

  • New "Name That Ship" contest at Joystick Required

    Eli Shayotovich
    Eli Shayotovich

    Do you like to enter contests (i.e., the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes)? Do you enjoy having your ideas immortalized for ever and ever and ever? If so, get your contest entry groove on and head on over to Joystick Required, the fan-site dedicated to all things Jumpgate Evolution. The fine folks at NetDevil are giving the JR community the chance to name their Octavian Light Fighter. If your entry is chosen the name will stick for the game's entire life cycle. Bragging rights are beyond description, and worth the effort of entry alone. But winners will also receive an autographed piece of concept art of the fighter.Bounce over to the JR website and check out the official contest thread for all the details. You'll have to join the community (and you should anyway), but that's a small price to pay. Entries must follow an Avian theme (i.e., things that fly - like Hawk, Hummingbird, or Northern Spotted Wood Owl). The contest started on February 1, and will run at least two weeks. Only 3 entries are allowed per person so make sure they're smokin'. Good luck!

  • New Jumpgate Evolution developer log from Scott Brown

    Eli Shayotovich
    Eli Shayotovich

    Scott Brown is one of the founders of NetDevil, makers of Jumpgate Classic, Auto Assault and the upcoming Jumpgate Evolution. In a new developer log posted on the JGE site Scott waxes philosophical on the burning question: Why Jumpgate Evolution? OK, maybe it's not a "burning" question to everyone, but it is to me since I so enjoyed Auto Assault and actually raised a pint in an honorary toast when it came to a crashing halt last year. In Scott's reflections on the past he says that even though AA didn't perform to everyone's expectations they still learned a lot from the experience. They took that knowledge and applied it to evolving the Jumpgate franchise into what is looking to be a spectacular space frag-fest. Additionally, Scott talks a little about the development process of JGE and reveals some insightful tidbits about how NetDevil evolved that will surely warm the hearts of even the most k001 "jaded" gamers (and there are many of those, something I've never quite understood - they're games, but that's a topic for another time). Heartfelt honestly in this industry is few and far between. Give it a read and tell me you aren't more stoked about JGE!

  • MMORPG chats up Codemasters

    Eli Shayotovich
    Eli Shayotovich

    Last week it was officially announced that Codemasters was going to publish Jumpgate Evolution, NetDevil's upcoming sci-fi MMO. MMORPG has the first detailed interview with the newly minted publisher up on their website.Among the more intriguing nuggets pertains to the buzz-words that Codemasters uses to describe the game. Yes, they are the PR goombas specifically using them in order to sell the game, but to be honest ... it's working with me."Twitch-based combat" where players can literally jump into the cockpit and take part in an action packed space dogfight ... using a joystick (if they feel like it)! Sounds like X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter. Something that I've commented on before. "Think of Jumpgate as the Battlestar Galactica of sci-fi MMOs." OK! The analogy makes sense too, since both are properties taken from the past (in this case the original Jumpgate from back in 2001) and have been re-imagined into something far grander. At least we hope so. And based on the screen shots and game video ... it seems to be heading in that direction rather than going down the toidy.Codemasters plans on releasing the game in the winter of 2008 in both North America and Europe, but they won't commit to a firm date. Read the whole interview for all the details.

  • Play Jumpgate Evolution at Codemasters Connect '08

    Eli Shayotovich
    Eli Shayotovich

    As announced earlier this month, Codemasters Online will be hosting a 2-day community event in England on March 14 - 15 at Omega Sektor, the world's largest indoor gaming center. With the recent announcement that Codemasters will be publishing Netdevil's Jumpgate Evolution, the event will also be the very first time gamers will get the opportunity to play JGE. Connect 2008 will have over 400 machines loaded with the sci-fi epic. Aside from playing the game, attendees will receive an exclusive BETA key as part of the gift pack distributed at the show. Additionally, developers from NetDevil will be on hand to talk about the game and answer questions. You'll also be able to play other Codemasters games including LoTR Online, D&D Online, RF Online and Archlord. ARGH! I really, really wish I could go to this. Sadly, Massively ain't gonna front the bill for me to hop the pond and grab some fish and chips (and some great English brew)... so if any of our devoted readers make it we'd love to see some of your photos and hear about your experience! Check out the official website for the whole scoop on Connect 2008.

  • Building a better MMOusetrap: The age old debate

    Dave Moss
    Dave Moss

    Is there room in the genre for things that don't fit in the normal schema of MMO games? There have often been problems plaguing Sci-Fi style MMOs throughout the years, be it the fact that they are too vast, or can't live up to the IP that they are built on, allowing the fantasy genre to reign supreme (with exceptions to the rule of course). For the most part players seem to 'get' the games built around fantasy easier, with the play style just making a lot more sense. I know from the players I have spoken to, it's just easier for them to run around and hit things with swords, than to be flying around in star fighters and raiding entire planets. It begs to question if that will always be the case, and certainly looking at the line up for big MMOs over the next year it certainly looks that way. With FunCom's Age of Conan, and EA Mythic's Warhammer Online, both fit into that fantasy style, and work alongside games like LotRO and WoW with a metric buttload of back-story and lore (though obviously LotRO takes the cake on that aspect.)What is it that causes this then? Is it the lore, or the swords, or perhaps the fact that fantasy is just more interesting to people than science fiction? Let's try to break it down...

  • New Jumpgate dev journal on MMORPG.com

    Eli Shayotovich
    Eli Shayotovich

    NetDevil's Steve Hartmeyer penned a new entry for the Jumpgate Evolution developer journal on MMORPG.com. Today's topic deals with the "make or break" functionality of a game's User Interface (UI). While rarely something that actually "makes" a game, if not done properly, it can certainly break it. There really is nothing worse than a clumsy, annoying UI to wreck an otherwise beautiful game. As Steve says, if a UI doesn't work players will simply go play something else. And he's right. It's ironic how this major component seems to get completely overlooked by developers. There are a lot of games that simply have wretched interfaces. Take for instance EVE Online. Over this past weekend I spent several hours in game for the first time. It's simply not my cup of tea, yet I know it is for a great many people. Perhaps it's the enormous amount of micromanagement that must be done, but to me the UI was very confusing and annoying. Which brings up another point. What may be wretched to me isn't at all to someone else. So the big question for the developers becomes: with a myriad of presentation options (and an endless number of different gamers to please), how do you build the right user interface?Thankfully, the gang at NetDevil take this question very seriously, understand that it is important, and are hard at work to make the displays and controls accessible and easy to use. This is evident by this quote from Steve in his entry: Key choices must be practically self-evident. Frustration must be minimized, especially in the first fifteen minutes of play, when the new player is deciding whether the game is interesting or not.If anyone is planning on attending the Jumpgate - Stratics COH chat tonight, be sure to drill Steve on the UI. I'm sure he'll appreciate it!

  • Jumpgate devs to chat in Stratics HOC tomorrow night

    Eli Shayotovich
    Eli Shayotovich

    A big chunk of the Jumpgate Evolution team will be participating in a Stratics Central House of Commons chat this Wednesday, January 30th (that's tomorrow) at 5pm Pacific/8pm Eastern. In attendance will be Steve "Istvan" Hartmeyer, Hermann "Drakerr" Peterscheck, Michael "Zzeno" Rowland (from Codemasters), Nicole "Awen" Hamlett, and Grace "Binkies" Wong. The team will be answering questions about the game as well as the recently announced partnership with Codemasters Online. The chat will take place in the #StraticsHoC channel on Stratics IRC. If you've never IRCed before, check out Stratics download page to start the fun.

  • An interview with a Lead Producer, on Jumpgate Evolution

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    In an interview with Hermann Peterscheck, The Escapist squeezes out a bunch of information -- some new and some old. A lot of the interview is spent on talking about getting new players into Jumpgate Evolution, an important issue for NetDevil. Largely, it seems like Hermann and his team get what they need to do to win over people who try the game for the first time. He states that the team is focused on getting the first 30 seconds to 5 minutes down pat. Also, he talks about making sure their game looks beautiful while not choking computer hardware to death. The screenshots that have been coming out of NetDevil certainly point to a game that's looking quite pretty -- although we'll have to wait for some in-game video before we call it all good. It's important to note that NetDevil seems to be thinking about all the angles, because we're very certain they want Jumpgate Evolution to avoid a similar fate as their previous title. With a heavy focus on making the basic game fun, pretty and simple with a hidden depth -- we're willing to say JE has us here at Massively excited for it.

  • Codemasters to publish Jumpgate Evolution

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Jumpgate Evolution fans can cheer now-- the game's got a publisher. Codemasters is going to publish the game, according to a press release they dropped this morning. As we've reported before, they've been very successful with MMOs in Europe, running DDO, LotRO, RF Online, and ArchLord there. It's unknown whether Jumpgate Evolution is the game they were planning to announce in March (or if there is another announcement coming), but Codemasters says they're proud to bring the game to both European and American audiences.And as for a release date, they don't mention anything we haven't heard before. Besides confirming that the game should come out sometime in 2008, Codemasters doesn't reveal anything further than "late" in the year. We'll let you know about news of the release as we hear it.%Gallery-9918%

  • Jumpgate's A.I. evolves

    Eli Shayotovich
    Eli Shayotovich

    More details have emerged from the jumpgate via Steve Hartmeyer's Dev Journal over on MMORPG.com. Steve is a programmer at NetDevil working on the hotly anticipated (at least it is for many of us here at Massively) space combat MMO, Jumpgate Evolution.Steve's latest entry, AI System: Nuts & Bolts, takes us on an amazing detailed journey through the evolution of Jumpgate's artificial intelligence system. He explains how it morphed from "simply" populating space and simulating everyday tasks of an immense number of AI ships to a system that ultimately allows players to react to and participate in spontaneous events originated by the AI itself! Uh... holy crap! No wonder the dev team is so stoked about this game's AI system. Between the comparison to X-wing games we heard about yesterday, and now learning of the off the charts Intelligence Quotient of the AI... the needle just done popped off my Hot Meter! But there's more to it then the pure glee of such a cool game on the horizon. When you realize the capabilities of today's gaming AI (not just in JE, but where gaming AI is at right now and where it will likely lead), it all actually gets a bit creepy-cool in the "Wow, this sounds a lot like the theoretical beginnings of the Matrix or Cyberdyne Systems' development of Skynet" sort of way. Things that make ya go hmmm...

  • Is it time to get your joystick on?

    Eli Shayotovich
    Eli Shayotovich

    TenTonHammer's daily Loading... column is usually scribed by John "Boomjack" Hoskin, but today's blogisode ("Get your joysticks ready") is written by Managing Editor Cody "Micajah" Bye. I like Cody's point of view (not that I don't like Boomjack's) mostly because he and I seem to share a lot of the same game likes and dislikes. Much like my fellow bemoan-er of sword and sorcery games here at Massively - Samuel Axon. But I digress...Cody tackles hype. A topic that could easily be taken up as a doctoral thesis at any major college. In particular though Cody addresses the over-the-top game hype surrounding "better known" games like Warhammer Online, Age of Conan, Stargate Worlds, and The Agency. That my friends is only four of the 5..6..7..8... oh hell, I lost count. Well, the innumerable MMO's slated to come out this year alone. Can you say: saturation point?However, as Cody points out there's one game that has slipped quietly under the radar (much like Michael Jackson has over the last few years). And it's left both of us wondering why. That game? NetDevil's Jumpgate Evolution. Oh sure, NetDevil might have slammed headfirst into a concrete wall with Auto Assault, but Jumpgate has been around much longer. NetDevil's just reimagining it, much like the Sci-Fi Channel did to Battlestar Galactica, and based on what I've seen thus far I expect the same out of nowhere, smash hit experience.But what really got me stoked while reading Cody's article was this comparison: "Jumpgate Evolution may finally be the game that reaches out to those gamers who cut their teeth on products like X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter or the Wing Commander series." Oh sweet mother! For those of you old enough (like myself) to have played any of these games (X-Wing and TIE Fighter are usually on many veteran PC gamers top ten games of ALL TIME list) when they originally released - then you have truly lived. One of gaming's great mysteries has always been why LucasArts never bothered to redo or expand on them. So if NetDevil can turn Jumpgate Evolution into the space flight experience those phenomenal games offered, and morph it into an MMO... well, as the title says, it really will be time to (dust off and) get your joystick on!

  • Jumpgate Evolution flight dynamics devlog

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    It's always great when we start getting solid information about new games, especially ones that aren't the norm. There's a new developer log over at MMORPG.com where NetDevil programmer Steve Hartmeyer writes about flight in the upcoming Jumpgate Evolution. What we find most compelling about the whole read is the talk of two modes of flight; one being the original flight-style from Jumpgate and the other being the new style. For Jumpgate Evolution NetDevil looked back at the original flight model so they could create a better one -- because the old model wasn't very accessible. Sure it worked, but the problem was that the casual player couldn't jump into the game and enjoy themselves with ease. We were happy to hear that not only does Jumpgate Evolution let you toggle your ship's flight mode on-the-fly between original style and the new style -- which features more drag and therefore control over your ship -- the game is also designed for mouse and keyboard play (as well as joysticks and gamepads). Lore-wise, this toggling feature are the ship's "inertial dampers" which is quite brilliant of NetDevil. Oh yeah and did we mention strafing and flying backwards while shooting at your enemies? You can call us a little excited for Jumpgate Evolution now, go ahead.

  • Jumpgate Evolution Producer interview

    Akela Talamasca
    Akela Talamasca

    IGN has up part one of an interview with the Producer for the upcoming title Jumpgate Evolution, Hermann Peterscheck. The piece itself doesn't reveal how many more parts to this interview there might be, but a disclaimer at the end makes it clear that there was more to the interview than provided here. As Peterscheck says, this is a game that's essentially been in the making since 2001. He talks about the various elements the game hopes to include, and a little about the art direction. I'd hoped for more meat, but perhaps that's coming in part two. One bit I appreciated was Peterscheck's feelings about the status of a game at Beta. Too often, companies release something as Beta, when really it's much earlier than that in the development, leading to egregious bugs and crashes. Too much of this can lead to early player dismissal of a title. Peterscheck states NetDevil's intention to release JE in the second half of this year, but its Beta will be more refined than that. We'll see it when we see it.Note: Massively also interviewed Peterscheck back in late November, so for more of your JE fix, make sure to check that out as well.

  • Ten Ton drops the Hammer on 2008

    Eli Shayotovich
    Eli Shayotovich

    Almost all gaming sites this time of year weigh in with their predictions for what the new year will bring, but I particularly like what TenTonHammer has seen in their crystal ball. Plus, I just like saying "Ten Ton drops the Hammer." It's fun. Try it.A few of their eight predictions hit close to home with me. In particular, their first prophecy regarding Jumpgate Evolution. I was a huge fan of NetDevil's now defunct MMO, Auto Assault. Not because their shop is only an hour north of me here in Colorado, or that I seemingly enjoy virtually everything NCsoft puts out, but because it was as close to a Mad Max movie as there was. I'm a post apocalyptic junkie. Sadly... it went the way of the Cuban Missile Crisis and died enigmatically. So I can't wait to see how they update their cult sci-fi game, and... well, see how it jumps out of the gate! Oy. Next up, they forecast that Cryptic Studios will at long last release some information about Marvel Universe Online. If I was a gambler I might bet against this, but stranger things have happened. As an obsessed City of Heroes player (and confirmed alt-aholic), my love of the game grew from my passion for comic books. In particular, Marvel comic books. I want to see what the creators of my favorite spandex covered game can do with yet another spandex covered game that's different from the first one, and how are they going to get me to play that one just as much as this one. Confused? So is Britney, but she's doing fine. Sort of.Anyway, be sure to check out Hammer's other prognostications and let us know what you think 2008 holds for this oh so massive industry!

  • Jumpgate Evolution site launches

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Netdevil has launched the website for Jumpgate Evolution, their new space combat MMO expected out in 2008. The site features some new info about the game, new screenshots, a little bit of flash video, and forums for the community.I'm not quite sure how much of this is new to hardcore JE followers, but I do note that the forums feature spaces for the "Octavian," "Quantar," and "Solrain" nations, so it looks like those will be the three nationalities available at game launch. Unfortunately, the game info page is pretty vague, but it does have System Requirements on there, and they are forgiving to say the least-- you won't need a top-of-the-line rig to fly this galaxy.If you're hungry for more Jumpgate info, make sure to give our interview with the producer a read as well. The game is currently taking signups for a beta, and it's due out in the second half of next year.[Via VW]

  • Jumpgate Evolution producer sets vision for accessibility

    Samuel Axon
    Samuel Axon

    Accessibility is a big buzz word in the MMO industry right now. After some hardcore titles failed to gain traction, a lot of people are thinking that spending millions of extra dollars to make cutting edge games that only 5% of gamers can or will pay doesn't make a lot of sense.Among those people is NetDevil's Hermann Peterscheck, Producer of Jumpgate Evolution. He recently wrote up a dev journal post at MMORPG about accessibility. First he talks about making games that are, to quote Einstein, "as simple as possible, but not any simpler." Then he talks about hardware requirements as a barrier to entry.Looks like NetDevil plans to be conservative on both counts so as to reach a broad market. But that doesn't necessarily mean Jumpgate Evolution will be shallow. Peterscheck uses Chess as an example of a game that takes 20 minutes to learn but potentially a lifetime to master.

  • Chat log includes more details on Jumpgate Evolution

    Samuel Axon
    Samuel Axon

    Jumpgate Evolution will feature joystick support, accessible system requirements, and a story by D&D Eberron setting creator Keith Baker. Those are the sorts of details you'll find in MMORPG's dev chat with three Jumpgate Evolution team members. There's a lot more info in the chat, as well, though some of it is stuff already covered in our own interview with Netdevil's Hermann Peterscheck.It looks like Netdevil is delivering a more accessible, streamlined version of the basic game-play found in the original Jumpgate; for example, the flight model will be similar to that of the original, but there will be "more effective braking" to prevent the out-of-control feeling that intimidated some newbies in Jumpgate. But we'll see some totally new things in the game as well. We're all getting very excited about this game, and the info is only just starting to roll out. Rest assured that we'll bring you every update as it comes!

  • Massively interviews Netdevil's Hermann Peterscheck, producer of Jumpgate Evolution

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Netdevil is probably most known for Auto Assault, their (literally) car-driven futuristic MMO that was published by NCSoft but only lasted a year due to low player numbers, but before that, they created a game called Jumpgate, a very early 3D MMO that featured real-time space combat simulation inside a virtual world. Next year, they're headed back into the Jumpgate universe with Jumpgate Evolution, a completely new game based on the old one, and Massively got a chance to sit down with Hermann Peterscheck, lead producer of the upcoming game, to talk about what Netdevil is up to.The game is still in fairly early development, so there aren't a lot of specific gameplay details to go around-- Netdevil is still working on most of the core development plans. But we did hear from Peterscheck about how Netdevil plans to bounce back from Auto Assault, how they'll make JE different from that other big space MMO everyone's already playing, and we even got a chance to toss a few questions at him from you, our readers-- a huge thank you to reader Excelsior, who was able to get us questions from current Jumpgate players to ask here.The exclusive Massively interview with Jumpgate Evolution's lead producer starts right after the jump.%Gallery-9918%

  • The Digital Continuum: Sci-Fi, Looking Back

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    Where are my friggin' virtual hover craft? Where are the energy swords and teleportation devices? I'm not talking about botched attempts and broken promises. I know that redemption is a possibility and that my childhood dreams could come to fruition. I'm also very sure that anyone who gives two tugs of a dead dog's -- well, anyone who cares about the sci-fi genre of MMOs knows a bit about most of the past attempts. If you're going to make an MMO that focuses on the freedom of combat, trade and exploration in space well that's just peachy! However what you still have to remember is that a lot of us sci-fi nuts (and there are a lot of us) want more than just warp, mine, trade, dog-fight and repeat. Now I'm not knocking the types of players in EVE Online or the stick-jockeys playing Jumpgate and looking forward to its upcoming sequel. You see it's also not enough for many of us (or perhaps this is just me) to just focus on a sci-fi version of what we basically have with any standard fantasy MMO game. You have to include both space and land at launch to entice and possibly please me. Am I asking a lot of developers? I don't think I'm asking very much by current industry standards. So where do we start to get to this nirvana of sci-fi MMOs? Well, there are some good lessons to learn from the past and one game comes to mind specifically.Earth and Beyond launched on September 24, 2002 to average reviews. One of Earth and Beyond's largest issues became content and its eventual updates. This was likely due to Westwood Studios being half the studio it was before the (first of many) Electronic Arts acquisition. Unfortunately for the die hard fans of E&B, the game servers were shutdown due to an ever-declining subscriber base. This was far before the time when WoW roamed the land and MMOs were major-ultra cash cows in the eyes of industry moguls. This was the time of EverQuest and industry moguls who only desired to create a standard cash cow.

  • Jumpgate: Evolution takes to the unfriendly stars

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Reader Excelsior dropped us a note about an MMO we haven't yet covered that he says is one to watch-- Jumpgate: Evolution is an upcoming MMO from NetDevil, the makers of Auto Assault, and also an "in the works" LEGO MMO. The game is actually an update of the original Jumpgate, also by NetDevil, which purports to be not an MMORPG, but a massively multiplayer space flight and combat simulator, where twitch is just as important as stats. All we've got are screens so far, but they are pretty good-looking, so if you're in the mood for a little hands-on spaceship flying in an MMO universe, Jumpgate: Evolution might be right up your warp route.They're still taking beta signups on the website, so get your email in now-- as Excelsior says, "the more players in the game, the better." And if you've got a pet MMO you've been watching that you'd like us to keep an eye on, make sure to throw a tip in our inbox. You find 'em, we follow 'em.\%Gallery-9918%