

  • Nokia Lumia 510 hands-on

    Squeezing in between Nokia's Asha series and the Lumia 610, the wallet-friendly Lumia 510 has been unveiled in India. The smartphone will be priced around $199 when it ships next month in India and China. It will eventually make its way to other Asia-Pacific countries and South America, but there's no news yet on any stateside availability. We did expect this Microsoft-powered device to turn up with version 7.8 of its mobile OS, but instead, there's Windows Phone 7.5 and the promise to an eventual upgrade. We've got more impressions after the break. %Gallery-169005%

    Deepak Dhingra
  • Evernote 2.5 for Windows Phone brings new layout with improved performance

    While some app developers seem to forget about Windows Phone, Evernote definitely has not. The tiled version of the cloud-based note taking app received an update on Thursday that brings an arsenal of new features, including an updated tile layout for note lists, a redesigned login / registration screen and user help tips. Perhaps the most anticipated new additions here are an improved note editing settings that adds more space to jot things down and a much welcomed performance boost. If your memory isn't quite what it used to be and you're looking for a helpful tool to take notes while on the go, you can snag the latest version of Evernote from the Windows Phone Store now. That is, if you can remember which tile to tap when trying to get there.

    Mark Hearn
  • How would you change HTC's Titan II?

    Let's imagine you shunned purchasing a Lumia 900 in favor of HTC's Titan II, the company's final Windows Phone handset before its colorful reinvention. You were probably drawn to that 16-megapixel camera, but given the tight restrictions imposed by the operating system, there's little else to separate it from its kin. The question is, what would you have done differently? How Would You Change asks you to share what you'd wanna see, should the company ever build the Titan III.

    Daniel Cooper
  • PayPal arrives on Windows Phone devices running version 7.5 or higher

    eBay's money-exchanging service has brought its payments platform to Windows Phone 7.5 handsets. PayPal's new app lets you send and request cash and check your account details (hopefully while laughing maniacally at your own affluence). A "local" feature will also direct you toward vendors who accept the standard, just remember that NFC supporting handsets don't get here for another few weeks.

    Daniel Cooper
  • Microsoft resumes publishing Windows Phone apps, all is right with the world

    Everybody, you can stop panicking. Microsoft has solved the digital signing problem that prevented app installations on older Windows Phones, as promised, and the flow of new apps is back to a steady stream. It may take a day or two before new titles show up in earnest; developers whose work was in caught in submission stage limbo won't have to restart the process from scratch, however. The quick turnaround is no doubt good news for developers. We'd argue that it's equally good news for Microsoft, too -- there's no doubt that the crew in Redmond would rather not have to explain any lengthy publishing outages while it's onstage with Nokia next month.

    Jon Fingas
  • Microsoft halts posting new Windows Phone apps after some refuse to install on older devices

    Microsoft may face a few uncomfortable questions at Build this fall. A bug in digital signatures resulting from the Windows Phone Dev Center rollout is preventing a "small percentage" of apps in the Windows Phone Store, including not-so-insignificant titles like WhatsApp and Microsoft's own Translator, from installing on older phones that had to upgrade to Windows Phone 7.5 after the fact. While the company already has a fix in the works, it's performing some painful triage to keep the damage from spreading: it's putting the brakes on publishing any new apps until certificate signing is back under control. Microsoft doesn't yet know when it can open the taps once more, either. The momentary freeze won't stop downloads of already-published apps, but it's likely to leave a few customers jittery about resetting their phones -- and developers twiddling their thumbs.

    Jon Fingas
  • Nokia Drive offline navigation review: taking the Lumia 900 for an off-the-grid spin

    I've sung praises about it for years, but it seems like only now the industry is getting on the same train of thought. It could be my unnatural adoration of travel, or just an entirely healthy fear of getting lost, but offline navigation has long since been a top priority for me when choosing a mobile device. Or, more importantly, a mobile operating system. For the longest while, iOS forced my hand to Android due to Google Maps Navigation being available only on the latter, and while even that wasn't offline, it still far surpassed any other routing app in terms of system integration, map updates and general silkiness. Even dating back to our 2010 mobile GPS shootout, Nokia has been a player. At that time, it was the outfit's Ovi Maps leading the pack, offering the only legitimate offline solution amongst a legion of ho-hum alternatives that required bits of data to keep you on track. But frankly, there wasn't a Symbian device in Nokia's stable that could show up my Nexus One in terms of overall utility, so begrudgingly, I pushed it aside. Eventually, Google came around and added caching to routes, which effectively downloaded all routing guidance along your path as soon as you plugged in a destination. The killer, however, was that it wouldn't take too kindly to veering far from that path should you ever drop signal. Close, but no cigar. Fast forward to today, and we've got Google Maps already working in offline mode for Android 2.2+ devices. Furthermore, the company's Brian McClendon confessed to us at its June 2012 'Maps' event that it's "committed" to bringing all of the app's features to iOS (and potentially other platforms). But in my haste to find something in the here and now, I recently turned to the Lumia 900 for guidance. Literally. Back in late March, the Lumia-exclusive Nokia Drive application gained full offline access, and I sought to use the handset exclusively to navigate a 1,900-mile trek through some of America's most remote locales. How'd it go? Join us after the break to find out. %Gallery-159721%

    Darren Murph
  • How would you change the Nokia Lumia 710?

    While Nokia's Lumia 710 may have been imagined as the Jan Brady of the Lumia line, this supposedly awkward middle child does plenty of things right. In fact, for everyone outside of the smartphone hardcore, it'll serve you very well at a far lower price than the better-looking (yet similarly specced) 800. That said, does it really need to exist? Would you pick this over the cheaper 610, the better designed 800 or the LTE-packing 900? That's the question we're asking you today -- if you were bending Stephen Elop's ear off about his trials and triumphs, what would you say about the 710, and more importantly, what would you change?

    Daniel Cooper
  • Mobile Miscellany: week of June 25th, 2012

    Not all mobile news is destined for the front page, but if you're like us and really want to know what's going on, then you've come to the right place. This past week, Samsung introduced its first Windows Phone for China and both HTC and Samsung each chimed in about Android 4.1 -- the sweet treat better known as Jelly Bean. These stories and more await after the break. So buy the ticket and take the ride as we explore the "best of the rest" for this week of June 25th, 2012.

    Zachary Lutz
  • Nokia Camera Extras hits Lumia 900 in US and China, offers four new ways to capture candids

    Although Nokia's Camera Extras app was scheduled to hit Lumia 900 smartphones sometime next week, owners in the US and China will be pleased to know they they can get it now. Nokia has officially pushed the free app into the Windows Phone Marketplace for both regions, giving Mango-flavored Lumia users four new options for capturing photos. Along with a much-needed self-timer, you'll find three other modes: Panorama, Action Shot (for photographing fast-moving subjects) and Smart Group Shot (selects the best faces from a sequence of frames). Don't fret if you don't have a 900 or live outside of the aforementioned either -- Nokia plans to release the Scalado-bred software for all Lumia smartphones worldwide in July. Hit up the links below for more info, and be sure to let us know how it works for you in the comments.

    Joe Pollicino
  • Amazon Audible hits WP 7.5, brings gesture controlled audiobooks (update)

    It didn't land in the Marketplace yesterday as announced, but Amazon's Audible audio book app for Windows Phone 7.5 is now available for download. This Metro-fied version of the app is free to install (including some short samples to get you started), and signing in with your Amazon account lets you purchase any books that the service has on offer. Media can be controlled using a swipe gesture interface, and there are even varying levels of badges to reward how much of a book-worm you become. That said, we haven't been able to use the voice control functionally shown off by Microsoft at its Developers Summit is naturally a WP 8-only affair, so you won't find that feature here. If you're eager to get your literary listening on, you'll find a download and more info about the app at the source link below. Update: As many of you have pointed out in the comments, the voice control aspect is specific to Windows Phone 8. We've updated our language in the post to reflect this.

    Joe Pollicino
  • Editorial: Windows Phone 8 looks good, but can it uproot those entrenched in other ecosystems?

    At the tail end of Microsoft's marathon Windows Phone Summit keynote, the company's own Kevin Gallo said the following: "Everyone in the Windows ecosystem benefits." He was waxing poetic about the myriad new features coming to the outfit's latest and greatest mobile operating system, and nothing about his quote was incorrect. Developers will adore the shared codebase. Users will adore the new additions to the software framework. Carriers probably won't shun the opportunity to push yet another platform this holiday season. But the one word in there that sticks out most to me is this: "Windows." I've been wrestling with the ecosystem issue for some time, but the gravity of it has never been so evident. Starting in 2008, one could argue that it stopped being purely about hardware. Purely about design. Purely about software. Purely about partnerships. Particularly when it came to smartphones. Slate-style handsets were en vogue years ago, with design changing extremely little and software becoming ever more of a factor. But it wasn't just software in the simplest sense -- it was how the software was interconnected to every other piece of the digital ecosystem. Phones were no longer standalone devices; they were simply the most convenient entry into a rabbit hole that Microsoft's going to have a tough time digging people out of. Allow me to explain.

    Darren Murph
  • Nokia Lumia 610 review

    More Info Nokia World 2011: Lumia's birth Windows Phone Mango review Nokia Lumia 710 for T-Mobile review Lumia, Lumia, Lumia. Who would have thought, way back at Nokia World 2011, that the name would come to ring as affectionately as it does today? The first three releases in the family, the 800, 710 and, most recently, the 900, all provided such a fluid, well-rounded experience that we found it easy to overlook certain weaknesses in their spec sheets. Low-res 480 x 800 displays and single-core processors were largely forgotten in the face of a fresh aesthetic and matching OS that stood out from the smartphone crowd. Which brings us to Lumia number four: the 610. As a budget phone currently going for free on a £15-per-month contract in the UK, it's been built on Nokia's belief that Windows Phone will run on almost anything: the merest of Snapdragon S1 processors (clocked at just 800MHz) coupled with a few crumbs of RAM (256MB). Overall, those specs make previous Lumias -- with their S2 chips, 512MB and 1.4GHz clock speeds -- look almost futuristic. The question is, can WP really come this cheap and survive intact? Read on and you'll find out.%Gallery-157536%

    Sharif Sakr
  • Go to school, get a Lumia 900: all incoming Seton Hall University freshmen to receive a Windows Phone

    Granted, this'll be just one more way for upperclassmen to quickly identify the newbies, but all incoming freshmen to New Jersey's Seton Hall University will be given a Nokia Lumia 900 upon orientation, as a means to integrate technology with the school's curriculum -- quite similar to previous efforts that we've seen for the iPad and iPhone. Not to stop there, university officials hope to make the smartphone a key component of student life with the SHUmobile app and its Freshman Experience hub. Here, freshmen may interact with each other via social media and direct messaging, find peer academic advisors, learn about their future housing situation and get to know their roommates. As for mobile service, it's said that students will receive pre-paid access to AT&T through the fall semester. After that, it seems that freshman will need to pick up the bill or leverage WiFi networks to remain connected. To learn more of how SHU is thinking very differently, just hop the break for the PR.

    Zachary Lutz
  • Windows Phone Marketplace surpasses 100,000 app submissions

    Hitting the big six digits is no small feat for an app store, so it's definitely worth celebrating. Taking just over five months to double its numbers, the Windows Phone Marketplace has now seen 100,000 applications submitted since its humble beginnings, and now enjoys an average daily submission count of 313 apps. As a disclaimer, this doesn't mean we currently have access to all hundred-thousand apps -- just over 10,000 of them are no longer available, which translates into 88,371 apps being live somewhere in the world. Still, the milestone is an important one because few other app stores have made it this far -- and it did so relatively quickly. For instance, the Marketplace reached this mark five months faster than the Android Market, but three months slower than the iOS App Store. Given the popularity of both competitors, we'd say that developer growth has been strong and steady for Windows Phone -- and with an exciting 'sneak peek' of the OS's future (Apollo) coming up in a couple weeks, the trend is likely to continue increasing at an exponential pace. [Thanks, Tom]

    Brad Molen
  • Microsoft's Photosynth app lets (some) Windows Phone users in on the panorama craze

    Are you one of those folks who enjoys taking snaps of everything around you and own a Mango-flavored Windows Phone slab? Well, we've got some phenomenal news for you: Microsoft has placed its Photosynth application up for grabs on the Marketplace. It's simple, the app -- which doesn't cost a dime -- will let you shoot some 360-degree photos in both landscape and portrait mode. Additionally, you'll be able to share those all-around shots with your friends on Twitter as well as the newly public Zuck network. You can snag Redmond's Photosynth v1.0 now straight from your WP device or from the Marketplace link below -- let's just hope you can give that London panorama a run for its money.

    Edgar Alvarez
  • Samsung Focus 2 review

    Ready for Samsung's latest entrant to the Windows Phone game? Hopefully you answered "yes," because we're about to take you through an in-depth look at such a device: the Focus 2. Around the time that we United States-based Engadgeteers were lusting over Nokia's Lumia 800 and getting to know the HTC Titan, Samsung introduced its Focus S and lower-tiered Focus Flash WP7.5 handsets. Redmond's hardware restrictions haven't exactly changed much since then, begging the question as to how the Focus 2 fits in as a late follow-up to the original Focus from back in 2010. The bulk of the answer, of course, is LTE. This handset is the only other Windows Phone aside from the Lumia 900 and HTC Titan II to feature such connectivity on Ma Bell's network. That, and it's priced at just $50 dollars on a two-year commitment. Is it a veritable steal like the Focus Flash proved to be, though? Join us past the break where we'll lay it all out.

    Joe Pollicino
  • PSA: Windows Phone Marketplace now requires Windows Phone 7.5

    Microsoft warned us last month that it would be snipping legacy OS support in Windows Phone Marketplace within a few weeks, and it just made good on that heads-up. As of now, you'll need at least a Windows Phone 7.5 device to shop for, review and update apps, no matter how much you want that fix for Ilo Milo. The company still argues that the cutoff is needed to improve speed and security in the Marketplace as well as lay a foundation for a better Windows Phone future. Given that virtually every handset on the market can get 7.5 today, if it doesn't already ship with 7.5 preloaded, you have every good reason to grab the update through Microsoft's desktop apps and stay in the Marketplace downloading parade.

    Jon Fingas
  • Mobile Miscellany: week of May 14th, 2012

    Not all mobile news is destined for the front page, but if you're like us and really want to know what's going on, then you've come to the right place. This past week, Verizon Wireless brought its LTE service to 28 new markets and expanded its reach in 11 additional areas. We also saw Straight Talk introduce the Samsung Galaxy Proclaim, and it appears that Rogers will soon offer the HTC One S. These stories and more await after the break. So buy the ticket and take the ride as we explore the "best of the rest" for this week of May 14th, 2012.

    Zachary Lutz
  • Microsoft exec says Windows Phone outselling iPhone in China

    Going by Microsoft's Greater China COO Michel van der Bel, the launch of Windows Phone in China is off to an auspicious start -- enough to give Apple the shakes. He claims that devices like the Nokia Lumia 800c have helped Windows Phone reach seven percent of the Chinese market, or just enough to get past the six points of the iPhone. We're waiting on hard data before we take van der Bel's word: the top smartphone makers worldwide aren't depending much or at all on Windows Phone, and the iPhone has a thriving gray market in China that masks some of its real numbers. Having said this, we've seen signs of Windows Phone enjoying a bit of a surge even in an iOS- and Android-loving Europe, so we'll be watching to see if there's an uptick in the number of buyers saying ni hao to Microsoft in the near future.

    Jon Fingas