

  • RIM builds BlackBerry server center in Mumbai, right where Indian government wants it

    Sharif Sakr
    Sharif Sakr

    This is the epilogue to a story that started as far back as 2008, when the Indian government first demanded access to encrypted BBM traffic. In 2010, RIM made "certain proposals" that satisfied politicos and averted a ban, and now it's gone one step further -- placing 5,000 BES Enterprise servers directly beneath officials' noses in Mumbai. It's not yet clear if messages will be subject to any more scrutiny than they were before, but N4BB reports that a "team of officers" has already inspected the installation and that "permission for direct monitoring" is "expected to be issued." Looks like those snoops will soon be working double shifts.

  • BlackBerry PlayBook OS 2.0 now ready for download

    Sharif Sakr
    Sharif Sakr

    After touring the exhibition circuit for what seems like an eternity, PlayBook OS 2.0 is finally ready to settle down and make itself available for download. Check for updates via Settings on your tablet and you should see it sitting there, wearing last season's fashions but nevertheless looking every inch the major OTA update that it is. Expect improvements like native email, calendar and contacts, integration with Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, some newfangled Bridge functions, and access to the first crop of Android apps in BB App World. You'll find more details in the PR after the break and how-to demos at the More Coverage link. Enjoy!

  • Android apps on the PlayBook can keep their built-in ads, won't support RIM ads

    Sharif Sakr
    Sharif Sakr

    Let's face it: a free PlayBook is nice, but it's not enough. If Android developers are to be persuaded to give up soccer practice and hot dates to stay home and re-package their apps for PlayBook OS 2.0, then they're going to need some advertising income too. Which is why a report over the weekend, claiming that ported apps would not support mobile ads, caused no end of fuss. Fortunately, it was the result of some kind of miscommunication and RIM quickly clarified that the updated PlayBook OS would support the ad services that come built into Android apps, but wouldn't support RIM's own BlackBerry ad services in that context. So what's it to be, the shin guards, the cologne, or the keyboard?

  • BlackBerry Desktop Software for PCs makes debatable leap to version 7.0

    Zachary Lutz
    Zachary Lutz

    It's been a long time in the making, but the BlackBerry Desktop Software for PCs has just made the jump from version 6.1 to 7.0. Despite the significant numeric hurdle, the software is scant for new features and only a handful of known issues have been fixed. New to the revision, the organizer synchronization component has been overhauled for easier setup and BlackBerry users may now import individual pictures and videos from within the utility -- as if USB Mass Storage mode didn't work well enough. A bug that incorrectly minimized the software to the system tray has been resolved, along with a couple of annoyances that relate only to BES users. Meanwhile, the list of known issues is nearly four pages long. Yikes. Ever get the feeling this software release could've been more aptly named version

  • BlackBerry PlayBook Dock revealed in back room of DevCon

    Daniel Cooper
    Daniel Cooper

    Somewhere, in a dark room at the back of DevCon, someone was showing off a bundle of PlayBook gear marked "Top Secret." BlackBerry Czech was able to grab some pics (more at the source link) of a keyboard case that handles multi-touch and the long-desired docking station for the currently moribund slate. According to the site, the dock offers HDMI-out, three USB ports and even an ethernet jack to let you surf without WiFi. Apparently it's got a hefty wireless receiver / speakerphone that would allow you to make VoIP calls from your PlayBook. What's not mentioned is if we can expect to see this available for some cold, hard currency any time soon (hint: get it on shelves). On the same post, there's also a mention of the mythical 10-inch second generation edition of RIM's device, but no photos were allowed -- so we'll just have to file that under "Hmmm" until we get closer to MWC, shall we?

  • Mobile Miscellany: week of February 6th, 2012

    Zachary Lutz
    Zachary Lutz

    Not all mobile news is destined for the front page, but if you're like us and really want to know what's going on, then you've come to the right place. This week, we've learned that T-Mobile is offering some of its best phones free after rebate (today only), and we've also spotted a new power management feature that seems destined for BlackBerry 7.1 OS. These stories and more await after the break. So buy the ticket and take the ride. Let's explore the "best of the rest" for this week of February 6th, 2012.

  • RIM shows off new features for PlayBook 2.0 at DevCon

    James Trew
    James Trew

    All eyes are on Amsterdam this morning, as RIM hosts DevCon Europe. Among all the usual avowals about how well things are going are a few nuggets of the new and the noteworthy. One such morsel was a demonstration of new BlackBerry Bridge features. Now, swipes and touches from your BlackBerry handset get translated over to the Playbook, as well as keyboard input. This means you can use your phone much more like a controller, while taking advantage of the PlayBook's generous display. The calendar also gets a healthy dose of social lubricant, showing you info about the people you'll be meeting, and stressing how busy you are by visually emphasising dates when you are busier. Fortunately, PlayBook 2.0 is slated for release this month, so the more eager amongst you shouldn't have to wait long to give it a spin.

  • RIM wrecks its own devices, so you don't have to (video)

    Joseph Volpe
    Joseph Volpe

    Bend, drown, drop and zap? No, that's not your mnemonic device for surviving a fire, it's actually RIM's protocol for destroying their own products. In a trio of behind-the-scenes videos released today, the company's pulled back the curtain on its Hardware Support Lab's process, giving users a peek at the rigorous testing involved with any of its pre-market releases. Designed to keep that pricey kit functioning in top form, these various tests replicate everyday foibles, so when you actually do drop your phone in the toilet, it'll (hopefully) still work. Wondering what sort of travails and pitfalls have been perpetrated upon Waterloo's own portfolio of gadgets? For starters, there's something called a "Moisture Ingress Test" which gauges the quality of a device's seal by dropping it into dyed water -- repeatedly. Or a series of durability tests, that simulate the crushing weight of your posterior upon a defenseless BlackBerry, amongst other potentially embarrassing scenarios. It's the stuff of standard gadget abuse, as well as a panacea for the worries of the accident prone. Click on past the break below to engage in a brief bit of rubbernecking.

  • Develop an Android app, get a free Blackberry PlayBook

    Amar Toor
    Amar Toor

    Still wary of dropping $200 on a BlackBerry Playbook? How does "free" sound? That's what RIM is offering to Android developers today, as part of an overt attempt to spur interest in its App World platform. RIM VP of developer relations Alec Saunders announced the offer yesterday via Twitter, reminding devs to submit their apps by February 13th in order to qualify. On the one hand, it seems like a great way to push the PlayBook out on the market. On the other, it's sort of sad. Interested parties can find all the tools they need at the coverage link below.

  • RIM launches BlackBerry 'Be Bold' ad campaign, superheroes nowhere to be seen (video)

    Edgar Alvarez
    Edgar Alvarez

    To many's disappointment, superheroes weren't exactly on RIM's list to be the face of its latest advertising crusade. Simply dubbed "Be Bold," the ad campaign focuses boldly on the famed BlackBerry Messenger, as well as the productivity aspects found in the 9900. Research in Motion is also taking a swing at its competitors with expressions like "I'm about action, not distraction" and "we need tools, not toys." At this point, the Canadian manufacturer will take what it can get, thus it shouldn't come as a surprise that it's showing off what some consider its best traits. Wondering what all the fuss is about? Head on past the break to take a quick 30-second glimpse and see if it's enough to get you over to the Bold side.

  • BlackBerry 7 devices get American, Canadian Government approval

    Daniel Cooper
    Daniel Cooper

    The Governments of the USA and Canada have announced that BlackBerry 7 (and 7.1) smartphones are suitable for official use. The units have been granted FIPS 140-2 certification, demonstrating a suitable level of cryptographic security to protect sensitive information. Gear that hasn't been FIPS-certified can't be purchased by Government agencies, so RIM can expect to see a substantial order of its Bold 9900 / 9930 / 9790, Torch 9850 / 9860 / 9810 and Curve 9350 / 9370 / 9380 phones, as President Obama looks to swell the number of people legally allowed to BBM-him. After the break we've got a missive from Waterloo expressing how proud it is now it's been Government-sanctioned.

  • RIM welcomes Office 365 users into the fold with BlackBerry Business Cloud Services

    Zachary Lutz
    Zachary Lutz

    For wary Office 365 enterprises who've been reluctant to dip their toes into the beta pond, today will certainly be memorable in the IT room: Research in Motion has gone ahead and blessed BlackBerry Business Cloud Services as ready for prime time. The software, which has been in beta stage since October, allows BlackBerry users to easily integrate with their firm's Office 365 deployment. Users can expect synchronization with their Exchange email, contacts and calendars, along with the ability to remotely wipe or lock their data should the device go missing. Likewise, IT gurus may take advantage of remote administration and wireless activation of the handsets. The software is free and will work for all medium-sized and enterprise subscribers of Office 365. So go ahead and uncork that dusty bottle of champagne, or absent that, feel free to flavor up the Folgers a bit. The press release just after the break, and you'll definitely want to prepare yourself.

  • RIM: It's okay, we have superheroes

    Sharif Sakr
    Sharif Sakr

    It's a common human trait that, when faced with a series of calamities, the brain will retreat into a fantasy world in which everything is the exact opposite of reality. Could this be the inspiration for RIM's four new cartoon characters, which the company hopes will spread its "Be Bold" marketing message? The pattern certainly seems to fit. From left to right: there's GoGo Girl, who "saves the day with a brilliant strategy" (translation: we don't have a strategy). Then comes Justin Steele, who's "always ready to stick up for his friends" (translation: we don't have friends). Trudy Foreal "isn't afraid to call it as she sees it" (translation: our shareholders are complaining). Finally, the adventurous Max Stone is "able to jump out of a plane" (translation: we're going to crash).Update: RIM has provided a little update stating that this is "not a new ad campaign." Still, it's fun to imagine what might have been.

  • RIM CEO Thorsten Heins clarifies comments on change, rejects Android speculation

    Amar Toor
    Amar Toor

    Freshly anointed RIM CEO Thorsten Heins sat down with Crackberry this week to discuss his vision for the future of BlackBerry, his thoughts on Android and, most strikingly, his recent comments about maintaining the status quo. Shortly after his appointment, Heins issued a video address in which he implicitly claimed that RIM doesn't need an overhaul. "If we continue doing well what we're doing, I see no problems with us being in the top three players worldwide in the next years in wireless," the exec said. At the time, we and many other observers read this as a sign that the Heins era would look a lot like the Balsillie-Lazaridis era, but according to the new CEO, that's not the case. "I was talking about drastic or seismic changes," he clarified. "What I was trying to address was that there was some suggestion that RIM should be split up or should even be sold. My true belief is that RIM has the strength and the assets that we can really succeed in this market." Heins went on to claim that there's already "a lot of change" going on at the company -- citing the company's adoption of QNX as a prime example -- and that there's "no standstill at any moment here at RIM."During the same sitdown, Heins also reiterated his belief that RIM shouldn't outsource its software needs to Android, because BlackBerry, in his view, is a hallmark of differentiation. "Just take a look where the Android OEMs are," Heins said. "Take a look at their recent announcements and what you will immediately see is there is just no room for differentiation because they are all the same." The exec acknowledged that RIM may be taking the road less traveled, but seemed confident in its ability to rise to the challenge -- even if there are some bumps along the way. "This is not baking cookies," Heins elaborated. "This is building high tech products. From time to time your aspirations and your development timelines hit some bumps in the road that were not foreseen."

  • 2012 BlackBerry roadmap leaks, reveals pile of Curves and 3G PlayBook

    Terrence O'Brien
    Terrence O'Brien

    We've heard some rumors about what RIM had in store for its beleaguered BlackBerry brand, but we're just now seeing some evidence to support those claims. The fine folks over at BGR have gotten their hands on what appears to be a copy of the company's 2012 roadmap, as well as a handful of slides detailing some upcoming products. It looks like an HSPA+ equipped PlayBook is in the works, packing both NFC and a 1.5GHz CPU for good measure, as well as a pile of Curves aimed at the entry-level market. Something new those cheapo handsets will be bringing to the table is a dedicated BBM button, which should make addicts of the messaging service quite happy. Sadly, it also looks like the first BlackBerry 10 (formerly BBX) device may have suffered a slight delay and may not land till October or November. Hit up the source link for all the nitty gritty details.

  • BlackBerry Curve 9360 review

    Zachary Lutz
    Zachary Lutz

    The BlackBerry Curve 8300 emerged as one of the best smartphone ideas of 2007. It pre-dated the first Android handset by a full year, and unlike the original iPhone, it was priced within reach of the average consumer. It introduced the masses to the possibilities of a connected and capable handset, and was the primary catalyst for the BlackBerry's meteoric rise to household name. With each subsequent iteration, however, the Curve remained a handset geared toward first-time smartphone buyers, and that axiom feels particularly true today. RIM's BlackBerry Curve 9360 outed -- is this Apollo? RIM launches new BlackBerry Curve (video) Blackberry Curve 9360 hands-on We're now presented with the Curve 9360 ($29.99, on contract), a device that's ostensibly hobbled in order to differentiate itself from RIM's higher-end offerings, most notably the Torch 9810 ($49), Torch 9860 ($99) and Bold 9900 ($199). Specifically, we refer to its lack of a touchscreen. The omission will certainly be a deal-breaker for some, but whether it causes the market to reject it as a whole remains unknown. For our part, we're most interested in the impact on the handset's usability and its relevance in an increasingly competitive environment. In other words, has RIM included enough improvements to keep its Curve franchise afloat, or will this iteration sink like a stone? Join us after the break, as we delve into the Curve 9360 and explore these finer details.

  • BlackBerry Porsche Design P'9981 review

    Brad Molen
    Brad Molen

    Research in Motion, regardless of how you may view its recent history or its long-term future, still has a stronghold on the corporate world. Its lineup of BlackBerry smartphones are known for great battery life, comfortable keyboards with intuitive shortcuts, top-notch native email and Enterprise clients and -- most important to businesses -- unrivaled security features. Sure, its influence is waning as competitors have caught up in some areas (and surpassed it in others), but there are plenty of companies that have clung to their CrackBerries and held on tight.RIM's been hard at work trying to regain lost momentum by introducing a series of new devices featuring its latest OS, BlackBerry 7, and the BlackBerry Bold 9900 / 9930 series has been the star of the show so far. The problem is, it's not flashy enough. How is a C-level exec supposed to walk proudly on the golf course with a $300 (subsidized) phone? Talk about embarrassing. Have no fear, poor corporate top dog, luxury brand Porsche Design has come up with a solution: the $2,300 BlackBerry P'9981, a Vertu-ized version of that lesser handset you wouldn't be caught dead using. BlackBerry Porsche Design P'9981 hands-on BlackBerry Porsche Design P'9981 hits FCC Porsche Design P'9981 introducedThe P'9981 is available only in the UK and the Middle East for now, so until the device arrives in the US this Spring, anyone who lives stateside will have to rely on retailers to import some in. Fortunately we got the hookup by our friends at Negri Electronics, who happily lent us one of the few handsets they have in stock. As a result, we're now able to discuss the real questions circling around such a Richie Rich smartphone: what in the blue blazes makes this so expensive? Is it even worth it? How different is it from a standard BlackBerry Bold 9900? You'll find these answers and plenty of mysteries unravelled after the break.

  • RIM stock falls eight percent following CEO transition

    Brad Molen
    Brad Molen

    We rarely meddle with stock news around these parts, but this was a pretty significant piece of meat to chew on. After Research in Motion introduced Thorsten Heins as the new CEO last night and again in a conference call this morning, the company's stock price tumbled a whopping 8.47 percent. When it comes to what kind of difference the transition will make for the struggling company, we haven't had a high amount of confidence; while we hope for the best and want to see RIM turn things around, the falling stock appears to indicate that we're not alone in expressing concerns about this morning's events. Here's some food for thought: when rumors that Samsung was interested in purchasing RIM flooded the internet, the latter company's stocks spiked by nearly ten percent.

  • RIM's Thorsten Heins formally introduced: liveblogging the media call

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    If you missed it, RIM attempted to interrupt the Giants vs. 49ers matchup last night by dropping a wee bit of news: it's co-CEOs are gone, and taking the solo CEO badge is former COO Thorsten Heins. The new head honcho will be formally introduced in a media call slated to begin at 8:00AM ET on January 23rd, 2012, and we'll be liveblogging every moment of it for those who can't tune in. We've already learned a fair amount about the gentleman's plans courtesy of an introductory video, but we'll be listening in for any hints as to future QNX plans, PlayBook ambitions or BlackBerry wizardry. Join us after the break for the play-by-play! January 23, 2012 8:00 AM EST

  • Microsoft adding Nokia branding to Bing Maps

    Andrew Munchbach
    Andrew Munchbach

    Noki-soft? Micro-ia? The madness continues! Nokia front-man Stephen Elop let it be known that his company's moniker will be making its way to Bing Maps in the near future, and he's not just talking about on the desktop. During a CES interview with Pocket-lint, Elop explained that any "property" utilizing Microsoft's Bing Maps service -- including mobile platforms -- will be co-branded with the Nokia logo. "We are clearly placing a bet on the Windows Phone platform; they [Microsoft] are placing a bet on our location-based platform," he said. The CEO cited BlackBerry as a non-Windows Phone device that will see the Nokia tattoo in its Maps app -- RIM recently announced its intention to integrate Bing Maps at the OS level. No word on when Microsoft branding will make its way onto Nokia software... oh, wait a minute...