

  • T-Mobile lowers price of G1 admission in the UK to better compete

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    If you were a bit taken aback by the £40 ($59) monthly tariff required to take the G1 home for free, apparently you weren't alone. T-Mobile has hacked that requirement down to £30 ($44) per month, and while the carrier itself has said that it's not a reaction to poor sales, industry analysts are saying otherwise. In fact, a company spokesperson even states that it has chosen to "offer the device free with a £30 contract to make the pricing more competitive in light of recent device launches," even though it is "well on track to achieve [its] sales forecasts." Whatever the agenda, we're all about getting phones into hands for less, so three cheers all around. Except for you early adopters... bummer, eh?[Via Pocket-lint]

  • Vizio hacks prices on select HDTVs prior to Black Friday

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    We've already seen that a number of retailers will be offering Vizio HDTVs on the cheap this Friday (or Black Friday, as the in-crowd calls it these days), but the company is stealing a bit of their thunder by announcing cuts from the top a few days early. Vizio's 19-inch VA19 LCD will be offered for just $199.99 at Costco through December 7th, while the 32-inch VP322 plasma (pictured) will go for $437 at Walmart starting today. There's also the 37-inch VW37 LCD HDTV for $499.99 at Costco, the 32-inch 1080p VOJ32LF LCD for $559.99 at Sears and the 42-inch 1080p VS420 for $698 at Sam's Club. If none of these sets float your boat, check out our condensed guide to Black Friday: HD style for something more to your liking.

  • Microsoft ratchets down pricing on flash-based Zunes

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    If you were this close to snapping up a new Zune after Microsoft pushed out its 3.1 software update, boy, are you glad you held off. At least, if you've been eying a Zune of the flash-based variety. Beginning today, the US Zunes are coming a little more in line with their Canadian brethren by falling from $129 to $99 (4GB), $149 to $139 (8GB) and $199 to $179 (16GB). The Car Pack / Dock Pack are also seeing a $10 decrease while the Home / AV pack is being reduced $20. You already purchased two in the time it took to read this, didn't you?

  • Cowon hacks prices on practically every PMP it makes

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Cowon already lowered the primary barrier to entry on its PMP line once this year, but evidently that wasn't enough. In order to entice prospective buyers to go ahead and snag that Cowon-branded player they've been on the fence about, the outfit has taken a sling blade to the stickers of the F2, D2, I7, Q5W, A3 and U5, leaving just the O2 as-is. The cuts aren't exactly small beans either, with discounts ranging from $10 to $70 off of MSRP. For the full list of new and old prices, hop on past the break.

  • MSI's 10-inch Wind U100 falls to $349 at Best Buy

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    In an apparent effort to move every last unit before ASUS drops a $200 Eee PC in 2009, Best Buy has knocked $50 off of MSI's 10-inch Wind U100. The Atom N270-powered netbook now checks in at just $349, a price that just seems to fit so much better with the term "netbook" than, say, $500+. The real question, however, is: three fifty low enough for you?[Via Wired]

  • Peek email-only handheld already discounted $20

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    The Peek email-only handheld got a peculiar amount of praise given how, shall we say, non-multifaceted is it, but even being atop Time's "Gadget Of The Year" poll couldn't save it from an imminent price cut. Yes friends -- nary two months after this here device began shipping, its creator is already knocking a Jackson off of the purchase price. Sure, the site says "limited time only," but as with Celio's REDFLY, we have all ideas the sticker will be sinking lower before it shoots back up. Monthly service is still situated at $19.95 per month, but you can snag yours now in Black Cherry, Charcoal Gray or Aqua Blue for the low, low price of $79.95.[Via Gadling]

  • iriver cuts prices on three PMPs for the holidays

    Laura June Dziuban
    Laura June Dziuban

    Fans of iriver's PMPs should be happy to hear that it's cutting prices on three of them for the holiday shopping season. The E100 and tiny Lplayer's prices will be $69.99 for 4GB models and $99.99 for the 8GB ones -- a drop of $40. The priciest of the three, the SPINN, will see its tag drop to $189.99 for the 4GB and $229.99 for the 8GB (they normally fetch $249.99 and $279.99 respectively), though that still seems fairly expensive given its storage capacity. The price drops are in effect starting November 1st (AKA today).

  • Sony makes it pretty clear: no PS3 price drops this holiday season

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    There's no doubt that Microsoft's Xbox 360 will have the price advantage this holiday season, and if you were hoping to see a bona fide price cut following Sony's introduction of the $399.99 80GB PlayStation 3, you'll probably be waiting 'til late 2009. Speaking at the Gamer 3.0 conference in London this week, Sony's own Ray Maguire was quoted as saying that the pressure for a price drop from consumers was always there, but given that it "has a business to run" and shareholders to please, it probably won't be decreasing the PS3's price before the end of 2008. He also stated that "at the moment, there's a market place for the PS3," and that "the price of the console [won't] be an issue at all." In all honesty, he's probably right -- after all, this will be the first holiday season where Blu-ray isn't competing with some other physical HD format, and c'mon, you know you'll pay a premium to dabble in Life with PlayStation.[Via PS3 Fanboy]

  • Amazon slashes Dash Express by $100 for the day

    Paul Miller
    Paul Miller

    Originally a $600 piece of kit and released at $400, Amazon and Dash have been drilling away at the Dash Express pricetag since its conception. The unit permanently hit $300 in June, but we're getting the one-day-only vibe on this latest sale: Amazon's offering the Dash Express Navigator as its Gold Box deal of the day for a mere $200 (monthly fees notwithstanding). Not bad for an internet-connected, ultra-extensible navigation device -- in fact, not too bad for 4.3-inch GPS device of any sort, even if those maps are still mega-ugly.

  • Walmart spruces up its MP3 offering with select 74 cent tracks, cross platform compatibility

    Paul Miller
    Paul Miller

    Cue that "rollin' back prices" theme and break out the bouncy smiley faces, Walmart is trimming prices on its DRM-free MP3 music store. Many tracks will still be offered at the original 94 cent pricepoint, but certain "Top 25" songs will go for a mere 74 cents -- a quantity of money which is officially insufficient to buy anything in the meatspace anymore. In perhaps even more exciting news, Walmart is finally making things easier on the folks averse to or incapable of running Internet Explorer: the store finally works with Firefox, Safari and IE running on Mac, Linux or Windows. As for content, Walmart now boasts more than 3 million MP3s and exclusive Walmart Soundcheck content, which predictably boasts of performances from Beyonce, Nickelback and David Cook. "Light On," Walmart, "Light On."

  • Insignia NS-BRDVD Blu-ray player: now below $200 at Best Buy

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Just over a month after the Insignia NS-BRDVD Blu-ray player fell to $229.99, Best Buy has now reduced it $30 further in order to compete with all those other recently reduced rivals. Best of all, the big box retailer is still throwing in that $100 coupon book for use on BD movies from Disney, Touchstone and Miramax, and even though there's no Profile 2.0, all the bare essentials are here. The best part of this news, however, isn't that we're seeing yet another sub-$200 Blu-ray player -- it's that this thing now has a real chance of being stickered at $150 or less on Black Friday. Gimme, gimme.[Thanks to everyone who sent this in]

  • Boost Mobile slashes prepaid rates, will modify unlimited usage plan

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Sprint Nextel's Boost Mobile is doing anything it can to attract consumers, as evidenced by the 50% off fire sale on prepaid minutes. Yep, as of right now, Boost Mobile customers can phone up fellow sumo wrestlers while running up a bill at just $0.10 per minute compared to $0.20 per minute in the past. A Wall Street Journal report also states that it will be "modifying its unlimited-usage plan, though the company declined to specify how." Of note, the "new plans" may only be available in "select cities," so you should probably phone up a CSR or something to make sure you're really getting the lower rate. Or you can just holler "Where U AT?!" and see what kind of response you get.[Via phonescoop]

  • BDA sez Blu-ray player prices aren't sinking anytime soon

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    More news from the DisplaySearch / NPD HDTV conference out in California, and this time it's from the Blu-ray Disc Association. Andy Parsons, the BDA's chairman, told attendees that Blu-ray player and disc pricing were behaving the same way as when DVD was the hot new thing. Parsons noted that "there [wasn't] enough market volume to lower prices," adding that firms first have to "build awareness and demand for the technology" before stickers can shrink. Granted, this opens the whole "chicken before the egg" debate, with pundits asserting that awareness and demand won't build until prices are low enough to be digested by the masses. Also of note, Andy suggested that consumers still wanted something "they could hold in their hands" when asked about the threat of digital downloads, but then again, would you really expect to hear anything different?

  • Woolworth's to cut Xbox 360 console prices in the UK?

    Thomas Ricker
    Thomas Ricker

    We received the image above from a supposed Woolworth's employee who scanned an upcoming retail catalog for our sicko pleasures. We can't verify the claim, but we understand that Woolies is in the midst of an escalating, retail price war in the UK gaming space. As such, what we're likely looking at are promotional cuts from the normal, £160, £200, £260 prices for the Arcade, Premium, and Xbox 360 Elite consoles, respectively. Then again, the across the board price cuts in the US seem to have really paid off so who knows.[Thanks, Anonymous Tipster] Read -- Woolworth price war

  • Microsoft votes 'yes' on Xbox 360 120GB hard drive price cut

    Joshua Topolsky
    Joshua Topolsky

    According to our main homeboys / homegirls at GameDaily, Microsoft has confirmed that it's dropping the price of that big, delicious Xbox 360 hard drive from the dizzingly high $179 to a totally thrifty $149. According to a Redmond rep: "We reduced the price of the Xbox 360 120 GB Hard Drive to $149 in conjunction with the recent Xbox 360 console price drop. We believe this offers consumers even greater value when selecting accessories that meet their individual gaming and entertainment needs." Hey, no need to explain -- we like things to be cheaper.[Via Joystiq]

  • Best Buy's Insignia NS-BRDVD Blu-ray deck falls to $229

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Not even four whole months ago, Best Buy was pushing its Insignia NS-BRDVD Blu-ray player for $349.99 with a $100 coupon book. Now, that same pamphlet of discounts comes bundled in a box stickered at just $229.99. We've reckoned here lately that once the $200 price point was met by a few manufacturers, BD units would start flying off shelves more briskly; we can't say $230 is close enough just yet, but it's sure good to see things moving in the right direction.[Thanks, Anthony]

  • Analyst: Xbox 360 price drop won't make Nintendo slash Wii's price

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    With the Xbox 360 dropping in price later this week, many are looking at one of the console's particular SKUs because, well, it's going to be cheaper than the Wii. For almost 2 years, the Wii has been the cheapest option on the market, so how could this lower price affect the Wii's standing as top sales dog? Lazard Capital Markets analyst Colin Sebastian says Microsoft may see stronger sales, but doesn't "anticipate either Nintendo or Sony to match the Xbox 360 price cut."The Wii is in good standing and really doesn't need to cut its price, so we're not expecting Nintendo to do so, either. But, if Microsoft manages to start taking away some of Nintendo's sales, we wouldn't be surprised to hear about a price cut early next year or, if sales drop that much, this holiday. We're not expecting sales to shift that dramatically, though.

  • Xbox 360 price cut coming on September 5 -- Arcade now $199

    Nilay Patel
    Nilay Patel

    It wasn't any secret that the Xbox 360 was getting a price cut in the next week or so, and now it's official -- Major Nelson just confirmed that as of September 5th, the Arcade will be $199, the Pro will be $299, and the Elite will be $399. No motion controller, goofy Live starter pack, or tweaked controller to be found, but we're not arguing with price cuts.Update: Here's the Microsoft press release.

  • Nikkei: Xbox 360 price drops to $182 in Japan (update: now official)

    Thomas Ricker
    Thomas Ricker

    Japan's Nikkei is reporting what we've been hearing Stateside for weeks: Xbox 360 price cuts across the board. Expected to go official sometime later today, the Japanese Xbox 360 Arcade will drop to just ¥19,800 or about $182 (tax inclusive, presumably) in hopes of boosting sales. The new pricing represents a near 30% drop from its previous ¥27,800 (about $256) price and undercuts the Wii sold locally for ¥25,000. Nikkei's sources also claim that Microsoft will cut the prices on all three Xbox 360 models without going into specifics. If true then this bodes well for the US price cuts expected on September 7th.Update: It's official. Microsoft also announced a new ¥29,800 (about $277) price for the Xbox 360 with 60GB hard disk while the top-end Elite will now sell for ¥39,800 (about $369). The new prices go into effect on September 11th.

  • HDTV price drops coming prior to Black Friday?

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Earlier this month, we found that North American TV shipments were up a whopping 28% year-over-year, yet some analysts are strongly suggesting that across-the-board price drops are near. Granted, one research institute already predicted that flat-panel prices would decline substantially in 2008, so it's not like this assumption is brand new or anything. Nevertheless, Andrew Abrams, executive director and senior analyst at Avian Securities, is proclaiming that a "substantial" drop could come in October, leaving us to wonder just how cheap sets will be on that fateful day-after-Thanksgiving. Any wild guesses out there?