

  • Runes of Magic stages fox hunt event

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Looking for an in-game diversion to help wile away your weekend? Well, look no further than Runes of Magic's fox hunt, a mini-event that aims to rid Taborea of its fox population by sending hordes of player pelt-hunters in search of the furry four-legged fiends. To get started, you'll need to speak with Owenstein, an NPC merchant near the Harf Trading Post in the Ystra Highlands. Each time you bring him a bundle of 50 pelts, he'll gift you with a Happy Smile package, which in turn will grant you one of several desirable reward items. The event kicks off today and runs through Monday, October 11th. Check out the announcement on the Runes of Magic Facebook page for more details.

  • Exploring Eberron: Happy Halloween, here's a giant dragon

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    Welcome to October. It's time for ghouls, ghosts, things that go bump in the night, and shambling undead. Halloween events are a grand tradition in nearly every MMO, and Dungeons and Dragons Online has something special this year. The developers have really scaled things up for this holiday, but how well will it work? Fernando Paiz and the team teased us with hints of the event last month at PAX, showing off a creepy red sky in Delera's Graveyard. Unfortunately for this curious DDO fan, the tour stopped there, leaving me to wait and wonder. Yesterday my wondering was over, because we spent some time during my tour of Update 7 to explore the event. If you were in the area Thursday and noticed a sudden spawn of pumpkins, undead, and collectors in the graveyard, that was courtesy of Fernando. He was kind enough to turn the event on briefly and give me a little tour of what the holiday will have to offer. Follow along after the cut for my thoughts on the good, the bad, and the creepy of the upcoming DDO Halloween event. Don't forget to check the link at the very end to see what OnedAwesome, Massively's DDO guild, is up to next week too!

  • Clone Wars Adventures uses the force to hit one million mark

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    The force is strong with Clone Wars Adventures! This colorful little virtual world is barely a week out of launch, and Sony Online Entertainment has announced it has managed to pass one million accounts registered in that time. When one considers that SOE's other kid-friendly property, Free Realms, took 18 days to hit the same number of accounts, this is impressive news indeed. To celebrate hitting this first million, all Clone Wars Adventures denizens will be given a special limited-edition in-game Golden Mouse Droid to enjoy. Additionally, the company is throwing a huge party today at 3 p.m. PDT (6 p.m. EDT), which will kick off a week of in-game events. We'd like to send our congrats out to the entire SOE team on its success with CWA. Hopefully we'll see even more added to this fun little world in the months to come as the television series progresses and the storyline in-game changes to follow it.

  • Fallen Earth patch 1.7 goes live with in-game events

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    Happy birthday, Fallen Earth! Today is the one-year anniversary of Fallen Earth's launch, and Icarus Studios is celebrating in style. Patch 1.7 is live on the servers now, with a huge list of bug and cosmetic fixes and over 50 new missions for wastelanders to participate in. This patch also kicks off the Customer Rewards Program, and an FAQ is on the site to guide players through this new feature. If a pile of new content isn't enough to keep you busy, this special day also brings two in-game events. At 1:00 and 8:00 p.m. EDT today, an in-game event will take place and every wastelander is needed to help. Details of the event are sketchy, but we know that villain Aro Sei is planning revenge for what happened at the Hoover Dam. All the available details are on the Fallen Earth site now.

  • Final Fantasy XI runs the bulls once again

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    The next month or so is going to be an interesting time for Final Fantasy XI, with its spiritual and numerical sequel launching tomorrow. (You might have heard of it.) But the development team is still putting its best foot forward, and in this case that means it's time for adventurers all across Vana'diel to enjoy the older game by... herding cows. It probably sounds at least moderately more epic if you're familiar with the Blazing Buffaloes event overall. Starting on September 28th and running until October 12th, Blazing Buffaloes is a chance for players to take part in the age-old art of bovine management, complete with a decorative reward for successful herders. While the detailed mechanics have not been made available, odds are good that last year's guide will serve as a decent stopgap until players have had a chance to suss out any and all new wrinkles. Whether or not you're taking advantage of the concurrent subscription bonus with Final Fantasy XIV, you can enjoy the latest Final Fantasy XI holiday starting next week.

  • Pre-Cataclysm event image gallery

    Dawn Moore
    Dawn Moore

    As we mentioned earlier, the next pre-Cataclysm event is currently being tested on the PTR. We've now gone through the Horde version of the event ourselves (it's still a little buggy) and nabbed some screenshots to share with you. We'll do a full writeup later today, so stick around and we'll fill you in on all the details soon. Be warned: The gallery includes spoilers for events coming up in the next patch, so if you'd like to be surprised, move along. Might I suggest to the priest section? %Gallery-102854%

  • Pre-Cataclysm event testing on PTR

    Dawn Moore
    Dawn Moore

    A blue post earlier this evening announced that the beginnings of the pre-Cataclysm events are currently being tested on the PTR. Daeleht - Pre-Cataclysm World Event Thread Greetings, The early stages of the pre-Cataclysm events have begun on the PTR's. If you're encountering any problems with the events themselves or have any feedback please post them in this thread. Enjoy! source The first of the pre-Cataclysm events started earlier this month with Operation: Gnomeregan and Zalazane's Fall, which are still available on live realms right now. We'll get you more information on what is happening on the PTR as soon as possible.

  • Vanguard celebrates with the Telon Faire

    Beau Hindman
    Beau Hindman

    Are you new to Vanguard: Saga of Heroes? Are you a veteran of the game who just wants to get out of the cave for a while? Why not join your fellow players for an evening of jousting, dueling, parleying (diplomacy), hall-decorating contests, boat races, or a crafting bazaar? Thanks to the members of the Impact guild -- who are taking over where the Shadowfire guild left off -- you can meet fellow members of the community while possibly earning some cool prizes! The event is better every time they host it, this being the seventh. It's also a good sign that, despite server mergers, tiny development teams, and three years of forum drama, there are always community members willing to step up to do the work required for such an event. The Impact guild also hosts Newbie Nights every other week. As for the Telon Faire, it starts this Saturday, September 18th, at 4 p.m. EDT and runs until the griffins come home. Head to Aghram to join in the activities! Support them -- stop by, say hello, or give a donation. After all, prizes will be handed out mostly in cold, hard cash that players can really use. So, if you're new, or want to help out some new players, watch for the announcement and head for Aghram!

  • Grog and drunken sailors arrive in Guild Wars for Talk Like a Pirate event

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    Ahoy there, Cap'n Tightpants! No, you haven't wandered into a Firefly revival, that's just one of the nonsensical phrases your Guild Wars character will spout while under the influence of pirate grog. If you're (un)lucky enough to have post-processing effects turned on, you'll get an eye-spraining visual effect too, as seen above. So where do you find this wonderful stuff? Luckily for you, ArenaNet is about to kick off its annual Talk Like a Pirate event and acquiring grog is as easy as killing a level two grawl. PvE enemies throughout the world will be dropping grog beginning at noon PDT Friday, and you'll find that the NPCs in Lion's Arch and Kamadan are joining the festivities as well. They've got a swashbuckling new look, and if you take a moment to chat with them, you'll find some interesting dialogue as well. If you need a place to store all the extra grog, ArenaNet's got you covered. A surprise update today introduced a sale in the NCsoft store, and extra Xunlai storage tabs are now half-price. The tabs are marked at $4.99 rather than their usual $9.99, and it's listed as a limited-time offer, so hurry and get your grog storage tab! The Talk Like a Pirate event lasts through Tuesday the 21st, and the storage pane sale ends the 19th.

  • Bonus item event in Final Fantasy XIV's beta

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Final Fantasy XIV's open beta is only going to last until the 19th, which is just a stone's throw away. This would be worse news if not for the fact that the collector's edition of the game will be launching three days after that, meaning that the game's fans will have other things to do shortly thereafter. (The game's detractors don't really need the game to run one way or the other.) But if you'd like to take part in one last hurrah before launch, Square-Enix is hosting a special event on the newly-added Karnak and Narshe servers. All characters created on the special servers before 1:00 p.m. PDT on the 16th will have both the Onion Helm and Asuran Armguards added to their inventory. The former is the bonus for pre-ordering the collector's edition of the game, while the latter is the reward for also owning a copy of Final Fantasy XIII. It's not quite the potpourri of good news revealed from the pre-launch event yesterday, but it promises to still be a nice chance for Final Fantasy XIV beta testers to go out with a bang.

  • Aion's Scorching Heat game arrives in Atreia

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    Aion is ready to help players enjoy the last few weeks of summer -- or herald its imminent arrival, depending on your hemisphere. Community Manager Andrew Beegle posted an announcement on Aion's forums and Facebook page yesterday announcing the arrival of the Scorching Heat event tomorrow, September 15th. Daevas will accumulate the scorching heat drops just by playing, and once you've accumulated enough, you can purchase frozen boxes good for all sorts of goodies from bathing suits to candy to dye. This announcement satisfies the curiosity of many players who have been asking how to acquire scorching heat since the beginning of the month. The event lasts until October 13th.

  • Play Champions Online for a week without paying a dime

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    How much of a game can you experience in a week? Do you think you could hit the level cap? Could you make a full army of alts? Could you make friends and have a reason to keep playing? As part of its anniversary celebration, Champions Online is inviting players to see what they can do with a week of unfettered access to the game. From September 1st to the 7th, anyone can register and play the game completely free, whether or not the player has purchased the game in the past. All that players have to do to take part is sign up on the official page, which means registering an account if you haven't done so previously. Then, for the whole of that week, you'll be able to access everything in the game as if you were a normal subscriber. To sweeten the deal for existing players, there will also be a promotion running in the C-Store, with nearly everything at a 20% discount. It's hard to say no to a free week of a game, so if your interest is piqued, sign up for a free week's worth of Champions Online now.

  • Cross guns with Hi-Rez Studios in Global Agenda tonight, and here's how!

    Seraphina Brennan
    Seraphina Brennan

    Tonight's the big night for all of you Global Agenda players in our readership! Twelve members of Hi-Rez Studios will be stepping into the game tonight, ready for some PvE and PvP action! As we promised you on Monday, we have the full instructions on how you can participate in this event! All you need is a copy or free trial of Global Agenda installed on your machine, and a copy of Steam. Once you've got that done, make sure to join the Massively Mob, our Steam Community group, and friend either Octal Black, ducttapedrummer or Netgoth. If you're chosen to participate in tonight's event, you will be IMed by either Beau Hindman (ducttapedrummer), myself (Octal Black), or Krystalle Voecks (Netgoth) via Steam Messenger. You can also keep up with what's going on in the event by joining our Steam Community chat room and keeping an eye out for GM messages in-game. From there you'll be paired up with a Hi-Rez Studios developer, and your party will venture off into the wonderful lands of the Sonoran Desert and Commonwealth Prime to lay waste to everything before you! Good luck, and we hope to see you tonight!

  • Play with the devs: Storm the dungeons and firefights of Global Agenda with Hi-Rez Studios

    Seraphina Brennan
    Seraphina Brennan

    You asked for it, and we're doing it -- we're going back to Global Agenda! But this time we're not going into the game by ourselves. No, no, we're bringing out the big guns this time. We're bringing the creators, Hi-Rez Studios, along for the ride! So come join us this Wednesday, August 25th, at 7:00 p.m. EDT, to run some missions with some of the developers from Hi-Rez! All you need is a copy of Global Agenda (which can be grabbed from Steam) and a membership in our Steam Community, the Massively Mob (which is as cheap as free). Don't have a copy of the game, but still want to participate? Well lucky for you, as the game's free trial program just came back online! Why not give the game a whirl as you play alongside the creators? More information on our in-game meeting place and how we'll set things up will be available Wednesday morning here on Massively. Just keep an eye on our Steam Community, or Twitter page, or our front page for the full details!

  • Breakfast Topic: Game time

    Dawn Moore
    Dawn Moore

    The other day, I was talking to a good WoW friend about some RL stuff. None of it was anything you all would find terribly interesting, until we came upon the topic of my health. I told him I had started a probiotic regimen recently in hopes of resolving an antibiotic treatment I had taken the year before. When I tried to recount the time that it happened, my mind momentarily drew blank before I was able to spit out "it was around Ulduar." He knew what I meant of course, but I immediately realized the absurdity of me relaying events about my real life in game time. When I thought about it though, I figured I couldn't be the only one ... So, do your weeks start on Tuesdays? Do you say you have to be somewhere in server time? Do in-game holidays remind you an actual holiday is coming up? Was the last time you went to the dentist when you got your first Anub'arak kill?

  • Massively TV Livestream Event: Cataclysm live!

    Seraphina Brennan
    Seraphina Brennan

    var digg_url = ''; You've heard about World of Warcraft: Cataclysm from our good friends at, and you've probably seen a boatload of pictures of the new areas. But have you seen it live? Well, thanks to our newest feature here on the site, you'll get to see the lands of Azeroth as never before! We're running head-first into the world of livestreaming, and we want you to join us for the ride! Enter Massively TV -- a whole Livestream channel dedicated to bringing you footage of new and upcoming MMOs, as well as tips and tricks, trailers, and more! Massively TV is still in its beta phases as we work everything out, but we thought it would be a great idea to kick off the channel with a livestream of World of Warcraft: Cataclysm! We'll be starting our stream on Thursday, at 9:00 p.m. EDT (6:00 p.m PDT) and running until 10:30 p.m. EDT (7:30 p.m. PDT). Just visit our Livestream page, or visit here on the site and look for the Cataclysm stream post! If you're not able to attend the live event, no worries, as we'll be recording and leaving it up for you to watch later! And, if you want to see anything special, just be sure to mention it in the chat during the live event, or twittering your request to us with the hashtag #massivelytv while the event is on the air!

  • One Shots: Don't need nothin' but a good time

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    After a long, hard day of fighting off myriad things that are hell-bent on your destruction, it's time to relax! Of course, if you're lucky enough to know about it ahead of time, you can catch some great in-game events going on courtesy of Fallen Earth's numerous clans. Today's One Shots comes to us from The Deacon, who recently popped in to one such event for some beer and music -- definitely a great way to end a day. He writes in: "Every Thursday, the Invicta clan hold a community wide Bike rally at a bar in New Flagstaff, complete with a live DJ! Here is a shot of me mid-headbang, rocking out in the mosh pit just after I arrived." Have you taken part in a community-driven event recently? If so, we'd love to see some screenshots of it. Just email them in to us here at Be sure to include your name, the name of the game, and a description of what we're seeing. Also, please try to make sure your image is at least 1024 pixels wide -- we hate not being able to use smaller ones because they don't fit in the gallery! %Gallery-85937%

  • Gear up for EverQuest II'sTinkerfest 2010

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    If you've been itching to brand your EverQuest II avatar with a catchy new title like "the Explosive" or "the Deliverator," hold on to your cogs and mark your calendar for July 23rd. The second annual Tinkerfest looks to provide your inner gnome with a bevy of time-limited quests, vendor offerings, and crafted goodies designed to spruce up your home and wardrobe. To get started, make sure you've learned the gnomish language and make your way to Gnomeland Security in the Steamfont Mountains. There you'll find repeatable quests as well as a vendor who trades Tinkerfest cog shinies (available nearby on a fast respawn timer) for various loot items. Head over to EQ2 Traders Corner for a lengthy posting that details all of the available rewards along with a selection of images. Tinkerfest 2010 runs through August 6th, and the quests, items, and recipes will not be available after the event conclusion.

  • Anti-Aliased: A few tips for running in-game events

    Seraphina Brennan
    Seraphina Brennan

    So you're playing your favorite MMO, you've hit max level, you've done your raids or progression-related activities, and you find yourself a little bored. So, to ease that boredom, and perhaps cure the boredom of others, you decide to run a special event in your favorite world. Wonderful! Good for you! That's the type of stuff that makes MMOs so great! But running an event isn't as simple as running an event. Events require a solid idea to plan on, time to plan out the event, reliable volunteers, and advertising. If those weren't hard enough, you might need an in-game reward to provide incentive for people to join you, depending on your event. Over the years, I've certainly run my fair share of events, and I continue to do so as I plan events alongside developers. I've learned a few things that I'd like to pass along, so let's not delay any further. Onwards, to the meat of the matter!

  • Fallen Earth boss-killing event in the works

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Think your wasteland clone is tough enough to stand toe to toe with a giant mutated fungus named Deathspore? If so, put your money where your mouth is and join Fallen Earth fansite Broken Future for a series of community boss take-downs. Currently scheduled for Thursday, July 15th at 11pm eastern, the party will leave from Jimbo's Cracked Egg in Needle Eye in search of adventure, excitement, and (hopefully) coming home alive. "Bring your combat gear and prepare for a night of fun. If the event goes well, I have a little surprise in store for everyone at the end. So hope to see you all there and take care," says Broken Future's Jkillz in a post on the official Fallen Earth forums. Check out the news posting for all the details.