

  • Phantasy Star Online 2's beta ends in Southeast Asia

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    While Phantasy Star Online 2 is unreleased here in North America, the residents of Southeast Asia will soon get to experience the game in English. The servers for this version of the game are region-locked, but it's still as close as the game has gotten to a local release thus far. Curious about how it went? The team working for local publisher Asiasoft shared thoughts regarding the beta experience in a recent interview. The team states that while the game already has new race/class options available in Japan (as it has been out for some time), releasing these options in the localized version will depend partly on player progress. Tie-in events such as those found in the Japanese version are also nixed, as most of those cross-promotional events are strictly for Japanese marketing and wouldn't make much sense to the audience. For more details, take a look at the full interview.

  • PAX East 2014: Pre-launch words with WildStar's Jeremy Gaffney

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    WildStar is being released in about a month and a half. It feels as if it's been forever since the game first revealed its announcement trailer. Now we've finally got a release date in sight, and the last few features for the game are being revealed to the public. It's one of the last chances that we'll have to talk about the game before it releases. On the last day of this year's PAX East, I had a chance to sit down with executive producer Jeremy Gaffney to chat a little bit more about the game before it launches. While the game has gone gold and the discs are being manufactured, the team is still refining and improving the game and plans to do so up until the day of launch. That meant talking about the endgame, the development process, and the changes that have been made already in the most recent stages of beta.

  • Villagers and Heroes announces April 17th Steam launch and new expansion

    Bree Royce
    Bree Royce

    Free Realms refugees, if you're looking for a new home with cute graphics and quests and housing and crafting, then indie F2P MMO Villagers and Heroes might just be it. The game itself isn't new, but with its new expansion, Fury of the Stone Lord, it's receiving a major graphical upgrade and content patch revolving around gargoyles. Expect 30 new adventure maps (bringing the count to 110), new quests and monsters, new spells and heroic feats, and 15 extra skill levels to boot. Developer Mad Otter Games says the sandbox MMO will launch on Steam on April 17th. We previewed the upgrades and new client back in February. Check out the trailer below! [Source: Mad Otter Games press release]

  • The Daily Grind: What's your definition of a polished MMO launch?

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    I feel bad for ZeniMax, because it put itself in a bit of a no-win situation when it declared that Elder Scrolls Online's launch would be "polished" and "lag-free." The first of those terms is of course subjective, and there's quite a bit of wiggle room in the entire statement, but even so it was the equivalent of painting a bullseye on your chest and inviting the chorus of anti-ESO snarkanauts to take their best shot. From my 50-hours-of-playtime perspective, though, the launch has in fact been completely lag-free. It's also been one of the more polished overall launches I've experienced in a number of years, though I wouldn't say it's number one (Lord of the Rings Online had fewer quest bugs out of the gate, which was all the more impressive since smooth MMO launches were unheard of in 2007). In any case, what's your criteria for a "polished" MMO launch? Assuming you played ESO last week, does it qualify? Every morning, the Massively bloggers probe the minds of their readers with deep, thought-provoking questions about that most serious of topics: massively online gaming. We crave your opinions, so grab your caffeinated beverage of choice and chime in on today's Daily Grind!

  • Massively's Elder Scrolls Online's launch-day roundup

    Bree Royce
    Bree Royce

    Though The Elder Scrolls Online launched its early access period Sunday, the game's official launch day is today, and those of you who didn't preorder can finally log in and kick some Molag Bal butt. To celebrate the launch and help out anyone who's wandering around Tamriel lost and confused, we've rounded up the best of our Elder Scrolls Online content -- our guides, key news, livestreams, previews, and opinions. Enjoy!

  • Massively's Elder Scrolls Online launch diary: Day five - The (early) verdict

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Is it Friday already? Huh. This launch week has gone by fast, which I guess is a good sign for ZeniMax since time flies when you're having fun. My fifth day in Elder Scrolls Online was a bit more subdued than the previous four. I'm currently floating around Glenumbra between levels 12 and 13, waiting on my healer and tanker friends to catch up so that we can run Spindleclutch, also known as ESO's first proper Daggerfall Covenant PvE dungeon. There are numerous public crypts available for exploration and pillage prior, but Spindleclutch is the first big-boy boss-based four-man. But I didn't feel like pugging it last night, so instead I started crafting.

  • The Elder Scrolls Online is here, and so is its launch trailer

    Bree Royce
    Bree Royce

    ZeniMax has put to rest the debate over whether or not The Elder Scrolls Online's early access counted as a launch with an actual launch -- at least for PC gamers. Consolers, you still have a few months more to wait. Sorry dudes. We've got the official launch-day trailer after the break; stay tuned for our launch roundup and the final installment of Jef's five-part launch-week diary later today.

  • The Think Tank: Essential MMO launch components

    Bree Royce
    Bree Royce

    How many times have you read about a post-launch game patch and seen a fellow gamer dismiss the additions with, "That's nice, but it should have been in at launch"? Probably far too many to be realistic considering the time and expense involved in making MMOs, but we all say it anyway. I saw similar comments in the last few weeks about Guild Wars 2, Diablo III, and Lord of the Rings Online -- it's almost as if we don't want to let games redeem themselves! This week, I asked the Massively writers to assume that basics like "chat" and "combat" are givens and then select the one completely and utterly essential gameplay mechanic or element that they think an MMO should really have at launch. Here's what they told me.

  • Leaderboard: What's your favorite aspect of Elder Scrolls Online so far?

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Judging by the masses of players I see running around in The Elder Scrolls Online, it's a safe bet that many of you are joining me in the game's early access launch. So far I'm having a good time with it, but I'm more interested in what you think. Assuming you're playing and enjoying ESO, what's your favorite aspect of the game thus far? Questing? PvP? Lore? Something else? Vote after the cut! Ever wish that you could put to rest a long-standing MMO debate once and for all? Then welcome to the battle royal of Massively's Leaderboard, where two sides enter the pit o' judgment -- and only one leaves. Vote to make your opinion known, and see whether your choice tops the Leaderboard!

  • Massively's Elder Scrolls launch diary: Day three - Questing, story, and more

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    I'm just about to level 10 as the sun sets on day three of my Elder Scrolls Online pre-launch experience. After plenty of decisional paralysis on Sunday, I settled on a Redguard Nightblade and spent Monday and Tuesday leveling him through Stros M'kai, Betnikh, and the city of Daggerfall. Now I'm working my way northeast through the wilds of Glenumbra, stopping occasionally to assist the citizens of Deleyn's Mill and clean up the Vale of the Guardians.

  • Phantasy Star Online 2 still out of sight for North America

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Here's a question for the audience: Why isn't Phantasy Star Online 2 released in North America yet? The game is fully translated into English, it's going to be released in Southeast Asia in that language very shortly. It's been out in Japan for two years. About a year ago, Sega announced that the game's release in North America would be delayed with no further elaboration; as it stands, the company is still offering no rationale or explanation for the delay. The most obvious culprit would be legal issues, but Sega hasn't made any statements to indicate that there might be some sort of legal barrier to launching the game here. All that fans know is that the game is still unavailable, despite now having every sign of being ready for launch. So what's holding it back? We haven't the slightest idea. [Thanks to Dengar for the tip!]

  • Massively's Elder Scrolls launch diary: Day two - Skills and progression

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Never in 15-plus years of MMO gaming have I been so bewildered when it comes to picking a main class and character. Part of this is because I ignored The Elder Scrolls Online prior to March 30th. So I'm drinking from the information firehose in terms of game mechanics while simultaneously trying to keep up with friends. The other part of it stems from the fact that ESO has an absurd amount of build customizability. I'm glad it has only four classes instead of six or eight because six or eight would probably send me over the decisional paralysis edge and into some sort of fugue state. I think for the purposes of this launch week diary -- and my own sanity -- I'm just going to stick with my Redguard Nightblade and forge ahead. There. Done. Maybe.

  • Nival officially releases Prime World MOBA

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Nival wants you to know that it has officially launched its Prime World MMO on platforms including Steam and Amazon. The game has been in open beta since fall 2013 and has been sampled by over 7 million players, according to the company's press release. "Prime World adds the best features of deep MMORPGs to a fast paced MOBA," Nival says. "It merges persistent hero development and character customization with PvP and PvE gameplay. In addition, the game features story-driven battles and castle building all within a competitive online setting." There's a launch trailer as well as the full PR blurb after the cut. [Source: Nival press release]

  • Massively's Elder Scrolls launch week diary: Day one

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Like any proper Tamrielian title, The Elder Scrolls Online starts you off in chains. This isn't the boat-bound incarceration of Morrowind, though, or the relative comfort of Oblivion's initial Imperial lockup. This is the Wailing Prison, an otherworldly abyss stocked with iron maidens, soulless inmates, and a spectral Prophet who sounds a lot like Albus Dumbledore. Don't worry, though; ZeniMax didn't blow its budget on Michael Gambon or the rest of ESO's A-list voice cast. This is a fairly deep game, and it also does a surprisingly decent job of translating 20 years' worth of single-player sandbox history into a mass market MMORPG.

  • The Think Tank: How MMO players prepare for launch

    Bree Royce
    Bree Royce

    Launches are a big deal to MMO players. Diablo III and SMITE both released this week, Landmark made a break for closed beta, and The Elder Scrolls Online, the first major MMORPG of the year, will become a reality next week. So how do you prepare for these launches in an era of digital downloads? That's exactly what this week's Think Tank asks the Massively team members, who cleverly pretended that they don't call in sick from Massively itself on launch days. Ahem.

  • The Elder Scrolls Online answers your launch questions in advance

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Are you ready for the launch of The Elder Scrolls Online? The earliest access starts in just five days. But if you've got the five-day headstart, when can you actually log in? When can you first enter the game on launch day? The answer, as outlined in the new launch FAQ on the site, is 7:00 a.m. EDT on March 30th for 5-day early access, 7:00 a.m. EDT on April 1st for 3-day early access, and 7:00 p.m. EDT on April 4th for the full launch. There's more useful information in the launch FAQ, as well. Beta participants will not need to re-download the client, and the full retail patch can be downloaded as early as March 27th. You will be able to upgrade to the game's Imperial Edition following the launch, but the Explorer's Pack requires a pre-order. For any other questions you might have, take a gander at the full FAQ to make sure you're ready to go when the servers open up.

  • Diablo III: Reaper of Souls launch day roundup

    Bree Royce
    Bree Royce

    Did you stay up late last night to watch the official kick-off stream for Diablo III's Reaper of Souls expansion? Did you wait in long lines at a brick-and-mortar store to buy your copy of the game? No, of course not. You already had it digitally pre-loaded and were playing while those other suckers were out in the cold. Yes, as of 12:00 a.m. EDT this morning, the Reaper of Souls expansion, complete with its new locations and bosses and class and loot, was officially live. Enjoy our roundup of coverage leading up to the launch, and let us know what you think about the upgrade!

  • SMITE brings out Ullr right before official release

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    The official launch of SMITE is just a few days away -- March 25th, to be specific. But there's still time to work in one more deity to the game's overall lineup. The last pre-launch patch has added Ullr, the Glorious One, a hunter capable of working in both melee and ranged combat with equal damage. Using his ultimate ability swaps stances, letting him attack with greater speed from range or steal life with his melee hits. Swapping between ranged and melee stances also shifts how Ullr's abilities work. Ranged mode allows him to fire a column of damage or use a targeted AoE along with a buff to physical damage. Melee mode, however, swaps abilities to a ranged attack, a leap to a target location, and a movement speed buff. The patch has also updated the physical models of several gods, meaning that when the game goes live next week, it'll be in the best state possible... and with one more god to play.

  • WildStar announces June 3rd launch date, preorder bonuses

    Bree Royce
    Bree Royce

    It's official: WildStar is launching worldwide on June 3rd, and as of right this very moment, the NDA has lifted. Preorders for Carbine's sub-based sci-fantasy MMORPG will be available next Wednesday, March 19th. The $59.99 preorder provides beta events, early access on May 31st, housing deco that grants a rest XP bonus, character and guild name reservations, a 10-slot storage bag, and the exclusive rocket house shown above, in addition to the Standard Edition's 30 days of play time, buddy passes, and more deco. Another $15 gets you a Digital Deluxe version with a hoverboard, costume, title, and dye set. Stay tuned today for Massively's coverage from the recent press event, and enjoy the newly released images and launch announcement trailer. [Source: Carbine press release]

  • The Nexus Telegraph: WildStar's greatest opponent is WildStar

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Your real opponent is pretty much always yourself. I could spend the next several years of my writing career trying to be a better writer than, say, Justin Olivetti. I'd fail, for starters, because look at the guy. But even if I could succeed, I'd never be living up to my potential. I'll always be the guy trying to be better than the last thing Justin wrote, never coming up with my own things, never really advancing myself. The only way to be truly good is to try to be the best writer I can be, regardless of who else is out there. What does this have to do with WildStar? Simple. I mention other games here, other releases looking at the same window, but WildStar doesn't need to be better than those games, up to and including The Elder Scrolls Online. WildStar needs to be the best version of itself that it can be. Its only real opponent is itself, not other titles.