

  • Editorial: HTC's departure from South Korea proves a tough fight for foreign brands

    HTC's closure of its South Korean office may seem yet another blow to the company this year, but don't be alarmed: we saw it coming. It's a given that Peter Chou's gang is cutting back in response to its recent weak performance, but the more interesting takeaway here is the fact that the South Korean smartphone market is one tough nut for foreign brands to crack open. Just walk into any carrier shop in Seoul and you'll see the shelves dominated by devices from Samsung, LG and Pantech. If you're lucky, you may spot the odd Sony, Motorola and HTC phones cowering in a corner. So why is that the case? Let's take a look at the how it all started.

    Richard Lai
  • Samsung Galaxy Spica getting Android 2.0 upgrade next month?

    Among the production Android devices presently languishing on pre-Donut are the Galaxy and Galaxy Spica from Samsung -- both of which use essentially stock implementations of the platform, robbing Sammy of the code-porting excuse that HTC has been using with Sense. That might be close to changing, though, now that Samsung Firmware's saying that the Spica (alias Galaxy Lite) is signed up for a 2.0 update in February and that they "think its [sic] also for the Galaxy." Now, Samsung Firmware is far from an official Samsung source -- but seeing how the site maintains a vice-like grip on every conceivable Samsung ROM the second it's released, they've got some basis to be trusted on these matters. Of course, there's also the circumstantial evidence that the company simply has no excuse whatsoever to sit on the update any longer than it already has -- not to say that's ever stopped a company before, sadly.

    Chris Ziegler
  • Samsung Galaxy i7500 pops up unlocked on Newegg

    Sorry, subsidy fans, Samsung's Galaxy i7500 still isn't be offered by any carriers, but if you're jonesing, a listing for the Android-enhanced handset has made its way unlocked onto Newegg's website. It's got quad-band GSM and tri-band UMTS, it theoretically should work on T-Mobile's 3G network, one of the few we can recall -- either way you'll still have GSM support for T-Mo and AT&T. Entry fee will be a Lincoln coin under $590; mum's the word on ship date, but now that the groundwork's been laid out, at least we know it's an inevitability. [Thanks, Dayson]

    Ross Miller
  • Video: The unsettling truth about our augmented reality future, starring Brad Pitt

    With more and more phones featuring beefy processors, GPS, HSPA data, and compasses, augmented reality apps are ready to take off in a big way. Layar, in particular, is shaping up to be the platform of choice from which to overlay information onto the streets that surround you. This is great for serendipitous discovery of cafes, ATMs, real estate, and even jobs, but at what expense? Recently, we casually joked about the ability to "hunt down tweeps with cold, calculated precision." Now a Dutch crew from Beste Product took up the task by giving Layar and its "Famous People Finder" feature a real-world test on the streets of Amsterdam with the help of Samsung's i7500 Galaxy. The results are unsettling as demonstrated by the celebrities, including Brad Pitt's, reaction to being discovered. Is our near-term future to be filled with people laughing maniacally while pointing their cellphones at each other? The video is in Dutch, but the reaction that unfolds at 2 minutes and 40 seconds is universally human. See it after the break. [Via @Dutchcowboy]

    Thomas Ricker
  • UK to get Samsung Galaxy next week?

    Of course, it has to happen sooner or later -- but how about "any day now?" According to Register Hardware (which sure seems to hear a lot of "stuff," you know, from "people who know stuff") a "handful" of O2 store employees have reported seeing the Samsung Galaxy on the chain's stock management system, which lists it as arriving in stores "next week." In addition, while not listed on O2's website, you can filter for a search for i7500 accessories, although that doesn't really tell us anything we don't already know. No price yet, or even solid confirmation that this is happening, but you'll get all the glorious facts as soon as we do. Promise.

  • White Samsung Galaxy spotted in the wild

    We just caught a glimpse of a white / silver Samsung Galaxy yesterday, but it looks like any doubts about its realness have now been put to rest, as the very same Android-based phone has now been spotted in the wild. As you might expect, however, there's apparently no other differences compared to the standard black Galaxy we've been seeing all along and, just like the black model, this one will reportedly be available first on O2 Germany before rolling out to other carriers in Europe. And, no, there's still no word of a release 'round here.

    Donald Melanson
  • Oh, by the way: August 4, 2009

    Here's some of the other stuff that happened in the wide world of mobile for Tuesday, August 4th, 2009: Following the G'zOne C731 Rock, Casio's C741 Brigade for Verizon has nabbed FCC clearance. Not much is known about the phone -- we can assume it'll be ruggedized to one degree or another -- but one interesting tidbit is the inclusion of VCAST TV support, something Verizon's been getting lax on as of late. [Via PhoneArena] Have you seen a white / silver Samsung i7500 Galaxy? Now you have. [Thanks, Ruben W.] China's regulatory peeps have had the good fortune of seeing a couple new Philips Xeniums in their midst, a K700 full touch model and an X501 candybar. Philips has yet to announce either unit, but you can bet they'll last until the next ice age on a single charge. [Via Unwired View] Microsoft's MSDN -- its official developer network -- has published a case study on porting an iPhone app to Windows Mobile. A year ago, you'd have been more likely to see case studies going in the other direction, but, you know, times are changing. [Via Tweakers.net] Digia put together a nice little web browser for UIQ called @Web, but then UIQ sorta went away -- so they're back at it again, this time on S60 5th Edition in beta form. S60 does a decent job browsing out of the gate, but @Web's got some interesting UI elements that might make it worth a look. [Via All About Symbian] We don't see much of it in the States, but Samsung's got a whole brand -- DuoS -- for dual-SIM capable handsets. Mobil.cz has dug up a new model in the series, a low-end candybar dubbed C3212 that'll run the equivalent of around $195 and go on sale in Russia later this summer before expanding to other European markets. [Via Mobile Phone Helpdesk] Value brand Cricket is adding yet more value to its unlimited voice plans that start at a bargain-basement $40. The $40 price point now includes web access; $45 gets you unlimited email, backup, and 30 roaming minutes a month, and $55 ups the roaming to 200 minutes.

    Chris Ziegler
  • Samsung Galaxy with US 3G clears the FCC, but it's not what you think

    Feeling a little envious of the Android-based Samsung Galaxy now available in Germany and soon to be available in other parts of Europe? Then you're in luck, sort of, as a new "A3LGTI7500L" model complete with US 3G has now sailed through the FCC. Unfortunately for those of us 'round these parts, that "L" at the end of the model name signifies that this particular model is intended for Latin America, but it's still about as close as you'll get to a practical option for the time being -- at least until those T-Mobile rumors pan out.

    Donald Melanson
  • In tomorrow's nightmarish hellscape, robots shoot craps and Samsung Galaxy is your only friend

    Hey, nice Samsung Galaxy you got there! Whoa, whoa, wait... you sure you want to turn that thing on? Are you physically and emotionally prepared for what happens next? See, in a world where space travel knows no boundaries, Facebook has its own planet, and Samsung makes Android-powered phones, cute robots ride (yes, ride) i7500s from heavenly body to heavenly body in search of entertainment and friendship. Follow the break for the whole video, and watch really closely for the part at the end where the Galaxy collides with Earth and accidentally causes an extinction-level event.[Via HDblog.it]

    Chris Ziegler
  • Samsung Galaxy GT-I7500 unboxed, "Google Experience" distinction now clear as mud

    The HTC Hero and T-Mobile myTouch 3G aren't the only Android phones making waves this week: the Samsung Galaxy GT-I7500 also launched on O2 Germany, and this is the first unboxing we've seen. Continuing the confusion over what handsets actually get the full Google blessing, this version of the I7500 runs pretty much bone-stock Android, but isn't a "Google Experience" phone, which in this case apparently means that firmware updates have to be loaded manually over USB instead of being pushed over the air. If you're keeping track, that's now a third axis of differentiation between Google-branded Android handsets and everything else, and we're starting to think no one really knows what all the rules and differences actually are -- hey, Eric, maybe you could set down that BlackBerry for a minute and sort all this out?

    Nilay Patel
  • Samsung Galaxy predictably coming to O2 UK

    It's already being stocked by its German cousins, so it stands to reason that O2's British outpost would be looking to carry the mighty i7500 Galaxy from Samsung as well. Indeed, TechRadar is reporting that O2 UK has confirmed that the Android-powered OLED beast is on the way in August, though pricing is yet to be reported in any official capacity; for comparison's sake, O2 Germany is offering it for €69.99 (about $98) on contract, so we can certainly imagine the new launch coming somewhere in the same range. Then again, we can also imagine it being completely free on the right plan, in which case we're packing our bags and filing for our visas.

    Chris Ziegler
  • Samsung Galaxy now available from O2 Germany

    The big Android news today is all out of London and New York today, but if we move a bit eastward, there's some cool stuff going on in Deutschland, too: Samsung's i7500 Galaxy is now available. The beastly smartphone immediately becomes the highest-end Android device to date and will have a little while to enjoy the top of the hill until the Hero drops, thanks in no small part to its 5 megapixel cam, support for 7.2Mbps HSDPA, 8GB of internal storage, and a 3.2-inch AMOLED display. Looks like it's yours for €69.99 (about $98) on contract, so count us in -- and how about some time on the Nürburgring while we're at it?[Thanks, Jon]

    Chris Ziegler
  • Samsung i7500 to be renamed Galaxy, released in France in early July

    Speaking of Samsung touchscreen handsets, Bouygues Telecom's announced that they expect to ship the company's first Android handset -- the i7500 -- in early July, making it the first carrier to snag it. The French company will rebadge the device, calling it the Galaxy, which is certainly sexier than the numeric moniker. The quad-band GSM, tri-band 7.2Mbps HSDPA (900/1700/2100MHz) handset has a 3.2-inch, 320 x 480 pixel AMOLED touchscreen, WiFi, GPS, a 5 megapixel camera, 8GB of storage with MicroSD expansion for up to 32GB more. We're still expecting this bad boy -- which recently passed through the old FCC -- to make a possible T-Mobile debut this fall. [Via Talk Android]

  • Samsung i7500 passes FCC with flying colors and green robots

    The most exciting Android handset announcement of the year thus far (sadly, that's not saying a whole hell of a lot) has to be the Samsung i7500, so naturally, we're following developments on this sucker with a very, very keen eye. As far as we can tell, T-Mobile has this -- or something very much like it -- pegged for the fall timeframe, and that dovetails nicely with the fact that this FCC filing shows up with AWS 3G alongside 850 and 1900MHz EDGE. Here's our question: why should some stuffy FCC geeks get all the fun on these prerelease devices? Do they really, seriously deserve OLED displays running Android?

    Chris Ziegler
  • Samsung's i7500 Android phone shows up in another, more epic hands-on video

    Sure, we already got a pretty decent look at Samsung's first Android device -- the i7500 -- just a few short days ago. Tech 65's video, however, gives the phone a much more in depth once-over, and while the software is still not in its final state, it's looking pretty smart over all. If you've forgotten, the quad-band GSM, tri-band 7.2Mbps HSDPA (900/1700/2100MHz) handset boasts a 3.2-inch, 320 x 480 pixel AMOLED touchscreen, WiFi, GPS, a 5 megapixel camera, 8GB of storage with MicroSD expansion for up to 32GB more, and a standard 3.5mm jack. Hit the video after the break, but fair warning: this video does not have any awesome hair metal.

  • T-Mobile to release "multiple" Android devices this year

    It's no secret that T-Mobile has some grand Android-based plans after the million-selling success of the G1, and although we've heard sketchy reports of future devices to come, it sounds like things are starting to firm up: CTO Cole Brodman told GigaOm yesterday that the carrier is planning to launch "multiple" Android devices from "three partners" later this year. One of those is pretty obviously the HTC Magic / Sapphire / myTouch, but that's just the tip of the potential iceberg here -- we've got a feeling that the Samsung I7500 "Houdini" will be involved, the G1 v2 is certainly interesting, there's that mysterious Huawei set we saw at MWC, and hell, we've even got reports of netbooks, tablets, and home phones in the mix. That's a lot of directions Timmy-O can go, any predictions?

    Nilay Patel
  • Engadget Podcast 144 - 05.01.2009

    Bogged down and confused with the latest spate of wild mobile speculations? Relationship troubles clouding your judgment? Lonely? Well Josh, Nilay and Paul -- your jovial (yet often enraged) Engadget Podcast crew -- are back for another installment to help you sort all that out. In a week heavy on rumors (Palm Eos, Microsoft "Pink" and the not-so-nano "iPhone lite") and laden with opinion (Windows 7 RC1, TiVo's sad state of affairs), join the boys as they delve deep into the abyss that is gadgetry. Sure, there might never be a Zunephone, but remember: the beauty is in the journey... or something. Hosts: Joshua Topolsky, Nilay Patel, Paul Miller Producer: Trent Wolbe Song: All That She Wants 00:01:13 - Palm Eos: super-thin, 3G, and headed to AT&T? 00:27:20 - Microsoft's "Pink" smartphone could rival iPhone on Verizon 00:29:00 - Microsoft reiterates what we knew: no first-party handset, no Zunephone 00:36:40 - Apple prototyping "iPhone lite" and MacBook Mini / media pad for Verizon? 00:46:30 - Samsung I7500 with OLED touchscreen powered by Android, dreams 00:57:42 - Windows 7 Release Candidate 1 impressions, insights, and expectations 01:10:05 - Ten years of TiVo: how far we haven't come Subscribe to the podcast [iTunes] Subscribe to the Podcast directly in iTunes (enhanced AAC). [RSS MP3] Add the Engadget Podcast feed (in MP3) to your RSS aggregator and have the show delivered automatically. [RSS AAC] Add the Engadget Podcast feed (in enhanced AAC) to your RSS aggregator. [Zune] Subscribe to the Podcast directly in the Zune Marketplace Download the podcast LISTEN (MP3) LISTEN (AAC) LISTEN (OGG) Contact the podcast 1-888-ENGADGET or podcast (at) engadget (dot) com. Twitter: @joshuatopolsky @futurepaul @reckless @engadget

    Trent Wolbe
  • Samsung's Android-equipped i7500 confirmed for O2

    We don't know everywhere that the i7500's going to land yet -- the presence of AWS 3G is still giving us loads of hope that it'll come to T-Mobile USA eventually -- but one place we're quite sure of is Germany, where O2's local outpost has now said that it'll launch in "the next couple of months." That lines up nicely with what we'd been expecting prior to the phone's announcement -- so now we just need, oh, say, about 20 more announcements around the world and we'll be good to go. Any time now, Sammy.

    Chris Ziegler
  • Samsung's I7500 Android phone shreds in first hands-on video

    We know what you're thinking: you'd love to see some video of Samsung's very first Android device -- the I7500 -- but you don't want to watch it unless the soundtrack for the clip is foreign hair metal. Well, we aim to please at Engadget, so without further ado, we present this totally bitchin' flick of the phone in action, replete with the rockingest shred-fest this side of... wherever this band is from. Enjoy! Update: Annoyingly, the video has been made private. We're working on it. Update 2: The video is up again -- sans totally rocking soundtrack. Thanks ttlj!

    Joshua Topolsky
  • Samsung's Android-powered I7500 caught in smudgy Russian wilds

    Frankly, if we were forced to choose between smudgy and blurry, we'd take the former each day of the week. Russia's own Mobile-Review has somehow already managed to wrap its paws around one of the newly released Android-based I7500s, and while it's not really a drastic departure from Sammy's other smartphones of late, it's still worth a peek if you're suddenly in the market for one. Check the read link for the goods.[Via ForoAndroid]

    Darren Murph