

  • The MMO Report: Higher credit rating edition

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    This week's MMO Report finds Casey Schreiner looking to exchange sexual favors for a higher credit rating. With that out of the way, he also finds time to talk up a few MMOs. Highlights include a mention of Blizzard's panda-flavored expansion rumors as well as a bit of commentary on BioWare's Jedi Consular class trailer for Star Wars: The Old Republic. Next up is a blurb about Guild Wars 2's Sylvari week, and in addition to hearing Schreiner utter the phrase "sentient tree-sprout," we get a recap of the recent blog post focused on the character designs. Bounty Hounds Online also gets a mention, and The MMO Report even has a few beta codes to hand out for the upcoming sci-fi MMO. This week's Massively mention (always the highlight of every MMO Report broadcast) is up next, and focuses on DC Universe Online's superserver merge. Finally, no MMO Report would be complete without Uncle Casey's mailbag, and you can find that -- as well as the rest of the show -- after the cut.

  • The MMO Report: The Force is with you edition

    Larry Everett
    Larry Everett

    Casey Schreiner needs to play with his new laundry and wash his iPad -- or maybe it was the other way around -- so we must hurry through the description of this week's MMO Report! I'm not joking, he really has to leave quickly. Casey starts with quips about a bearded dragon in the new expansion for Lord of the Rings Online, which is ironic, coming from the Master of Beards himself. Following that, our man of MMO mystery discusses the vehicles, beta, and pre-order for Star Wars: The Old Republic. He says the very thing that is on the mind of every fan: "EA you're doing it wrong." First you announce release date, followed by pre-order, and then beta! On another topic, Casey begs the new VP at Disney Interactive Studios, Bill Roper, to actually release information regarding the Marvel MMO. And lastly, Sir Schreiner lets us in on PvP for Rusty Hearts and explains why America needs to be more like Russia. To catch all of this and dip into Uncle Casey's mailbag, jump past the break and get ready for all the sweetness of the MMO Report.

  • The MMO Report: Oh come on can we please just drop it already edition

    Matt Daniel
    Matt Daniel

    Welcome to this week's edition of The MMO Report. The first order of business on The MMO Report this week is Age of Conan: Unchained. Funcom's bloody MMO went free-to-play last week, and also released their new Blood and Glory PvP servers yesterday. Next up we have BioWare's latest class video for Star Wars: The Old Republic. It focuses on the Bounty Hunter class and details the progression options available to Boba Fett wannabes. And then it's... Oh, not again. Monocle-gate, okay? Do we really need to say anything else? Lastly, we come to the announcement that Blizzard's project Titan is going to be a casual MMO. Considering the fact that, as Casey puts it, many players consider World of Warcraft to be casual as it is, what this means for Titan is ambiguous at best. For the full MMO Report, including (for the first time in a while) Uncle Casey's Mailbag, jump on past the cut.

  • The MMO Report: Guild Wars 2 edition

    Matt Daniel
    Matt Daniel

    In today's MMO Report, Casey Schreiner takes his viewers to Bellevue, Washington for a trip to ArenaNet's offices to preview Guild Wars 2. Casey talks to two members of ANet's team: Game Designer Jeff Grubb and Lead Content Designer Colin Johanson. Jeff spends most of his time filling Casey in on the lore of Guild Wars 2, detailing the story that leads to the alliance between the Humans and the Charr and the addition of the other three races of the game. He also discusses how the choices players make will influence their story experience. Colin, on the other hand, is more focused on the gameplay end of things. He talks about how the game's classes will function without the omnipresent holy trinity, explaining that classes can fill various roles, which can be swapped between in combat. Dungeons are another topic covered, and Colin explains the differences between the story mode dungeons (which are more casual, story-driven experiences) and the exploration mode dungeons (which are tailored for more hardcore players seeking a challenge.) For the full, info-packed video (plus an inside look at the swanky ArenaNet offices), click on past the cut!

  • The MMO Report: What's with the creepy guy edition

    Larry Everett
    Larry Everett

    In this edition of the MMO Report, Casey Schreiner's epic beard is upstaged by the creepy guy kissing his desk. The desk is gorgeous, but I don't think the make-out session was consensual. No means no, creepy guy. As for MMO news, Casey is back from E3, and a bunch of games go free-to-play. There has to be a connection between those two events. Also, Casey cannot help but correlate the patch in his favorite bum-hugging jeans with the patches in RIFT and World of Warcraft. Understandably so, they both keep water rifts at bay, and at the same time, quench fiery lands. Lastly, the MMO Report shows us that the pen is mightier than even the laser sword, as Casey introduces us to last Friday's Star Wars: The Old Republic dev blog and displays the latest fan-created memes. Catch the full MMO Report after the break, and maybe you can tell us why that guy felt the need to profess his love for furniture at that moment.

  • The MMO Report: Nerd-flu edition

    Matt Daniel
    Matt Daniel

    In this week's MMO Report, Casey comes to us directly from E3 2011, where he verbally spars with a variety of game developers while battling off hunger, fatigue, and nerd-flu. Watch Casey's stats slowly dwindle as he confronts the many dangers of E3, such as overstimulation and the dreaded natural light. The first stop on Casey's E3 journey is an interview with Square Enix's Frank Fonseca, with whom he discusses the upcoming tactical MMORPG Wakfu. He gets a few details on the political system and discovers how tactical combat plays out in an MMO space. Next, he gets some face-time in with Producer Thomas Farrer and Creative Director Torfi Frans Olafsson from CCP, who tell Casey all about how the interplay between EVE Online and upcoming DUST 514 will work and why DUST 514 is different from other console shooters. From there he scurries off to En Masse's booth to have a chat with TERA's North American Producer Chris Hager, who discusses TERA's big political system reveal as well as the name of his potential political party. Last stop on the Casey-train is BioWare's booth, where Casey parleys with Star Wars: The Old Republic's Senior Live Producer Blaine Christine. Blaine gives Casey the low-down on Tatooine, the newly introduced player vehicles, and what players can expect in regard to The Old Republic's much-hyped story. For the full video, sadly lacking in the Uncle Casey's mailbag department, jump on past the cut.

  • The MMO Report: Casey says frak edition

    Larry Everett
    Larry Everett

    This week's MMO Report is all about Casey's ego. Not one shred of MMO news bullied its way onto the show this week, unless you count a story about Battlestar Galactica Online reaching two million subscribers as news. OK, maybe you can count Age of Conan going free-to-play, or maybe the newest Minecraft update is technically news. Perhaps Perfect World Entertainment buying Cryptic Studios would be considered news, too. But let's not forget: The MMO Report is really about Uncle Casey's Mail Bag. So that is exactly what will fill the rest of this post. The Mail Bag this week is all about love, love, and memes. Fans share their love for each other, love for Casey, and love for Morgan Webb. Yes, she's been gone for two weeks, but apparently Casey's manly smell has not ousted the memory of the time Morgan hosted the MMO Report. One fan has not forgotten; he was so inspired that he created a meme about it just to show how much he cared. Jump past the break if you are interested in catching a glimpse of Casey Schreiner's ego. We have the full video ready to go. Maybe you will catch the news that we missed while staring at Casey's incredible beard.

  • The MMO Report: The throne of agony edition

    Larry Everett
    Larry Everett

    This week on the MMO Report, our very own mountain man, Casey Schreiner, decided to grace us with his presence after taking off a week for his birthday. I mean, really... where is his loyalty? Thank goodness he returned because the internet would have exploded if we had to see another flawless MMO Report from Morgan Webb. The internet can't take that level of perfection. At any rate, this week we discover just how awesome Massively is as Schreiner reports on our report of the Bungie MMO rumors; then we find out that Second Life may be just as weird as we thought it was; next, the power of the Guild Wars 2 Engineer has inspired Casey to tackle the next level of greatness; and lastly, we find out what can no longer be contained in Casey's Mail Bag. Life is too short for you to miss a single episode of the MMO Report, so catch it after the break!

  • The MMO Report: Beerds!

    Matt Daniel
    Matt Daniel

    Today on The MMO Report: World of Warcraft subscription numbers, RIFT's new advertising campaign, Star Wars: The Old Republic's (lack of) release date, Aion's latest patch, All Points Bulletin: Reloaded, and BEER WITH BEARDS! BEERDS! Ahem. Sorry, getting ahead of myself a bit. Today's MMO Report starts by talking about Blizzard's WoW subscription numbers, specifically that they are dwindling. But it's OK -- they'll be back. Next up, RIFT's new advertising campaign, the RIFTcast. Parodying morning news weather forecasters, the advertisements are short, clever, and effective at spreading the word. Massively gets another shout-out for our coverage of the Star Wars: The Old Republic release window, and Casey admits a bit of surprise at TOR's adoption of a subscription model, adding that regardless of pricing, "we'd still play this game if it required half a pint of blood on startup." Aion's patch 2.5 gets some coverage as Casey points out the improved graphics, the mentor system, new instances, and in-game events to celebrate the occasion. And to top it off, All Points Bulletin: Reloaded is entering open beta soon. I swear I'm forgetting something... OH YEAH! Beer with beards! Go check it out after the break!

  • The MMO Report: Bears and UFOs and explosions, oh my!

    Matt Daniel
    Matt Daniel

    This week on The MMO report, Casey's lead story is about the absurdly adorable Cenarion Hatchling pet now for sale on the Blizzard Store. The wee bird-deer-thing costs $10 with 100% of the proceeds benefiting the Red Cross efforts in Japan, therefore making it, as Casey puts it, "good for something other than your own surreally twisted ego." Next up is RIFT's patch 1.2, The Spoils of War. Introducing myriad new features and content, the patch is one of RIFT's largest yet. He also gives Massively a shout-out for delivering information on the newly confirmed Marvel Universe Online. Details so far include the ability to play as iconic Marvel characters to face off against Doctor Doom with a story penned by none other than Brian Michael Bendis. Last up is BioWare's Sith Warrior progression trailer for Star Wars: The Old Republic, which compares the Sith Marauder -- described by Casey as "quick, agile, and a real bastard of a Rogue" -- and the Juggernaut, the Sith Warrior's tanking option. Hit the jump below for all this plus Uncle Casey's Mailbag and a decidedly awesome picture involving Casey, a bear, and flying saucers on The MMO Report.

  • The MMO Report: Scorpion Lobster Battle edition

    Larry Everett
    Larry Everett

    Today's MMO Report is all about League of Legends, the amazing arena-based... what? Never mind -- Casey's not talking about League of Legends, just to spite "some guy." Well, there goes the whole show. I guess if you want to hear about how RIFT messed up its first ever event, then he might talk about that game. The newly announced class for The Secret World made the show. Somehow some silly race from Guild Wars 2 known as the Charr was good enough for Casey to cover. It seems the only redeeming factor of the show is a crazy Scorpion Lobster Battle sent in by a watcher. (Don't ask.) Anyway, if you really want to catch the latest episode of the MMO Report despite the lack of League of Legends talk, jump past the break or hop over to G4TV to see Casey Schreiner in his full high-def glory.

  • The MMO Report: The illegal mail bag edition

    Larry Everett
    Larry Everett

    That's right, Mr. Schreiner, you bad! Show us your smug self. Aw, yeah! Breakin' the law and living the dream. This week's edition of the MMO Report is completely illegal, especially when it involves Sara Underwood and Uncle Casey's Mailbag. The image still haunts my dreams. However, the actual reporting involves the addition of new content to DC Universe Online; a surprising statement from World of Warcraft creators about Star Wars: The Old Republic; someone letting the dogs out in Minecraft; and a saucy love affair between En Masse and Atari. What is the world coming to? Of course, the trip down Uncle Casey's Mail Bag wouldn't be complete without spandex and cleavage. Can't believe I just said that. If you haven't been disgusted already, drop past the break for the entire episode of this week's MMO Report. You can wipe that cheesy smirk off your face now, Casey. They are going to watch the show.

  • The MMO Report: Now is the winter of our discontent edition

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    We're not sure whether he was inspired by the recent Oscars or other recent winning theatrics, but this week we're treated to a breathtaking performance from the MMO Report's very own Casey Schreiner. Admittedly, he likely won't be picking up any golden statuettes from the Academy -- this is internet video, after all. However, we feel relatively certain that he will likely find his bag quite swollen over owing to this week's subtle combination of stellar performance and particularly well-groomed facial hair. Well, that and because this week's episode is really short. Starting off running, Casey touches on the February game update in DC Universe Online while simultaneously saving us from having to look at cherubs from the game's holiday event. After that, it's a quick jump to Runes of Magic, which is determined to make it even easier to spend tons of time wandering aimlessly in the game while telling your Facebook friends all about it. Next, it's a nod to our GDC 2011 coverage with our ArenaNet localization panel writeup and an aside about the large amount of Guild Wars hardcore Norn we got to enjoy last week. Finally, the bag returns to equally rapidly disappear once again. As always, this week's episode lurks beyond yon break -- or you can catch it on G4TV every Thursday! Until then, anon good readers; anon!

  • The MMO Report: Slave labor edition

    Larry Everett
    Larry Everett

    In case you have you not gotten enough MMO news this week, Casey Schreiner delivers another action-packed episode of the MMO Report -- OK, maybe not action-packed, but it does have a lot of flying graphics. This week, the important topics are RIFT and some other things that no one cares about. Really, when there is a dev walkthrough from what is arguably the best game ever made, what else is there to talk about? Sure, there is that leak about Bungie's new MMO, and Minecraft received an update. But that pales in comparison to the wonder that is RIFT, right? Anyway, if you are looking to become Casey's indentured servant or you just want to watch his beard, follow after the break rift or visit G4TV! Don't touch the beard. RIFT.

  • The MMO Report: The sad, strange death of Company of Heroes Online

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    Bad puns, sexual innuendo and all the MMO news you can handle are crammed into yet another MMO Report, brought to us by our friends at G4TV. Casey Schreiner and his fabulous tie recall a few of the biggest stories from the previous week. First up on the docket is the cancellation of two THQ titles previously in development: Company of Heroes Online and WWE Smackdown vs. Raw Online. Both of these games were an attempt by the studio to bring its western-style MMOs to a Korean market, although THQ ultimately decided that this move wasn't at the top of its priority list. On a more upbeat note, Casey talks up LEGO Universe's Crux Prime update, which came complete with ninjas and multiplayer madness. And yes, Casey, we agree that LEGOs are "awesome." Other topics for the Report include Undead Labs' "Class 3" single-player XBLA title that's hopefully leading up to the studio's zombie MMO, robo-Batman in a new DCUO video, the announcement of BlizzCon's 2011 dates, and a Blizzard theme park called "Joy Land" in China. Face it: We have a weird hobby. Hit the jump to watch the full MMO Report!

  • The MMO Report - All for free!

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    This week, Casey and the rest of the crew over at G4TV have cooked up a super-sized portion of MMO gaming news goodness we can all be thankful for. He kicks things off with talk of Lord of the Rings Online's upcoming Isengard expansion, expected in Fall of 2011. From there, it's on to Forsaken World, the newest title from Perfect World Entertainment, and their video earlier this week -- oh, and he's sorry he said mean things about you before, guys. We're just passing it on. After that, it's on to the news that has taken the world of Azeroth by storm -- literally. WIth the very hefty list of changes that came in this week's World of Warcraft patch, players are having a ball. What's even better? Well, as he points out, it's all for free. Can't beat that kind of holiday deal. After that, Casey digs into the video exclusive from's Genesis A.D., which is offering a new nuclear silo map for up-close blow-other-people's-face-off action. Vindictus' awards at the Korean Game Awards are mentioned as well, with a hearty congrats for the sevenfold accomplishment. Also mentioned are our move to officially being part of the Joystiq network, and Casey's ever-present mailbag of goodies. We'll leave you to watch that on your own, as there's something that definitely falls into the realm of "awkward" in the mix. Check out the video embedded behind the break, or every Thursday over at G4TV.

  • This week on The MMO Report

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    This week on The MMO Report, Casey takes us on a free-for-all ride through the MMOGverse, scratches an itch in Uncle Casey's Mailbag, and shares a timely lesson just before World of Warcraft: Cataclysm launches. Listen and learn, for lo, there is wisdom to be had on this mythical (and not-so-mythical) topic. This episode starts off with a look at All Points Bulletin, which has been pulled back from the grave by GamersFirst, and hopefully will get more of the features it was supposed to actually have when it launched. Moving on from there, Casey touches on the recent opening of Ministry of War as a browser-based MMORTS. Some of the staff here dig it, being a bunch of Civ fiends. Mind you, if we start seeing boob-infested flash ads for the game popping up everywhere, we're going to deny ever hearing its name. In other snark news, Casey takes a look at the continuing saga of the Final Fantasy XIV free trial, which is being extended yet again in an attempt to keep fans happy. Looks like Square-Enix will have a title out for the holidays* -- which might be when this one actually becomes fully playable. Finally, the last bit of news wraps up with a mention of DC Universe Online's new trailer showing off a police station which is strangely devoid of donuts. Guess glazed pastries just don't mix with skin-tight spandex. You can find this week's episode behind the cut and of course every week at G4TV. * Note: 'Holiday' is used here to refer to any/all holidays in a given calendar year. Could be Christmas, could be Arbor Day. Who knows?

  • The MMO Report offers part two of their Warhammer Online special

    Michael Zenke
    Michael Zenke

    Last weekend, as a preview before the launch of Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning, G4's MMO Report ran a special video touring the Mythic offices with Paul Barnett as guide. This week, the show follows up with a more serious look at the game from the other frontmen on the team: Josh Drescher, Jeff Hickman, and Mark Jacobs. Join the hearty crew as they run through the features list for the game and wax eloquent about the project they've spent years developing. Frankly, if you've been reading Massively and (even moreso) if you're already playing you probably know everything they have to say. Still, there's nothing like watching a passionate nerd talk about their life's work backed by dramatic fantasy music. Click through below the cut for their passion unfiltered. Did you enjoy this? Make sure to check out all of our previous Warhammer Online features, and don't miss any of our ongoing coverage as Massively goes to WAR!

  • Watch video of Warhammer's Barnett in his natural habitat

    Michael Zenke
    Michael Zenke

    G4's MMO-specific showcase, The MMO Report, can be a kind of entertaining show. This week, in honor of the rapidly-approaching launch of Warhammer Online, they're airing the first of a two-part special from Mythic's Virginia headquarters. If you're a fan of nature documentaries, there may be overtones of Steve Irwin's work here. "Crikey, looks like we've got a real live game designer here! Check out his man-dolls!"More seriously, it's a great look at Barnett and the Warhammer team's philosophy background. Check out the video to see Paul describing the team 'finding the voice' of each race, the evils of marketing, and why his office is designed the way it is. The whole thing is embedded below the cut. Click on through!

  • G4's MMO Report pokes at AoC

    Akela Talamasca
    Akela Talamasca

    The deluge of coverage for Age of Conan continues to overwhelm us all, and that's a good thing. Sure, there are the legions of ravening fans who were going to pick this title up no matter what as soon as it became available, but there are a good number of you still on the fence out there. Perhaps sensing this, G4's The MMO Report has gone to the effort of putting together their Age of Conan Special, wherein they interview AoC designer Jason Stone.On the show Stone talks about how AoC distinguishes itself from its competitors, notably through its combat scheme, the in-development anti-griefing 'Bounty Prison' system, weapon-specific fatalities, and the stacking debuff death penalty. Check out the embedded interview after the jump.Best exchange of the interview -- Jason: "So you can say whatever you want to me ... and be a complete dick." Casey: "As I would."[Thanks, Kristina!]