

  • Microsoft's Paint 3D app arrives on Windows 10 preview

    Steve Dent
    Steve Dent

    Microsoft has incorporated its revamped Paint 3D app into the latest Windows 10 Insider Preview build. First announced as part of the Windows 10 Creators update, it has nothing to do with the crude raster tool that has been the butt of jokes since Windows 1.0. Rather, it's more of a 3D app for the masses that lets you create complex scenes with relative ease. You can scan real-world objects using a smartphone camera, use 3D "clipart" created by by the Remix 3D community and even output your final models to a 3D printer.

  • Edgar Alvarez/Engadget

    First look at the new MacBook Pro (the one without the Touch Bar)

    Dana Wollman
    Dana Wollman

    This is the new MacBook Pro. But it's probably not the one you were hoping to read about. What I have here today is the entry-level 13-inch model — the one without the multitouch Touch Bar you've surely heard about by now. No, this is, for all intents and purposes the Pro that replaces the MacBook Air. (The Air is still on sale — for now — but unless you have an inflexible budget, you should buy the new Pro instead.)

  • David Paul Morris/Bloomberg via Getty Images

    What to expect from Apple's 'Hello Again' event

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    Apple is sneaking in one more big product unveiling before 2016 comes to a close, and expectations for new Macs are running high. And how couldn't they be? Aside from last year's iMacs and the 12-inch MacBook, Cupertino's computer lineup has gone largely untouched since 2015 -- and there are numerous systems that have remained the same for even longer. But which Macs are going to get an upgrade on Oct. 27th? And is there a chance that other devices will get their moment in the sun? We've rounded up some of the more credible rumors to give you a sense of what's likely in store.

  • Apple's AirPods toe the line between usefulness and gimmickry

    Chris Velazco
    Chris Velazco

    Apple's embracing this whole "no headphone jack" thing in a big way, and there's no better indicator than the company's new $159 AirPods. They're not quite ready for public consumption -- the launch is scheduled for next month -- but Apple had plenty of pairs to play with here at its iPhone launch event in San Francisco. As far as first impressions go, the AirPods certainly seem neat enough. Still, do they have the chops to become a must-have for iPhone owners? I really, really doubt it.

  • The iPhone 7 and 7 Plus are all about subtle, powerful changes

    Chris Velazco
    Chris Velazco

    The iPhone 7 and 7 Plus are here, and -- wouldn't you know it? -- just about all those leaks were right. It goes without saying that we're not looking at a massive redesign here, either. There are the new black and jet-black finishes, the camera humps have changed, the antenna bands have been moved, and they're more subtly worked into the body. The list goes on, but ultimately we're working with iPhones that look and feel quite a bit like last year's models.

  • LG's new V20 wants to be the all-in-one flagship the G5 wasn't

    Chris Velazco
    Chris Velazco

    When LG unveiled its hardy V10 last year, it was... well, it was a little weird. With a beefy body, a double-selfie camera and a tiny second screen, the V10 was the result of LG taking risks. Lo and behold, the phone was reviewed surprisingly well. Then the G5 happened. Being the first modular smartphone to sell at massive scale, the G5 represented LG fully embracing that weirdness. It was also gutsy, ambitious and ultimately disappointing. The company even admitted the device "failed to generate sales" after replacing some high-level mobile execs. Ouch. Now, though, LG has revealed the V20, and it might succeed where the G5 failed, precisely because it isn't nearly as imaginative.

  • Xbox One update preview shows off new social features

    Brittany Vincent
    Brittany Vincent

    Clubs and Looking for Group features are being rolled out to Preview members on Xbox One today and then the Xbox app on Windows 10, iOS and Android devices in the near future. Both features were originally announced during E3 2016, but now there's a chance to actually try them out in the wild.

  • The Xperia XZ is the 2016 flagship phone Sony should've made first

    Chris Velazco
    Chris Velazco

    Let's not mince words: Sony's smartphone might be on the upswing, but the company still needs a hit. With any luck, the new, unlocked Xperia XZ can change all of that. It runs with the same Snapdragon 820 and 3GB of RAM as the earlier Xperia X Performance, but Sony squeezed that horsepower into a new beautiful new body and added a few tricks for good measure.

  • Retuers

    What to expect at this year's IFA

    Nicole Lee
    Nicole Lee

    IFA, one of the world's largest consumer electronics trade shows, starts this week in Berlin. It's not quite as big as CES, but it can offer good insights into what lies ahead in the holiday shopping season. IFA is often the place where companies announce washing machines and kitchen appliances, but there's usually plenty of phones, wearables, PCs and TVs too. Here's what we expect to see at IFA this year:

  • Samsung's big, beautiful Galaxy Note 7 lands August 19th

    Chris Velazco
    Chris Velazco

    Another year, another Galaxy Note. Samsung just unveiled its new Galaxy Note 7 in New York this morning, and you'll be able to get one for yourself in the US starting August 19th. We got the chance to take one for a test drive prior to the show, and one thing quickly became clear: Samsung might not have revamped the Note formula, but the Note 7 is a testament to the quality that can come from years of gradual change.

  • Samsung's Gear VR headset gets a more comfortable design

    Chris Velazco
    Chris Velazco

    Samsung's new Galaxy Note 7 is neat and all, but its USB Type-C port means it's incompatible with the Gear VR headset you might have lying around. Never fear, though: The company built a new, more comfortable version of its VR face-screen that you'll be able to pick up August 19th, the same day the phone itself goes on sale. I strapped on the updated rig for a bit of face time and, I'll tell you right now, it's pretty fantastic.

  • A day with BlackBerry's all-touch DTEK50 smartphone

    Chris Velazco
    Chris Velazco

    BlackBerry pulled back the curtain on its new DTEK50 smartphone a few days ago, and soon after gave hungry journalists units to play with. I'm still working on my full review of BlackBerry's $299 Hail Mary pass, but since I spent a day playing with it, here's a peek into an evening of nutso, BlackBerry-centric thinking. Long story short, it's all at once a perfectly adequate phone with serious security chops, a shrewd business move and a lesson in lousy marketing.

  • iOS 10 preview: Apple's software takes a big step forward

    Chris Velazco
    Chris Velazco

    Rumor has it that Apple isn't going to reinvent the iPhone this year, but you definitely can't say the same about its software. iOS 10 was unveiled to the world late in the company's Worldwide Developer Conference keynote, and for good reason -- there were many, many new software features to unpack. And now it's time to play. Assuming you have the guts to install unfinished software, you'll be able to grab the iOS 10 public beta soon (as long as you're part of the Apple Beta Software Program, anyway). As a quick reminder, the preview is compatible with the iPhone 5 and newer, the iPad mini 2 and newer, and the sixth-generation iPod touch. Before you choose your sacrificial iDevice, though, read on to get a better sense of what works in the beta, what doesn't and how Apple's approach to software continues to evolve.

  • FIFA vs PES: The battle to make the best soccer game rages on

    Aaron Souppouris
    Aaron Souppouris

    FIFA or Pro Evolution Soccer? It's a debate that's been around almost as long as I've been playing soccer (or football, to me and the rest of the world) games. Since their introductions in 1993 and 1996, respectively, EA and Konami's series have been trying to outdo each other, adding various new features, tweaking their gameplay styles and snapping up licenses to appeal to fans. This year is no different, and the question is once again a hard one to answer.

  • What to expect from Apple's WWDC keynote next week

    Chris Velazco
    Chris Velazco

    Apple's grand convocation of geeks -- also known as the Worldwide Developers Conference -- is set to kick off next Monday smack in the heart of San Francisco. We'll be liveblogging the keynote starting at 1 PM Eastern/10 AM Pacific, but really, who wants to go into a situation like this blind? No one, that's who. Curiously enough, the rumor mill has been churning more quietly than usual. It's tough to say whether Apple is doing a better job keeping its juicy WWDC details under wraps or if this is just a low-key keynote compared to previous years. We do know some things, though, so take a few moments to get caught up -- and be prepared for some possible last-minute surprises.

  • Up close with the Moto G4 Plus, the best from a puzzling new lineup

    Chris Velazco
    Chris Velazco

    I've been spending my time here at Google I/O hoping to catch a Google exec pull a supersecret VR headset out of a coat pocket. Instead I ran into one using Motorola's new Moto G4 Plus -- the highest-end of the three new Moto G models announced earlier this week. Said exec was surprisingly cool about letting me give a personal phone the full hands-on treatment too. After a few minutes of play time, I can say that Motorola once again has an impressive device on its hands. It's too bad, though, that a confusing lineup of Moto Gs suggest Motorola's priorities have shifted in some unsettling ways.

  • Get ready for Android N, VR and more at Google I/O 2016

    Chris Velazco
    Chris Velazco

    It's that time of year again -- Google's about to give developers a serious show at I/O 2016, which this year is at the Shoreline Amphitheatre in Mountain View, California (also known as Google's backyard). We'll be there throughout the week bringing you thoughtful, up-to-the-moment coverage of Google's future looks like, but until then, here's what we expect (and hope) to see starting tomorrow morning.

  • AdBlock and AdBlock Plus are available for Microsoft Edge

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    Back in March, Microsoft started testing a version of its new Edge browser on Windows 10 with support for extensions. Now, one of the most-requested features is covered with the introduction of AdBlock and AdBlock Plus extensions for Edge. The feature list appears to be mostly intact from its Chrome and Firefox iterations, with the ability to block varying levels of ads or whitelist certain sites (like... for example).

  • Windows 10 Mobile preview lets you text from your PC

    Steve Dent
    Steve Dent

    Microsoft is trying hard to unify Windows 10 across devices, so now your PC can act like a phone. The latest Windows 10 Mobile Insider Preview update features an app called "Messaging Everywhere" that lets you send and receive cellular text messages from a Windows 10 PC. You'll need to have a supported Windows 10 Preview mobile device, like a Lumia 650 or 950, and activate the feature from your Microsoft account, as below. That will sync up messages on all your selected Windows 10 devices, so you can send and receive SMS messages without pulling out a phone.

  • Android N Preview adds launcher shortcuts and new emoji

    Billy Steele
    Billy Steele

    A month has passed since Google released its Android N developer preview, and today the company rolled out an update to the in-progress OS. In addition to split-screen support, quick message replies and a battery-saving tool, the preview version gained a handful of new features with this new release. Among the tools are launcher shortcuts that allow you to navigate to a specific area of an app. For example, a shortcut that would allow you to quickly skip to the next episode of a TV show in a streaming app or navigate home in Maps with a tap.