

  • MotorStorm won't be riding dirty in US 'til March

    Christopher Grant
    Christopher Grant

    After a less than stellar (and briefly delayed) Japanese debut, the blokes at Evolution Studios went back to the old drafting table (a drafting table full of game development hardware we imagine), to do "some additional fine tuning and [get] the online features squared away" for MotorStorm, their down-and-dirty racing title for the PlayStation 3. This extra functionality doesn't come cheap though ... current going rate is about one month's time tacked onto your game's release date. Originally scheduled to be released in February, MotorStorm won't be riding dirty in the States until March, though a specific date hasn't been given. Considering the harsh response to the Japanese release's lack of online multiplayer, this is time well spent![Thanks, Jonah]

  • Pedestrians spotted in Burnout 5

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    1UP recently posted this Burnout 5 image along with a lengthy preview (originally published in OPM). Clearly, we seen pedestrians strolling the sidewalk. So what's the explanation?Our gut tells us there won't be people in Burnout 5. 1UP's accompanying preview seems to agree, quoting audio director Nick Laviers, who states, "You don't see human beings in Burnout -- it's all about cars." It's unlikely that EA and Criterion would want to push the boundaries of the E(10+)-rating that Burnout Revenge managed. Throwing people into the carnage could lead the ESRB to smack the next Burnout with an M-rating, drastically reducing the potential consumer base. The image posted above is likely conceptual, or perhaps appears in some sort of FMV clip. Although we'd love to see Criterion experiment with ragdolls crashing through windshields (with first-person perspective replays!), we know better than to pine for some Carmageddon-like action.

  • MotorStorm 720p, 30fps (not True HD)

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    The 'True HD' concept is certainly off to a rocky start on Sony's console that could. Despite confirmation from SCEA senior VP of marketing Peter Dille that MotorStorm would rocket to the US at 60fps in glorious 1080p, Sony today rescinded that remark. MotorStorm, alas, will be presented in lowly 720p, chugging along at 30fps.Seriously though, those numbers will keep MotorStorm competitive -- and in HD. We just couldn't miss out on an opportunity to muffle the True HD buzz.[Thanks, Jonah]

  • PSP Fanboy Theatre: Volume 1

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    PSP Fanboy offers the latest and greatest movie and game trailers, formatted for the PSP in this new weekly feature. Check it out every Saturday. PSP owners can download files wirelessly via Instructions: Save all movie files to MP_ROOT/101ANV01/. Requires firmware 2.00 or above. Shrek the Third Download MP4 (9.71MB) | Download THM The following videos are featured after the break: Reno 911, MotorStorm (PS3), MACH (PSP) and Final Fantasy Tactics (PSP)

  • MotorStorm rushed to Japan (and it shows)

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    An IGN staffer calls the Japanese version of MotorStorm "the most featureless racer I've ever played." The hurried release lacks both online and offline multiplayer, time attack and free run modes, and basic settings for number of racers and lap count. But trim doesn't equal fast, as load times stretch to the 45-second mark; even vehicle selection is bogged down by model load-ins (and you'll have to break out the manual for vehicle stat comparisons).Still, IGN holds out hope for the "real" version of MotorStorm (expected to launch in March), anticipating "one of the finest racing experiences ever." How a racer can be both utterly featureless and "the most technically impressive game I've ever played" is a bit of an enigma to us, but IGN has certainly been impressed by MotorStorm's potential. PlayStation 3's first must-have? Not yet.

  • MotorStorm tops Japanese sale charts

    Nick Doerr
    Nick Doerr

    To be brief, MotorStorm has become the top-selling PS3 game so far in Japan, shooting up to #1 on Japanese sales charts. Not saying too much, since there are a multitude of games sitting on the shelves but a severe lack of systems to play them on. Even so, by December 10th, MotorStorm sold 8,000 copies and has probably passed the 10,000 mark by now. If the game has done so well in Japan, where off-road racing (actual off-roading) and western-developed titles don't really do well by themselves, then how will the rest of the world react? Good question, but we all know the answer. This is going to be a fun game and many people will grab it. Argue about graphics, the SIXAXIS, or whatever, but the truth is, this is a great showcase title for the PS3. Especially for the European debut! This should be good news for all of us, so let's pop out that bottle of New Year's champagne early, eh? No noisemakers, please. Those suck.

  • Japanese release day highlights: 12.14.06

    Jonti Davies
    Jonti Davies

    This week, we've left this post a bit late in the (release) day so that we talk in the past tense and tell you how we bought a copy of Motorstorm for ¥5280 (which is about $45 in Digitiser's trademarked Earth Money), and how we can state with some confidence, having played the game for a grand total of 23 minutes, that it is, you know, quite good. And how we can bring you an exclusive Blurry Pic (after the break, courtesy of our Samsung keitai) of the new Blue Dragon... gachapon. And we can use italics in excess because this release day, dear readers, is over. Here are the other big games of the day. Of the day: Earth Defense Force 3 (where's the ant powder?; Xbox 360) Phantasy Star Universe (you're late, Sega; Xbox 360) World Soccer Winning Eleven X (you're late, Konami; Xbox 360) Chocobo to Mahou no Ehon (miraculous yellow chickens; DS) SNK Vs. Capcom Card Fighters DS (our Neo-Geo Pocket Colour is sent to the old folks' home; DS) Motorstorm (at least 23 minutes' worth of dirty pleasure; PS3) Pokemon Battle Revolution (gotta buy 'em all; Wii)

  • MotorStorm stalled

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    Sony has pushed back MotorStorm's Japanese release another week, vaguely citing production-related issues as the reason for delay. MotorStorm will now launch alongside Armored Core 4 on December 14.Just a reminder: Westerners won't be ridin' dirty until next March. As a consolation, Evolution will include an online mode for the 2007 release of MotorStorm. So why rush an incomplete Japanese version off to retail?

  • MotorStorm given a delayed start in Japan

    Nick Doerr
    Nick Doerr

    While this may initially seem like heartbreaking news, fear not, noble motor stormers. Japan did get a delay for MotorStorm, but it's only a week. Instead of a 12/7 release, Japanese gamers will get the game on 12/14. No biggie. The reasoning for this delay isn't exactly clear, Sony citing "production-related concerns". But IGN may be on to something when they said Sony wants December to be a big time for releases. MotorStorm now pops up on shelves next to Armored Core 4 -- two great games at once, oh my! While Japan still gets MotorStorm first, they'll miss out on online play for a little while. Until everyone else gets it. That's all, really. I played MotorStorm in a Target last week and, while just a demo, it was sweet. Easy to get the hang of. I had to stop racing at one point just to check out the scenery of the canyon. I'm excited. Are you?

  • Japan gets some prices for their PS3 titles... it's not too bad

    Nick Doerr
    Nick Doerr

    Not too bad is about the extent of it. While one price shouldn't be indicative of any other game prices, there's at least a little comfort in the recently announced pricing of Resistance: Fall of Man, Motorstorm, and Genji. 5980 yen. Roughly $50 US. That's really cool, should the prices remain the same upon the North American release. Will they? Maybe. Maybe not. No use guessing, but we can pray to the almighty lords of gaming to make it so. Let's not forget that Sega also released some prices a few weeks ago: Sega Golf Club and Sonic are both being priced at 7140 yen (about $60)... the expected next-gen pricing, but didn't someone see Sonic for cheap somewhere? Maybe that was a dream. Seems the pricing will be stuck around $50-$70. Oh well. Is anyone unnaturally bent out of shape about this?

  • A plethora of many PS3 title screens... many are nice

    Nick Doerr
    Nick Doerr

    Motorstorm... Monster Kingdom (Unknown Realms)... Afrika? Check out these screen captures from that got posted on PS3forums and nod your head in approval. Motorstorm is starting to shape up really nicely. Really nicely, even though some of the pictures seem kind of blurry (perhaps these eyes are growing old, but it's probably just a game effect). Monster Kingdom looks interesting, too. A very cool sense of fashion to be found on the characters, and what appears to be a colorful world. Very colorful! And Afrika... well, those screens aren't exactly new, but they're still good for a desktop background. Very scenic. There are also a few screens of Lair, but they don't appear to be new. Or they're starting to blend together... either way. Feel free to leave your reactions here and which of these interest you most, assuming you were given a lineup of just these three to take on a nice date with your couch.

  • Motorstorm footage hot from the oven

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Just like grandma's delectable apple pie, News 4 Gamers has served up a piping hot video of the upcoming PS3 title Motorstorm. Combining an intro movie with a rather long gameplay segment, the video shows some of the collisions possible and furious action the title is sure to bring to the table upon release. The game even has slow-motion, Burnout-like crashes that show pieces you never even knew were in a dune buggy go flying through the air in stunning detail. Follow the link below to check out the video.

  • Partial PS3 launch lineup, allegedly

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    British Gaming Blog claims to have the scoop on a partial list of PlayStation 3 launch titles. The lineup includes: John Woo's Stranglehold Lair Motorstorm Rainbow Six: Vegas Resistance: Fall of Man Sonic the Hedgehog Tekken Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom As 1Up suggests, the official list will (almost definitely) be longer, and don't be surprised if some or all of these titles aren't on it. [Via 1UP]

  • Warhawk, MotorStorm, & other bootleg GDC PS3 videos

    Dan Choi
    Dan Choi

    So, are you tired of bootleg stills from the upcoming PS3 titles featured at GDC? (Or bootleg videos from current-gen titles like God of War 2?) Well, it looks like you're in luck, as we've got a few fuzzy PS3 videos from Phil Harrison's speech, courtesy of the embargo-ignorin' folks at we have above is a clip from the developer demo of Warhawk for the PS3. A voiceover describes the "ambient warfare" to be used in the air-combat simulation game, as well as the innovative mix of "Cell-based software rendering with RSX-based hardware rendering" to produce the graphics. For all you coders out there, it was also interesting to note that the programs running on the Cell's SPUs were not written in low-level assembly (easing development, but possibly degrading performance).While we wait until E3, when a playable version of Warhawk was promised to be delivered, here are a few more PS3 videos from GDC that you might find interesting (with a few unfortunately quite incomplete): Streamed video of MotorStorm GDC footage, also with a voiceover. Streamed speeded-up video clips (no audio) of Warhawk, Getaway 3, Lair, the Havoc physics demo from Heavenly Sword, the bullet-ridden car model demo, and even that video concerning Rachet & Clank. Streamed (basically) audio-only video from Resistance: Fall of Man. [Thanks, Reaktorleak89, Fan, & Da'Cheez; via PS3 Fanboy &]See also: MotorStorm, Resistance and more: pictures from Sony's GDC keynote God of War 2 GDC video leaked online's report on Phil Harrison's GDC keynote (in Italian)

  • MotorStorm, Resistance and more: pictures from Sony's GDC keynote

    Conrad Quilty-Harper
    Conrad Quilty-Harper

    Despite Sony asking attendees not to take pictures during Phil Harrison's keynote speech at GDC, a member of a Spanish forum managed to sneakily snap pictures of the games that were shown and has now posted his roll online. The photos are blurry and from a skewed perspective, but they give us an early idea of what games like The Getaway, MotorStorm, Resistance: Fall of Man, Ratchet & Clank and Warhawk will look like on PS3 hardware. We've cropped a selection of the best images, so click here to see more.[Thanks, hellmasterx]

  • Unreal Engine 3 and other PS3 tech demos from GDC floor

    Dan Choi
    Dan Choi

    Sony may have prevented pics of God of War 2, MotorStorm, and Resistance: Fall of Man from being taken during Phil Harrison's keynote speech yesterday, but they did let folks take video footage of the other PS3 tech demos on the GDC floor.So here you have not only the "Lots of Ducks" tech demo all the way from last year's E3 presentation, but you've also got a user-manipulated look at Unreal Engine 3 (which will purportedly power Unreal Tournament 2007 on PS3 next year), a performance-analysis app that flips a face around, and the underwater fish demo also seen during Phil's address.Of course, there's only so much nudging around of heavy barrels with the Unreal engine that you can take without wondering what juicy UT tidbits will turn up at E3 2006. What's nice, though, is if you're sick and tired of seeing more rubber duckies in Sony's bathtub, you can watch for them in that fishy underwater video resting at the bottom of the sea. Wow, those ducks went down... permanently! Just remember that these technical demos are not representative of final playable games. (Darn.)See also: GDC: The PS3 keynote blow by blow [Chris gets his "wrist slapped"] An in-depth look at Unreal Tournament 2007 Sony confirms God of War 2 worldwide Q1 2007 Engadget & Joystiq's live coverage of Sony's PlayStation 3 launch