

  • Diablo 3 achieves fastest-selling PC game and biggest PC game launch titles

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Launch bugs, server problems, and silly single-player online requirements didn't stop Diablo III from becoming the biggest launch in the history of PC gaming. Blizzard has announced that the game sold over 3.5 million copies during the first 24 hours that it was available for purchase. A week later, some 6.3 million of you are playing it (and that figure doesn't count the folks in Korean internet cafes, where the game enjoys a 39 percent share as of yesterday). Blizzard's Mike Morhaime apologized for D3's various launch issues but said that the firm is pleased with feedback thus far. "We're especially proud of the gameplay feedback we've received from players worldwide. We're pleased that Diablo III has lived up to players' high expectations, and we're looking forward to welcoming more players into Sanctuary in the days ahead," he said.

  • Blizzard denies Diablo III authenticator hacking claims

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    We've been following the mass reports of hackers bypassing passwords and authenticators to rob Diablo III accounts blind, and now we have a new twist on the story. While Blizzard confirmed "an increase in reports of individual account compromises," the studio says it has no hard evidence that hackers have found a way to skirt around the authentication system. Community Manager Bashiok said that the company is taking the claims "extremely seriously" and is investigating the rash of account compromises. "Despite the claims and theories being made, we have yet to find any situations in which a person's account was not compromised through traditional means of someone else logging into their account through the use of their password," he said. "While the authenticator isn't a 100% guarantee of account security, we have yet to investigate a compromise report in which an authenticator was attached beforehand." Blizzard is assisting compromised customers by restoring stolen items and rolling back their accounts. The studio has a post up on its forums to help players protect their accounts and get assistance if theft occurs.

  • Leaderboard: Permadeath vs. no permadeath

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    Permadeath is one of those game mechanics that seems destined to forever be nibbling away at the fringe of the MMO genre than invited to the cool kids' table. Many players find themselves aghast at the notion of losing all their hard-earned progress with one untimely demise, and it seems like game developers agree with them: Very few MMOs have any sort of permadeath option. However, this most-severest-of-severe death penalties does persist. Some players elect to form guilds and meta-groups to pursue a permadeath lifestyle in their games. A few upcoming titles, such as Salem and Wizardry Online, have permadeath as a core mechanic. Even the recently released Diablo III has a "hardcore" permadeath mode for the brave at heart. The question we put before you today is yet another nibble that may never be noticed by the mainstream, but it's important to consider: Is permadeath worth including in MMO design, even as an optional mechanic or server, or should this brand of death penalty kick the bucket once and for all? Vote after the jump!

  • Diablo III players report eruption of hacked accounts

    Matt Daniel
    Matt Daniel

    It seems like Diablo III just can't catch a break. The game got off to a rather rocky start with a number of launch issues that have since subsided, but there's no rest for the wicked because now a number of players are reporting hacked accounts and stolen items. Eurogamer writer Christian Donlan is just one of many unlucky players who have had their accounts compromised and their hard-earned items and gold stolen. What's peculiar about these hacks is the fact that Blizzard authenticators don't seem to be doing anything to deter the hackers. Many players on the forums are speculating that, whatever this hack is, it has the ability to bypass Blizzard's authentication entirely, which is a fairly scary prospect to say the least. That's all of the information we have for the time being, but we'll be sure to keep an eye out for further details as they develop.

  • One Shots: Lone wolf

    Bree Royce
    Bree Royce

    Long-time Massively follower but first-time One Shots contributor Ilix sent along today's highlighted screenshot of Fallen Earth, which we think is quite timely, given the PvP revamp soon headed to everyone's favorite post-apocalyptic sandbox. He writes in, Fallen Earth is my top hard-RP MMO. Ilix, after three decades of isolation, attempted to fit in with a player-run town. But he was too rough-edged, too guarded, and still isolated in his mind, and he could not find joy among others. After several days trying to force himself back into what remains of humanity in the blasted terrain of the apocalypse, he admitted to himself that he could never return because he was too quick to anger, and he wandered off back into the desert. Irradiated scorpions haunt the land he wandered into, so he finds rest on the blade of a ruined helicopter's rotor, just out of reach of stingers. This shot defines the dual beauty and harshness of the life he resigns himself to. Ilix's gorgeous sunset is tucked behind the break along with two other One Shots shots!

  • The Road to Mordor: Five ways LotRO should be streamlined

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    You would think that growth and expansion is nothing but a good thing for MMOs -- after all, those are the hallmarks of the genre. But as these games get bigger, issues emerge as the developers add new zones, features, and systems. In short, maturing MMOs gravitate toward complexity, and this can have an adverse effect on the game as a whole. The problem is that there is eventually too much a brand-new player has to absorb and master, not to mention the hassle of rolling alts and having to navigate all of that content once more. If developers don't stay on top of the situation, then the game starts to lose overall cohesion and becomes a befuddling mess. With three expansions and numerous updates under its belt, Lord of the Rings Online is venturing deep into this territory. I have friends who are leveling up for the first time and finding themselves overwhelmed with everything that needs doing as well as all the systems that are not clearly explained. So today I want to play backseat developer and talk about five ways that LotRO should be streamlined for the good of all players, old and new.

  • Blizzard issues an apology for the state of Diablo III's launch

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    OK, have we all gotten the jokes about Diablo III's launch out of our systems yet? Not quite? It's understandable, since the huge and much-hyped launch wound up with a lot of serious problems from the start. Blizzard isn't oblivious to the problems, however, and an official statement from community manager Bashiok apologizes for the issues that players have been experiencing. Bashiok chalks the incidents up as a simple matter of human error: "Despite very aggressive projections, our preparations for the launch of the game did not go far enough." In order to make sure that the game is running smoothly for everyone before adding another wrinkle, Blizzard is moving back the auction house launch from May 22nd to an as-yet-unspecified later date. He also does note that the game should now be running fine for everyone, with requisite knocking on wood. So while you may have been a bit stuck on launch day, you should be in the clear now, plus you've got Blizzard's apologies for the delay.

  • Blizzard uses a video to explain what Diablo III is

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    So what is Diablo III? Certain members of our audience are likely shaking their heads at the question, but some potential players genuinely don't have any idea. After all, the first game was released back in 1996. For those of you who have heard the name but have no idea what in the world it refers to, you're in luck, as Blizzard has just put together a short video explaining exactly what Diablo III is for the uninitiated. The short version? It's a game where you head through a lot of randomly generated dungeons, slaughter untold numbers of demons, and try to banish the forces of the Burning Hells from the mortal realm. It's not quite an MMO, but there are definitely tastes of such with the in-game worldwide auction house. But why are you relying on us to tell you? Click on past the break and find out for yourself.

  • Blizzard awarding Australian GAME customers free copy of Diablo III

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    It's been a rollercoaster week for Australian Diablo III fans who pre-ordered their copies of Blizzard's long-awaited dungeon crawler at GAME. The troubled retailer went into administration yesterday, leaving customers in the lurch without their game or their refunds. Blizzard has since stepped in and offered to make good with a free digital copy as long as fans have a valid pre-order receipt. Kotaku has all the details on how to submit your receipt and receive your credit. The site also notes that Blizzard didn't get a dime of the original GAME pre-order payments and is essentially taking one for the team by offering affected customers a free copy of Diablo III.

  • Blade & Soul on track to launch in Korea this July

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    If all goes well, NCsoft's Blade & Soul will be making its public debut in July. That's the good news; the bad news is that the launch will be confined to Korea for the time being. The company recently announced in an earnings call that the title is on track to go into open beta testing by June and then launch this July. There's some hope at NCsoft that the release of Diablo III will grow the potential gamer audience in the country, an audience that could be attracted to Blade & Soul come this summer. Currently the game is in closed beta, with the next round of testing commencing on May 22nd. ThisIsGame reports that Blade & Soul has stirred up controversy with testers due to a vitality system that limits how fast a player can advance his or her character.

  • Learn the basics of Diablo III gameplay

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    Massively's sister site WoW Insider brings us this special bonus article tonight on the basics of Diablo III for folks who normally play MMOs like World of Warcraft. Enjoy the rest of Joystiq's WoW team's Diablo coverage over on WoW Insider, and stay tuned for our own Diablo III launch roundups tomorrow morning! Since Diablo II was released 12 years ago, it's safe to say that Diablo III will be the first Diablo title many people will have ever played. It's one of the most anticipated titles of the season and is attracting countless new players to the genre. We've received a number of questions asking how this game is even played -- and if it has anything in common with your favorite MMOs. We have you covered. The core of Diablo gameplay is the mouse click. You do everything from combat to looting to movement with your mouse, and your interactions with your keyboard are extremely minimal overall. On Twitter recently, many Diablo diehards have mentioned they were buying a new mouse specifically to use with Diablo III -- and that's not a bad idea. No, we're not talking a brand-new $80 Razer Naga; we're talking some $10 to $15 thing you can pick up off of a department store shelf. You want a mouse that you're not going to mourn when your buttons inevitably give out from the mountain of abuse you're about to unleash upon them. Grab something cheap and disposable so that when it dies, you will consider it a victory -- just another technological corpse for the bone pile.

  • Diablo III Starter Edition lets you play for free

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Not sure if you're ready to take the plunge on Diablo III just yet? Not to worry, as Blizzard has announced a trial of sorts for its highly anticipated dungeon crawler. The Diablo III Starter Edition will let you access the first chapter of the game (up to the Skeleton King) for free. You're limited to level 13, though, and matchmaker results are also limited to your fellow tirekickers. Where can I get my hands on this fine Starter Edition, you ask? You'll need a friend who has bought the full game. Said friend will also need to fork over her Diablo III Guest Pass. If you're fresh out of friends, you'll just have to wait 30 days from the game's release (tomorrow), at which point the Starter Edition will be made available to everyone.

  • Diablo III is Amazon's most pre-ordered PC title ever

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Raise your hand if you think Diablo III isn't going to sell a bajillion copies. Yeah, we don't see a lot of hands there, despite plenty of pre-launch controversies like the real-money auction house, PvP, and developer faux pas. Blizzard could probably sell cow chips if it branded them with the D3 logo, and the latest evidence of the rabid fan anticipation comes courtesy of Amazon. You see, Diablo III is now the most pre-ordered PC title in the history of the online retailer, according to our bros at Joystiq and a company spokesman. "Today, [Diablo III] became the most pre-ordered PC game of all-time on –- even exceeding pre-orders for Blizzard's own StarCraft II and World of Warcraft: Cataclysm," the spokesman said.

  • World of Warcraft holding steady at 10.2 million subscribers

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    World of Warcraft's subscriber numbers had been falling at the end of last year, but they appear to have stabilized once again. According to president Michael Morhaime, the game continues to remain steady at 10.2 million subscribers through the end of March, the same as the number seen in February during the previous conference call for Activision Blizzard. Morhaime went on to confirm that the agreement with NetEase regarding World of Warcraft in China has been renewed, with the companies planning to continue their agreement for another three years at least. The studio is also seeing definite success with Diablo III; although the game has yet to release, it's currently surpassed all of the studio's previous high-water marks regarding pre-orders. This includes units sold as part of the Annual Pass promotion, which saw 1.2 million copies purchased in total. While WoW may not have reached its previous peak, it's certainly holding on to a stalwart base for the time being.

  • Diablo III shows off the wrath of angels

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Diablo III is fast approaching release in a week, but even now it's important to remember the roots of the series. The game's lore has always been based on the conflict between the High Heavens and the Burning Hells, and rather than simply create a trailer narrating that fact, Blizzard chose a more unique route. The new video available is simply titled Wrath, but it contains some important information about the lore at a pivotal moment in the war between angels and demons. Animated by Titmouse and directed by Peter Chung (best known for Æon Flux), the six-minute video is brief, but it should leave a last impression regarding the nature of the game's conflict and the stakes involved. Even if you're not planning on grabbing the game on launch in a week, it's well worth watching just for the animation alone, and if you are grabbing the game, it jumps right up to being a must-see.

  • Diablo III's Wizard rebels against the system

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    The cracking you hear is the sound of thousands of index fingers flexing and twitching in anticipation for Diablo III's release. It's... kind of disturbing to behold, actually. To take our mind off the wait (or perhaps to exacerbate it), Blizzard has released the final class spotlight, this time featuring the Wizard. Diablo III's Wizards are described as "brilliant practitioners of the arcane arts who deftly wield the energies of fire, ice, lightning, and even time itself in the pursuit of their enigmatic goals." These Wizards are part of an underground rebellion that is seeking great power, and they are scorned by the mages in charge, yet they may be the only ones to save the world from the great new threat that's arisen. Check out the fire-and-brimstone action of the Wizard after the jump!

  • Diablo III offers global play, provides a guide to the auction house

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    As Diablo III gets ever closer to release, you've probably moved on from the question of what you're going to play and on to the question of who you're going to play with. If your friends live across the planet, that's going to make things a little more difficult, but with the new Global Play feature, not impossible. Players will be able to play in any region, although the real-money auction house will only be accessible in your home region and your characters from the home region won't transfer to the global service. You hadn't forgotten the real-money auction house, had you? Just in case you had, a new official guide is available detailing how the service will work, what regions can use what money, and of course the actual mechanics of buying and selling. Players using the global play feature will not have access to the real money house of other regions, but will have access to the regular auction house, so even if you're planning on a global jaunt, it's worth examining the particulars.

  • Watch the new Diablo III TV commercial

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    "Evil is back," the screen proclaims -- and who are we to argue? Blizzard has released a brand-new 30-second spot for television to promote Diablo III's May 15th release, and it's a tight little package of demons, explosions, fire, and one properly terrified girl. Blizzard's been ramping up the hype as its hack-and-slash RPG nears launch. It's released class spotlight videos on the classes of the game, including the Demon Hunter, the Barbarian, the Monk, and the Witch Doctor. Check out the new TV spot after the break and let us know what you think!

  • Diablo III cooks up a reveal for the Witch Doctor

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    As the release grows closer, Diablo III continues to serve up new reveals for the game's classes. But the latest revelation is still bringing a lot of secrets along with it. After all, would you really expect the Witch Doctor not to have a few more tricks up his sleeve? Like previous classes, the good doctor gets a video showing off the class style as well as a short story and a more specific class overview. While he's fully capable of dealing straight damage, the Witch Doctor's true talents lie in subtlety and misdirection via curses, confusion, and fear. He also possesses the ability to summon creatures to act as ersatz allies, with giant toads and swarms of flaming bats compensating for his own lack of physical might. If all of this sounds like just your style, you might want to take a look at the video... but even if that's not the case, all Diablo III fans will want to take note of the first announced launch event for the game, with more to follow.

  • Drakensang Online compares itself to Diablo III and Torchlight II

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    Bigpoint Games is painting Drakensang Online as the Rocky Balboa of isometric hack-'n'-slash MMOs, and it's stepping into the ring with the upcoming title contenders and swinging away. The company released a comparison chart to show how its scrappy underdog is actually head and shoulders above the developing competition. According to the comparison chart, Drakensang takes the lead by offering all that its competition has and more. When you've got a game that was developed in less than two years, is free-to-play, and is a full-fledged MMO, why would you ever want to sample the fruits of Blizzard's and Runic Games' trees? Will Drakensang nip hard enough at Diablo III's heels to hobble the mighty demon as it releases next month? Time will tell, but you can check out our impressions of Drakensang when Mike plays it for you live on Massively TV this Wednesday evening! [Source: Bigpoint Games press release]