

  • Guildwatch: The Armory never lies

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Ninjas and /gquitters beware: the Armory knows. It knows what achievements you've gotten and when, it knows what your gear is, and it knows what kind of raiding you've done and which reputations you've leveled. You can say anything you want on the forums: that you're an experienced raider, or that you've never even been in an OS raid, much less ninja'd gear from one, but the Armory will call you out, every time.That drama and more in this week's Guildwatch, our weekly collection of guild updates from around the realms. To tell us your guild's story (or send us a great bit of drama you've seen elsewhere), just drop a note to This week's GW starts right after the cut.

  • Guildwatch: "A premier raiding guild"

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Edhristwo just got /gkicked in the shot above -- he and a friend got caught playing around in the Arena on a raiding night, and the guild's GM didn't take kindly to it. Which is fine -- if you join a guild, they can ask you to be around for raids, and /gkick you when you do something else. But the "premier raiding guild" is the funny part -- they're up to one drake Sartharion, and they've appeared in our drama section before. Hey, if Ed wants to do Arena, we'd say take the Tier 7 and run.That drama and more (including downed and recruiting notices from around the realms) in this week's GW, which starts right after the break.

  • Guildwatch: Topping meters on every character, every night

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    It is a kind of poetry, really: the lament of the shunned looter. Bullgrim was clearly unhappy that after all of his hard work, his strat sharing, his walking of the guild through old raids, his bringing of 110% every night, and his passing up of "numerous offers from better guilds," the RNG decided to keep him from getting the piece of loot he really wanted. A shame. But great art comes from great suffering, and this is definitely great -- well, it's kind of art. Kind of.Lots more art (depending, once again, on your definition of "art") in this week's GW -- we've got guild drama, downs, and recruiting notices from all across the realms. We're almost cleared through the backlog of guild notices (sorry if we had a delay on yours there -- we got a ton of them all at once), so we'll give out the email once again: to see your guild here, drop us a note (and please keep it short, sweet, and clear) at Click on to read on!

  • Guildwatch: Puppies can cause drama, too

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    This is Xander. You might think he's just a cute puppy, but no -- he's a drama-causing ball of AFK fury. A player in our drama section this week is the proud new owner of Xander, but the puppy caused so much AFK time for him that it rubbed his group the wrong way. Look in his eyes -- you can see he's got the power to split guilds and wipe groups at will!Lots more drama, downed news, and recruiting notices in this week's Guildwatch, which starts right after the break. Unfortunately, that's the only story that's puppy-related, but we've got lots of dead dragons and guild transfers. There's even a Blue appearance this week!

  • The Daily Grind: Big or small guild?

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    Let's face it - there are good and bad points to guild size, either big or small. In a small guild everyone pretty much knows everyone else and has a fairly good idea of everyone's skills. In a larger guild you're one of many. While this can be problematic when trying to keep up with what's going on with everyone (if not downright impossible) big guilds also can help greatly when you're looking for people to run an instance - either smaller or raiding group. Why bother looking around outside when you can just recruit from your guild? There's more, of course, but this morning we thought we'd ask you - which do you prefer? A small guild or large guild? Why do you prefer that guild size? What do you think are the biggest bonuses and drawbacks to your favorite?

  • Guildwatch: Get on your main and come duel me you !%#*

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Now we're getting some where -- this is the first real week where we've seen lots of achievements reported in terms of what guilds are doing, rather than actual boss progression. I think this is the future of raiding in the endgame -- you'll walk through content pretty easily, but the achievements will be what really taxes your guild. We've seen our first Sartharion with three drakes achievement in Guildwatch this week (above), and our first "The Undying" mention, too. Here's to many more.Lots more drama, downed and recruiting news after the break. Enjoy.

  • Army using arcades to find new recruits

    Jason Dobson
    Jason Dobson

    Army Recruiter: "Listen, I see you've been having a lot of fun gunning for bad guys on this here arcade game. But tell you what, how would you like to get shot at for real!"Wide-eyed youth: "Boy, mister, would I!"Conversations similar to the above are likely unfolding at Philadelphia's Franklin Mills Mall, where the Army has setup 'The Army Experience Center,' a $13 million arcade designed to earn the favor of local gamers and persuade them to trade in their quarters for military-issue green. The arcade, a 14,500 square foot vortex of patriotism, is home to three full-scale military vehicle simulators and a host of games -- most of them of the shooty variety.Entertaining, yes, though the center is also designed to educate visitors about job opportunities in the Army, with recruiters on hand to weave nationalist prose to anyone inclined to listen. Of course, like America's Army before it, the ultimate goal is to get youngsters (though nobody under 17) to sign their name on the dotted line and report for duty. It's something that has not been panning out exactly as Uncle Sam might hope, with only 35 visitors enlisting since the facility opened in August, a figure the New York Times reports is "slightly below" the rate of the five traditional recruitment centers the arcade replaced. This might -- might -- have something to do with real bullets stinging a smidge more than fake ones. Just a thought.

  • Guildwatch: P.S. Pho got banned

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    This is such a great idea -- Hearthstone of EU Eonar put together their own guild calendar, made out of desktop-sized photos of themselves in game. There's a lot of creativity there -- this shot, of one of them fishing in armor, is a good one, but it's interesting which settings and gear they all chose to be pictured in. Some went swimsuit, some went seasonal, and of course the Hunter had to show off his Spirit Beast. Very cool.Lots more guild news (including some much more frustrating drama) right after the jump below -- not so much downed news this week, so if your guild has been working through the endgame lately, be sure to let us know at, and you'll see your news here next week.

  • Guildwatch: Farming instances for the holidays

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Lots of guilds were off for the holidays, but we still had a surprising amount of news: lots of drama, plenty of downs to report, and a few more guilds recruiting for a serious run at the new endgame.Hope your holidays were happy -- here at Guildwatch, we got exactly what we wanted: angry forum threads, tips from all over the realms, and even a few very offensive vent recordings. If you've got news of guild drama, downings, or recruitment, send it to And hit the link below to see this week's GW.

  • Singapore welcomes WoW-playing employees

    Shawn Schuster
    Shawn Schuster

    As if we need more examples of how much more widely-accepted gaming is in the East than the West, a company in Singapore has recently voiced their stance on the whole issue of denying people jobs if they play World of Warcraft. According to GMP Group, a recruiting firm in Singapore, none of their clients have turned down a potential employee for playing WoW.The company's CEO, Annie Yap, acknowledges the problematic side of gaming addiction, but cites Singaporeans as "more pragmatic in thinking and attitude" as they won't allow gaming to interfere with their job. Does this mean hope for the Western attitude toward gaming? Probably not any time soon, but as the gamer generation gets older, that possibility increases.

  • Guildwatch: It's our raid now

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    This is purely anecdotal, of course (everything is with this column), but it seems to us that there are fewer incidents of drama nowadays after Wrath (probably due to changes with the endgame and the loot), but the few incidents out there are much harsher. Take this pic as exhibit A -- it's an instance ninja, which happens occasionally, but it's a very unrepentant instance ninja. People aren't jerks to each other as much (because presumably they have less opportunity to do so), but people who are jerks... are really big jerks.That's what we've seen anyway -- if you've seen otherwise, let us know: send your drama, downed and recruiting news to This week's guild updates after the break, including some awesome TLDR drama, and lots and lots of new guild downs.

  • Red5 sends recruitment messages that won't self-destruct

    Alexis Kassan
    Alexis Kassan

    The adage usually goes "it's hard to find good help these days." And it's all too true in the gaming industry. While other industries may shun players of MMORPGs, game development companies are actively looking to recruit top-notch talent. Competition is tough to get the best developers, especially when the projects they might be working on cannot be revealed. So to break the monotony of typical recruiter phone calls, Red 5 came up with a unique way to get potential employees interested.Their Golden Ticket system sent 100 developers an unmarked FedEx box. Inside was another box, labeled 1, that featured art from the game under development and looked vaguely like it might have come from a Mission: Impossible set. Then, in a sort of modern Russian nesting doll manner, the potential employee uncovered the full group of five boxes. Within the fifth box was an iPod, personally engraved for that recipient, along with a code to enter on the Red5 website. The iPod, once hooked up with the site, played a personalized message inviting the developer to the Red5 offices to check out the facility and interview. Quite a unique, if paranoia-inducing, way to get new applicants.

  • Guildwatch: Rolling the endgame

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Boy, there's definitely no Naxx bump this time around (unlike the old Karazhan bump) -- guilds are hitting 80 and rolling right into the endgame. Of course, with even casual players moving this fast (surely casual players are 80 by now right, Ghostcrawler?) there may eventually be a problem of having new content to experience... unless you consider all of the rep grinding and Wintergrasp to be new content (and we do). But pretty soon, we'll have to have guilds reporting on achievements instead -- anyone actually beat Sarth with the three drakes yet?In the meantime, there's plenty of regular downings, crazy drama, and some good guilds recruiting right after the jump, so click the link below to see what's new around the guilds of World of Warcraft.

  • Guildwatch: Now recruiting... everyone

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Now's a great time to join a guild -- everyone and their cousin Roman is recruiting. Usually, our recruiting section is tiny, but this week, it almost outweighs the Downed section -- there's not a lot of endgame, and a whole lot of people who want some extra help in conquering it. If you've never joined a guild before, and you're nearing level 80, you're in luck. But don't worry, there's still downed (Naxx is getting beat up), and drama news to read through, too. Click the link below to see it, and if you've got tips about drama, downed, or recruiting news in your guild or realm, let us know at, anonymity assured.

  • Guildwatch: "I'm a #(*$ing fantastic Rogue"

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    "Oh boy. Look, it's not you, it's us. We'd just rather take PuGs to Obs. Sanctum, ok? When we recruited you, you were a Ret Pally, and that was fine, but we'd really rather have a Holy Pally now, see? And we've got these old friends we're running with, and, well, it just isn't working out. You'll find someone else, you really will."Guild breakups, lots of endgame conquering, and plenty of new guilds to join (just in case you got that speech above) in this week's Guildwatch. Be sure to send your drama, downed, and recruiting news to (and we need lots of it, so if there's news from your guild worth reporting, send it along!), and click the link below to see this week's news from around the realms.

  • The children of Wrath

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Starman over at Casual Raid Leader (is that the same Starman that does World of Warcast?) has a great idea. Right around college graduation every year, there's a study that gets nostalgic about what this year's students will never experience -- i.e. since this year's graduates were born in 1986, they've never known a time without Super Mario Bros., and so on. Starman suggests we do the same thing with incoming newbies and the new expansion -- the "children of Wrath" will never know a time when Onyxia was in the Stormwind throne room.Larisa has a few more: Children of Wrath will never have to go back and do old instances just for the achievement, or have to decide between keeping that noncombat pet or getting the extra bag space back. She was actually a "BC baby," and as she says, she's never tried to run 40 people through Molten Core, or known a time when there weren't any quest chains in Silithus.What else will the children of Wrath have missed out on? And are there really that many? I imagine that there are still quite a few vanilla players around, and it doesn't surprise me at all that there are plenty of BC babies (I recruited a few people during BC), but how many new players are really coming in to Wrath for the first time? Are there going to be that many people who don't remember when you had to run once instance over and over for rep, rather than just champion it?

  • Guildwatch: The calm before the Storm Peaks

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    We've come upon the time we most dreaded here at GW: when guilds are done with the old endgame, and not quite yet into the new endgame. The drought will be over in a week or two (and actually, we've still got lots of news after the break anyway), but in the meantime, if you're one of the few guilds breaking into the new endgame (or especially know about some good post-BC drama), please do drop us an email at We have a feeling that thanks to the expansion and the holidays, it's going to get slow, so the more news you've got for us, the better.Meanwhile, find this week's downed, drama, and recruiting (lots of recruiting news this week) news from around the realms all over the break. And have a great Turkey day from all of us at GW!

  • Guildwatch: "The odor of the stagnant trash"

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Don't get us wrong: ninja'ing the guild bank is one thing, but when your guild gets ninja'ed and everyone wonders who the guy who did it is and why he has access to the bank, it might be time to look at your security plans and reevaluate.Lots more drama, downed, and recruiting news in this week's Guildwatch below. If you've got news of drama on the realms, your guild has dived into the endgame with panache, or you'd like some good WoW Insider readers to join your guild, send us an email at wowguildwatch AT gmail dot com. Click below to read on.

  • Guildwatch: Goodbye endgame, hello new game

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Just to give you an idea of how different this expansion's transition has been, a story: last time we had an expansion release, Guildwatch actually went on hiatus -- so many guilds had stopped raiding, and Karazhan was such a roadblock for newer guilds that there just wasn't enough guild news to go around. But this week, with the new expansion, the endgame is so packed that we couldn't fit nearly all the news we had into today's column (if you submitted something and don't see it here this week, it'll be here next week).Just shows you how Blizzard's lolpatch has really kept guilds going through a traditionally slow time for guilds. We'll have to see how guilds handle the transition up to Wrath and Naxx next week -- hopefully there'll be more downed, drama, and recruiting news than just "we're leveling, leave us alone." Send us a note at if you've got some guild transition news.

  • Guildwatch: Nowhere's safe from ninjas

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Yup, that right there is an Arcanite Ripper ninja. Congrats, Slu, not only did you steal a piece of loot, but you stole a piece of loot that most players in the game will have two or three chances at the most to get. Was the trippy guitar animation really worth ruining your reputation? Maybe so.In other news (and yes, we're running a little late thanks to the historic election results), Guildwatch has all your drama, downed, and recruiting news from around the realms. If you've got a tip to send us, email it along to wowguildwatch at gmail dot com, and you'll probably see it here next week. Click the link below to read on.