

  • Today's hottest game video: Wii Boxing beat-down [update 1]

    Zack Stern
    Zack Stern

    Today's most-watched YouTube game video shows a violent -- and possibly deadly -- end of a Wii Sports boxing match. (Who are we kidding? Nintendo made sure to show the loser standing up in the far corner after each bout, so surely no Miis get too hurt.)After the break, watch a fierce KO-punch that results in a near-somersault by the opposing player. Then watch it again in slow motion.[Update 1: We send a big nod (and the wish to never meet in a Wii Boxing ring) to The1Qwerty who created the video. Sorry we missed mentioning you when first linking the video from YouTube.]

  • Today's hottest game video: UT3

    Zack Stern
    Zack Stern

    Unreal Tournament 2007 3, in trailer form, earns our nod for today's video. We have our own, internal Joystiq tiffs about the UT-versus-Quake debate (this writer likes UT), and we're looking forward to this release to compare against the aging Quake 4. This trailer, also available in HD, makes the UT3 wait seem even longer. Must ... play ... soon.See the video after the break.

  • Today's hottest game video: Tea-light Tetris

    Zack Stern
    Zack Stern

    Today's video pick comes from the bowels of YouTube, thanks to a Boing Boing tipster. This stop-motion animation of dozens of tea lights proves that anything can be made into a gaming homage. After detailed arrangement and the addition of fire -- fire good! -- the flames dance into Pac-Man, Tetris, and other classic game scenes.Enjoy the video after the break.[Via Boing Boing]

  • Today's hottest game video: Bomberman Evolved

    Zack Stern
    Zack Stern

    Students at the University of Aalborg in Copenhagen are mid-way through creating a virtual Bomberman game called Bomberman Evolved. As shown in today's GameTrailers video, a camera mounted in the ceiling tracks the movement of two colored hats, steering on-screen Bomberman characters based on the two players' positions in the room. The process ranks among our favorite hacker-made videogame remakes, along with all of those Tetris-on-a-building projects.Watch the video after the break.

  • Today's hilarious glitch video: Gears of War remote controlled exploding enemies

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    Here's a neat trick whereby you can cause your opponent to explode on command. Unfortunately, the self-destruction does not harm others around the foe, but it is an evil little trick nonetheless.Full explanation can be found on the YouTube description. We haven't tried it ourselves yet but look forward to triggering dismemberment at the most amusing moment possible.Video embedded after the break.

  • Today's healthiest video: Wii Sports experiment on NBC

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    Remember the guy who claimed to have lost nine pounds from playing Nintendo Wii? That man, Mickey DeLorenzo of Wii Nintendo, was featured on the local NBC news, and the related video has been named the top gaming video on YouTube.Seeing Delorenzo measure himself was an interesting part of the report, but what got us was the reporter's reaction, which was of utter shock that a video game system was not causing weight gain. Despite that, we still have obligatory Wii puns, including: "Wii-search" (as in, research) "A Wii bit of exercise" "Wii like it." Oh, how cute. Video embedded after the break.

  • Today's most infringing video: Pac-Man Delhaize

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    Today's hottest gaming video on YouTube was none other than Kyle Orland's Blu-ray sadism (we hurt 'cos we love), so let's move on to the most interesting of the bunch. This is an advertisements for Belgian grocery store Delhaize. Wonders cease to amaze how the marketing department came up with this genuinely novel idea.Enjoy the clip, embedded after the break, and know that there is a week of sales at your local Belgian grocery chain. Mamma Mia!

  • Today's hacking-est video: Wii Bottle

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    Is the sight of some guy rotating a bottle with a Wii remote that exciting? Apparently so, because it ranked as the top gaming video on YouTube today. We don't have much to say about this, it's pretty boring to us. In fact, we enjoyed more the overused Wiimote / penis jokes in the comments section. Video embedded after the break.

  • Today's hottest game video: Wii roundtable

    Zack Stern
    Zack Stern

    Today's most-watched GameTrailers video is part three of the site's Bonus Round look at the Wii. These roundtable sequences -- albeit without the table -- feature musician Tommy Tallarico, analyst Michael Pachter, and game producer Peter Wanat sharing their opinions on the Wii.The industry personalities are worth a listen, although we're most anticipating to the fourth -- and final -- episode; it's billed as their thoughts on the long-term prospects of the Wii.See the video after the break.

  • Today's hottest game video: Tomb Raider trailer

    Zack Stern
    Zack Stern

    She's said to be "drool"-worthy, but does that make a good game? Today's most-watched GameTrailers video shows the acrobatic Lara Croft in the trailer for the next Tomb Raider game. With the required low-angle shots of Lara -- from in-front and behind -- the video mixes cut-scene-renders with a little in-game footage at the end.See the trailer after the break. Did it make you drool?

  • Today's hottest game video: Dragon Quest IX

    Zack Stern
    Zack Stern

    Today's most-watched YouTube video shows a Japanese-language financial news report on Dragon Quest IX coming out only for the DS. (Many YouTubers have Dragon Quest fever; several top videos are about the game.) Gamers and industry watchers were expecting the Square Enix property to be announced for the PS3, so the news surprised many. And the one-minute video includes a pull-back-the-curtain shot -- the best part of any announcement.See the video after the break.

  • Today's hottest game video: 360 headset woes

    Zack Stern
    Zack Stern

    Today's most-watched YouTube game video shows a gamer who is unable to connect his original Xbox 360 controller and Wireless Headset together on channel one. The demonstration implies that this is a widespread issue with no fix yet from Microsoft, although we haven't had any issues.The gamer shows the process of activating the headset and having a conflict with his original controller. He then repeats the steps with a new, extra controller and has no problem.It's like the I-Team without having to sit through the rest of the made-up local news. See the video after the break.See also: Joystiq video: Xbox 360 Wireless Headset review

  • Today's hottest game video: Wiimote on Windows

    Zack Stern
    Zack Stern

    Today's most-watched YouTube game video shows a Wiimote controlling a Windows PC mouse pointer. (Go here if you're looking for that other video.) The Bluetooth connection uses the freely available GlovePIE to make sense of the movements; download the software to try it out at home.We're excited about the hacking and modding cultural movement; it seems bigger than ever. Hats off to the Wiili guys and anyone else who adds unintended features to our consoles.See the video after the break.

  • Today's hottest game video: Wii in Japan

    Zack Stern
    Zack Stern

    Today's most-watched YouTube game video shows Japanese news coverage of the Wii launch, including a brief interview with Wiimote Guy. Non-Japanese speakers may like seeing some of the shots of the lines, people swinging Wii controllers around, and New Year's-like countdowns to Wii sales; other than that, the video relies on voice-over and man-on-the-street interviews.See the video after the break.

  • Today's hottest game video: Final Fantasy VII trailer [update 1]

    Zack Stern
    Zack Stern

    Today's most-watched YouTube game video is a fairly good-quality bootleg of the Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core trailer from this year's Tokyo Game Show. This Japanese-language video of the upcoming PSP game starts slowly, with a lot of exposition. But the last third of the five-minute sequence includes enough action and in-game footage to move the most reserved Final Fantasy fanboy into a foaming, rabid, lurching frenzy. Even regular gamers may like it. See the whole video after the break. [Update 1: Thanks, commenters, for pointing out that this clip was already featured in a non-hottest video post. So, we're bringing you an extra hottest video -- the hottestest video -- the SSX Blur trailer. Thrill as snowboarders glide down the mountain, doing tricks on the Wii, presumably with motion controls. See the extra video after the break.]

  • Today's hottest game video: PSP 'dual-analog' mod

    Zack Stern
    Zack Stern

    Today's most-watched YouTube game video shows the result of a slick dual-analog mod for the PSP. Well, sort of ...We can't tell if the right analog-style stick is inputing variable speeds, or if it's just mirroring the digital face buttons. (We're leaning towards digital input through the analog-type stick.) Still, it's a cool hack, and your right thumb won't be jealous of the already-mentioned left-stick hack.See the video after the break.

  • Today's hottest game video: Official Wii commercial

    Zack Stern
    Zack Stern

    Nintendo's official 30-second version of our previously mentioned, two-minute Wii commercial is today's most-watched YouTube game video. This edit of the spot has slightly cleaner video and none of the random talking and laughing behind the longer bootleg cut.This video shatters previous most-watched game video scores. Daily winners usually chart between 20,000-60,000 views; the Wii commercial? It's been viewed 670,000 times -- and counting -- making it the most watched video anywhere on YouTube. The Wii is even better than sex; the number-two video of the site is called "My First Video Blog... (Striptease Included)." (Note that like an actual striptease, this video doesn't deliver on its promise. Yes, we watched.)Nintendo unfortunately disabled our ability to embed the video. Catch it directly at YouTube.

  • Today's hottest game video: Army of Two

    Zack Stern
    Zack Stern

    Today's hottest video again hails from the rocky peaks of GameTrailers; a trailer for Army of Two is that site's most watched file. This action-shooter's video shows a single army (of two) engaging a variety of enemy situations. Apparently berating your teammate and slapping him is a situation for which two-person armies are trained. (Didn't they watch Patton?) At least we also see the cooperative moments -- partly offsetting these in-your-face-to-the-extreme antics -- like when one soldier drags his injured buddy away from the fire-fight. Watch the video after the break.

  • Today's hottest game video: Japanese launch report

    Zack Stern
    Zack Stern

    Today's hottest game video -- the second-most watched game clip from YouTube -- is a Japanese newscast battle between the PS3 and Wii. Which of the consoles will win on its native soil? We're not sure, lacking critical Japanese-speaking skills, but the newscast is entertaining regardless.The almost six-minute report evenly splits coverage between the two consoles, showing games and man-on-the-street interviews for each. The video culminates in a Monday Night Football-style explosion between the two consoles. Clearly, gratuitous explosions know no language.Watch the full video after the break.

  • Today's hottest game video: wrestling surprise

    Zack Stern
    Zack Stern

    Today's most watched YouTube game video is going to soon be the subject of a very special post, so we'll cover the number two spot. This second-place clip comes from WWE Smackdown vs. RAW 2007.We peer into the behind-the-scenes soap-opera action that gives pro wrestling a story arc it always missed. We used to ask, "Why are these guys fighting?" Now we know, although this clip raises more questions than it answers.After some wooden back-and-forth dialogue, the scene takes a surprise twist into gender bending. What? We don't understand either, but maybe future scenes balance Bully's boy-on-boy kissing.See the whole video after the break.