Nexus One


  • The Pixel's release doesn't mean your Nexus is completely toast

    Google unveiled its fancy new Pixel phone during a press event on Tuesday. If you haven't seen it yet, it's an impressive handset, with VR capabilities, a fast-charging battery, supposedly the best-ever phone camera, a super-smart AI assistant and Android 7.1. It's also the harbinger of death for the current line of Google Nexus smartphones.

  • The extended Nexus family: Google's golden Android standard

    Google's Nexus line has long stood as the company's ideal vision of its widely adopted, open-source Android operating system. The devices, be they smartphones, tablets or even one-off media streamers, are built in conjunction with select hardware partners and represent an ideal marriage of tech specs with an unadulterated version of Android. It's Google's way of dealing with fragmentation (read: skinned versions) in the mobile OS market it created; a reference mark for manufacturers to aspire to, so to speak. On the tail of the original Android handset's sixth anniversary and in the run-up to whatever new Nexuses come next, we take a look back at the hardware path that's been Google's gold standard for Android.

    Jon Turi
  • HTC and NASA to send Nexus One into space in 2013 as part of PhoneSat program

    Okay, this definitely won't be the first time HTC's own Nexus handset will be experiencing a trip that most of us won't ever have the chance to replicate. But in 2013 the Nexus One will travel deeper into the void than it's ever been before. As it was in 2010, the upcoming Nexus One launch plan is also part of NASA's nano-satellite-building program (aka PhoneSat) and, according to HTC, this will mark the culmination of years of intensive testing -- which consisted of putting the former Android flagship through thermal-vacuum chambers, extreme vibration tests and high-altitude balloon flights. The Taiwanese phone maker didn't specify when exactly the Nexus One's out-of-this-world adventure will take place, but we do know the newfangled One X+ is already being touted as a potential candidate to climb aboard a Jupiter-bound spaceship in the coming future.

    Edgar Alvarez
  • Audience noise-cancelling said not to feature in next iPhone

    There was a time when Audience's contribution to the iPhone's call clarity was not only praised, but actively hunted down. But now it looks like the party is over -- at least according to the chip maker itself. Citing events "in the normal course of business" the firm believes that its technology won't be making it into Apple's next handset -- unsurprisingly a big blow for its shareholders. While it remains unconfirmed, Audience suggested in a conference call that Apple has built its own audio team. Something that is possible already creating a hubbub with other industry players. Though all things going well, we'll only have to wait a week until the new iPhone hits the surgeon's bench anyway.

    James Trew
  • Nexus One denied Ice Cream Sandwich, becomes official relic of Android's yesteryears

    If you're still clinging fast to Google's first ever Nexus device, now might be the time to start eyeing an upgrade. While the search giant's solidly confirmed an Ice Cream Sandwich destiny for owners of its penultimate Android flagship, the Nexus S, the same cannot be said for its HTC-made progenitor. It's not as though Mountain View's lost any love for its game-changing dev phone, rather that handset's 2010 guts just aren't up to snuff for the 4.0 polish. Besides, there are plenty of other more attractive and able-bodied smartphones to help you through the mourning process.

    Joseph Volpe
  • Nexus One takes a bite out of Ice Cream Sandwich, chews slowly

    The Nexus One, grandaddy of Android's latest pure-bred wonder, appears to have some fight left in it. Developer drl33tmd has managed to coax the old man into running an early port of Ice Cream Sandwich, although it's not perfect. The somewhat unstable build is a bit sluggish, and suffers from media playback issues and a distinct lack of WiFi. Check out the demo after the break to see the original Google smartphone struggle up some increasingly steep software stairs.

    Mat Smith
  • Samsung Galaxy Nexus vs. Galaxy S II, Nexus One and Nexus S (macro hands-on)

    Guess who posed for a family gathering here in Hong Kong? From left to right, we've got the Galaxy Nexus, Galaxy S II, Nexus One and Nexus S. The panels on all of these guys are stunning, but we're finding it mighty difficult to choose a favorite between the Galaxy Nexus and the GSII. Have a look at some close-ups in the gallery below, and a typical home video just after the break. %Gallery-136939%

    Darren Murph
  • Skype 2.5 for Android brings video calls to 14 new devices, including Honeycomb tablets

    ...And then there were 41. Oh, sorry, we're talking about Android devices here. Specifically ones that support video calling over Skype. With the update to version 2.5, the VoIP service has tacked on another 14 Goog-powered gadgets to its list of officially supported handsets and tablets. Yes, that's right, we said tablets. In addition to bringing support to phones like the Atrix, Bionic and Nexus One, Skype is inviting the Xoom, the Galaxy Tab 10.1 and Acer's Iconia to the party. We've even received reports that video calls are working on other Honeycomb slates like the ASUS Transformer. You'll find the full list of officially supported devices in the PR after the break.

  • IRL: Nexus One, Sansa Clip Zip, DeLorme PN-60 and the HP TouchPad

    Welcome to IRL, an ongoing feature where we talk about the gadgets, apps and toys we're using in real life and take a second look at products that already got the formal review treatment. Welcome back to IRL, a new column where we dissect, defend and gripe about the gadgets we're using in real life. This week, Dante gets a firesale TouchPad, Dana ditches her Shuffle for a Sansa Clip Zip, Tim's on a boat with the DeLorme PN-60 and Darren explains why, exactly, he's still clinging to his Nexus One.

  • Curtain lifts, Audience exposed as iPhone 4's noise cancelling wizard

    It's hard not to respect good detective work, so we have to give kudos to the good folks at Chipworks for putting a long-lived iPhone mystery to rest. The iPhone 4 has been applauded for its dual-mic noise cancellation, but nobody knew who actually built the voice processor responsible for this "magic and revolutionary" feature. Jobs and Co. white-labelled a certain chipset inside the iPhone 4 -- it asked the manufacturer to scrub all branding off -- so nobody could properly identify it. Was it made by Apple or a third party? Fast-forward nearly eleven months and it turns out the company responsible is none other than Audience, the same lovely folks behind the Nexus One's renowned noise reduction. We're unsure why this was kept under wraps for so long, but we can understand why Apple would want to remain quiet and keep this superb technology all to itself. A little sleuthing can go a long way, however, so follow the links below to learn how this mystery was unraveled.

    Brad Molen
  • Netflix releases Android app for select HTC phones, Samsung Nexus S

    Well, it looks like the LG Revolution won't be the first Android phone to get Netflix after all. The app has just hit the Android Market and is currently available for the HTC Incredible, Nexus One, Evo 4G, and G2, plus the Samsung Nexus S. As you might expect, there's not a lot of surprises in terms of functionality -- you can resume watching where you left off on your TV or computer, and the app will allow you to manage your instant queue in addition to letting you simply browse movies. On its official blog, Netflix explains that while the app is currently limited to phones with "requisite playback support," it anticipates that many of the "technical challenges will be resolved in the coming months," and that it will be able to "provide a Netflix application that will work on a large majority of Android phones." That's some curious wording, to be sure, and a notable change from earlier talk that suggested only certain Qualcomm processors would support the necessary DRM for Netflix. Also not supported at the moment: Canada. If none of that precludes you, however, you can hit up the Android Market link below to try it out for yourself. In other Netflix news, the company has also rolled out a little gift for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch users -- the iOS app now finally boasts support for subtitles. %Gallery-123546% [Thanks to everyone who sent this in]

    Donald Melanson
  • Nexus One gets Android 2.3.4 over the air, but no Gtalk video calling fun

    Good news: Android 2.3.4 is en route to your Nexus One. Bad news: it lacks the Google Talk video and voice chat options that Nexus S users will get to enjoy in their slice of the same Gingerbread iteration. You might think this predictable, given that the Nexus One lacks a front-facing camera, but then it might have been nice to at least have voice calls integrated into Gtalk. Anyhow, if bug fixes are your thing, you can go grab your build number GRJ22 at the download link below or enjoy the anticipation of getting it over the air like everyone else. [Thanks, Tom]

    Vlad Savov
  • HTC releases Android 2.3 restore files for Nexus One, makes your Google phone feel new again

    If that custom ROM sitting atop your Nexus One has left you begging for an undo button, you'll be happy to know HTC is offering wily users a free return pass to its trusted Android 2.3.3 build (GRI40). While thrill-seekers previously had the option to come back through the Froyo door, this updated restore image saves the pain of performing a system upgrade after restoring your phone. With HTC's safety net squarely in place, you're certainly welcome to check out CyanogenMod's latest offering -- we hear they've got something new to play with. [Thanks, James]

    Zachary Lutz
  • Videotron parent company tries to push iPhones off its TV network in Quebec

    What happens when a giant media company owns both a wireless carrier and a television network? Shenanigans -- or at least that's what now seems to be going on in la belle province of Quebec, where the parent company of cable and wireless provider Videotron and television network TVA has seemingly decided to throw its weight around a bit. Apparently, some folks from Quebecor Inc. recently realized that a number of television shows produced for TVA featured iPhones somewhat prominently, which just so happens to be a phone that isn't offered by its Videotron subsidiary. Their solution? Ask the shows' producers to feature phones that are available on Videotron instead, like the Nexus One -- provided free of charge, of course. There doesn't seem to be an outright iPhone ban, however, and at least one show has apparently been given specific permission to let its characters continue using their iPhones -- although another show's producer says he "wouldn't be surprised" if such a ban was eventually put in place.

    Donald Melanson
  • Nexus One Android 2.3.3 update arrives OTA, breaks Google Voice for some

    We're guessing that most of our readers pounced on the official Android 2.3.3 update just as soon as the links lit up last week. But if you did dawdle, don't dally... the latest Gingerbread update is now rolling out over-the-air. Unfortunately, the update also broke Google Voice on our N1 -- something that we fixed by downloading and installing an old GV.apk and then updating to the latest version in Market per instructions found in Google's support forum left by others suffering from the same issue. Hit up the More Coverage link for details. [Thanks, Tony]

    Thomas Ricker
  • Official Android 2.3.3 updates for Nexus One and Nexus S unearthed, available to the impatient

    Waiting sucks, doesn't it? Yes, yes it does -- which is why we're delighted to see that direct links to the official, final updates to Android 2.3.3 for the Nexus One and Nexus S have both been turned loose. This is especially exciting news for Nexus One owners who've stayed on the straight and narrow and haven't moved to a cooked Gingerbread ROM already, since they're still on Froyo -- but it's also good news for developers working on NFC apps with the Nexus S and Android's freshly-baked NFC API, since it means they'll have real-world devices to start playing with. So go on, get to it -- we know you're not going to wait for the over-the-air notification anyway. [Thanks, Will]

    Chris Ziegler
  • Nexus S and Nexus One get Android Gingerbread 2.3.3, fixes random reboots and writes NFC tags

    Your Nexus One is a second-class citizen no more: Today, Google's rolling out Android 2.3.3 to both its premier smartphones. The latest build, still referred to as Gingerbread, brings even more NFC goodies than foretold, as the Nexus S will soon be able to write (not just read) rewritable NFC tags as well as act as a glorified NFC tag itself. (You can see both possibilities in the three screenshots above.) What's more, Google tells us Android 2.3.3 will fix the random reboots that have plagued the Nexus S as of late, and offers other random bugfixes as well. You'll find the whole kit and kaboodle streaming to your phones over the air during the next few weeks to come. Update: We're also hearing that integrated Facebook contacts will be treated differently in Android 2.3.3 -- we've reached out to Google for more information. Update 2: Here's the deal with regards to Facebook.

    Sean Hollister
  • Nexus One gets tiny update to Android 2.2.2, fixes SMS routing issues

    Not to be outdone by its Samsung successor, the Nexus One's getting a miniature over-the-air update as well, sending users on a mind-bending ride from Android 2.2.1 (version FRG83D) to the FRG83G build of Android 2.2.2. When they emerge thoroughly dazzled and confused on the other side, what will they find? We spoke to Google and it's just a few bug fixes, but one of them's rather important -- this update will go down in the annals of history as the one that doesn't inadvertently send humorous texts intended for your co-workers to your deathly serious boss. Oh, and if that sounds like something you'd like to have immediately, rather than waiting for a formal rollout, you can find the file you need at Google's servers right now. [Thanks to everyone who sent this in]

    Sean Hollister
  • Nexus One will get Gingerbread OTA update 'in the coming weeks'

    The original Google phone got us all excited a couple of weeks back when an OTA update was presumed to be the oven-hot Gingerbread upgrade, only to disappoint us. Now we've got the most lucid statement from the Android chefs yet on when the real Gingerbread Nexus One will stand up, which is placed in the relatively ill-defined window of "the coming weeks." Hey, better weeks than months, right?

    Vlad Savov
  • HTC HD2 and Nexus One get some Gingerbread crumbs (update: EVO, Droid and Desire, too)

    With Gingerbread freely distributed to the open-source masses, it probably won't surprise you to hear there already a custom ROM for Google's darling Nexus One. But what if we told you Android 2.3 is now available for the HTC HD2 as well? That's right, the Windows Mobile 6.5 powerhouse can now snap off a sugary piece of the same Android code, and from what we hear in the XDA-developers forums, it works pretty decently, too. Like the Samsung Galaxy S we saw getting the green tie treatment this morning, the HTC HD2 and Nexus One don't exactly have stable, fully functional builds, but as long as you know what you're doing and don't need petty luxuries like cameras, GPS receivers and official Google apps, you'll probably be just fine. Find files and a modicum of instruction at our source links below. Update: While these cookies are half-baked, unconfirmed and potentially dangerous to those not well versed in the art of Android hackery, we're hearing that the HTC EVO 4G, original Motorola Droid and HTC Desire are now sporting early Gingerbread ROMs too. It seems the source code is relatively easy to compile for other phones, so with any luck there'll be a compatible build for your device soon. [Thanks to everyone who sent this in]

    Sean Hollister