

  • Flyff's Rise of the Muran expansion now live, complete with catgirls, achievements and more

    Brendan Drain
    Brendan Drain

    When it comes to the free-to-play business model, US-based early-adopter Gala-Net has certainly raised a few eyebrows with its light-hearted fantasy MMO Flyff. Also known as Fly For Fun, Flyff has now had its doors open for several years and is showing no signs of slowing down. The game's latest expansion, Rise of the Muran has just gone live, bringing players a whole array of new content and gameplay just in time for Christmas. The expansion raises the game's level cap to 139 and includes a new third job evolution system, introducing eight new classes to the game. Players can now take on the roles of Templar, Slayer, Harlequin, Crackshooter, Force Master, Seraph, Mentalist, and Arcanist. Also included for players is a new guild housing system, in which high-level guilds can bid on huge shared buildings. As if that wasn't enough, Rise of the Muran opens a new area of the game for exploration -- the lost region of Kaillun. It's here in the safe city of Eillun that a new race of friendly cat-like creatures known as the Muran live. With all the new content to explore, new classes to try out and a brand new achievement system coming in, there's sure to be a lot for Flyff fans to do while wrapped up warmly in their houses this winter.

  • Another bump to Final Fantasy XI's level cap brings more class boosts

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    The December version update for Final Fantasy XI is right around the corner, bringing with it a slew of enhancements to the game as a whole and players in particular. Needless to say, the biggest enhancement in many players' eyes is the boosting of the level cap to 90, which perforce requires a new set of job abilities and magic to fill the five levels between the current cap and the new ceiling. And it doesn't appear that the update will disappoint in that regard, as the most recent preview explains several of the abilities players can look forward to in the 85-90 band. Among the more interesting abilities are the Warrior's new buff to the critical hit rate of allies, the Dragoon's ability to command the wyvern to use certain breath attacks, and a variety of abilities in several classes to cripple enemies of given types (Paladins against undead, Dark Knights against arcana, et cetera). There's also the promise of new blue magic, although the details are not yet offered. Past updates have frequently included even more enhancements to each job, but Final Fantasy XI players will likely be happy even with just what's provided in the new preview.

  • Turkeys invade Kitsu Saga, gravy and stuffing to follow

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    Kitsu Saga's dance card is pretty darn full this month. Following its commercial release on October 28th, the free-to-play title has rolled out a series of intriguing events, including this past week's content update, called Hostile Territory. Hostile Territory brought the level cap up to 60, introduced second-tier mastery skills, and added five dungeons and four zones. As if that wasn't enough, a full-fledged invasion of turkeys is covering the land in Butterball fury, and nobody is safe from their wrath. In Aeria Games' own words, "Avian demons from another dimension have infiltrated a few of our dungeons seeking the flesh of those who have eaten them in the years past." You really can't top that. Avian demons hell-bent for revenge. There should be a movie. Players can protect the land from being (sorry) gobbled up by hunting the demons in Kitsu Saga from November 17th through December 1st. These brave turkey-slaying warriors will be rewarded with special Thanksgiving-themed items. You can read more about the Turkey Invasion at Kitsu Saga.

  • Halo: Reach multiplayer rank cap lifts this November

    Ben Gilbert
    Ben Gilbert

    Though we're dutifully saving our hard-earned Halo: Reach credits for the "Pestilence" armor effect, some of you may already be thirsting for new duds in the game's Armory. Bungie's latest weekly update reveals that not only will Reach players get new armor options in the near future, but also the ability to blow past the game's max rank of Lieutenant Colonel Grade C -- all players have to do is complete 117 million daily and weekly challenges first! Though that might sound somewhat lofty, Bungie predicts that its community's goal will be hit "sometime in November." We'll start doing our part for the cause right now, if you'll excuse us.

  • NYCC 2010: Interview with DCUO's Jim Lee and Mark Anderson

    Ryan Greene
    Ryan Greene

    DC Universe Online was all over New York Comic Con. The folks at Sony Online Entertainment presented a playable demo on the show floor, an info-laden panel highlighting character creation and a super-exclusive fan event with 500 of DCUO's biggest fans. Before the fan event got popping, Massively enjoyed the opportunity to sit down with comics legend Jim Lee and DCUO Art Director Mark Anderson. Lee, co-publisher of DC Comics and executive creative director of DCUO, and Anderson shared some special insights into the game's development. Conversation ranged from DCUO's similarity to Grand Theft Auto to Lee's introduction to the MMO genre.

  • The gods have their day: Legend of Edda hits open beta on October 14th

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    Are you lacking weekend plans? It's OK -- Massively has you covered. It turns out that Legends of Edda is sprinting into open beta this Thursday, October 14th, and everyone who wants to give this mythological MMO a spin can do so! Legends of Edda is a free-to-play MMO loosely based on Greek mythology -- you know, where all of the gods of the pantheon are like soap opera characters who have access to divine dynamite. Players choose to follow Olympus or Titan upon character creation and then follow a unique storyline that will see the two factions butt heads in RvR in a quest for supremacy. The game also includes an interesting mix-and-match class system that should provide a lot of compelling options for personal playstyles. The open beta includes a lot of recent additions to the game, including a new level cap of 40, high-level dungeons, and an equipment upgrading system. If you're interested in participating, you can sign up for the open beta at the Legends of Edda website, and then log in any time after 10:00 a.m. EDT on October 14th.

  • Hiromichi Tanaka interview discusses the Final Fantasy online installments

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    There's a lot of material coming up for Final Fantasy XIV. So much, in fact, that according to Hiromichi Tanaka, the game has plans that stretch out for as far off as next winter. When we last took a look at the interview, it had only been translated up through the first section, but the two additional sections include further information on the future of the new game as well as Final Fantasy XI. Final Fantasy XI is slated for more high-level content with the climbing level cap, as much of the existing endgame content was balanced around players at the previous cap of 75. Final Fantasy XIV, on the other hand, was designed in many ways to break away from some of the conventions that its predecessor had in place, while at the same time retaining some of the elements that Tanaka believed were particular strengths. Take a look at the full interview for a rundown of what's in store for both games in the near future.

  • Breakfast Topic: What drove you to reach the level cap for the first time?

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    This Breakfast Topic has been brought to you by Seed, the Aol guest writer program that brings your words to WoW Insider's pages. If there's one thing most WoW players have in common, it's a max-level character. It may have come at 60 before The Burning Crusade came out. Or maybe it came after that, at 70, or even at 80 with Wrath of the Lich King's release. The reason I say "most" instead of "everyone" is because like all things, there are exceptions -- though how many there are, I'm not entirely sure. What I do know is that up until a few weeks ago, I was one of those exceptions. I've been playing WoW since it launched but never had any max-level characters until last month, when I dinged 80 for the first time. I won't go into details about how that sort of thing happens, mostly because I can't spare the word count, and will simply state that it was caused by server-hopping, altoholism and six-month-plus breaks from the game. Seeing the game evolve from a constantly lower-than-max-level character was quite the experience. I never got to see what it was like raiding in T2 gear, not to mention never even getting dungeon 1 set. Sure, I experienced some cool world events like the two Scourge invasions, but all I ever saw when the Gates of Ahn'Qiraj were opened was a server message announcing the start of the event. Going through the Dark Portal for the first time to explore Outland? That happened when I re-subbed after one of those extended breaks this past June. I was faced with the challenge of getting from 58 to 80 before the next expansion released. Of course, it went a lot faster than I expected, and now my account has its first 80. He's more than prepared for the upcoming Cataclysm. Having finally reached the level cap, I finally get to enjoy the next expansion's high-level content from the start, and I finally get to take advantage of WoW's endgame. Holiday quests that were nigh impossible for anyone under 80, the Argent Tournament, raids, heroic dungeons, and all of the other content now available to me. The driving force behind my journey to 80 over the last couple of months was Cataclysm's impending release, and I want to ask my fellow players: What was it that drove you to hit 80, 70 or 60 for the first time?

  • The Mog Log: The natives are restless

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Allow me a little bit of woolgathering. When I started working for Massively, it was October of last year, and Final Fantasy XIV had just been announced as the official title for the game code-named "Rapture" and unofficially codenamed "the sequel to Final Fantasy XI" by everyone else who had seen a single screenshot. About four days after you read this, the game is going to be officially live for players around the world willing to shell out an extra bit of cash for various doodads and a headstart. This is kind of baffling. Objectively, you know that the game is getting close to release, but it's not made real until the release is right at your doorstep. So before I go too far off the deep end and start thinking about things like the franchise having started when I was four, let's move on to the discussions coming out of the impending launch. And really, do come back next week when Final Fantasy XIV comes out, as I'm sure we'll have plenty of things on launch day. (Very sure, in fact.)

  • Massively Exclusive: Dilov & Hristov on the systems of Earthrise

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    With an open PvP model, a rich crafting system, and a sumptuous art style, Masthead Studios' upcoming sci-fi post-apocalyptic game, Earthrise, has been gaining more and more interest from our readers. From everything we've seen of the game to date, this title will offer some interesting options in terms of how one chooses to play through the world. That's why, when we were given the chance to ask some questions of Momchil Dilov, Lead Writer and Plamen Hristov, Senior Game Designer on Earthrise, we were happy to do so. For those not familiar with the game, you'll want to check out the interview noted yesterday, then join us behind the break as we ask about different systems such as crafting, PvP sieges, the importance of guilds, customization, character penalties, and more!

  • September version update live for Final Fantasy XI

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    It's a good day to be in Vana'diel, as Final Fantasy XI's much-awaited September version update is now up and running on the live servers. That means another increase in the level cap, new missions for Wings of the Goddess, and many other improvements to the game. The full list of changes may be found in the official patch notes, which also include a few pieces of information not previously disclosed. As expected, the majority of the changes center around the increase of the level cap to 85, complete with levels for the previewed new abilities and traits. There are also several smaller quality of life improvements, and the usual array of bug fixes across the board. Players waiting for the update to download (which can take quite some time, as any Final Fantasy XI veteran can attest) can peruse the full list of changes and get ready for some interesting new experiences.

  • New CABAL Online expansion throws players into hell

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    Only the bravest or most foolhardy (or both!) would voluntarily step through a portal into hell, but ESTSoft is betting that many high-level players will do just that when Episode IV: Porta Inferno releases for CABAL Online. The latest expansion to the game will offer players a wide assortment of treats, from an increased level cap (up to 180), a revamped item upgrade system, new skills, and hellishly cool maps to explore. Porta Inferno is scheduled for release later this month, but if curiosity is pawing at the back of your neck, then hit the jump to see the exciting, blood-splattered trailer. Put on your flame-proof undies, it's about to get hot... very hot.

  • Wizard101 celebrates its second anniversary

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    It's easy to dismiss Wizard101 as nothing more than a cute MMO for kids, but the game has proven that it has quite a bit of depth and staying power. And September is the milestone to mark it by, since the game launched in September of 2008. With the arrival of the two-year anniversary for the game, the production staff for KingsIsle Entertainment has posted a short letter to commemorate the achievement and discuss the game's future in brief. Obviously, one of the big points of the future is the release of Celestia, which is currently slated for early fall. The new area and concurrent free expansion will raise the level cap and offer players a variety of new abilities, in addition to the eponymous underwater zone. To help kick off the pending launch, the development team is promising a quest later this month featuring "one of the hottest teen icons on the planet." It's been a busy two years for Wizard101, and it looks like the team is looking forward to many more.

  • New Final Fantasy XI weaponskill trailer released

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Prior to the June version update for Final Fantasy XI, Square-Enix helpfully gave players a trailer showing off all of the exciting new weaponskills that could be used with the increased level cap. The September version update will raise the cap once again, and to carry on in the tradition a new trailer has been released showing off the newest batch of skills that players may unleash. Once again, there are a variety of techniques on display for every weapon, complete with the requisite ornate visual effects. Aside from the obvious fact that your sword-wielding characters may now impersonate Zorro, several of the skills feature even more elaborate particle effects than normal, including the complicated crosshair brought into play on the new gun skill. Take a look past the break to see the trailer in all its goodness, and keep your eyes peeled for further previews as Final Fantasy XI approaches its next major milestone.

  • More details on the new abilities coming to Final Fantasy XI

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    September is going to be a big month for Final Fantasy XI, and not just because of its big brother launching toward the end of the month. The September version update will steamroll on to the servers early in the month, and it will bring along with it an increase in the level cap once again. With another large jump in levels, new abilities are coming, and Square-Enix has put together a small preview of what's coming with the next increase. While the details on recast timers and such are still to come, there should be many happy dances from certain jobs. Dragoons are getting a new jump ability, thieves are joining the same team as dancers insofar as they grab dual wield as an innate trait, and dancers themselves grab a new step. Take a look at the full rundown of previewed additions on the official site, and keep your eyes peeled for more news as the September version update draws closer for Final Fantasy XI.

  • Breakfast Topic: Some day my ding will come

    Lisa Poisso
    Lisa Poisso

    This Breakfast Topic has been brought to you by Seed, the Aol guest writer program that brings your words to WoW.com. Your fingers ache from the constant play while sweat beads down your neck. Your eyes become unfocused, the colors and background blending together until they resemble something akin to a Monet painting. Clicking at a furious speed, you slay mob after mob, all the while watching the XP progress bar as it inches towards your final goal: the level cap. Time flies. You ask yourself, "Has it really been 13 hours? No, surely it couldn't have." You open the drapes, staring at the stars and moon with a challenging look. Their day, too, will come. No matter. Neither man, murloc, nor the perpetual spinning of the earth about the sun will stop you this day ... er, night. Pixilated blood shoots from your prey. Their cries warm your soul, adding another notch to your symbolic belt. Then, whether expected or not, it happens. Your character is engulfed a soothing light, and the game changes forever. You've done it. After days, weeks or months of work, you've hit the level cap. You can stare proudly at your once-lowly character and proclaim your might to all of Azeroth. You're the new tough guy on the block, and nothing can stand in your way.

  • Warhammer Online's RvR pack announced

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Mention "Skaven" to your average Warhammer Online player, and you'll be treated to an almost instant recitation of all the reasons why the race ought to be playable. It appears that players might be due to get that wish -- as well as a few more wishes -- with the announcement of the RvR pack for the game. Although we only have the broadest strokes of an outline for the pack, it promises to expand the game's core focus of PvP with an increase in the renown ranks to 100. Executive Producer Carrie Gouskos has confirmed the involvement of the Skaven, although she's stated that they'll not be playable directly from level 1. How the integration will take place is unclear, as are most of the fine details, although the pack will clearly be a big change for the game's overall structure. The pack is also meant to move away from the "huge expansion" model that's common in the MMO genre, with the company presumably moving to several smaller expansions on a quicker timetable. It's good news for Warhammer Online players to see what's coming around the bend, especially if players can run about sowing chaos as ravenous rat-men.

  • A Mild-Mannered Reporter: Community timing

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Welcome to this week's installment of A Mild-Mannered Reporter, where we will not be talking about Going Rogue. Well, OK, that's a lie -- but we're not going to be doing our big analysis and in-depth look at the entire expansion. As of the time I'm writing these words, I've not actually even played the game. (This will have changed by the time you are reading the article, but that's the wonderful part about writing ahead. I'm sending messages to the future from the past!) So while there are going to be several community threads for City of Heroes in this column, there will not be any of the biting commentary you might have hoped to see. You can at least check out my first impressions of the expansion, if you'd like -- which also isn't written as of the time that I'm writing this, but will be by the time you read it. (Editor's note: Eliot's first impressions of Going Rogue launched Tuesday.) You know what, just jump past the break already -- I'm giving myself a Lost headache thinking about all the time travel.

  • Wizard101 offers sharks - and a letter from the producer, too

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    If you've somehow missed the flurry of shark-love that's been taking place on Massively over the past few weeks, let's reiterate: sharks. Even Wizard101 seems to be knee-deep in sharks, judging by the picture accompanying the newest producer's letter, which hints at a possible shark mount in the upcoming Celestia. Oh, wait, that's right -- there was a producer's letter. Leah Ruben, who has recently taken the title of full producer for the game, penned a letter to let fans know how the game is progressing, what to expect in Celestia, and of course, to include art of sharks. Although Ruben doesn't explicitly state that the shark mounts will be available, the prominent artwork certainly suggests that the underwater area will be well-served via aquatic mounts, as well as a wide variety of new tricks and spells for players in Celestia's added ten levels. She does discuss some of the new features, promising that the areas in Celestia will be larger than prior doses of content for the game, as well as talking about some of her roles within the game's development structure. Wizard101 fans will want to take a look at the letter, as it bodes well for the game's future. Also, we must reiterate: sharks. (We'll make sure to ask about sharks during our upcoming interview with the team at GenCon.)

  • Flameseeker Chronicles: Guilds, grind, and Gamescom

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    Thursday evening was fairly eventful for me. Thursday is our regular Massively night in Guild Wars, so [MVOP] arrived in The Wilds and began setting up for our run through the mission. We found a few players waiting for us, extended guild invites, sorted out our grouping, and off we went. We made it through the mission with only one hitch -- which I'll address in a moment -- then headed over to the Eye of the North to begin tackling the Asura storyline. The plan was to make the full trek through Vloxen Excavations to the Asura Gate, but once we arrived at Umbral Grotto, certain party members (me) were falling asleep in their seats and had to bow out and get some rest. The plans for this week are all set, and everyone is welcome to join us. Now, about that little hitch. We were traipsing around the jungle in The Wilds when I got an IM telling me that the level cap had been set for Guild Wars 2. What? No way. A quick check confirmed it, and my wonderful group sent me off to a safe corner to leech and knock out a quick news story while they continued the mission. They even came back to find me after I returned and demonstrated my truly dismal navigational skills, because they are wonderful like that. The leveling and progression information was pretty big news, so there was no question that I'd look into it a bit more deeply for this week's Flameseeker Chronicles -- follow along after the jump.