

  • Nokia's all-in-one Camera app expands to entire Lumia range with new beta

    Devices with the PureView tag attached have not only the best shooters in Nokia's Lumia range, but also exclusive access to the relatively new Nokia Camera app. Today, though, that latter privilege is being extended to all Lumias with the launch of the Nokia Camera beta program. Any Windows Phone 8 handset that's been updated to Amber or above can now use the software -- an amalgam of, and successor to Nokia's Pro and Smart camera apps. As it's not quite ready for a full store debut, you'll need to sign up with Nokia Beta Labs at the source if you want early, and perhaps buggy access.

    Jamie Rigg
  • Nokia Transit makes the commute over to Asha touchscreen phones, adds public transport info

    Inviting beta testers, Nokia has brought its city navigation app, Transit, to its Asha touchscreen range. Like the Windows Phone and Symbian iterations, you'll be able to plan trips across multiple public transport routes, save particular journeys as well as research departure and arrival times. It's all crafted in those familiar rounded lines of previous S40 software and is also the first location app that Nokia has tested for its Asha range, which remain a lucrative component of the company's business. The app (currently in Nokia's Beta Labs) will work with Asha numbers 305 through 311, although the sleek lines of the Asha 310 are absent from the line-up at the moment.

    Mat Smith
  • Nokia swings Mail for Exchange to Series 40 dumbphones: now in beta labs for testing (video)

    Nokia isn't just shaking up your browser on your humble Series 40 phone. This time, those cheap little bundles of communication goodness are preparing to get mail for Exchange, with the feature now undergoing testing in its Beta Labs. While Nokia might not be king of the phone hill anymore, there's still plenty of its solid dumbphones itching to get a taste of corporate email. This holds especially true for developing countries where the phone series still sells well and where Nokia's still pushing to increase its foothold. While you'll only be able to feel up the beta at the source below, the full-fat version is shaping up for a June launch and will be initially compatible with both the Asha 302 and 303. You'll need your phone's latest software to test out the beta, but if you're covered there, grab your goggles and visit Nokia's labs at the source below. If not, you'll have to make do with the intro video after the break.

    Mat Smith
  • Nokia City Lens arrives for trials on Lumia devices, augments your reality (video)

    Nokia's rolling more of its experimental Symbian projects out to its Windows Phone hardware and City Lens is the latest to arrive in its immaculately-kept Beta Labs. Not to be confused with existing efforts, it throws together an augmented reality interface to give you a better overview of the best places to eat in town, and those tourist hotspots you simply must see. It'll then connect with your current location (which can be shared with your your contacts) and even offer up directions if you're in need. The app remains in testing for now, but you can help Nokia out by donning your labcoat and registering for its Beta Labs at the source below.

    Mat Smith
  • Nokia releases Play To beta, updates Music app for Windows Phone

    To follow its announcement of updated Nokia Drive, Maps and Transport apps (and not to forget Creative Studio), the firm in Finland now has two more servings of software to crow about for its Lumia lineup -- okay, no more alliterations. We promise. Today, Nokia has announced an updated version of its music app, now dubbed -- simply enough -- Nokia Music 2.0, along with an entirely new beta package known as Nokia Play To. While the Music upgrade appears to include little more than minor revisions to the wording of certain functions, the Play To software will cater to users of DLNA equipment with its ability to stream photos and videos. Because it's only in beta form, the means to stream music hasn't yet arrived, but Nokia intends to bake this ability into a future revision of Play To. For those who'd like to be a Guinea pig for the Espoo crew, just check out Nokia's source link below.

    Zachary Lutz
  • Nokia City Scene is Street View for your N9, mostly works in the US where you can't get one

    Worried that the lack of Street View functionality is going to spoil your impending N9 honeymoon? Fret not MeeGo fans, as Espoo's Labs outfit is here to save the day with Nokia City Scene. The Navteq-powered app looks much like a clone of Google's mobile offerings, except that it's tightly integrated with location based services (Foursquare, Facebook Places) highlighting venues your friends frequent. Currently restricted to "about a dozen" US cities and London -- with more European locales coming soon -- its usefulness may be limited unless you're a globetrotting jetsetter or super friendly with some gray-market importers. Hop past the break for a video demo, and then hit the source to get your download on. [Thanks, Martin]

    Dante Cesa
  • Nokia's Live View AR app reveals what's nearby, how to socially ostracize yourself in public

    Augmented reality junkie, Ovi Maps fan and S^3 fanboy? Nokia's got you covered with its Live View AR app. The most recent hatchling from Espoo's Beta Labs program brings selectable POI overlays to the camera inputs of a N8, C7 or E7. The Finnish firm also highlights the release's tight integration with Ovi Maps, with deep hooks for turn-by-turn navigation and sharing -- allowing you to spam friends as to your future whereabouts via SMS. Interest piqued? A video demoing the application and an interesting way to calibrate a compass awaits you beyond the fold.

    Dante Cesa
  • Nokia experiments with Drop, elegantly shuttles photos and web links to mobiles (video)

    Proving not all clever projects need witty names, Nokia introduced an experimental project known as Drop -- and it's likely to make your web browser and Symbian phone the best of friends. Intrepid testers may now push links, pictures, and even apply wallpaper to linked mobile devices, all from the comfort of Firefox or Chrome. While Nokia intends to add more features as development matures, what we're previewing appears decidedly familiar. Symbian^3 and S60 5th Ed. users can get a taste of the clever trickery right now, though considering Nokia's excitement in heralding this innovation late in Symbian's life cycle, we wonder if our friends from Espoo are pondering Drop's future for Windows Phone handsets. Want to join us in the speculation? Take a gander at the video after the break to see what these wide-eyed developers have in store.

    Zachary Lutz
  • Nokia Sleeping Screen: soothing low power notification for Symbian

    Nokia's cooked up a rather lovely and useful new app in its beta labs realm for all you lucky Symbian owners: Nokia Sleeping Screen. Now rather than simply seeing a blank sleeping device you'll be awash in useful info like message notifications, time and date, missed calls, and even a night clock mode that further dims the display while you rest your weary eyes. The display mode used isn't bright and instead of rendering the entire screen, all the icons are drawn using small circles -- which we assume further reduces the energy required -- and the app even goes to sleep while covered in a pocket or a bag. The only negative in the list is that apparently the phone can't be used as a flashlight while Sleeping Screen is running -- but we expect those enjoying the soothing cool hues won't mind that too much. Honestly, this seems like nothing but useful to us, and if Nokia's claim of not significantly impacting battery life is to be believed, may well be a must-have app. [Thanks, Kari]

    Sean Cooper
  • Nokia Beta Labs debuts Shoot and Tag scene app for your mobile phone

    Say what you will about Nokia, the company has never had a shortage of ideas. And the latest from the kids at Nokia Beta Labs? Why, that would be a little something called Shoot and Tag. An app available -- you guessed it -- as a beta from the company, Shoot and Tag automatically creates individual scenes in the videos you shoot on your phone, not dissimilar to the chapters on a DVD. But that ain't all! You can also create your own scene markers, just in case you find yourself capturing footage you know you'll want handy access to later. Ready to give it a shot? Hit the source link to get started -- but not before peeping the demo after the break.

  • Nokia Bubbles lets you intelligently unlock your N8 in a pop

    The humble unlock screen gets ever fancier, and Nokia Bubbles is one of the fanciest we've seen yet. Like a variety of aftermarket lock screens it enables you to control your media player or initiate calls before you even unlock your handset, but does so in an interesting way. You just grab the bubble for what you want and drop it on what you want to do. A simple unlock entails dragging the key onto the lock, and if you have a missed call you can grab that person's bubble and drag it to a phone to call them right back. Grab the music bubble to go straight to the music player and, well, you get the picture. Okay, so it's not quite as much fun as playing Puzzle Bobble, but it is ever so slightly more useful. Check it out in the video below, or go ahead and give it a download if you're on Symbian. [Thanks, pyry]

    Tim Stevens
  • Swype beta hits S60 5th Edition

    Swype is still far more difficult to get than we'd like -- basically, you either need to be in an invite-only beta or own a device where it ships in ROM -- but it's being opened up to a pretty sizable new set of potential customers this month now that it's been ported to S60 5th Edition in an open beta. It's currently tested for use on the 5800, 5230, X6, N97, N97 Mini, and C6 -- and considering that most of those devices use resistive screens, we're really curious to hear how well it works (for what it's worth, Samsung's Omnia II includes Swype in the box and uses a resistive display, so this isn't a first). Installation looks pretty straightforward and you don't need to jump through any hoops or be invited to get the binary, so let us know how it goes for you, alright? Follow the break for the official video demo. [Thanks, Lloyd N.]

    Chris Ziegler
  • Nokia Feel app suggests activities based on your emotional state (video)

    Still feeling an overabundance of nervous energy over this morning's big announcement? (No, the other one.) Well, then, Nokia has just the thing for you, in the form of a little app called Feel. Simply tell your handset how you're, well, feeling, and it gives you suggestions as to how you might best use the device. Feeling creative? Take a picture. Energetic? Put in your earphones and dance, dance, dance. Feel like... giving it a shot? Hit the source link to get in on the beta test. Merely curious? Check out the video (hosted by a man who ironically seems to have little affect) after the break. Already bored by the concept? There's nothing we can do for you there, sadly -- but empathize.

  • Nokia Custom Dictionary takes predictive text to the obvious next level

    Nokia's just posted its literally-named Custom Dictionary utility to Beta Labs' hallowed halls of experimental wares, finally bringing what appears to be a thorough, editable predictive text solution to S60 devices so that you can use (in Nokia's own words) friends' names and nicknames, places, and "slang" (read: every four-letter word you know) with aplomb in the course of normal textual conversation. What makes Custom Dictionary cooler than the average predictive text system, though, is the fact that you can load, unload, and transfer custom word lists to and from your PC and between devices, making it easy to back up your nonsensical gibberish in the event you lose or change phones. As with anything in Beta Labs, you've got to proceed at your own risk -- but the stuff's available to download now. Follow the break for a video demo.

    Chris Ziegler
  • New Nokia Messaging beta adds IM capabilities, E75 gets first dibs

    Nokia Messaging represents Espoo's premiere email experience -- so premiere, in fact, that the company eventually plans to charge for it on some of its devices -- and to help makes it just a little bit more awesome than it already is, they've now started adding in instant messaging capability. The new Nokia Messaging - E75 IM Beta (yes, that's the full official name) offered by Nokia Beta Labs rocks compatibility with Yahoo Messenger and Ovi -- more services are expected to be compatible in the future -- and appears to serve up pretty much all the features you'd expect of a modern mobile IM client, including background notification, multiple conversation management, status control, and chat log save capability. So far, only the E75's compatible, but Nokia's imploring folks to stay tuned to Beta Labs for updates on when they'll open it up to other devices.

    Chris Ziegler
  • Nokia brings threaded SMS to an S60 device near you

    Being unable to view SMS in a threaded fashion on your S60 handset got ya down? Fret no more, messaging fiends, as Nokia Beta Labs has heard our cries. The so-called "Conversation" app should run on most phones that rock S60 3rd edition, with or without Feature Pack 1. Seeing that the app isn't finalized yet, proceed with caution and if you do install it -- there are some concerns right now about memory usage -- so sound off in comments about your experience. [Via All About Symbian]

    Michael Caputo