth. The GamePad is normally used to browse the movie queue and playback controls without distracting from the video on the TV. Should Junior want to catch up on his favorite flick while you're on a Breaking Bad marathon, the reverse will also work: the video can play on the controller while the TV is at most used to show what's playing, and more likely switched over to your DVR. Questions still remain on deck, like whether or not the video can seamlessly hand off from one screen to the other, but for now it's nice to see that Netflix on the Wii U is more than just a quick-and-dirty port. %Gallery-158079%

  • Switched On: E3, Screen Two

    Ross Rubin
    Ross Rubin

    Each week Ross Rubin contributes Switched On, a column about consumer technology. More Info Switched On: When gadgets talk in their sleep PSP gets its own homebrew online gaming network, outweighs Sony's own efforts (video) Microsoft's SmartGlass gets official Particularly since the rise of laptops and their ability to be used in the living room near a TV, consumers have been engaged with multiple screens simultaneously. In those early days, many of which occurred before the consumer-friendly Web, people were even more likely to tend to tasks unrelated to what was on the tube (which, back then, actually was a tube). As standards such as WiFi, DLNA and automatic content recognition develop, though, the use of second screens have the potential to form tighter links with what's happening on TV. At the recent Electronic Entertainment Expo, the three major home console companies all showed off their approach to bringing home video games and other content further beyond a single display.

  • Nintendo clocks Wii U controller life in at three to five hours on a charge

    Brian Heater
    Brian Heater

    Nintendo wasn't particularly forthcoming with the specs at its keynote earlier today -- and, well, some things are probably best not mentioned when attempting to hype up your new console. Like, say, the three to five hour battery life on the Wii U GamePad. That's the word coming from a spec sheet posted by the gaming giant. Of course, that usage depends on factors like the brightness of the screen, and Nintendo warns that things may end up being shorter in the end. The slightly better news here is that you can plug the controller in to charge while playing, so that's something, right?

  • Nintendo: two Wii U Gamepads will work on one system (update 2: but at a cost - and now with video)

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    Nintendo broke a few hearts when it initially said the Wii U would only support one of its unique Gamepads. Much to our delight, the company just said in its live keynote that the final console will support two. As such, it'll be possible to have truly equal two-player games instead of relegating a friend to the old-fashioned Wii remote and Nunchuk. Of course, how much that extra Gamepad will cost we have yet to know -- along with whether or not it'll be possible to have strictly Gamepad-to-Gamepad titles that skip the TV entirely. We expect to find out soon. Update: In a follow-up, Nintendo Japan has posted on Twitter that there's a price to pay if two Gamepads are active. Frame rates drop to about 30 fps if two are active; any games that really want that extra controller won't be quite as glass-smooth. On the upside, it's possible to switch one off with a smooth transition; there won't be a need for theatrics just to switch to a solo game. Update 2: Nintendo has put out a video tour of the Gamepad that you can check out after the break.

  • Nintendo teases Wii U Pro Controller, black Wii U hardware (update: video)

    Joe Pollicino
    Joe Pollicino

    Aside from officially detailing tweaks to its Wii U Gamepad today, Nintendo has announced a secondary controller for those who'd prefer a more traditional control method. Dubbed as the Pro Controller, the wireless peripheral has a remarkably similar shape and button layout to what comes standard with the Xbox 360 -- albeit with a duo a of evenly-placed joysticks and Nintendo-focused function buttons. You'll also notice that it's the first Wii U accessory to be colored in black, rather the white we've become accustomed to. It doesn't stop there either. While showing more video of how the Gamepad functions, it and the Wii U were also shown in the murdered-out hue for the first time -- eye pleasing to say the least. There's not word on pricing for the Pro Controller or whether the system will be released in both black and white just yet, but we'll be sure to bring you more details from the show floor at E3 when we have them. Click past the break for a look at the console and Gamepad in their darker attire. Update: Join us past the break to view the webstream for yourself!

  • Nintendo shows final Wii U Gamepad, TV remote app (update: video)

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    Looks like Nintendo didn't want to wait for its proper E3 press conference to spill some Wii U details early -- it just used its preview event to show the finished version of the Wii U controller, called the Gamepad, as well as a TV remote app. The Gamepad is decidedly wider than what we saw a year ago, with comfort clearly the top priority in other areas: the analog sticks have been moved further outwards and made clickable, while the back grip has been tweaked in the process. There's also no doubt as to where to interact with NFC gadgets, either, as a dedicated spot below the directional pad will take all your device-to-device taps. As for the remote, it looks to be a straightforward number pad navigator with a programming guide, all steering your TV through infrared. Between this and the Wii U Pro Controller, though, it's clear Nintendo hasn't been sitting still in the past year, and has some home theater ambitions in the process. We're curious as to what Nintendo is saving up for its bigger gala on Tuesday. Update: Join us past the break to view the webstream for yourself!

  • N-Control Avenger Controller Elite reaches GameStop, sells like gangbusters

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    We got a look at N-Control's Avenger Controller Elite just last month, and the company is rounding out the hardware's May release with a full-court press on GameStop. The retailer's online store is now selling both the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 variants of the controller assist as straightforward, bundle-free $50 units. Company creator David Kotkin also tells us that the add-ons have had an extremely warm reception so far: although the Elite lineup had an unsung launch at GameStop on May 29th, it sold out on day one and is still in tight supply, with Xbox 360 examples currently on backorder as we write this. N-Control may have had a tough road in the past several months, but it looks as though that perseverance has paid off.

  • iCade 8-Bitty hands-on (video)

    Terrence O'Brien
    Terrence O'Brien

    It's still about two months out, but when the 8-bitty hits shelves it might just become our favorite member of the iCade family. At the moment the Bluetooth gamepad is little more than a hand-made prototype with some AA batteries taped to the underside and a sticker printed on the office InkJet slapped on the front. As a production quality controller, though, it should be the perfect handheld button mashers for those of you with a taste for the retro. The boxy, rectangular 8-bitty may be wireless and the final version will likely sport six buttons -- still, you can't help but be whisked back to your days spent blowing into dusty Contra cartridges and tapping out the Konami code. We gave the early prototype a quick try and the D-pad and red buttons feel just like their '80s inspiration. Unfortunately they're not quite as responsive yet, but we're figuring there's still some kinks to be worked out before it ships this Spring. The 8-bitty should be launching exclusively with ThinkGeek for between $25 and $30. Check out the gallery below and the video after the break.Edgar Alvarez contributed to this report.

  • NES controller lets you stomp Koopas, save Princess Peach in capacitive fashion (video)

    Jason Hidalgo
    Jason Hidalgo

    Is your NES controller in another castle? Maybe you're just pining for your smartphone's capacitive game controls for some reason. Regardless, here's a little piece of tech that just might put the fire in your flower: the capacitive touch NES controller. This sucker is milled from a copper board using a device called the MezzoMill, which -- besides making turtle-stomping peripherals -- also can be used to produce guitar effect pads, virtual keyboards, bicycle rim lights and all sorts of circuits that might tickle your fancy. Unfortunately, the creator isn't as well-funded as this inkjet-based control circuit project so he's trying to raise money through Kickstarter to make the mill in a large enough run to lower costs. Given how Kickstarter generated nearly $100 million in funding last year, maybe he's got a fighting chance. See the buttonless controller work its capacitive magic after the break.

  • Ben Heck turns an iCade into an iPhone gamepad before iCade can

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Not to be confused with iCade's recently announced official controller, Ben Heck's preemptive strike against iCade's $80 enclosure is made possible through reverse-engineering the original iCade unit. We suppose Heck's version isn't a more prudent alternative, but that doesn't make a magician's work any less interesting. Heck's game pad features eight face buttons, a pair of triggers on the top and a d-pad on the left side. It's more function than form but, as you can see, it gets the job done.