

  • Hi Arthas! Want some help slaughtering the innocent?

    Allison Robert
    Allison Robert

    A guildmate of mine was healing a Culling of Stratholme run last night and finally broached a question that seems to have occurred to everyone who's helped Arthas take his utilitarian moral perspective on the road: "Why are we helping this guy?"It's a question that people used to ask about Black Morass a lot too (indeed, the first boss, Chrono Lord Deja, will ask you that himself), but Black Morass was a little more cut-and-dried. Medivh unquestionably cost many lives in bringing the first Horde through his portal, but if the orcs never set foot in Azeroth, then the world would have fallen to the Legion. The Bronze Dragonflight is unusually blunt about the cause-and-effect; war breaks out among the human kingdoms, the Alliance never occurs, the new Horde is not present at Hyjal to defend against Archimonde's forces -- indeed, the Legion may very well have swept the world without Hyjal ever occurring. So, despite the destruction wrought by the first Horde's entry into Azeroth (and you could argue, because of it), Medivh must succeed in opening the portal.I'm not sure it's quite that straightforward with "Old Strat" -- and questions about whether it is prompt some thought-provoking questions concerning Azeroth's past, present, and future.

  • Design a disease timer for

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm
    11.19.2008 is having a Death Knight Disease Design contest (say that three times fast) -- they're working on putting together a disease-timer addon for you former slaves of the Lich King, but they need a little design help with it. What you've got to do is take the graphic above (you should probably take the one off of their site, just to be safe, because it's got to be a certain size), and design a way to use it as a disease timer -- it's got to show all the info you'll need in an addon, and it's got to "look awesome," too.I'm terrible at design, but maybe there are some budding designers out there with some kickass ideas. If you win, not only do you get your ideas included in the Runes addon, but you will pick up a free 60 day gamecard as well. Hit up their dev thread if you have questions about how the mod works -- hopefully we'll see some creative entries here when the times come to vote for a winner next month.

  • The Colosseum: A short hiatus

    Michael Gray
    Michael Gray

    The Colosseum takes us inside the world of the Gladiator (Brutal, Vengeful, Merciless, and otherwise), to interview some of the top Arena fighters in the battlegroups. Our goal is to bring a better understanding of the strategy, makeup, and work that goes into dueling it out for fame, fortune, and Netherdrakes.Hello, folks! We're already banging on the Lich King's door, and everyone's levelling their way to 80. As we announced a few weeks ago, it's going to be a little while before we see even skirmish matches happening. There's no Arena matches happening right now, which makes it a bit hard to interview top Arena fighters. As a result, the Colosseum's going to be on a short hiatus until level 80 Arena matches resumes. Let's cheer our champions to 80, and get those who are about to die back to saluting. The Colosseum is a new interview series by WoW Insider, meant to reveal strategies, compositions, and tactics from the Arena fighters who use them. For more PvP information, be sure to hit up Blood Sport and the Art of War(craft).

  • The Sacred Artifact and Wrath's immersion factor

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    We posted about this quest months and months ago, but of course now it's available on the live realms -- in the Utgarde Catacombs, which turns out not to be an instance but just a non-instanced quest area, there is a quest to retrive a "sacred artifact" of the Argent Dawn, which is basically a must-do quest for anyone that's a fan of the, err.. "bashringer," if you know what I mean. It's simple, so there's not much to spoil, but yeah, just a few quests in to Wrath, you're already wandering around epic lore territory.And odds are that you've met the main guest of the expansion already as well -- I bumped into him during a walk through the spirit world in Wyrmskull Village, and he wasn't very nice to me already (and frankly, I saw a side of him I've never seen before -- having identifed myself as a Shaman for so long, it was extremely interesting to see him do the same). Blizzard promised from the beginning that we'd meet and greet with the lore heavyweights early on, and they weren't kidding -- we're right in the mix from the time we step off the boat.I love it -- without getting too spoilery, what else is worth seeing in these starting zones? We almost got Keristrasza down last night in The Nexus, and it's almost hard to remember those days when it took 40 players to take down a dragon -- even solo and five man players get to do epic stuff nowadays. What have you done already?

  • What Blizzard did right (and wrong) with the world event

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    I've been waiting to do some breakdown analysis of the Wrath world event until it actually ended, and since we're now swarming over Northrend and exploring Arthas' domain, I think the time has come to determine a verdict on whether or not Blizzard's world event delivered.The short answer? I think it did, but not without a few bumps along the way. This was certainly the most ambitious world event Blizzard has attempted yet, both reusing some of their old techniques (the Scourge invasion), some newer tricks (a special boss with extra loot, which they learned from the Horseman last year), and even some tricks they picked up from players. But there were certain issues -- the timing was just plain bad, and the event really fizzled out rather than finished with a bang.After the break, we run through what Blizzard did right and wrong with the world event, and what we can expect in the future.

  • One Shots: The Lich King calls

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    The day many World of Warcraft players have looked forward to has finally arrived. Today marks the launch of Blizzard's newest expansion for World of Warcraft, Wrath of the Lich King. As the darkness of night marched across the globe last night, so too did the midnight release parties. The blackness of Arthas' presence could be felt as players spawned their first Death Knights in a floating necropolis near Light's Hope Chapel, and bent their frozen hearts to do his bidding. Then, of course, there were the folks who rolled DKs named "rofflewaffle" and proceeded to annoy others mercilessly. Too bad you can't kill your own faction, eh?If you are one of the 11 million worldwide players currently stomping around in Northrend, or Arthas' necropolis, we want to see your screenshots! There's lots of stories to be told, lots to do and see, so send us your tales and images. It's easy - just email them to us at oneshots AT massively DOT com along with your name and a description - server, guild and other details welcome too! We'll post your screenshots of this new land up for everyone to see and give you the credit. %Gallery-9798%

  • Detroit Free Press talks to J. Allen Brack about what's new in Wrath

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    WoW's lead producer J. Allen Brack (who we spoke with back at BlizzCon) is making the rounds -- he was on the radio this morning at Dallas' Live 105.3 (thanks to everyone who sent that in), and earlier, he spoke with the Detroit Free Press about how WoW became so incredibly popular and what Blizzard is doing with the game's second expansion. There are even a few spoilers in there, about how phasing is used in the game, and a few different situations that haven't yet been covered later on in Northrend.Brack also confirms that Blizzard ripped off Xbox Live's achievements system, which we all knew, but that's what makes it so much fun. He says that achievements will likely be included in the Armory eventually, but all we get is a chuckle and a "stay tuned." And finally, he says Blizzard was amazed by how well players took to vehicle play in the game -- while that was only planned for a few places, when they saw how much players loved it, they really took off with it. The bombing runs, he says, were one of the most popular things in Burning Crusade, so they went for that feel again in quite a few places inside Wrath of the Lich King.Nice interview -- good to see how excited Blizzard is to get this content out to players. The Free Press also has a review of the expansion (glowing, naturally), and a quick story about how people are taking off work in Michigan just to play it. And of course, all of it just leads to one conclusion: we can't wait.

  • Anti-Aliased: Mourning Frostmourne, part 2

    Seraphina Brennan
    Seraphina Brennan

    This leads us to the most noble road of all -- simply not putting the sword into the game. If the players kill Arthas, the sword needs to go somewhere that isn't the hands of the player community. Another NPC perhaps, back into the ice, or to simply never leave the corpse of the Lich King.This seems like it's a poor solution at first glance, but truly this is the best solution of all. Frostmourne is not the Twin Blades of Azzinoth that Illidan carries -- it is something more. Leaving exactly what Frostmourne does in the dark actually gives it more credibility and more power than defining it inside of the game would. What you don't know is spookier and more interesting than what you do know. It's the usual "the grass is greener" concept, except now it's being applied to a blade that has the power to consume your soul.When you neglect to define exactly how powerful the blade is, you also never truly disappoint the player. Sure, there are those who probably would wish the blade was included in the game. But if you, the player, don't know exactly what the sword does, then the magic that it provides will never die. You can keep thinking and keep speculating to your heart's content. If the sword is included and everything about it is revealed, then there is a strong possibility that players would not be happy with it. Something about the sword would not please them, something about the stats would be off, or something about the penalty would cause players to cry foul and tug on the skirt of Mother Blizzard until it was changed to be in their favor. "Adding Frostmourne to the game would shatter the icy sword." Adding Frostmourne to the game would shatter the icy sword. In truth, it would no longer be Frostmourne. It would be Item ID #103821, or whatever variable is assigned to it. The magic would die, and it would no longer be an infamous symbol of hate and malice -- it would just be another bunch of pixels on the screen, carried around by yet another jerk who wouldn't be worthy of its name.We all keep telling ourselves we play this game to level, to earn achievements, to make new friends. Certainly, all of that is true and then some. But we would be lying to ourselves if we said there wasn't some magic, some great mysteriousness to the main figures of the story. Something that kept us coming back in the state of suspense, of wanting to know more. So, my question to you is, "Why shatter the magic now?"If you live in the greater Pittsburgh area and feel like meeting Colin, he'll be attending tomorrow night's Wrath of the Lich King Midnight Launch at the GameStop in the Oakland district on Forbes Avenue at 10 PM, just outside of the University of Pittsburgh campus. If you need directions, here it is on Google Maps! Colin Brennan is the weekly writer of Anti-Aliased who treasures lore as much as he treasures loot. When he's not writing here for Massively, he's over running Epic Loot For All! with his insane roommates. If you want to message him, send him an e-mail at colin.brennan AT weblogsinc DOT com.

  • Anti-Aliased: Mourning Frostmourne

    Seraphina Brennan
    Seraphina Brennan

    The word on everyone's lips this month is "Arthas" as we're approaching the release of the Wrath of the Lich King, the second expansion pack for World of Warcraft. Ok, so now that the boring introductory sentence is out of the way, let's talk about what is on everyone's minds -- Frostmourne.When you think of Northrend, when you think of Arthas, and when you think of the possible "phat purple lewtz" that could drop off of Arthas's cold, icy corpse, you pretty much automagically think of Frostmourne. But is letting Frostmourne in as a droppable item a good idea? Should its dark legacy continue at the side of a player, or should it be flown away somewhere, never to be mentioned again until it strikes another NPC of the World of Warcraft?

  • Horde plans attack for Northrend on a map without Northrend

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    Reader Dale from Grim Batol-EU (I don't think that's his character name) sent in a screenshot of the war map the leaders of the Horde stand around while debating their assault on Northrend in the latest (and probably final) stage of the Scourge Invasion. He sent it to us wondering if it holds any hints of future expansions, because the map includes a number of land masses we haven't seen in-game and have only appeared on a few maps of the world we've seen. I think there is something much more dire in the image.There is no next expansion. Why? Because Northrend isn't even on that map. The Horde is using a map that lacks Northrend to discuss an assault on Northrend. I think I have some idea of how their conversation really went down at their war council. Check it out behind the cut below.

  • Ask a Beta Tester: The past meets the future

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    We only have one or two days of Ask a Beta Tester left, ladies and gentlemen. Very soon, it will be no more. Who will care about beta questions? We'll have the expansion in our hot little hands! Forget the beta, we'll have the real deal. We've actually had a lot of fun doing this for you guys though, and we're kind of sad to see it go. I like to think you guys have had fun with it, too. You know, beyond drooling over the Wrath screenshots and information.With that in mind, I'd like to ask all of you a question: Would you like to see something similar to this continue past Wrath's launch? Obviously it wouldn't be about just Wrath's beta, it would be more about the game in general. Leveling, patches, content. Short questions that can be answered in a paragraph or two. I don't know what we'd call it. Ask a Guy Some Stuff has a ring to it, though. %Poll-22189% jared.daniels asked...I won't be getting the WOTLK expansion for a few days after the launch. What do you suggest I do until I can get the DVD?

  • Battle for Orgrimmar and Stormwind videos

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    The battles against the Scourge in Stormwind and Orgrimmar continue to rage (once every 20 minutes), but if you're not in a position where you can see the event firsthand, some fantastic readers have contributed some videos for us, and for all of you.You can see the Orgrimmar version above, and the Stormwind version past the cut below. Neither video does the chaos of the event justice, but no video ever will. It's something you need to be there for, I think. No video gives you the "holy crap, did that just happen!?" feel of Varian Wrynn leaping through the air and tearing an abomination asunder. The fight between Thrall and Garrosh is ridiculously cool, too. I highly recommend trying to see these events before they go away, but these videos will do for now, and our thanks go out to Chrono of Silvermoon-EU and Ben H. for them.

  • Lich King begins assault on Azeroth, starting with Orgrimmar

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    World of Warcraft players are experiencing a world event leading up to the launch of Wrath of the Lich King. No, it's not another invasion of flesh-craving zombies -- but it's just as cool. You see, the Lich King is currently launching attacks on Orgrimmar via Frostwyrms and Aboms. The event restarts every 20 minutes and is specifically located in the Valley of Honor. We're unsure how many servers the event has begun on, so if you run into yours and find it peaceful and serene don't feel discouraged as you may only need to wait a little bit before the frost bolts start raining down. Gallery: Orgrimmar is under attack! One of Azeroth's millions of citizens? Check out our ongoing coverage of the World of Warcraft, and be sure to touch base with our sister site WoW Insider for all your Lich King needs!

  • Ask A Beta Tester: Kalecgos, Wintergrasp, and how much is this going to cost me?

    Allison Robert
    Allison Robert

    We're going to get right down to business this evening, folks. I was kind of heartened to see Willferal (our first questioner) ask about something that's bugged me for a while.EDIT: several commenters have taken issue with the lack of a spoiler warning on this post when it went live at 9:00 pm EST. I genuinely apologize; it should have occurred to me to write one, and it's entirely my fault that one wasn't present. So consider this fair -- if belated -- warning that there's a significant, if general, spoiler in this AABT concerning an important quest chain in Wrath, and if you're trying to avoid spoilers completely, please do NOT read AABT. This column is nothing but a pile of spoilers compressed into a spoiled package and tied with a spoilery bow.Willferal asks...I know that in Wotlk, the players are fighting Malygos. But in TBC, Kalec/Tyri are blue dragons that help us, and Kalec is especially vital in his help to kill Kiljaeden. What's their role in Wrath?I wish I knew. I never found any mention of Kalecgos while leveling, and Tyrygosa only got a brief mention at last year's BlizzCon. Tyrygosa's role in BC wasn't that extensive, but Kalecgos was all that and a box of crackers in Sunwell, so this is a little...mystifying. They both seem on passable (Tyrygosa) to good (Kalecgos) relations with the mortal races, so the involvement of their entire flight in Malygos' war would -- I hope -- concern them somewhat. I really hope Blizzard goes somewhere with this, but as of now I don't think you can expect to find anything in Northrend.

  • Behind the Curtain: More apocalypse please pt. 2

    Craig Withers
    Craig Withers

    This was the point where things got interesting for me. One lasting memory of the event I have is a one-line message I saw in the Trade channel while in Ironforge. It read simply, "Stay out of Stormwind, it's infected." I did the only thing a sane person would do in that situation and hopped on the first Gryphon to Stormwind. It was like a dream come true. Zombies were thronging the streets, attacking anyone they could get their hands on, vomiting on those they couldn't, and blowing themselves up when all else failed. Nowhere was safe. I could barely see the floor of the Auction House for all the skeletons there; the Bank was similarly decorated and my FPS dropped sharply from the shimmery green glow the infection gave off.

  • Ask A Beta Tester: Spirit, AoE, and raid loot

    Allison Robert
    Allison Robert

    I'm going to start off this AABT by stealing a question that Alex actually took last time, mostly because I started laughing when I read it yesterday. I have, oh, conservatively, billions of Wrath screenshots on my hard drive at this point, but there's one I remember all too well.Marathan asks... Some time ago, there was a talk about new player character models for Wrath - and even some bugged pictures. So the question is, are they going live? Are we finally going to get improved graphics on our characters?As Alex wrote, Blizzard used one beta build to test the ease of implementing new skins and some of them...didn't turn out too well. Imagine you're me and you get a beta key. Budget a few hours of anticipatory excitement while your main copies over. She's a 70 Tauren Druid who has been with you since day one, your sole 70, and you think she's the most beautiful thing in the game even if to everyone else she's an ungainly 8-foot heifer. Now imagine booting up the Wrath beta for the first time and being horrified to see your beloved character with a Glasgow smile, like the developers had seen the Joker in The Dark Knight and thought, "Hey! We could make that work!"Holy water did nothing. Neither did crucifixes, garlic, a wooden stake, waving the Bible in the direction of the laptop, or sobbing quietly in a corner.On the plus side, here was finally something in the game to which Tauren cat form was an actual graphical improvement.

  • Scourge Invasion comes to a close

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    As of 3PM PDT (6 PM by WoW Insider's clock) the Scourge are retreating from Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms on most servers, and the Scourge Invasion has come to a close... for now. In each of the capital cities there is still an Argent Dawn Champion handing out their Stamina consumables, as well as Argent Quartermaster so you can spend the last of your Necrotic Runes. The necropoleis, however, are all gone.I fully expect we'll see something else crop up in the next week, not only because Tigole said so, but because it'd be really weird if the final week leading to Northrend is completely barren. There are also things we know are coming but aren't here yet... but those are spoilers, so we won't go into detail.If anything happens, we'll make sure you hear about it, so keep an eye out. I doubt anything will happen this evening, but I've been wrong before.

  • The Lich King is Twittering

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Fake Twitterers are all the rage these days -- you can sign up on the microblogging service as just about anyone and shoot out some parodic little "tweets," as they're called, for the instant amusement of anyone who wishes to follow you (I'm personally a big fan of the Mad Men characters tweeting). But now, the WoW community has its own fake twitter personality -- apparently the Lich King has found some time in between knighting Death Knights and plaguing the world to start up his own Twitter account.No idea who's behind it, but I know a few WoW bloggers who twitter pretty often, including a few WoW Insider contributors. Whoever's tweeting for Arthas, they're doing a nice job, promising "cold deaths" to everyone, and steadily counting down the days until his Wrath is upon us.I'm kind of surprised this is the first fake NPC twitterer we've seen -- sure, you'd think Thrall or Jaina would have tons of time to Twitter, and Kael'thas, assuming he's not quite dead yet, seems made for such an enterprise. If you are on Twitter, don't forget to follow our own WoW Insider account as well -- we won't offer you a cold death, but we will occasionally tweet about important posts and our own experiences with the game.

  • Ask a Lore Nerd: The Eye of the Tiger and the Warglaives of Azzinoth

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    Welcome to Ask a Lore Nerd, where each week Alex Ziebart answers your quests about the lore in the World of Warcraft. If you have any questions, no matter how big or small they might be, ask them in the comments section below and we'll try to answer it in a future edition.Last week on Ask a Lore Nerd, Offsprnge (one of your fellow readers) asked me to write this week's edition with some Eye of the Tiger playing. I guess I came across a little tired last week, so I'm going to do just that. To fit the groove, I ask all of you guys one favor: Read the questions and answers in the voice of Rocky Balboa. If it will help you get in the mood, go ahead and read it out loud in that voice.And since we're already talking about it, Offsprnge asked... Right, I think I got a good one by the way, perhaps it is so obvious I should slap myself, but the whole battle for Mount Hyjal features the Burning Legion invading with it's commander Archimonde, however, why are there hordes of ghouls, liches, necromancers, frost wyrms and "all that kind of thing!" (find the reference). Again, like another reader mentioned, at the time the Lich King was still feigning allegiance to the Burning Legion. It doesn't pay to make the Legion suspicious too early. At the same time, the Lich King played a role in weakening Archimonde's forces: He used Illidan to destroy Tichondrius and his forces, which were to play support for Archimonde. The Scourge that were at the Battle of Mount Hyjal were sacrifices, pawns to keep Archimonde overconfident.

  • Anti-Aliased: Killing the auctioneers is a perfect reason to go to Northrend

    Seraphina Brennan
    Seraphina Brennan

    Going to Northrend has always been something that bugged me. It's a land that's literally a boat trip away, and no one's set foot on it or even mentioned it since Arthas went bonkers and started living up there. Even the groups that should have been concerned about it, like the Argent Dawn or the Knights of the Silver Hand, didn't really go out of their way to even give thought to the icy land to the north. No, no, we were more concerned with running through a giant portal just so we could bonk Kil'jaeden on the head and make Illidan whine more about how life doesn't work out for him.So my thoughts were as follows: "What could Arthas possibly do to make everyone simultaneously angry and want to journey to Northrend?"I don't know why I never thought of the answer before. What could be possibly more annoying than giving the power to grief the NPCs to the lowlifes of World of Warcraft? Arthas, you cunning, cunning man.