

  • Gran Turismo HD 1.2, GTA 4 trailer to hit PS Network today

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    Sony has sent word of their new offerings for the US PlayStation Network today. Most importantly for racing fans, Gran Turismo HD Concept will be upgraded for free to version 1.2, which enables force feedback through Logitech steering wheel peripherals. (European gamers have been enjoying GTHD 1.2 since the console's launch in the region.)The Grand Theft Auto IV trailer is also available for download in high definition, as is the Armored Core 4 demo. Microsoft's Peter Moore, proud that Xbox Live got the GTAIV trailer up before Sony, has added yet another tattoo on his arm to add to his collection of AAA-titled inkings.All of the content will be available free of charge and should be online sometime today.[Update: It's the Armored Core 4 demo, not trailer, that is released today. All parties responsible for the error have been thoroughly sacked.]

  • Jack Thompson's further Florida Bar issues

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    The day of reckoning for Jack Thompson approaches ever so slowly -- looks like somebody needs a luck dragon. Separately from another disciplinary hearing brought by the Florida Bar based on issues of misconduct, Thompson could be in trouble with the Florida Bar again over complaints filed by the judge from last year's Bully suit. The Florida Supreme Court has assigned a Miami judge for trial and if the complaints by the judge are upheld Thompson would face professional sanctions.The complaints brought by Judge Ronald Friedman were based on Thompson's conduct during the Bully trial. The Bar believes Thompson lashed out against Friedman during the trial making statements with "a reckless disregard as to [their] truth." The Bar points to statements made in the 15-page complaint which include gems from Thompson like, "Here's a tip, Judge, I don't practice law. I save lives from reckless jurists like you." And about the game Bully, Thompson says to Friedman, "You missed the gay sex ... I'm sure the voters are going to love that. Go ahead, Judge. File your bar complaint. Make my day."It's no secret at this point the Thompson's grip on reality is slipping. It seems the Florida Bar is looking to shut him down before he embarrasses the profession further. There is no word yet how this will affect Thompson's lawsuit to stop Manhunt 2 and Grand Theft Auto IV from hitting store shelves.

  • Take-Two and Rockstar on the Road To Ruin

    Jared Rea
    Jared Rea

    You're probably wondering how we got to the point where reporting on an annual meeting of stockholders makes for compelling news, especially if you're one of those weirdos who, you know, actually plays video games. If you haven't been following the long-running drama of how Take-Two Interactive and Rockstar just can't seem to do any good, Wired's got you covered. The story of which makes for a much more interesting read than the aforementioned meeting.In "The Road To Ruin," David Kushner takes you from Rockstar's meager beginnings to their modern day failures, including the actual Grand Theft Auto franchise falling on its face. With Rockstar getting back in the groove of shoving GTA down our throats, all while still dealing with their internal drama, now would be a good time to see what all the fuss has been about beyond "Hot Coffee" and he-who-must-not-be-named. So you can just sit there and keep playing and enjoying your video games.. or you can do something that matters. Like care about stockholders.

  • Internet gets run over: GTAIV trailer goes live

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    The internet is dying! Why, you ask? The hotly anticipated Grand Theft Auto IV trailer has gone live. If the embedded video (above) doesn't seem to work, try downloading this HD torrent. You can also try GameTrailers, but internet gamers haven't been any kinder to that service. If you don't mind low quality, it seems like YouTube has been able to survive the assault so far. Watch, and marvel the next generation of GTA. Are you psyched?! [Via Joystiq]

  • GTA-made-'em-do-it 'Nut Cases' gang leader sentenced

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    The alleged leader of Oakland street gang the Nut Cases was sentenced to 75 years to life by Alameda County Superior Court on Friday. Gregory Colbert and five others, who entertained a puzzling fixation with Planters' Mr. Peanut and enjoyed hazy sessions of Grand Theft Auto III, have been linked to a series of murders and armed robberies that terrorized Oakland in late 2002, and lasted until the Nut Cases were rounded up in January 2003.San Francisco Chronicle's continued coverage of the case suggests that the Nut Cases imitated the violent acts they'd repeatedly carried out in the virtual world of GTAIII. It's unclear if this "explanation" was offered up during the trial by the defense. But, if GTA could actually induce violent sociopathic behavior, then we'd have a worldwide crisis on our hands. We're talkin', like, tens of millions of Nut Cases![Via GamePolitics]

  • Banking and insurance adverts show gamer demo growing up

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    Our ever vigilant tipsters on the lookout for GTA IV news let us know about the latest commercial for HSBC bank. The GTA inspired advertisement is the latest in HSBC's campaign touting their understanding of customers locally, even though they are global mega-bank. We doubt the commercial is showing footage from GTA IV, but it is worth noting that this is the latest in a string of advertisements speaking to the aging gamer demographic, notice how the dad is playing the game. However, unlike the ad for Coca-Cola, these commercials are for insurance and banking -- that ain't kids stuff.Although the Katamari Damacy Traveler's Insurance ad allegedly was not inspired by the video game, any gamer who saw the commercial immediately linked the two things together. Then again, the same could be said about the very similar AIDS-based commercial. Most automotive commercials in prime-time heavily use game-inspired marketing now, particularly Toyota's Scion division. As "adult" services begin to gear their marketing toward the new generation, who knows what video game inspired advertisements we'll see next. But so help us, if we see Ensure or AARP (American Association of Retired Persons) based ads we'll find a dark corner to cry in.[Thanks Icates, no it's not GTA IV]

  • Today's most relative game video: GTA clock

    Zack Stern
    Zack Stern

    While some of us are counting the seconds until the Grand Theft Auto IV release, others are so GTA-hyped that they count the seconds until the game's trailer. Rockstar apparently took its online promotion to late-night TV, featuring 30 minutes of the countdown to the ad to the game. YouTube user "nospacesinmyname" lets us all bow down to the clock.Alas, the clip only shows a few minutes of the entire 30-minute "commercial." We've watched it four times with the hope that some GTA IV magic will reveal itself, but nothing has differed. Maybe on the fifth try.Watch the TV clip after the break.[Thanks, Godfree]

  • Take-Two counters lawyer's 'nuisance' threat

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    Take-Two Interactive has filed a preemptive suit against attorney Jack Thompson. This past Saturday, Thompson hatched plans to meddle in the sales of future Take-Two and Rockstar titles Manhunt 2 and Grand Theft Auto IV. Take-Two claims that if Thompson were to succeed in having the games declared public nuisances (under Florida law), the action would violate the publisher's First Amendment rights. Take-Two hopes its petition to the US District Court for the Southern District of Florida will crush Thompson's proposed suit before it grows wings. Plan B? Drop a DDT-bomb on his dome.Last fall, Florida courts rejected a similar suit filed by Thompson that sought to restrict sales of Take-Two's "Sim Columbine" Bully.Update: Read the lawsuit.

  • GDC 07: Why no GTA exclusivity?

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    This is an undeniable truth of the gaming industry: it's all about the games. Sony's multimedia approach to PS3 is certainly novel, but many have felt that Sony has neglected its gamers by abandoning high-profile potentially exclusive games, such as Grand Theft Auto IV and Assassin's Creed.Phil Harrison put it quite succinctly: "There wouldn't have been an economic sense in keeping GTA as an exclusive." When exclusive deals are made, someone has to pay for the potential difference in install base and sales. Considering how the PS3 install base won't be as large as the Xbox 360's for a while, the economic ramifications of such a deal would've cost Sony quite a pretty penny--and considering how they're losing money on every PS3 sold, it didn't seem too worthwhile.Sony seems to be taking an approach that's been long-familiar to Nintendo fans. Harrison notes that Sony will have a "greater investment in first party [games] than third." Sony maintains the largest collection of development teams, and certainly it has some truly significant franchises: Ratchet & Clank, God of War, just to name a few.

  • Today's most therapeutic video: Simpsons 'GTA Parody'

    Kevin Kelly
    Kevin Kelly

    Maybe if Doctor Melfi tried this with Tony Soprano, he could've worked out his anger issues without that near-death experience. Nothing soothes the angry nerves of the savage beast like a few rounds of a GTA-like game. Of course, you need to be careful you don't carry it over into the real world. Whenever we play GTA for hours (days) and then finally get in a car, it is so tempting not just fly off a ramp and bypass traffic. No idea what system they're gaming on either ... just check out all the buttons on Bart's controller. It's like the red-headed stepchild of the Dreamcast that never came to fruition and only exists as some ideas doodled on a napkin at a Japanese karaoke bar somewhere.

  • The Simpsons presents Death Kill City II

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    Maybe the writers of The Simpsons are PSP fanboys like us, angered by the impending release of the PS2 version of Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories. The once-PSP exclusive is moving to the home console, and The Simpsons takes a shot at it through the parody game Death Kill City II: Death Kill Stories. As Siliconera reports, the goal of the game seems quite fun: "You have destroyed all human life on Earth. Level one complete."

  • GTA:IV trailer coming on March 29th

    Kevin Kelly
    Kevin Kelly

    Spreading across the internets faster than photos of a half-naked American Idol contestant or pictures of Britney Spears' bald head comes the news that Rockstar will be releasing a Grand Theft Auto: IV trailer on March 29th. That's about all the details we have on things for now. You can hit the site for a giant IV logo and a countdown timer, just in case you need to know when to start pounding your browser refresh button.

  • A blueprint for game marketing (or: what happened to Psychonauts?)

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    Game designer Pierre-Alexandre Garneau ("just call me Pag") has written a piece for Gamasutra that is essentially a Magic 8-ball for determining the success, by means of marketing, of a quality title. The piece, entitled "10 Minute Game Sales Potential Test," presents six questions for determining whether a publisher will be able to successfully market a title.It's a fascinating read. The words of wisdom one can reap from the piece, if you believe Garneau's analysis, is that original, complex ideas have a steep curve when it comes to profitability. Spore without Will Wright would likely not garner so much attention and anticipation, and we're inclined to agree. As much as one might despise EA for rather annually "rehashing" Madden titles, the company still manages to sell millions of copies of each iteration -- as a business, they are acting as we'd expect. Also presented in the piece are examples where the test explains the financial success and failure of quality titles (Grand Theft Auto 3 and Psychonauts, respectively). It would be interesting to see how the analysis stacks up to other games both deserving and undeserving of their sales.See Also: Ad Critic

  • PS2 Vice City Stories to have exclusive new content

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    In the DVD industry, this kind of practice is called "double dipping" and it absolutely sucks. It makes people that have purchased the original feel neglected and the real fans are punished because in order to access the new content, you have to repurchase a new copy. While the practice is considered fine when there's some amount of transparency, Rockstar has been handling it all wrong. Don't call a game a PSP-exclusive if it'll head to another system immediately. Don't consider the games equal, when they're not. Shouldn't gamers have a choice to get the best version of GTA possible?According to, the Italian Take-Two website refers to Vice City Stories on PS2 as having better graphics and exclusive, unpublished content. Hopefully, it won't make PSP gamers feel like the $50 they spent on the original went wasted.

  • VCS: Okay, so it's actually coming to PS2

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    We told you so. But now it's official. March 6th for North America. March 9th for the UK.Press release after the cut.[Via Joystiq]

  • GTA: Vice City Stories available for PlayStation 2 in March

    Christopher Grant
    Christopher Grant

    Following GTA: Liberty City Stories' evolution from a PSP exclusive to a PlayStation 2 port -- and after popping up on the ESRB's ratings website -- a PS2 port of the PSP's Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories seemed like a pretty safe bet. Sure, there was some scuttlebutt that it would remain a PSP exclusive, and the product listing mysteriously disappeared from last week, but Rockstar has carjacked that rumor, '80s-style, announcing that GTA: VCS will be available in North America on March 6, 2007 and in Europe on March 9, 2007. No price for the PS2 release is listed, but when GTA: LCS made the jump to it's stationary big brother, it did so at the eminently reasonable price point of $20. With considerable new-gen competition, we can't imagine they'd opt to change that strategy now.

  • It's time for Super Bowl commercials!

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    In roughly an hour the world's most watched television broadcast will begin. Super Bowl XLI will kick off in Florida tonight with the Colts pitted against the Bears (that's American football for those of you who don't know). But why do we bring up a sports event on an Xbox 360 fansite? Well, there is a very good reason for that ... commercials! Tonight, during the game, watch for any video game related commercials. Rumor has it that Coke will be airing their GTA inspired commercial during the football game. And although not video game related, the guys over at Digg just might be in GoDaddy's commercial. Just keep your eyes peeled and feel free to discuss your favorite commercials ... let the pizza eating begin!

  • GTA Coke (the drink) ad in Super Bowl

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    Don't be surprised when you're treated to the Grand Theft Auto inspired Coca-Cola ad today during the Super Bowl. According to CNN/Money, Coke is returning to the Super Bowl after being on break since 1998. Apparently Coca-Cola believes they found a culturally relevant way to promote to the demographic. Susan McDermott, a spokesperson for Coca-Cola North America, said, "We wanted to kick things off big in 2007. We've been a partner with 'American Idol' since the beginning so the strategy was to debut new ads on the Super Bowl and 'Idol' in order to hit the biggest entertainment and sports programming within two weeks." She also notes that this "old" GTA coke ad (found after the break) now has a chance to reach a much larger audience. And they better get some bang for their buck, the price for a 30-second spot during the Super Bowl is $2.6 million -- the commercial, in its original format, runs a full minute. [Via GamePolitics]

  • GTA: San Andreas #1 in Japan

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    Ghetto is fabulous in the land of the rising sun, as GTA: San Andreas hits #1 on the Japanese sales chart. The game, which represents the U.S. in all its early '90s, drive-by, 40 pourin', in da hood and gang-bangin' glory days, premiered at the top spot selling close to a quarter million units. Cooking Mama and Brain Age are out, Dr. Dre and Eazy-E be in da house $%&%a'-%&#@ers!So now we wait for the first piece of controversy to flow out of Japan. If nothing else, GTA is always good for some stories of an absurd nature following any release.See also: Boston transit system bans M rated game ads

  • No Vice City Stories for PS2? Sure ...

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    You may remember that a few days ago, the ESRB let slip that Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories was heading to the PS2. Looks like also had a listing for the potential port. However, it looks like the ESRB listing has disappeared, as well as the listing. Was the original posting just a mistake? Rockstar neither confirms nor denies a PS2 version, simply telling IGN: "as a company, Rockstar does not comment on rumors or speculation."While it may be true that Rockstar isn't working on a PS2 version of Vice City Stories, this listing had to have come from some place. For now, we'll say it's not in the works, but we'll be unsurprised if it ever materializes.[Thanks, Joe! Via Joystiq]