live streaming video


  • TUAW TV Live at 5 PM EDT: Catching the TUAWloha spirit

    Steve Sande
    Steve Sande

    Just when you thought it was safe to go back to your computer, two of the most recognizable voices in Mac-dom are back. My mellifluous voice and that of the pride of the Aloha State -- Doc Rock -- will be gracing the Interwebs today in our special pre-Fourth of July episode. Actually, there's nothing special at all about today's episode, but it's always a lot of fun when the Doc does a house call. I've got a few new products to demo, Doc and I will be talking about a fun new app that keeps your calendar within view at all times, and we'll generally make the one-hour show go by very quickly. As usual, I'll be starting the show at 5 PM EDT (2 PM PDT / 10 PM BST) sharp, and we'll take a few minutes to chat before the fun starts. To join in on the chat and watch the live streaming video, drop by TUAW about five minutes before the start time to get your instructions on how to participate. If you're unable to join us for the show, remember that you can always subscribe to the video podcast and watch the show at your leisure in iTunes or any other favorite podcatching app. The past shows are also available on the TUAW YouTube channel.

  • TUAW TV Live: Summer's here, and so is Jeff Gamet

    Steve Sande
    Steve Sande

    Welcome to another episode of TUAW TV Live, the only live Apple show where the technical flaws are good for a laugh, the host's hat changes every week, and pants are optional. Today's show should be extra fun, with guest Jeff Gamet popping into the virtual studio to provide opinions, insight, and his special brand of humor. Jeff's the managing editor of The Mac Observer and can be frequently heard or seen on a number of podcasts when he's not writing or speaking to user groups. Below, you'll find a Ustream livestream viewer and a chat tool. The chat tool allows you to participate by asking questions or making comments. If you're driving somewhere and would like to watch TUAW TV Live while you're stuck in traffic, please don't -- keep your eyes on the road! However, if someone else is doing the driving, you can watch the show on your iPhone and join the chat by downloading the free Ustream Viewing Application. If you're on an iPad, you should be able to use the Skyfire Browser to watch the stream, although you will not be able to participate in the chat. We'll start at about 5 PM ET, so if you're seeing a prerecorded show, be sure to refresh your browser until you see the live stream. For those of you who are not able to join us for the live edition, you'll be able to view it later this evening on our TUAW Video YouTube channel and as part of the new TUAW TV Live podcast viewable in iTunes or on any of your Apple devices. If you're watching from an iOS device, here's a compatible link for viewing today's show.

  • TUAW TV Live: A whole lotta appin' going on

    Steve Sande
    Steve Sande

    I'm back from vacation, and part of what I did to enjoy myself while relaxing was to take a look at some compelling new iOS apps. As part of today's TUAW TV Live, I'll be sharing some of those new apps with you. Whether you're looking for a way to share more of your world with your friends, keep your to-do list in order on multiple devices, or create your own iPad-based data collection system, I'll have some fun apps to demo for you today. There are always a few accessory items that seem to show up at my doorstep, and I'll have a few new items to show you today, including one iPad accessory that might also be useful when taking a nap. From your Mac or PC, go to the next page by clicking the Read More link at the bottom of this post, and you'll find a livestream viewer and a chat tool. The chat tool allows you to participate by asking questions or making comments. If you're driving somewhere and would like to watch TUAW TV Live while you're stuck in traffic, please don't -- keep your eyes on the road! However, if someone else is doing the driving, you can watch the show on your iPhone and join the chat by downloading the free Ustream Viewing Application. If you're on an iPad, you should be able to use the Skyfire Browser to watch the stream, although you will not be able to participate in the chat. We'll start at about 5 PM ET, so if you're seeing a prerecorded show, be sure to refresh your browser until you see the live stream. For those of you who are not able to join us for the live edition, you'll be able to view it later this evening on our TUAW Video YouTube channel and as part of the new TUAW TV Live podcast viewable in iTunes or on any of your Apple devices.

  • TUAW TV Live: In-depth iPad app demos for your viewing pleasure

    Steve Sande
    Steve Sande

    Thanks for joining me here on TUAW TV Live today. Whether you're just watching the show or taking full advantage of the chat room tool, you're sure to have a lot of fun. Live demonstrations are always a challenge, and today I'm tempting fate by demoing several iPad apps. Provided the technical bits work properly (and I am making sure I have a fallback plan), I'll be your guide through several fun, useful, and even educational iPad apps that you may not have been aware of. To watch the show from your Mac or PC, click the Read More link at the bottom of this post. There you'll find the livestream viewer and chat tool. Use the chat tool to ask questions or make comments. If you're driving somewhere and would like to watch TUAW TV Live while you're stuck in traffic, please don't -- keep your eyes on the road! However, if you're a passanger, you can watch the show on your iPhone and join the chat with the free Ustream Viewing Application. If you're on an iPad, you should be able to use the Skyfire Browser to watch the stream, although chat will be unavailable. We'll start at about 5 PM ET, so if you're seeing a prerecorded show, refresh your browser until you see the live stream. Those who miss the live broadcast can view it later this evening on our TUAW Video YouTube channel and as part of the new TUAW TV Live podcast viewable in iTunes or on any of your Apple devices.

  • TUAW TV Live at 5 PM EDT: iPad app deep dives

    Steve Sande
    Steve Sande

    What a great day! Apple has responded to the "locationgate" controversy in a nice, logical PR blast; the mythical white iPhone 4 will be available starting tomorrow, and here in the Northern Hemisphere it's really starting to look like spring. It's also Wednesday, which means that later this afternoon you can join me for an hour of fun, tech talk and technical blunderings on TUAW TV Live. On today's show, I'm going to take a deep dive into a handful of iPad apps. I'm not going to tell you what those apps are, but let's just say that they're fascinating and take advantage of the iPad hardware and user interface in very good ways. As usual, I'll be starting the show at 5 PM EDT (2 PM PDT / 10 PM BST) sharp, and we'll take a few minutes to chat before the demos start. To join in on the chat and watch the live streaming video, drop by TUAW about five minutes before the start time to get your instructions on how to participate. If you're unable to join us for the show, remember that you can always subscribe to the video podcast and watch the show at your leisure in your iTunes or your other favorite podcatching app.

  • YouTube Live now streams to iOS, courtesy of YTLive web app

    Brad Molen
    Brad Molen

    Watching YouTube on an iOS device can be a pleasant experience, unless you're trying to view the service's Live content. YouTube Live -- its answer to Ustream, Livestream, and other streaming video services -- was recently launched after months of limited trials. Wonderful news, of course, but there is just one catch: it uses Flash to provide the streaming instead of HTML5. At first, this meant iOS users were left uninvited to the party, but a savvy developer sensed the coming frustration and built YTLive, a web app enabling YouTube Live streams on Safari. Find and copy the link to the live stream you want, go to the app, and paste it in the box provided. Then, let your hearts be gladdened as you delightfully devour as much video as you can handle. Head to our source link below to find the app.

  • TUAW TV Live: A special early edition at 3 PM EDT today

    Steve Sande
    Steve Sande

    I was looking forward to combining today's Apple Second Quarter 2011 Results Conference Call and TUAW TV Live into one incredible show -- until it was pointed out that I'd need Apple's prior approval to do so. As a result, TUAW TV Live is going to be kicking off two hours early at 3 PM EDT (Noon PDT) today, and we'll be hosting a liveblog for the financial call at 5 PM EDT. Part of the show will be a look at the prognostications of Wall Street on what we'll probably hear from Apple today, while the rest of the hour will be dedicated to a discussion of this week's Apple news and what's new in the world of Apple hardware and software. I'll still be using our regular Ustream tools this week for the broadcast. To join in on the chat and watch the live streaming video, drop by TUAW about five minutes before the start time to get your instructions on how to participate. If you're unable to join us for the show, remember that you can always subscribe to the video podcast and watch the show at your leisure in your iTunes or your other favorite podcatching app.

  • TUAW TV Live: Big hardware, cool apps

    Steve Sande
    Steve Sande

    To me, there's nothing more fun than hearing the doorbell ring as a box is delivered by my friendly FedEx, UPS or USPS driver. More often than not, they're delivering a piece of hardware or an accessory for me to test, and that makes a lot of days seem like Christmas morning. The rest of the time, the TUAW staff is braving a flood of app announcements, many of which are for really incredible apps. That's why today's TUAW TV Live will feature some live app demos, and I'll also be showing you some of the hardware that's in the studio awaiting review. From your Mac or PC, go to the next page by clicking the Read More link at the bottom of this post, and you'll find a livestream viewer and a chat tool. The chat tool allows you to participate by asking questions or making comments. If you're driving somewhere and would like to watch TUAW TV Live while you're stuck in traffic, please don't -- keep your eyes on the road! However, if someone else is doing the driving, you can watch the show on your iPhone and join the chat by downloading the free Ustream Viewing Application. If you're on an iPad, you should be able to use the Skyfire Browser to watch the stream, although you will not be able to participate in the chat. We'll start at about 5 PM ET, so if you're seeing a prerecorded show, be sure to refresh your browser until you see the live stream. For those of you who are not able to join us for the live edition, you'll be able to view it later this evening on our TUAW Video YouTube channel and as part of the new TUAW TV Live podcast viewable in iTunes or on any of your Apple devices.

  • TUAW TV Live at 5 PM EDT: Open topic Wednesday

    Steve Sande
    Steve Sande

    Today's TUAW TV Live will be coming to you from an undisclosed location in a hotel room somewhere in California. As such, I'm operating on a much slower network and without all of the support equipment that I usually have at the TUAW TV Studios. We're going to have some fun this afternoon, though -- if you provide the topics, I'll respond the best I can. Think of this as an open mic night at your local bar, except you won't get to sing, and there's no alcohol involved. As usual, we'll be starting at about 5 PM EDT (2 PM PDT / 10 PM BST). At that time, drop by TUAW and I'll have full instructions on how you can watch the live streaming video and participate in the chat. If you can't join me this afternoon, be sure to subscribe to the TUAW TV Live podcast through iTunes.

  • TUAW TV Live: special 'Back to the Mac' early edition

    Steve Sande
    Steve Sande

    As part of our continuing coverage of Apple's "Back to the Mac" event today, TUAW TV Live is starting a little bit earlier than usual so we can provide you with all the news that's fit to broadcast as soon as we can. Join me and my fellow TUAW editor Mike Rose as we discuss everything that went on at today's celebration of the Mac. How do you join in on the fun? From your Mac or PC, just go to the next page by clicking the read more link at the bottom of this post, and you'll find a livestream viewer and a chat tool. The chat tool allows you to participate by asking questions or making comments. If you're driving somewhere and would like to watch TUAW TV Live while you're stuck in traffic, please don't -- keep your eyes on the road! However, if someone else is doing the driving, you can watch the show on your iPhone by downloading the free Ustream Viewing Application. iPad users haven't been forgotten, either, as you can tune in to TUAW TV Live on your iPad! That link will send you to a non-Flash page, although you won't have access to our chat tool. And one final note -- if the show has started and you're seeing a previously recorded show instead of the livestream, you can always pop on over to to join the show in progress.

  • TUAW TV Live: The Steve and Sam show

    Steve Sande
    Steve Sande

    As mentioned earlier today, my guest for today's episode of TUAW TV Live is Sam Levin, the brains and voice behind and the AppMinute podcast (iTunes link). I always enjoy having guests on the show, and today's episode ought to be a lot of fun for viewers as well. We tried to do this show last week, but due to technical issues with our streaming provider, we were unable to. To join in from your Mac or PC, just go to the next page by clicking the read more link at the bottom of this post, and you'll find a livestream viewer and a chat tool. The chat tool allows you to join in on the fun by asking questions or making comments. If you're driving somewhere and would like to watch TUAW TV Live while you're stuck in traffic, please don't -- keep your eyes on the road! However, if someone else is doing the driving, you can watch the show on your iPhone by downloading the free Ustream Viewing Application. iPad users haven't been forgotten, either, as you can tune in to TUAW TV Live on your iPad! That link will send you to a non-Flash page, although you won't have access to our chat tool. And one final note -- if the show has started and you're seeing a previously recorded show instead of the livestream, you can always pop on over to to join the show in progress.

  • TUAW TV Live: If at first you don't succeed, try again at 5 PM EDT

    Steve Sande
    Steve Sande

    Due to technical issues last Wednesday, my planned TUAW TV Live episode with podcaster Sam Levin of AppMinute never got off the ground. Well, we're not going to let a little DNS issue stop our fun! Join Sam and me at 5 PM EDT today as we chat about iOS apps, whether or not Android poses a threat in the tablet computing world, and maybe even do a few giveaways. Just drop by a little before the start of the show to get logged into the chat and get the Ustream ads out of the way before we begin. I'll have full instructions on how to watch and participate in this live weekly event. And please, think good thoughts so we won't have a repeat of last week's technical problems...

  • Sony's LocationPorter real-time video transmission system goes multichannel

    Ben Bowers
    Ben Bowers

    Back in February of 2009, the launch of Sony's LocationPorter RVT-SD100 suggest that the days of needing a tricked out news van to transmit real-time on the scene video could be a thing of the past -- that is, if you had a spare $18k lying around and a solid 3G data connection. The newly-announced RVT-SD200 and its companion RVT-MR200 expands upon that dream by enabling up to 12 LocationPorters to transmit images to one single receiver. Besides paving the way for armies of techno box-toting reporters -- like the one pictured above -- to relay news as it happens, Sony also sees the potential for emergency services like police forces and fire departments to make use of the equipment to relay critical information. We could see that too, but if this new system is priced at anything like the old, we're betting tight public budgets won't make it happen. Then again we can't speak for the Sultan of Brunei's security force.

  • TUAW TV Live: Much ado about everything Apple

    Steve Sande
    Steve Sande

    Grab a bowl of chips and a cold drink, it's time for TUAW TV Live. Today your host Steve Sande is going to cover a broad range of Apple-related products, from geeky glasses to USB mics, solar iPod cases to HDMI adapters. It should be a fun hour or so of techie talk, and as always, you're invited to join in on the discussion. To join in from your Mac or PC, just go to the next page by clicking the link at the bottom of this post, and you'll find a live stream viewer and a chat tool. The chat tool allows you to join in on the fun by asking questions or making comments. If you're driving somewhere and would like to watch TUAW TV Live while you're stuck in traffic, please don't -- keep your eyes on the road! However, if someone else is doing the driving, you can watch the show on your iPhone by downloading the free Ustream Viewing Application. We haven't forgotten about iPad users, as you can tune in to TUAW TV Live on your iPad! That link will send you to a non-Flash page, although you won't have access to our chat tool. Remember, old episodes of TUAW TV Live are always available for your viewing pleasure on Ustream.

  • TUAW TV Live, this afternoon at five

    Steve Sande
    Steve Sande

    It's hump day, and that means that you can start celebrating the end of the week with an hour of Apple geekitude. This afternoon at 5 PM EDT, join your host Steve Sande for TUAW TV Live. This weekly live streaming video show features talk and opinions about everything Apple, and you're invited to join in via a live chat. We've got a lot of topics in store for you this afternoon, including a look at Vuzix Wrap 310 Video Eyewear (that's Steve at right looking like the late, great Ray Charles wearing the Wrap), the solar-powered Novothink Surge case for iPod touch, the awesome Blue Microphones Yeti USB mic, some new iPhone 4 cases from AGF that AT&T will be featuring in their stores, and the Moshi mini-DP to HDMI adapter. As usual, any topics you wish to bring up are fair game as well. To join in, drop by TUAW just before 5 PM EDT (2 PM PDT) and check out the post that will be at the top of the page at that time. In the body of the post will be a video viewer and chat box -- both Flash, unfortunately. We'll also provide you with instructions on how to watch the show on an iPad or iPhone.

  • Spin your plates, it's time for TUAW TV Live

    Steve Sande
    Steve Sande

    In keeping with my earlier theme about today's TUAW TV Live being like an old TV variety show, I submit this awesome shot of people spinning plates on sticks. Yes, that was the sum total of TV entertainment when I was growing up. Today on TUAW TV Live, I won't be spinning plates on sticks except in the metaphorical sense, as we've got a lot of fascinating Apple news to cover this week. To join in from your Mac or PC, just go to the next page by clicking the link at the bottom of this post, and you'll find a live stream viewer and a chat tool. The chat tool allows you to join in on the fun by asking questions or making comments. If you're driving somewhere and would like to watch TUAW TV Live while you're stuck in traffic, please don't -- keep your eyes on the road! However, if someone else is doing the driving, you can watch the show on your iPhone by downloading the free Ustream Viewing Application. We haven't forgotten about iPad users, as you can tune in to TUAW TV Live on your iPad! That link will send you to a non-Flash page, although you won't have access to our chat tool.

  • The TUAW TV Live variety show, today at 5 PM EDT

    Steve Sande
    Steve Sande

    If you're as old as TUAW TV Live host Steve Sande, then you probably remember the TV variety show genre. These were shows like The Ed Sullivan Show that featured a variety (duh!) of different acts, from music and comedy, to balancing acts and acrobats. You never knew what you were going to see, and it was all done live. Well, fast-forward about 45 years, and you have the 2010 Apple geek edition of the variety show on today's TUAW TV Live. We've got music (fortunately, Steve won't sing), art, science, nature, and even death-defying stunts of incredible stupidity! Steve is much more animated than the late, great Ed Sullivan (see at right), so you're sure to have a good time. You can watch and join in on the live chat this afternoon at 5 PM EDT (2 PM PDT) here at Just drop by a few minutes before the show goes live, and we'll have instructions on how you can join in on the fun.

  • TUAW TV Live at 5 PM EDT: it's all about you

    Steve Sande
    Steve Sande

    Join your host Steve Sande for this afternoon's TUAW TV Live at 5 PM EDT. Today's show is all about you - we're going to spend an hour talking about your favorite Mac programs and accessories, the iPhone stuff you love the most, and your iPad objects of desire. Think of it as an open-mic day, with a chat room in place of the microphone. To join us, drop by TUAW at about 4:55 PM EDT for instructions and tools that let you watch the show and contribute to the discussion.

  • TUAW TV Live at 5 PM EDT: All App Wednesday

    Steve Sande
    Steve Sande

    This afternoon, live from the spacious studios of TUAW TV Live in Highlands Ranch, Colorado, your host Steve Sande takes you on a video tour of recent iPhone and iPad apps. Do you need a way to search for a lost ant costume? How about capturing video of everything you're doing on your iPhone? Are you an international financier who needs to keep up to date? Or perhaps someone who is just trying to stay entertained on the road? We have video demos of apps that will help you in all of these situations, and more. Steve also has some live app demos that he'll be providing for your edification. There are always some good discussions in the "back room" during the show, and you can do your part to keep the show lively. To join us, just mosey on back to TUAW at about 5 PM EDT. At that time, we'll have instructions on how you can watch and participate in today's show.

  • Sirius execs confirm video service will be live

    Evan Blass
    Evan Blass

    In an announcement that is being described as a victory for couch potatoes worldwide, Sirius execs at the recent Morgan Stanley Global Automotive Conference claimed that despite rumors to the contrary, Sirius Video will indeed be a live, streaming service (as opposed to delivering cached content). Sirius CEO Mel Karmazin gave the example of a Nickelodeon-loving rugrat -- whose traumatic Spongebob-downtime will soon be mercifully limited to the short walk between couch and minivan -- as the type of customer who will benefit from live broadcasts. Although we've known that Sirius was planning to roll out a video service for well over a year now, this is the first time anyone has been able to pin down the suits on a launch window, with Senior VP Bob Law citing a "post-CES 2007" target for the initial rollout.