

  • Leaked Halo 3 Epsilon shots are hot, seriously

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    It looks like 360WTF has something of a Halo 3 Epsilon hookup, as they are currently featuring some exclusive screens taken from the final internal test build. The screens were submitted by someone in the Epsilon who wisely wishes to remain anonymous. Featured in the screens are some shots of the Brute Chopper, Tsavo Highway, and many of the new weapons including the gravity hammer and the flamethrower. 360WTF claims they will be continuing their coverage of the Epsilon with more screens and even a video in the coming days. Only time will tell if the Bungie ninjas have something to say about that. Hit the "read" link to check out the screens (note: you'll have to grab them all in a zip file if you want them).[Thanks, TM22]

  • Wired chronicles the development of Halo 3

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    If you've moseyed on by your local newsstand, or whatever the kids call 'em these days, you may have seen the Master Chief plastered on the cover of Wired magazine. As our more astute readers have probably surmised, the issue contains a lengthy article on Halo 3. Specifically, the article deals with the extensive testing process that Halo 3 has undergone to ensure that the game is as close to perfect as it can be. Believe it or not, Bungie knows that lots of people were unsatisfied with Halo 2 (many Bungie employees weren't satisfied with it). The combat wasn't balanced, there were plenty of glitches, and the story, well, the story wasn't what Bungie wanted it to be. This time though, Bungie has employed an army of testers to make sure that the game is satisfying to everyone from the pros to Halo n00bs to Grandma (well, maybe not Grandma). As noted by the article, the Halo 3 testing process leans more towards science than artistry. Bungie recorded play sessions, recorded players' reactions during those play sessions, had players stop to note their satisfaction every 20 minutes, and much more. The amount of statistics recorded is really staggering, and all of it done to make sure that Halo 3 -- particularly Halo 3's campaign -- is the best damned game it can possibly be. The article hasn't made it online yet, so you'll have to pick up a copy of Wired if you want the full scoop. [Image: 360WTF]

  • Bungie podcast episode 6 be live

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    On the latest episode of the Bungie podcast, Luke Smith and the gang -- minus Frankie, who is busy down under -- had on Damian Isla, AI lead for Halo 3. In addition to giving tips on how to get a job as an AI programmer (hint: make demos) Isla talks about the newfangled AI in Halo 3. In particular, Isla discusses the changes made to the Halo 3 brutes so that they are more than just the "bullet sponges," they were in Halo 2. In addition, the Bungie boys talk about showing Halo 3 to New York's best and brightest (including folks from The Daily Show and SNL), and they talk about Epsilon. And, before you listen to the podcast for no reason, no, you can't get into Halo 3 Epsilon. Sorry. Hit the "read" link and enjoy.[Update: Um, this is episode 6. Not 5. Just so we're clear, it's episode 6.]

  • Behold the Halo 3 manual!

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    We don't know how the hell the denizens of the internet do it, but it seems that someone has uncovered some scans of the Halo 3 manual. Now, before you click through to digitally rifle through the pages yourself, know that there are spoilers ahead. In particular, there is one piece of info concerning a certain weapon. We won't tell you what that info is, but hopefully it will lessen the cries of "N00B" that fill your average game of Halo. Of course, the story-related parts of the manual should be familiar to those who have played through the first two games, but we know there are plenty of fans out there wishing to keep their experience completely pure. Anywho, if you don't care, or if your curiosity gets the better of you, hit the "read" link for some glorious manual goodness. Also, keep in mind that we have no idea how recent this manual is, or if it's even real for that matter. Best to take any factual info (including the weapon details) with a healthy chunk of salt. [Via The 360 Forum. Thanks to everyone who sent this in]

  • Bungie's Frank O'Connor chews the fat with IGN

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    It seems like the boys from Bungie are everywhere these days. Yes, Frank O'Connor certainly gets around. We caught up with him at E3, he and Brian Jarrard set the world on fire in Amsterdam, and now he's chatting it up with IGN Australia. The interview with IGN focuses on Halo 3. Yeah, we're as shocked as you are. Still, Frankie does discuss the challenges of video game writing and Bungie's intentions to tie up all the loose ends with Halo 3. Frankie also takes time to discuss the length of the game and how co-op works. He also mentions that Halo 3 will have more easter eggs in it than either of the previous Halo games. Considering there were some easter eggs that took ages to find in Halo 2, that's quite a lofty promise. Oh, and you can shoot the fish. No, seriously.Hit the "read" link for the full interview.[Thanks, DjDATZ]

  • Bungie profiles Halo 3 UNSC weapons

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell
    08.16.2007 has posted some new weapon profiles from Halo 3. This time, we get a long, hard look at some of the human weaponry available in Halo 3. In total, we get a look at the M6G pistol, the M9 frag grenade, the M7 SMG, and the M90A shotgun. In addition to all the specifications for each weapon, the profiles are again filled with quotes from soldiers in the field. Our favorite this time refers to the M9 grenade: "Well it's a grenade innit? It blows up." In an interesting twist, the pistol profile hints at different types of ammunition available for the weapon. Whether or not this is featured in the game remains to be seen. Follow the links below to check out each weapon in detail. Read -- M6G Personal Defense Weapon System Read -- M9 High Explosive-Dual Purpose Antipersonnel Grenade Read -- M7 / Caseless Submachine Gun Read -- M90A Close Assault Weapon System

  • Red Vs. Blue Halo 3 special episode 3 now online

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    The third episode in the special Halo 3 series of Red Vs. Blue is now online. Actually, it was online earlier, but we've just now found it on YouTube. As we've said before, we wouldn't want our readers toddling off to find it on the proper website. No, we want you all to stay right here where you belong. This episode focuses on the new equipment items found in Halo 3. Of course, there are no equipment items in Halo 2, so Sarge and the gang have to improvise. Click play now. Otherwise you'll never learn why Simmons always takes the stairs.Update: It's Simmons who takes the stairs. For confusing Simmons with Grif, Sarge made us test out the "Jumping Off a Cliff" equipment. It works like you think it would.

  • Bungie podcast talks AI, no clan support

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Tardy again, we've just finished listening to the latest Bungie Podcast (try to forgive us, we were busy editing our own podcast you know). For those of you who've yet to listen to it, we suggest you get right on it. In this episode, Frankie and Luke discuss Halo 3 AI with Mission Designer, Dan Miller. We don't want to spoil the fun of hearing it for yourself, but suffice it to say that enemy encounters in Halo 3 are set to be pants-wettingly epic. Listening to Frankie describe an exchange with a group of brutes that involved a bubble shield, a power drainer, a flashbang, another bubble shield, and a radar jammer definitely gets us excited for some (co-op) campaign hijinks.Also mentioned in the podcast. Halo 3 will not ship with clan support. As Frankie puts it, the clan support in Halo 2 really amounted to no more than a second friends list. The Bungie boys don't rule out the possibility that Halo 3 may support clans in the future, but don't expect to see it in the retail box next month. Oh, and don't forget that Microsoft isn't planning on implementing cross-game clan support anytime soon either.Hit the "read" link to download the podcast.

  • Rumored Halo 3 Epsilon details

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Our friends at Xbox-Scene have received some new details on Halo 3 Epsilon, which was spotted on several gamercards last week. According to an anonymous tipster has informed Xbox-Scene that Halo 3 Epsilon is a downloadable version of Halo 3 with lots of gameplay options. Think of it as the Halo 3 Beta Plus. Epsilon gives you access to multiplayer fun on six maps including Snowbound, High Ground, Valhalla, Last Resort, Epitaph, and Sandtrap. In addition, players get access to custom games and the ability to fully edit game variants. Not only that, but Forge is also available, where players can edit and save map variants. Players can also enjoy four player co-op in a single level of Halo 3's campaign. Finally, the fully functional Saved Films feature is also available, allowing players to save and edit films from all available play modes including Forge.All in all, it's sounds like a pretty sweet deal for those lucky enough to get in on it. We've been checking our inbox obsessively without any luck. We'd ask the lucky bastards playing it to tell us about it, but they're probably sworn to secrecy on pain of death.[Thanks to everyone that sent this in]

  • Bungie details H3 flamethrower and firebomb

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell
    08.13.2007 has posted some new detailed descriptions of both the flamethrower and firebomb from Halo 3. The item descriptions are similar to the previous item profiles hosted by and include technical specifications and quotes from soldiers on the field. The flamethrower (designation M7057 / Defoliant Projector), it seems, was technically designed to clear land of foliage for military operations. The entry adds that using the flamethrower as a weapon can cause psychological damage (or perhaps requires it). The description also contains a spiffy Quicktime VR of the flamethrower in action. We also learn that the firebomb (designation Type-3 Antipersonnel / Antimateriel Incendiary Grenade) is actually a Brute weapon that has been adopted for use by the UNSC. An interesting note, the entry mentions that the firebomb burns very brightly and should not be viewed directly. Whether or not this translates to actual gameplay remains to be seen. Our favorite quote regarding the flamethrower: "I don't see where carrying around a big can of super-flammable stuff right next to my xxxx is such a good idea." Hit the links below to check out the new equipment. Read -- Flamethrower Read -- Firebomb

  • Halo 3 marketing blitz begins, Burger King, Pontiac, more on board

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Microsoft today has announced that Halo 3 has officially surpassed 1 million pre-order sales in North America. While well short of the rumored 4 million we reported months ago, Microsoft notes that retailers have labeled Halo 3 presales as "the fastest in video game history." All of that is well and good, but it is nothing, nothing compared to the deluge of marketing madness that is fast approaching. Microsoft has lined up a veritable army of marketing partners including Burger King, Mountain Dew, Pontiac, 7-Eleven, Doritos, and Comcast. In addition, Halo 3 is the official sponsor of the Projekt Revolution tour this year, featuring popular groups like Linkin Park and My Chemical Romance. All the kids tell us that these "bands" are "dope" so we're assuming Microsoft has made a smart move in sponsoring them. As Joystiq puts it, a perfect storm of products is currently heading our way, including Burger King meals, Slurpees, a custom Pontiac G6 GXP Street, Comcast content, and Mountain Dew, all emblazoned with Halo 3 branding. In other words, if you're sick of all the hype that Halo 3 is getting now, you might as well go into hiding until 2008. Of course, by then, the Halo 3 toys will be rolling out, so you might not be safe then either. We suppose you should really just give in and drink some Mountain Dew, eat a burger, jam out to Linkin Park, and stop off at 7-11 on your way home for a Slurpee and some Doritos before settling in to watch some Comcast cable, because Halo 3 isn't going anywhere for a while.

  • Future Shop: "I PWN" shirt with H3 pre-order

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Canadian retailer Future Shop is offering some special goodies with a pre-order of Halo 3. If you order online, you can get a full $10 off the Legendary edition or $5 off the Limited or standard editions. Place your order in-store, though, and you get some extra swag on September 25th. With a pre-order of any edition, Future Shop is offering a Halo 3 baseball cap (which you can see the Master Chief sporting above) and an "I PWN" T-shirt. We're not sure how long this offer has been available, but you'll be able to capitalize on it until September 20th for online orders. The only question now is whether a T-shirt and hat is worth more than $5 in savings.[Thanks, DjDATZ]

  • BioWare details Mass Effect villain

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    In the most recent Mass Effect blog update on IGN, BioWare takes a little time to describe the creation of the game's main villain, Saren. It seems the masses would like to know who Saren is and why he's so deliciously evil. First of all, those truly curious should probably check out the official novel, Mass Effect: Revelation. As for the rest of you, read on. It turns out that Saren is a Spectre -- an elite military unit that can basically do whatever the hell he wants to quell galactic threats -- just like the main character, Commander Shepard. He even spent time with Shepard's mentor, Captain Anderson. As the game wears on, you learn more about Saren and what his motivations are and, as is the case with any good villain, you may actually be able to empathize with him. BioWare assures us, however, that you'll still want to kill him. The blog goes on to detail the creation of Saren's look, which actually began with the creation of the Turian race itself in Mass Effect. It's a good read and definitely worth checking out for Mass Effect fans.

  • Forza 2 gets some DLC love, tournament soon

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Forza fans out there should take note that the first batch of downloadable content for Forza Motorsport 2 is now available. There are two content packs to download. The first of which is the Nissan Tournament Pack, which includes the 2007 Nissan Altima, 2007 Nissan Sentra, and 2007 Nissan 350Z. Oh, and we should probably mention that the Nissan pack is free. The other pack is the Peugot #8 turbo diesel 908. If you want this ride, however, it's going to cost you 50 MS Points. Still, we don't remember the last time we got a car for less than a buck (virtual or otherwise) so it's not that bad of a deal. Now download, play, and be merry.DCEmu also informs us that a tournament will soon be kicking off on August 18. The tournament will be an all out Nissan Sentra showdown between 256 players, with the finalists competing in Los Angeles. We assume further details on the tournament are forthcoming. In the meantime, you might want to start tuning up those Sentras. Finally, a Nissan Sentra customization contest is also in the works. In the contest, players will compete to create the best custom paint jobs. More details should be available on starting August 10.

  • Video: Halo 3 Legendary Edition hands-on

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    So, we've seen plenty of photographs of the Halo 3 Legendary Edition in the wild. Much like Sasquatch though, video evidence has been hard to find. It is with great pride then, that we unveil the first video footage of the Legendary Edition. While skeptics may doubt its existence, we believe this video -- shot at the Amsterdam press meeting by Game1 -- to be undeniable proof that the fabled product is, in fact, real. Furthermore, behind the display glass, you can also glimpse other Halo related merchandise, including a Master Chief figurine, a Warthog toy, and more. If you're still a skeptic, click the video above and you too will become a believer. [Thanks, Jeffrey]

  • Bungie unveils details on 4-player Halo 3 co-op

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    With the revelation earlier today that 4-player co-op is definitely coming to Halo 3, Bungie has now posted an article detailing everything you could want to know about the feature. So, without further ado, the nitty-gritty: 4-player co-op via system link or Xbox Live Splitscreen limited to 2 players, but 2 more can be accommodated via system link or Live Co-op is managed in its own lobby, similar to other modes Players can still save films of co-op sessions Bungie will be adding some incentive for multiple play-throughs If you haven't yet surmised the significance of the image above, know that the three elites will serve as the Master Chief's co-op partners. Player two, naturally, will play as the Arbiter. The other two are newly created Elites with their own backstories. It seems that since the Schism of the Covenant in Halo 2, humanity finds itself with a growing segment of Elite sympathizers. However you slice it, 4-player co-op -- and all of the tactical options it adds to Halo 3 -- sounds like it's going to be a blast. Now all we have to worry about is the fight over who gets to be Master Chief. [Thanks, Skandil]

  • Bungie confirms 4-player Live co-op in Halo 3 [update]

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    According to Netherlands gaming site Xboxworld, Bungie has confirmed that Halo 3 will feature 4-player online co-op, despite theories to the contrary. The news comes from a press conference in Amsterdam, where Frank O'Connor and Brian Jarrard are demoing the game for the press. While we normally wouldn't take translated articles as gospel, Joystiq has learned directly from Bungie that the feature is definitely in the game. Furthermore, an update is expected to hit later today. Stay tuned for the official revelation (in English no less) whenever it drops. Update: Bungie has now revealed everything about online co-op. Check out the details here. [Via Joystiq. Thanks to everyone that sent this in]

  • Fable 2 Video Diary 2 now on XBLM

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    The latest episode of the Fable 2 video diary is now available on Xbox Live Marketplace (we also have it embedded at the top of this post, courtesy of Gamersyde). The latest episode, as you might expect, focuses on the combat of Fable 2. As you may have read right here on X3F, Fable 2's combat is all pulled from single button presses. Every action performed is based on the context in which it is performed. So, having an enemy up against a wall will produce a different action than, say, sneaking up from behind. The episode also tells us a little bit about how the animators created the combat animations (hint: they played with swords). Fable 2 fans should definitely give the video a look.

  • New Halo 3 equipment revealed in Famitsu

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Gamersyde has uncovered some scans of the latest Famitsu, revealing a metric ton of new Halo 3 info. Lucky for you, most of this info is revealed in the recent Halo 3 preview from MSN that we posted earlier today. One thing they didn't reveal, however, is the equipment you see at right. The equipment looks to be Covenant in nature. More or less it looks like an energy shield similar to the ones the Covenant deploy in the first two Halo games. Given this similarity, we're guessing that this shield is solid, unlike the Bubble Shield, and players won't be able to walk through it. If true, it could certainly make playing Territories more interesting. There's plenty more information to be gleaned from the scans, including new weapons, vehicles, and more. Check it out if you wish, but beware of spoilers. [Thanks, DjDATZ]

  • Gears of War action figures announced

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    NECA has announced a new partnership with Epic Games, in which it will produce a new line of Gears of War collectibles. Said collectibles are set to include action figures, busts, dioramas, and even "prop" replicas (full size Lancer anyone?). The toys collectibles are expected to be available in 2008, just in time for a possible sequel to the 360's breakout hit. An interesting tidbit in the press release is that NECA has acquired the license for Gears of War and "any potential sequels" to the game, adding fuel to such speculations. For those who are interested, NECA has produced many video game related collectibles, including toys based on Resident Evil, Hitman, Tomb Raider, and an upcoming line of Castlevania toys. No further information, such as which specific Gears of War toys will be made or how much they will cost, has been revealed.