

  • Samsung Focus S snapped in the wild sipping on micro-USB juice

    Joseph Volpe
    Joseph Volpe

    Can't say that we're caught off guard with this one. Only two weeks ago, AT&T announced the first three members of its Windows Phone Mango lineup, charting out an Autumn debut for the handsets, but only giving us a glimpse of the Titan. So, it should come as no shock to see Samsung's update to its popular WP device, the Focus S, getting its charge on in the wild. The leaked shot over on PocketNow, gives us a tilted preview of the 4.3-inch phone, the usual offering of three capacitive buttons and its sleek, rounded edges. There's not much in the way of gadget porn here considering the lone, off-center image, however, we do officially know that that currently unlit screen boasts a Super AMOLED Plus display and, lurking beneath it, is a 1.4GHz processor. An official street date has yet to be set for this 4G phone (the company didn't specify if this would be LTE-ready), but expect to see it hit the orange-colored carrier sometime very soon.

  • ZTE Tania joins Windows Phone Mango brigade, says Ni Hao to Chinese market

    Joseph Volpe
    Joseph Volpe

    With Mango finally on its very official way -- that'd be one day away for certain AT&T owners -- it's hardly surprising to see OEMs jumping on Redmond's mobile bandwagon. ZTE's joined the allied Windows Phone 7.5 ranks, outing its Tania phone at the China International Postal and Telecommunications Exhibition 2011. The modestly specced 4.3-inch device runs Microsoft's latest OS atop a single-core 1GHz processor, with 512MB of RAM, 4GB of storage and a 5 megapixel rear camera on-board. It's certainly no HTC Titan, but then again, not every smartphone needs to be a roided-up beast. Let's just hope MS gets those regional marketplace availability issues squared away before this handset's Chinese launch. After all, what fun is a live-tiled phone without the apps?

  • Samsung's Omnia W: Mango, 3.7-inch Super AMOLED, 1.4GHZ processor

    Sharif Sakr
    Sharif Sakr

    Samsung just took the wraps off its Omnia W, which looks like a non-US variant of the Focus Flash we've already heard about via AT&T. The handset will debut in Italy and start spreading across the Old World and Latin America from next month. It'll sport Windows Phone 7.5 out of the box, a 3.7-inch 800x480 Super AMOLED display, 1.4GHz processor, VGA webcam on the front and rear 5MP shooter with 720p video recording. We expect it'll go head-to-head with HTC's 3.8-inch Radar when the War of the Mangoes finally kicks off. [Thanks to everyone who sent this in] %Gallery-134850%

  • Mango bumps NoDo, rolls the update train to Dell's Venue Pro

    Joseph Volpe
    Joseph Volpe

    You've had a few months to get cozy with NoDo on the Venue Pro, but don't get too chummy -- Mango's on the way. An official blog post on Dell's site assures owners of the chunky WP7 slider that Microsoft's much anticipated OS update should be on its way before Autumn's end. Unlocked owners in the US, EMEA and India, in addition to locked handset owners on T-Mobile US and Cincinnati Bell will be treated to the tropical software sauce sometime in the next few weeks. Left out from this upgrade party are contracted device owners on AT&T that'll just have to wait for a future announcement. An official Mango rollout across all existing Redmond-sanctioned devices is already slated for the next two weeks anyway. Still, it's always nice to hear the news confirmed twice.

  • Microsoft boots Windows Phone manager following mini-review of Nokia's Mango handset

    Zachary Lutz
    Zachary Lutz

    The man who previously led the development of IE Mobile for Windows Phone is no longer with Microsoft, whose termination followed a series of tweets regarding one of Nokia's unreleased Mango handsets. A representative of Ballmer & Co. has confirmed to us "that Joe Marini no longer works at Microsoft," and while the company refuses to discuss the details of his termination, you be the judge. In his first tweet, Mr. Marini expressed glowing enthusiasm for the device, having called it one of Nokia's slickest ever. Then, however, he went on to give the phone an "8" (to summarize his 144 character review), criticize the camera as being good, but not great, and bemoan its screen size. Oops. If anything, unbridled enthusiasm is encouraged at Microsoft (just think back to Steve Ballmer's monkey dance if you had any doubt), but when sheer excitement erupts into stunning frankness regarding unreleased products from partner companies, perhaps this ex-Microsoftee should have kept his thoughts offline. We wish you luck, Joe, but next time, just remember that review scores are a relic of the past. Instead, just let the words speak for themselves.

  • Existing Windows Phones to get Mango update within the next two weeks

    Brad Molen
    Brad Molen

    We've already witnessed the launch of a Windows Phone with Mango and seen several others announced, so when's the update rolling out to devices still operating on NoDo? According to Microsoft's official Windows Phone Blog, we need only wait another week or two before the update begins rolling out. The Windows Team indicates it won't be pushed to your phone OTA when the time comes, so you'll want to ensure you have the right software (Zune for PC, Windows Phone 7 Connector for Mac) installed on your computer before this all goes down. Now, a word of caution: we'd be completely taken by surprise if every phone received the update on the same day -- after all, the NoDo rollout spanned several weeks before it was delivered everywhere -- so it's best if you exercise a degree of patience if your particular handset isn't ready the very first day, just in case. Update: WPCentral reports the roll out will start on September 27th for AT&T's HTC Surround, LG Quantum and Samsung Focus handsets. [Thanks to everyone who sent this in]

  • Samsung Focus S wanders through FCC en route to AT&T

    Brad Molen
    Brad Molen

    Charts, diagrams, charts, measurements, and more charts. This summation of nearly every document that passes through the FCC sounds only slightly more fun than staring at the Matrix all day, yet we still find ourselves a bit giddy when seeing highly anticipated phones take their turn getting the Federal nod of approval. And so it is with the Samsung i937, which is most likely the Focus S -- one of three tantalizing Windows Phone choices aimed at reaching stores "this fall." It's about what we'd expect, really: aside from sporting the usual AT&T frequencies, there's not much more that we can discern from the pages and pages of numbers and colorful pictures that depict phone radiation. Exciting stuff, we know, but Windows Phone 7.5 is at least one step closer to being in the clutches of our lonely mitts.

  • Nokia: first Windows Phones still shipping by end of year

    Brad Molen
    Brad Molen

    Somewhere in the world, sometime between October 1st and December 31st, somebody will be able to purchase a Nokia-branded Windows Phone. Exactly where, when, or who is still in question. But Nokia at least took to the Twittersphere to reassure the masses that the company is still aiming to release a Windows Phone by the end of the year, though we likely won't be seeing it ship in large volumes until early next year. Curiously enough, Nokia Australia's Twitter account was included within the short message, which makes us wonder if they're tossing a little clue our way. We're hoping to have another entry on our Black Friday shopping list -- not that it's short as it is, of course.

  • MasterCard demos Google Wallet, QkR platform for mobile payments

    Joseph Volpe
    Joseph Volpe

    You've most likely heard plenty about NFC-capable smartphones, but little in the way of actual real-world uses for the chip. Well, MasterCard's looking to change all of that, and throw in a few innovations of its own courtesy of its in-house R&D labs and Google. Shown off at an event today, the company demoed the Google Wallet application we first learned about back in May -- which is gearing up for an official launch sometime "soon." Running on Sprint's Nexus S 4G -- with a planned expansion to multiple devices -- users can connect a Citi MasterCard account to the service, and tap-to-pay at any retail location outfitted with a PayPass station. The transactions take place as instantaneously as you'd expect, with spending alerts notated automatically in-app, as well as via text message. If you're the paranoid type or just a spendthrift, the app offers plenty of options to set spending limits, approve / block purchases via category (i.e. dining, entertainment) and enable alerts for overseas activity. Currently, the Google Wallet service is Android-only, and that's probably a direct result of the AT&T, Verizon and T-Mobile backed mobile payment rival, ISIS. But the company's also got one eye fixed squarely on the future -- scheming up alternate implementations for payment on-the-go through its MasterCard Labs division. Focusing on its QkR platform (an obvious play on QR codes), these concepts ranged from television audio signals encoded with purchase data, audible to a phone running the QkR app, or fast-food tabletops embedded with NFC and QR codes that'll allow customers to scan for coupons, order remotely and apply the discount -- all without leaving their seats. The most interesting use of the new platform, however, had nothing to do with mobile phone use and everything to do with an Xbox Kinect. Utilizing the gesture recognition tech, items could be selected on-screen by holding your hand over an item and navigating through the checkout process. We know, yet another great proof-of-concept, but tuck away that cynicism for a second -- a company representative confided to us that soft-pilot testing of QkR is already underway, with an official announcement slated in the next two weeks. And don't worry about it being a Google OS-only affair, QkR's been tested across iOS, Windows Phone Mango and even BlackBerry. Whether or not the innovative payment system'll launch with all of these mobile OS on-board wasn't clear, but we were assured there'd be at least two partners on board. Jump past the break to get a close-up view of our hands-on with the future of payment. %Gallery-133981%

  • Tango video calling demoed on Mango-based HTC Titan (video)

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Looks like Mango's got yet another trick up its sleeve -- at least, a trick that'll be noticeable on HTC's looming Titan. Windows Phone Director Aaron Woodman -- the same Aaron that stopped by our own Engadget Show a few months back -- recently paused to show off a Tango video calling application on the aforementioned handset. We knew good and well that the front-facing Titan camera would be put to use by something, and now you know. 'Course, the "demo" looks pretty well scripted -- don't expect an accurate representation of video quality over a crowded 3G network -- but it sure serves to make the wait that much harder. Have a peek yourself just after the break. [Thanks, Stephen]

  • Windows Phone Mango demoed by Microsoft in dramatic fashion (video)

    Brian Heater
    Brian Heater

    Sure we've seen plenty of Windows Phone Mango demos -- heck, we've done a few hands-ons ourselves -- but so far as slickness is concerned, few can compare to this latest offering from Microsoft, which looks to bring developers on board, while showing off some key features like Live Tiles and speedy switching between apps in dramatic hands-off fashion. The Mango is so close we can taste it. Video after the break.

  • Windows Phone Apollo to feature speech-to-text for email, low-end Tango gets split in two

    Joseph Volpe
    Joseph Volpe

    If this hodgepodge of sorta, kinda official confirmation is to be believed, Windows Phone users can look forward to deeper integration of voice command functionality built-in to the Apollo update. Nokia US' CEO, Chris Weber, first spilled the speech recognition beans in an interview with VentureBeat back in early August, referring to the tech as a killer WP feature. Now, a report over on ZDNet backs up that leaked info with resume tidbits from former MS Windows Phone / Mobile Communications team members that had a hand in creating the so-called "Voice-Compose" and "Read-Aloud" features for native email clients-- even tipping us off to a possible Windows 8 and WP 8 convergence. There's also mention (gleaned from a company job listing) of MS' lower-end mobile OS splitting into two separate versions -- Tango1 and Tango2. We know what you're thinking. It's hard to get excited about far-off OS updates when we're still waiting on Mango's release. Still, it's good to know Ballmer and co. aren't just resting on their Windows laurels.

  • AT&T announces Windows Phone Mango lineup coming this fall, existing devices to be updated

    Brad Molen
    Brad Molen

    In the first of what we expect to be many announcements related to Windows Phone Mango devices, AT&T stepped up to the plate this morning by unveiling three new "4G" handsets that use the latest version of Microsoft's OS: the HTC Titan, Samsung Focus S and Focus Flash. We already know quite a bit about the Titan, but details on Sammy's selections are slim for now -- images aren't even available for either phone, though it's likely we've seen at least one of them before. In addition, the carrier's also planning to update its entire existing lineup with Windows Phone 7.5. As for the fall lineup, there doesn't seem to be a slacker in the bunch. The Focus S will have a 4.3-inch Super AMOLED Plus display, 1.4GHz CPU and an 8 megapixel rear camera that accompanies a 1.3 megapixel front-facing cam for video chat. Also bearing Mango is the Samsung Focus Flash, considered the lower-end offering by Sammy, which still brandishes a 3.7-inch Super AMOLED screen -- no Plus involved on this one -- as well as a 1.4GHz CPU and 5 megapixel rear shooter and front-facing camera that for now has no specified resolution. Each of the phones are expected to arrive in the fourth quarter, and the existing lineup should be on the receiving end of the update sometime "this fall." This is just the beginning of the impending flood, so we can't wait to see what else is around the corner.

  • Samsung High Fidelity Position app gives Mango GPS a Russian boost

    Daniel Cooper
    Daniel Cooper

    Using your phone's GPS to guide you down city streets can sometimes be a harrowing experience, especially in signal blackspots (or when there's a mild breeze). Fortunately, there's a fancy new solution -- for some of you at least. High Fidelity Position is an app specifically for Samsung Mango phones that supercharges the GPS module with two upgrades to help positioning. The first leverages the on-board accelerometer and compass to help the Windows 7 device orient itself on congested city streets. Second is that it will now access GLONASS -- Russia's equivalent to GPS -- pinpointing your location to within a few feet. When installed, the app is only visible in the settings menu, where you will need to activate it. We can also expect to see more of GLONASS in the future, since Russia's imposing import taxes of about 25-percent on any device that's incompatible with the Soviet standard, and manufacturers won't want to take a hit of that magnitude on a feature they can use. Samsung WP7.5 owners who want every excuse to celebrate the triumphs of Gagarin, Sputnik and Laika can find the app available at the source link below.

  • Acer W4 hands-on (video)

    Brian Heater
    Brian Heater

    Hey, it's our old pal, the Acer W4. We've heard tell of the device and seen our share of mockups, and this week at IFA, we actually got to play with the thing. The 3.6-inch handset is fairly compact, and pretty slick looking, with its black front and curved white backing. It's not particularly exciting on the spec side, with its 1GHz Qualcomm processor. Nope, what's most exciting here is the inclusion of Mango, which should look rather familiar to Windows Phone 7 owners, while adding some welcomed updates to the mix. According to Acer, the handset should be arrive some point next month, though the company isn't offering up much in terms of pricing. Check out a hands-on video after the break.%Gallery-132610%

  • Tango video calling en route to Windows Phone Mango?

    Brad Molen
    Brad Molen

    Good news, folks -- Tango is about to reach Windows Phone. No, not that Tango. We're referring to the video calling service that's already popular on iOS and Android devices, but has had absolutely no presence on Microsoft's platform at all. Of course, there's a blatantly obvious reason for that: the OS didn't support front-facing cameras until Mango came along. At this week's unveiling of HTC's first WP7.5 devices, someone perusing the Radar's software happened across a Tango app in the Start menu, indicating users will have more video chatting options to choose from than just Skype. Better yet, it appears to offer cross-platform compatibility to ensure you can see your Android-toting pals and your iPhone-equipped in-laws up close and personal. We're ecstatic to see the feature finally ready to go with Mango's debut, but unfortunately it's only a matter of time before the name confusion settles in.

  • Mobile Miscellany: week of August 29, 2011

    Brad Molen
    Brad Molen

    This week, as always, was packed with news on the mobile front, so it was easy to miss a few stories here and there. Here's some of the other stuff that happened in the wide world of wireless for the week of August 15, 2011: More rumors are circulating about the upcoming Sony Ericsson Nozumi, originally leaked two weeks ago. The new specs getting floated around are even better than we previously thought, which include a 1.5GHz dual-core CPU, 1GB of RAM, 4.3-inch display with 1280 x 720 resolution for a PPI of 342, and NFC. (Thanks, David) [via XperiaBlog] The Motorola Milestone 3 -- the GSM twin of the Droid 3, essentially -- was released in Brazil this week and will be available in select Latin American countries later this month. [via AndroidCentral] Just as we're getting used to the idea of a white HTC EVO 3D at Radio Shack, it's now reported that a purple version will soon be available exclusively at Best Buy. [via PocketNow] The BlackBerry Torch 9860 has two new Canadian homes, as it launched this week on Telus for $100 and SaskTel for $130. Both carriers involve setting up a three-year commitment. [via MobileSyrup(1) and (2)] Did someone mention SaskTel? Yes, the carrier is jumping on the 4G bandwagon by announcing its intent to deploy LTE by the fall of 2012. [via MobileSyrup] AT&T's LG Thrill 4G is finally getting released tomorrow after several weeks of delays. While the phone will be offered for $100 by the carrier itself, you'll be able to get it at Costco for $30. [via PhoneArena] Alongside the Kyocera Milano, Sprint will also launch a new feature phone called the Kyocera Brio. The Brio will offer a QWERTY keyboard, a 192MHz CPU and will run Java. [via Electronista and AndroidCentral] At HTC's Windows Phone launch this week, reps confirmed that all of its new Windows Phones will indeed have the mobile hotspot feature included, though it won't be a part of the software update to the company's existing lineup. It's likely to be added with a future refresh, but apparently the feature was added too late in the process to get thrown into the initial rollout. (Thanks, Gilles) [via Pocket-Lint]

  • HTC Titan and Radar WP7 Mango phones revealed, we go hands-on

    Sharif Sakr
    Sharif Sakr

    HTC just threw two new Windows Phone handsets down on the table and politely requested that we be impressed. The high-end Titan (previously leaked as the 'Eternity') is indeed an awe-inspiring brute, wielding a 4.7-inch SLCD display, 8MP rear camera and 1.3MP front-facing snapper to take full advantage of Mango's newfangled Skype integration. Its over-sized guts include a single-core 1.5GHz processor, 512MB of RAM and up to 16GB of fixed flash storage. Meanwhile, the Radar (which also recently leaked out as the 'Omega') comes significantly less pumped in order to meet a lower price point and -- we suppose -- the expectations of a more mainstream audience. It can be seen as an updated Trophy, with similar weight and dimensions, plus the same 3.8-inch LCD, 1GHz processor clock speed, 5MP rear camera resolution, RAM and maximum 8GB fixed storage. The key upgrades involve the cameras: HTC says it has an improved 28mm wide-angle lens on the rear, plus of course there's the front-facer, which is unfortunately only VGA. Although HTC intends to update its existing WP7 range to Mango starting in mid September, the Titan and Radar will be the company's first innately Mango-fied devices when they arrive in early October. What do we make of them? By all means, click past the break to find out. %Gallery-132157% %Gallery-132160%

  • HTC pushes a Windows Phone through FCC, Mango launch close at hand?

    Brad Molen
    Brad Molen

    Phones approved by the FCC are seldom so upfront about the OS they run on, but HTC decided to go against the status quo in its latest filing to the government agency. A quick perusal of the FCC filings show a handset tested for 850 / 1900 GSM -- standard 2G bands for AT&T and T-Mobile -- and no WCDMA frequencies in the US. There's one detail in the docs, however, that stands out like a sore thumb: this device, the HTC PI39110, is listed as a Windows Phone. What's more, the paperwork also mentions the inclusion of a "WiFi hotspot," which likely is the mobile hotspot feature confirmed to be supported by Mango. HTC hasn't announced any devices that run on the updated OS yet, but this particular gem could very well be the long-rumored Eternity. While it probably won't make its way to the US, this is at least a solid indicator that Windows Phone 7.5 is coming soon to more parts of the globe.

  • Windows Phone 7 Mango will play nicer with Macs, update your Connector app now

    Sharif Sakr
    Sharif Sakr

    Windows Phone 7.5 will be wearing more Mac-friendly pajamas when it comes. Microsoft's Connector app just got updated to Version 2.0 and it enables both Marketplace support and ringtone transfers for Mango-equipped handsets. It also packs some other improvements which already work with WP 7.0, including drag-and-drop file importing from the Browse Device window, better backup and restore operations, and full sync and import support for Apple Aperture software. Connector 2.0 is ready and waiting at the App Store and Mango should poke its head around the mountain any day.