on sale


  • Microsoft Kinect coming to Windows on February 1st, up for pre-order now!

    Straight out of the horse's mouth: Kinect is oh-ficially coming to Windows starting on February 1st! We've seen Microsoft's PrimeSense-sourced motion sensing system used for just about everything outside of gaming, but proper Windows compatibility is bound to mean huge, huge things for its future. Wondering what's next for Kinect? So is Microsoft, and in just a few weeks, it'll make it even easier for you to answer that. Update: It's up for pre-order now! The $249.99 price tag ain't pretty (consider this -- the standard Kinect, with games, is but $120), but it'll probably be a premium that many hackers are willing to pay. Thanks, Mary Jo Foley!

    Darren Murph
  • AMD Radeon HD 7970 now shipping: $550 and up for unlimited* frames-per-second

    It's the Radeon HD 7970. It's wildly fast. It's quite possibly the exact device needed to serve up your latest Steam purchases in pure 1080p glory. And it's on sale now from none other than NewEgg, as linked in the source below. *Unlimited may or may not actually refer to unlimited, but as the carriers have taught us, we don't truly have to be accurate here.

    Darren Murph
  • Tranquil PC ships MMC-12: a 1.5-inch thick, fanless HTPC

    We haven't heard from Britain's own Tranquil PC in a hot minute, but the company's storming into the new year with a machine that's easy to overlook. In a good way. The MMC-12 Media Center measures just 1.5-inches thick, enabling it to be slid into (or under) just about any A/V rack. £649 (right around $1,000) nets you a Core i3 processor, 4GB of DDR3 memory (plus another open RAM slot), an admittedly paltry 80GB mSATA hard drive, CD / DVD burner, Windows 7 Home Premium and an HDMI port. You'll also get a pair of USB 3.0 ports, two underwhelming (and bound to be unloved) USB 2.0 sockets, a gigabit Ethernet jack, DVI socket and an aluminum enclosure. The company recommends that you connect a couple of your favorite USB TV tuners for maximum enjoyment, and in case you're wondering, Blu-ray drives and international shipping is available.

    Darren Murph
  • RIM puts BlackBerry Playbook on massive sale; Android Market shoehorned onto rooted units

    Research in Motion may not have found itself in a coveted spot as 2011 ended, but if it's learned anything from HP, there's a surefire way to rid itself of remaining BlackBerry PlayBook inventory: sell 'em for a loss. After the unloved slate went on sale in its native land, Americans can now save up to $400 on a PlayBook through February 4th. RIM's official webstore is offering the 16GB, 32GB and 64GB model for $299, leaving us to wonder who would ever choose the smaller two if all three remain in stock. In related news, those who take the company up on the offer can now gain access to the Android Market with a few choice moves. The fine folks over at CrackBerry have detailed the process, which requires a rooted PlayBook, WinSCP, the latest version of Cyanogen Google apps and a fair amount of patience. Naturally, not all Android apps will actually work on the device, but it's a lovely hack for a sure-to-be-sluggish week in your workshop. Hit the links below to learn more.

    Darren Murph
  • HP TouchPad returns in TigerDirect bundle, if only for a moment

    "We've got TouchPads!" That's the slogan, but even TigerDirect admits that it's expecting its latest batch of TouchPad slates to evaporate in a matter of minutes. Strangely enough, we've seen the zombie-like webOS tablet on sale in a variety of locations during the past few months, and if you're quick, you'll be able to buy yet another from yet another vendor at 2:30PM ET today. The company's not saying how many are in stock, but we're told to expect the entire batch to be claimed "by 2:32PM ET." The deal? $249.99 nets you a 32GB TouchPad, a 10.1-inch Belkin tablet case and Creative Labs' D80 Bluetooth speakers, while a $299.99 bundle replaces the speaker with a Photosmart printer. Oh, and don't even bother trying to order over the phone -- this one's online only, and it's one bundle per customer. We're telling you now so you've got time to memorize your credit card number. Feel free to talk about nerves, shaking limbs and tales of luck in comments below.[Thanks, Andrew]

    Darren Murph
  • Lucky shoppers pick up Verizon Galaxy Nexus early at Best Buy

    Well, this is just a tease. It was bad enough when the original December 9th release date was pushed back to some undetermined point in time. And then our neighbors to the north got their own version. Now a few lucky shoppers have managed to their hands on the Verizon edition of the Galaxy Nexus and, chances are, you're not one of them. It looks like at least one Best Buy didn't get the memo that the Nexus debut had been postponed. Sean Bates was able to stroll in to the big box retailer and snag himself an little slice of Ice Cream Sandwich and offered a photo of the receipt as evidence. Another forum user, who goes by the name dubya.t also managed to get his mitts on one and posted his own pics showing some of the Big Red branded apps. Sadly, you probably won't be able go drop $300 on your own LTE-equipped Android 4.0 handset and we're not any closer to finding out exactly when it'll officially hit the market.

  • Galaxy Nexus shipping now in America: unlocked for $750 through Expansys

    Pre-order, pre-schmorder. Americans more anxious to blow $750 on the planet's first Ice Cream Sandwich handset than anything on Black Friday can do so right now, as Samsung's Galaxy Nexus is shipping from the warehouses at Expansys. We've received independent confirmation that orders placed today are shipping out, with the aforesaid tally nabbing you an unlocked 16GB GSM (HSPA+) build that plays nice with T-Mobile and AT&T's 3G bands. What it won't nab you, however, is a pack of nabs. Can't win 'em all, right? [Thanks, Dan]

    Darren Murph
  • Walmart selling Limited Edition Blue Wii for $99.96 on Black Friday

    No, you aren't "losing" that thing up top -- Walmart will indeed be bringing those limited edition blue Wiis to the US of A starting this Thursday, and better still, it'll be hawking 'em for just $99.96 apiece. If you'll recall, the powder blue variants of Nintendo's newest home console were previously reserved for other sections of the globe, but a new spot that just aired on CBS' broadcast of the Titans vs. Falcons has confirmed that it'll be on sale within a matter of days for those lucky enough to snag one. They'll be offered up starting at 10:00PM on November 24th (that's Thanksgiving day, you know) and should be completely sold out by 10:00:01PM on the same day. That tally will net you a console, a matching Wii Remote Plus and a Nunchuk. Good luck -- pack a helmet. P.S. - Black Thursday is the new Black Friday.

    Darren Murph
  • BlackBerry Playbook gets massive, temporary $300 price cut in Canada

    So, PlayBooks haven't exactly been flying off the shelves... anywhere. Not even in RIM's native Canada. But that might actually change over the nex few days as BestBuy, Walmart, Staples and Future Shop have chopped $300 off the price of the QNX-based slate. The sale lasts from November 16th to the 22nd in Quebec, and the 18th to the 24th in the rest of Canada. Now, they're probably not going to eclipse the iPad in sales anytime soon, but a $200 16GB PlayBook is a much more compelling proposition than a $500 one. The WiFi only 32GB and 64GB models are also being discounted to $300 and $400 respectively which, in case you're not mathematically inclined, means the 64GB BlackBerry tablet will actually cost less than the 16GB version normally does. Obviously, though, you'll have to be quick -- we're sure this fire sale (tundra sale?) will have stocks running pretty low. [Thanks, Shawn]

  • Boxee Box Live TV dongle shipping for $49 in January 2012, pre-orders open today

    No point in hiding in plain view, eh? Boxee has just affirmed that the leaked Live TV dongle is legit, and it'll be splashing down on North American shores in January. The Boxee Box Live TV dongle will allow North American users to connect an antenna to their Box to watch channels like ABC, CBS, Fox and NBC in HD with no monthly fee -- assuming you're close enough to an OTA tower to receive said signals, of course. Once equipped, a Box will be able to fetch content from the major networks, Vudu, Netflix and Hulu, though you may want to spring for that bolstered internet connection. Boxee Live TV works with signals from HDTV antennas (using ATSC) or an unencrypted cable connection (using ClearQAM), and a portable antenna is included. Users who live out in the 'burbs may want to consider something a bit beefier, and if you're hoping to use this thing with something other than the Boxee Box... well, keep dreaming. In fact, Boxee has confirmed that even the forthcoming update of its Boxee software for Mac and PC won't support the device, so you'll be forced to pony up for D-Link's hardware if you're looking to party. There's also no DVR function in sight (sort of defeating the purpose, given just how many TVs have tuners already), but hey -- who knows what'll roll out at CES. Pre-orders are available down in the source link, with $49 claiming your spot in line. %Gallery-139570%

    Darren Murph
  • Nook Tablet comes off the shelves one day early for one lucky customer

    Now, we can't promise you'll have the same luck as our fortunate tipster if you wander out to your local Barnes & Noble, but it does seem that at least one location is handing over Nook Tablets a little bit early. Not to be outdone by its bitter rival, the Kindle Fire, the slate with the brick-and-mortar bookstore roots also started moving 24-hours ahead of its scheduled November 16th release -- though, in slightly less official fashion than Amazon's device. If the image of the unboxed slab above isn't enough to convince you, check out the bonus receipt pic after the break.

  • eBoy Engadget t-shirts are now shipping, get yours right here!

    Great news for people who wear clothes: eBoy's first full collection of Engadget t-shirts has started to ship all over the world. For those that pre-ordered between September 16th and yesterday, you should be receiving a shipment in the coming days. For everyone else? There's no better time to start stocking up on stocking stuffers, as the entire pack of new designs are in stock and ready to ship right now. We'd like to thank eBoy (read our introduction here) and the folks that pre-ordered for their awesomeness, and if you'd like to join the crowd, the two source links just below are waiting for your click. As a reminder, we'll be giving 50 percent of the proceeds received to Child's Play Charity, which provides games, books and cash for sick kids in children's hospitals across North America and the world.

    Darren Murph
  • Apple's US online store begins selling unlocked, contract-free iPhone 4S: $649 and up

    You can't expect to see one for "one to two weeks," but those hellbent on holding out for an unlocked iPhone 4S here in the US of A can finally snag one without jetting off to Australia (among other places). Nearly five months to the day after Apple started selling the iPhone 4 in unlocked fashion in the States, the iPhone 4S is joining the club, with a 16GB model going for $649, a 32GB model for $749 and a 64GB variant for $849. Just so you're aware, the unlocked phone enables you to use any micro-SIM from any GSM carrier worldwide, but it won't play nice with CDMA carriers "such as Verizon Wireless or Sprint." And yes, both the black and white versions are up for order. Hit the source link to part ways with your chosen amount of cash.[Thanks, Hicham]

    Darren Murph
  • Columbia's line of electric Omni-Heat jackets, gloves and boots on sale, just in time for Old Man Winter

    It took 'em a bit longer than expected, but Columbia's still pushing out its complete line of Omni-Heat electric (and in turn, heated) jackets before the holidays. In fact, a few more of these guys have cropped up since we reviewed the (admittedly excellent) Circuit Breaker back in March, including the Electro Amp, Wader Widgeon and Big Game Interchange. As you could probably glean from the titles, the latter two are camouflaged, making them both a) invisible to the human eye and b) totally fit for hunters. Those four are available for gentlemen with between $750 and $1,200 to spare, while the ladies can opt for the electric Hottie ($750) or Circuit Breaker softshell ($850). A full line of Omni-Heat gloves and boots are also shipping now, with the source links below pointing you directly to the shopping houses you're after. Have a look at what you're missing just after the break.

    Darren Murph
  • Best Buy whacks $50 from Nook Color's price tag

    Waiting for Monday to hear about the inevitable? Don't. If you're looking to snap up a Nook Color (review) following the impending price drop -- you know, now that the Nook Tablet is about to replace it on the company's hardware pedestal -- Best Buy would like you to know that it's dropping the price of said product already. What's still listed at $249 at B&N's own site is $199 in the source link below. Celebrate accordingly.

    Darren Murph
  • Ona Camps Bay DSLR / laptop backpack review

    Look, when it comes to hunting down a pack for your gadget collection, you've got options. Plenty of options. But not too many options like this. Ona -- a high-end purveyor of handcrafted camera bags -- first caught our eye last year with the markedly functional Union Street, but at the time, we felt that there was an even bigger gap in this universe that could only be filled with a like-minded backpack. So, here it is. The Camps Bay is the outfit's first full-on, back-worn pack designed to carry both a laptop (up to 17-inches, no less), a DSLR and a plethora of lenses and accessories. %Gallery-138241% In fact, this here bag holds a downright astonishing amount of kit, while looking decidedly unlike every other backpack that you've ever laid eyes on. For quite some time, Kata's brilliantly constructed 3N1-33 (review) was our go-to multi-mode bag; it's largely a perfect combination of laptop sack and camera organizer. But we always found ourselves hung up on a couple of issues. For one, it wasn't capable of swallowing 17-inch multimedia rigs. Secondly, shoving a full-frame body in there (Nikon's D3S comes to mind) isn't exactly easy when you're also toting a 24-70mm f/2.8 and 70-200mm f/2.8 -- two (huge) hunks of glass that any self-respecting pro almost certainly has access to. Read on for more of our thoughts.

    Darren Murph
  • Cowon shipping iAudio 10 PMP tomorrow: $160 and up

    Remember that stunner of a PMP that Cowon teased us with back in September? Better brush up, 'cause she's shipping out in the US of A starting tomorrow. The iAudio 10 is -- for all intents and purposes -- a refreshed and re-imagined S9, boasting a curved 400 x 240 (3-inch) display, microphone input, TV output, FM radio and a document viewer. Unlike the D3 before it, the company looks to be eschewing Android on this one for its own homegrown operating system, and in typical Cowon fashion, it'll support practically every file format under the sun. The I10-16WH (16GB) will ship in white for $159.99, while the ebony I10-32BL (32GB) edition will go for $199.99. We're told that the Buy It Now link will be live tomorrow, and we'll update this post just as soon as it arrives in our hands. %Gallery-138129%

    Darren Murph
  • BYD's e6 goes on sale in China, still mulling trek across Pacific

    While it has yet to show up stateside as promised, that hasn't stopped BYD from beginning consumer sales of its EV back home in China. Shenzhen citizens are finally getting a crack at owning an e6 after seeing it on the city's streets in taxi and governmental garb for over a year. On sale for 369,800 RMB (or about $57,000), buyers will only have to part with 249,800 RMB (or about $38,000) come check writing time, thanks to extensive rebates from the government. In exchange for all that cash, you'll get an auto equipped with BYD's "i" system, which lets you access vehicle functions and info (like keyless entry and the car's location) from your smartphone. BYD-i comes onboard a five-seat crossover with a range of up to 190 miles (!) that supports rapid charging -- apparently there's plenty of the speedy power stations in Shenzhen. Those keen to charge at home will also get some installation "assistance" from the automaker, which we'll assume means a subsidy. Given that BYD's electric buses will hit our shores soon, China's first "domestic, long-range, all-electric" crossover can't be that far behind, right? PR awaits you, after the break.

    Dante Cesa
  • Square makes a larger mark on the brick-and-mortar scene, available in more outlets

    Best Buy, Target, Walmart, The Shack, Apple. All of the above are now proudly selling the Square credit card reader, according to a tweet sent out by CEO Jack Dorsey. It's great news for anyone willing to shell out a ten-spot in order to conduct business from their iOS device right away, rather than waiting between two and five days for a free one to show up in the mail. If you need one today, you'd best be calling up your local retail outlet to make sure they have some in stock.

    Brad Molen
  • Fisker Karma gets EPA-certified 52MPGe, sales ready to begin

    It hasn't had the smoothest birth, nor the cheapest, but Fisker can apparently start selling Karmas for real this time. The tantalizing plug-in hybrid that first wowed us nearly four years ago has just cleared US government testing, the final hurdle holding back deliveries. So, how did it fare after being brutalized by the EPA? Not as well as the company had hoped, as the 52MPGe and 32 miles of electric range fell short of the respective 67.2 and 50 figures the company had previously been touting. Not a huge drop, like another plug-in EV we know, yet probably less than you'd been hoping for something that costs over $90,000. And, when you do run out of juice, you'll be looking at just 20MPG while puttering around on gasoline. Actual customer deliveries are scheduled in the following weeks, but until then take a joy ride in one of 39 Karmas being rolled out to dealers.

    Dante Cesa